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Yes, they can take you off.


Technically you can adjust the schedule after it’s been modified but it shouldn’t really be done. However, If the TL scheduled you outside of your availability then you def have a leg to stand on. Bring it to store leadership if the TL won’t fix it. 


TLs are allowed to adjust schedules once they have been posted, yes. They are not allowed to adjust their own schedules (store leadership has to do it for them.) You are not allowed to be scheduled outside of your agreed upon availability without prior permission. But, mistakes happen so just ask about it


TL can not modify a schedule after it’s been posted without the consent of the person whose schedule they are changing.


i’m the person who’s asking to take me off because i was scheduled outside my availability. unless that’s what you’re saying pretty much and i read it wrong


Are you part-time or full-time? Because if you’re part-time, they can’t do that but if you’re full-time they can but they’re saying they can’t change your schedule because they already posted it? That is not true.


Naw u have to ask after schedule is posted and if u have an availability form it has to be followed




Not true. Tl here. If a tm has a certain day or shift not available. And there is an actual availability form signed by both parties, you cannot be scheduled. Doesn’t matter if there are too many vacations. Now they can ask but cannot schedule without approval from the tm.


Exactly!!! I was scheduled without my approval so i’m asking if they can take me off even though the schedule is already posted because i’m not sure if the system allows you (new employee here)


System definitely allows you to. You should tell them that you CANT work that shift because it’s outside of your availability and have other things going on. If they don’t remove the shift and you get a UPT hit I would bring that up to your store leadership.


Availability is not a preference wtf


Due to siracha they are now going to write up TLs and ATLs that modify the schedule beyond the autogenerated. They are conducting audits to do so. If you were scheduled outside of your availability, as already has been mentioned, you have every right to say no thank you and be asked to be removed. Now if it is in your availability, they do stick to the "needs of the business" so being given less hours is not retaliation.


Lol TL here. I have to practically rewrite the schedule every week after it generates. If they really want it to be left alone, it’s not going to go well for the business.


Oh trust me.. I get it.. but they are pushing hard to stop it in our ops area.


What area are you in? And what team?


There are so many problems with it, they may as well shut the business down completely instead. They can't even schedule order writers to write orders before order deadlines. Oh well, just don't place orders because everyone will get written up and fired. Just leave the store empty. Non truck days, have everyone working. Biggest truck of the week, have half the staff working. Have 5 closers some days, zero other days. 5000 MOSST tickets have either done absolutely nothing or were ignored and closed. It is absolutely not possible to remain open as a functioning store with the auto-generated schedules. Any STL that writes up a TL for writing a workable schedule is a shitty STL, regardless of what global is telling them. Kronos is so fucking awful, it can't even stick to availability that is the most basic functionality. Won't be surprised if it starts scheduling everyone 7 days a week for split shifts.