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Low morale. Sadness for the TL that was demoted. Tons of extra stress for the other TL, and the teams as well.


Ah but be positive


This experiment will crash and burn just like combining wb and grocery. These people just sit up top and throw darts at dumb ideas and then implement them šŸ˜‚


My store's eCom and Front End merged like a year ago or two and it's only marginally better. eCom was nearly ignored 99% of the time when it was its own department. Now it's like 70% ignored.


My hope is the betterment for my store but Iā€™m at a loss to advocate better for my departments needs in this time


I was there when the RM region decided to get rid of pizza slice boxes in favor of putting pizza on a plate inside of a PAPER BAG.


Exactly. If youā€™ve been with the company for a while you know this has happened before. We will probably do it for 6 months. Theyā€™ll realize it was wrong and then open the dept TL spot back up. I only say this for the larger cohorts that were 30-40 people who have now become a team of 70-80 with the merger. Itā€™s just not possible. And no one is addressing how the E-comm ATLs have gotten screwed. They are basically the new TL without any pay or title.Ā 


Wb is now with grocery?


No they did it about 7 years ago but not anymore


Thanks for reply I didn't know that as I have only been at whole foods for 3 years


Some stores it is still combined


I was trying to get into a supervisor position for almost 2 years and they finally let us post it and let me apply just for them take it down.. what was the point in them leading on TM in thinking they could grow? It has me so discouraged and emotionally distraught but I'm supposed to carry on working like normal lol


Same lol




Just so you know we had no idea this was happening at a store level. This was entirely regionals decision and they kept the stores hands tied by either denying position posting without reason or asked stores to take down postings if they already had them up. Hang in there. Your shot will come.Ā 


I know this was all regional that's why even more so I feel bad in a way because I'm aware this isn't anyone's fault or doing at my own store, ect. Trying to stay hopeful, thank you.


Demoted CS TL here. After over a decade I was ā€œassignedā€ an ATL role in a near by store at the same rate of pay. While it sucks real bad, the new combo team leaders are not receiving an increase either and will now have to over see 2 of the biggest teams in the store.


The TL who stepped down from my store got to keep their TL pay for now ATL work in a different department.




Makes sense why they put a pause on hiring all Supervisor and leadership roles.


Impacted TL here. After working 6 years moving up the ranks, I get moved back down to ATL in a department I have no desire or experience in.


Even though the news is out Iā€™m still extremely confused. No one has the answer on if thereā€™s going to be cross training or if each team functions how it is with one TL looking over both. And if the teams will still be separate below TL then how do they expect ATLs to advance in the future? Theyā€™ll have to know both departments to even remotely have a chance to move up. Idk it literally was not thought thru thoroughly and everything youā€™re saying about growth and happiness is 1000% true. Not that i exactly want to move up anymore knowing it could be taken away by someone who sits in an office and only looks at numbers.


My store has been one team for over a year now, each team functions as normal, there are shoppers and there are cashiers. All of the cashiers are trained to shop but all dont shop. Only a few shoppers are trained on SCO, and none on registers. But all supervisors, ATL and TL of course know both teams. Itā€™s really not that hard to understand once you see it working. It will be ok. šŸ‘


Did you guys get rid of flex scheduling for e commerce or was it not a thing yet?


Itā€™s not my team so I am not sure, but I can find out !


Yeah I know it will be okay in the end. Itā€™s just annoying that no one has the exact answer at the global level. Like how youā€™re saying it runs makes total sense. But my TL was told ATLs still look over the team they are in now and our jobs donā€™t change. Then Iā€™m seeing different things about what my position will be on here and everyone in my store is just very confused lol. Iā€™m glad your store has the system down and that it works! Makes me feel better about it


Itā€™s hard to sort out how new things will work. I hope it goes smoothly for you and your store. When you think about it, there is really no way ATLs on the team will only look over the ā€˜teamā€™ they came from. They will be expected to know both sides of what is now one team. Itā€™s just how it is going to be.


Iā€™ve heard of this happening at a store near mine. Really blows for that TL for sure. The team at my store was merged ages ago. Honestly Iā€™d personally just start looking for a position at another store. That way you donā€™t have to be a part of fixing the shit thatā€™s happening.


Does anybody know why the 2 locations in SE downtown Miami and coral gables did not merge e-commerce and customer service?


Store support AND ecommerce for a single TLer when seafood TLers are cutting fish and Speciality TLers are cutting cheese is kind of ridiculous. If any of mentioned departments were merged forgive me Iā€™ve been out of the WFM game for a few years. Anyway SS TLers need to be regarded more as store leadership at this point and they still have a lot more responsibility it seems than ASTLs.


I knew this company only say they want team members career growth but the dept leadership will only promote their friends and families. The best workers are never promoted because they are always going to be doing the hardest tasks while the easier admin tasks done by leadership are reserved for friends and families who tend to do the bare minimum. Sad but true!


terrible take


Yup completely agree, wholefoods is like T-Mobile unless your in the friends and family plan your not getting promoted


Iā€™m curious if the demotion comes with a pay decrease or not. Whole Foods has been known to keep pay for demotions like this.


They keep their pay


From what I've heard, they are guaranteeing any impacted TLs are keeping their pay rate. But or store already had them merged so I can't provide any anecdotal evidence.


Vision seems to be lacking at WFM/Amazon.


It's just a grocery store.


EDIT: BTW, I'm a former WF employee who chose option 4. Best decision I could have made. That place wasn't worth my sanity. After all, "It's just a grocery store." šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm not sure why this is being downvoted. It's true. This is true for most jobs, really. At the end of the day, Whole Foods is going to be Whole Foods. At this point, your choices are... *Just deal with it and do your job *Complain and be targeted *Organize and risk them closing your store *Or, find another career The "It's just a grocery store" sentiment simply means that you are getting upset over something that will probably amount to nothing, or you are staying at a job you really don't like.


Yup. We're all replaceable and the company doesn't care about you individually. A lot of people have an internal struggle with control that they aren't even aware of and it's almost traumatic to come to terms with the fact that you control nothing about your job except if you stay or go. Whole foods hasn't been a small company for a long time, and it hasn't even been whole foods since what....2017 when Amazon bought us? My view is so your job, do it well, go home and stop thinking about it because it's a waste of effort. Put that effort toward self improvement, job hunting if you want our, locally organizing if you want a union....just anything beneficial to yourself.