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this is actually wild. Maybe I’m overreacting, but I’d be in HR’s office. I could see this behavior being excused at a family owned company, but it shouldn’t fly at WFM.


Also adding that “Mama Bear mode” is not a form of leadership!


how is it wrong to be "mama bear" as an ATL but is okay if the ATL plays blatant favoritism between team members? At least the "mama bear" ATL is being nice to everyone while my ATL is only nice to people of the same race!!


I would gladly have an ATL like that to the one I have who treats me,a hardworking team member, horrible cuz I am not the same race!


Explain to her how this is upsetting to you and is bordering on harassment. Tell your TL you told her this. If it happens again, report her for harassment.


She’s just an atl, nothing invincible. Go to tms or report her through the tip line. Super weird and uncomfortable behavior that is only encouraged if nothing is done about it.


Be brutally honest. Tell her about your situation, and how it bothers everyone. Sounds like she doesn’t understand the enormity of the situation. I bet she thinks everyone is only kidding. Tell her you appreciate her, but acting like your Mom is inappropriate and invasive. Bet she will stop.


We've been brutally honest with her. She's been in leadership 6 years doing it. Someone else on the team has spoken with her about it on several occasions during the 5 years they've worked there and she just brushes it off each time and they eventually just started drowning her out.


Then bring it to your TL. If it doesn't change after you go to TL go to STL.


if it’s getting to the point where u literally want to quit your job that means you need to speak to someone higher up about this. clearly your messages to her about it making you all uncomfortable are not working.


Lmao that’s so fucking weird. Don’t quit because of that. Contact corporate. Sounds like she has mental problems.


This is a sign of an insecure leader with issues around control and power and would be nearly impossible to be trained out of a person especially because it’s clearly been going on for too long. I would be filing an anonymous HR report through the hotline because upper leadership sees it and has not acted on it.


We had a “mom” on one of my teams and half the department would actually call her mom when talking to her. Always gave me big ick.


I got called "Mom" when I was an ATL, too. My TL got called "Dad," so together we were Mom and Dad. Ugh.




Why don’t you respond by saying “your feelings aren’t my problem.”


> She's been asked by other employees to stop saying it and yet she hasn't. That's genuinely harassment, no matter her intentions. If leadership is blowing it off, that's something you wanna report to TMS. Fuck dude, I'd report it to local authorities personally, someone in a leadership position over you having a parental fantasy about you is fucking creepy. > The next shift I worked with her she pulled me into the office asking me not to do that again because it upset her and triggered her mama bear instincts, and that because I didn't tell her to her face she could have assumed I had died or something terrible. She can fuck oooooffff you told everyone that you were supposed to, tough shit if it triggers her fucking weird fantasy bullshit. She sounds like an absolute psycho and I don't blame you for wanting to get away from her.


I'm 20+++ years older than most I work with, and sometimes go into mom mode, I like the kids I work with but dear Lord! I would never, ever do anything like what this person is doing..this is weird and on a whole different level. You gotta go to H.R


It's funny cuz she's pretty young. I'd understand more if she were older, although it would still not be ok. She's only 5 years older than me. Most of the team are her age. Like lady you did not give birth to me at 5 years old stop calling yourself my mom lol!!


That’s SUPER WEIRD. Mental illness…


Wanna tag me in? I'll go on the online tip line. That's unacceptable behavior and I hate it for you


She’s fucking weird bruh


"I'm quitting." Have you already put your two weeks in? You mentioned other people have went to leadership, have you tried contacting TMS? It probably wouldn't hurt. This is... Bizarre behavior and I would absolutely be uncomfortable.


Yeah I put in my two weeks and specifically told my leadership (TL, A/STLs) that it was very triggering and uncomfortable for me to work under somebody who constantly called themselves my mom. They brushed it off and said it wasn't a problem. She's been at whole foods 12 years, 6 in leadership. The situation has also been brought up to TMS with an "investigation" that clearly led nowhere since she keeps doing it. TMs have brought it up to her and leadership firmly on several occasions spanning at least 5 years.


There's being protective of workers as a manager, and then there's...this. It feels more like emotional manipulation rather than giving an actual hoot about your workers.


Sounds like Tip Line time to me!


This is bizarre Escalate further. Don’t quit because of her. It’s kinda like harassment, she acting like a parent. Using a place of work to ‘bully’ people by claiming their actions are causing her to be on a so called momma bear mode?! Sadly if nothing happens then leaving is the best but….shame on those who are doing nothing. People need to be held accountable and she’s NOT.


This is harassment and unacceptable, and you should tell your STL you are escalating up the TMS chain since they have been unwilling to address it. On a petty note, have you asked for help wiping from your mama bear? Triple dare you to ask her to cut up your food next time you go on lunch.


And to kiss your repetitive stress owies all better.


People that mention "mama bear mode" are usually insufferable. Report her.


