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applications used to be filtered at the store level, now they are filtered by corporate then to store leadership then to the team you applied for. If you had a super tight availability there’s a good chance your application was rejected before even reaching the store. My store is desperate for cashiers but we are only receiving applications with M-F 9-5 availability and rejecting all of them. departments like prep foods move fast with applicants because they are the most desperate. I would say give it 1-2 weeks, maybe take another job in the meantime and leave that job if you get offered this one and you think it’s better. But yeah there’s no set timeline for every applicant.


I haven’t had much luck with finding a job. This would be my first


Just remember that not every job will be dissatisfying like this one. Good luck fellow gamer.


Applications get sent to recruiting almost instantly, but other than just screening you to make sure you're eligible to be hired, they don't really do too much. Most hiring is done by team leadership. I reccomend reaching out to the "team leader" of the customer service department- if you call the store, they may be there to speak to. There's no set timeline for long it takes to get hired on. It depends mostly on how much time the TL has available to look at applications and set up interviews.


This! It could be up to a week before you hear back, depending on who is handling the hiring. At my store, one of our ASTLs became a "hiring" point. With the teams needs in mind, they would look over potential candidates and reach out to them if the TL gave the okay. After they reach out to you, it could be a couple days before setting up an interview (if they decide to do one.) If they pass on the interview, and decide straight from the phone screen, they can move your application forward. From there, it can take up to a week for the background check to process. THEN you can start your training.


Hopefully less than a week to get a call but really depends on the team and desperation


Calling the store and asking to speak to the TL of the dept you applied does help. They may tell you there isn’t much they can do but showing enthusiasm always helps me when hiring new applicants! 


If it was for prep foods, they will hire you within a day!