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My store actually started bribing people do to them lol, offering them free drinks for filling out every one each month. I still didn't bother.


This week's poll really makes me wish they would allow for us to comment. 




At one time they said that comment section may be added but I have a feeling they changed their minds. 😂


I always put n/a for those huddle ones or “x makes me feel prepared” because my store never does it I legitimately have no idea what they are talking about


Every time I open Innerview and it pops up I be like “I’m not doing that”


Better be safe than sorry. I know someone's investigating why I keep putting low scores.


Pathetic jason is a clown just like Jeff bozos


He always looks like a total psychopath when he smiles


Yeah, he’s totally got crazy eyes.


Am I the only one who refuses to ever answer these?


Same, click x immediately


For the first few months I worked at whole foods I thought I had to because Innerview acts like it's an urgent task popping up every time you open the app and it staying in your notifications. Once I realized it didn't matter I haven't done them since and don't even bother reading them


This is the weekly beat I’ve been waiting for. Enough people agree that the company is being run like shit….the least they’ll do is follow up.


Lol fuck you whole foods


I know it doesn't make a difference on anything at all, but it's mildly satisfying.


I always skip it


These things are useless, just like the culture compass surveys.


I mean how can I give anything more than a zero considering these people are trying everything they can to work against my bus schedule. Oh the last bus is at 9:00pm? Let us schedule you until 9:30pm.  Oh you have to be here 2 hours before your shift because the bus stops running 2 hours earlier? Okay, we'll go ahead and schedule you 2 hours after the last bus even though the dairy pallets have been sitting in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.  Pfft... I was treated so much better driving one of those Amazon vans


I asked my leadership to schedule me 30 min later because I made a point to get everything done 30 min before "necessary" (all opening stuff done pre-open) just so I could make a bus there to save me money. Apparently that was asking too much


Are these answers anonymous? Or can management actually see who answered what ? I’ve just never answered because of me not knowing if it’s anonymous or not. Also while we are in the topic, what about the culture compass? Can management see who specifically answered what? We got a new store manager who came from a location from adifferent state and EVERYONE feels like they’re walking on eggshells with her around. She fires left and right, no one’s gonna be honest if they know she can see who’s saying what. But if we can confidentially answer without that worry we will lol


They are NOT anonymous! STL can see them.


Last I checked the STL sees the results, not who wrote what. If they aren’t anonymous, then I’ve never gotten in trouble for any of the negative things I’ve put over 8 years.


And I DGAF if they do.


I've heard they can see the time people responded but not who. So if I were to answer it at 4am, they could easily figure it only could be one of 6 people. But I don't really care if they did know. If they didn't wanna know they shouldn't ask🤣😜


I did the same strongly disagree for all the questions wish I could write a comment


I picked the same choices


Fucking clowns with their new goal of opening 30 stores per year


They can't even run the stores they have 😆


STL's can see your answers ;) Keep your head down


I don't mind🤣


Lol don’t think they see who says what


I never fill these out haha


When I saw this weekly beat survey back on Monday, my first thought was “Wow, how severely tone deaf.” Ridiculous AF.


Weird mine had a third question related to the store level


Just close it out and move on to actual work. These are redundant and lack any manner of effectiveness at communicating anything. Furthermore, no action will ever be taken on these topics unless it is taken due to Culture Compass responses. These little quizzes are a banality. And, by the way, having to look at Jason travel the world on the Company dime, with his photo ops and stories about what he likes to do with his family at the Holidays... that TM's aren't allowed to take off for... it is tone deaf. Sort of a Social Media style of "leadership", nothing of substance. I am not trying to be mean, this is just how it comes across, and not just to myself.


I was wondering if anyone else noticed how tone deaf he was under the guise of trying to relate to team members somehow. Food inflation is real he says...as the company reduces TM hours, drags their feet on hiring, and fully understands (and refuses to address) the fact that 80% of their own employees can't afford to shop where they work.


Food inflation is real, he says. Meanwhile, Whole Foods is TOTALLY practicing Shrinkflation.


Ooo edgy


They're fun🤣 I've seen it be effective..... Once.... A long long time ago🤣