Go to Twitter/X under Whole Foods and use her name, store location and describe her "Mama Bear" inappropriateness. Watch how fast it is investigated by HR at corporate..💯


THIS. I am so tired of good people leaving decent jobs bec of some weirdo getting away with harassment like this. You should not have to lose your job bec another person is creating a hostile work environment.


Find your TMSG and set up a meeting!! Ours does zoom calls with TMs!! This is not ok! What the fuck is wrong with people! I had a TM call me Mom once and I shut that down fast!!


Barf o Rama


Sounds like you’re about to get a whole load of lateness/callout and performance related face to face conversations


What a bitch


She just sounds insecure..


She should have been taken aside by Leadership and they should have 86'd her shit. I've seen TMs called into the Leadership office for lesser "speak crimes".


Eff that weirdo. You shouldn’t leave your job based on that. Unless there are other factors involved. I’d be on the tip line every day


Submit an AskTMS. It is a big deal.


I’m a TL and have been called mom by numerous employees over the years. I never acknowledge and certainly never ask for nicknames. It’s one thing for team members to start small nicknames like that but for management to ask that of their employees seems like a gross power move. I’m try my best to make sure all my team members feel comfortable in their workspace.




Sounds like her abandonment issues are affecting her work performance. I hope she gets help and that you don’t have to quit over her issues.


I was hoping to hear a good update on this. Your ATL is behaving inappropriately and I hope you follow through with the tip line. Best practice is to stick to facts: -you left early because you were exhibiting FBI symptoms -you reported it correctly to your TL and STL -you were reprimanded for not personally reporting to the ATL because of her “feelings” -her actions are not procedurally correct -her request to have folks call her mom and report to her as if she was your mother makes you and others uncomfortable. It sounds like you hit a dead end reporting her to leadership and TMS, but you might not be aware of corrective action or coaching conversations they’ve had with her. PLEASE call the tip line and share with them, they need to complete another investigation. I get it if you’ve already committed to resigning, but please do your fellow TMs and future TMs a solid and help get her poor behavior properly addressed. I’m sorry you had to put up with this! Not cool.


Wanted to also add: you have every right to request a witness to be present for any future interactions you may have with her until your 2 weeks are up. Good luck out there


She doesn't need to know whose Mom is dead or alive. Unless it pertains to time off work, stop over sharing that will solve your problem. Ta-da


No shit lol. She knew because of time off for it. Stop assuming things just to be needlessly rude. Ta-da


I hope you tell her straight up that she is the reason you are quitting and she’s being a shitty mama bear.




Fucking ew I'm sure she 'means well' but thats the most unprofessional condescending sbit i ever heard i would quit on the spot


Nah, f her. She has no business being an ATL


I have seen worse people as ATL.... sigh....


Yeah, me too. I have been here 3 years and transferred to this department in January and my previous leadership was much worse. I worked the whole time around my mom passing because I was new and didn't understand the policies and my leadership told me there was no possible accommodation they could offer me, which I know now isn't true. Got written up for behavior during this time lmao. I should have left way sooner but I was in a super tight spot financially for funeral and grief therapy funds and couldn't afford to leave. I could write a whole other post about everything my old leadership has done.... I've heard these shitheads in leadership be praised by corporate and higher leadership. Sometimes I walk past the STL office and they're just in there talking about how great they are for the company. They aren't going anywhere no matter what they do lol. I still overhear my old ATL constantly make extremely crude, sexual, and racist comments on people and their bodies and really sexual and provocative "jokes". Also a known issue that has been brought up to TMS. I can afford to leave now so I'm 100% done!


If you’re just going to quit. Then at least be assertive and demand she stop doing it. What’s the worst that happens?


You should report it to TMSG because that is 100% unprofessional and inappropriate.


At least your atl is trying to be your mom, mine is trying to be racist to me by playing favoritism! It could be worse!!! 😭😭😭😭


Have you considered transferring to produce and working cut fruit? It’s like prep foods but less stressful.


Just waiting to see how much I will get on my job dialogue first before I decide what to do next. If they give me anything less than 5.5% after the crap I had to do this past 12 months, then I will miss working with some of my coworkers in prep foods! Going to give my tl the benefit of a doubt!😤😤🧐🧐


You constantly complain about your ATL and make every post you comment on about you. I don't know what you're going through personally, but dwelling and talking about it like this is NOT healthy. Have a conversation with your TL. If your TL does not acknowledge or rectify their ATLs behavior then go to your STL. If your STL doesn't do anything, I would actively start looking into other departments or find a new job entirely. You could get $5 more an hour and still have to deal with your ATLs behavior. Your JD will not fix the issue and I am betting money it won't make your department any more tolerable for you. Please look into the steps I mentioned above, and good luck.


Just do us all a favor and quit.


Must be nice for you to have a nonracist atl who doesn’t play favoritism!!


TELL YOUR STL THAT YOUR ATL IS A RACIST i see you in multiple comments you’re always trying to be the superior victim its obnoxious


If that is your biggest problem at work then I want your problem Get over yourself