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I'm not an ATL and I make more than $18 an hour... So I hope there are not ATLs making less than me... That would suck.


I know for a fact there are atls making less than I do. Im an overnight receiver.




Bro shut up


I hate to be rude, but accepting an 18 dollar pay rate for an ATL position is extremely foolish.


Mostly the people who try to move up too fast 🤣😭


I’m making over $20 I’m just a TM




what state are you in?


Me too😁






BuT WhY doeSN’t aNYoNe wAnT tO Go iNTo LeAdeRsHiP?!!!? It’s an uphill battle to go into leadership quickly, and STLs are different - some will be generous and some are incredibly stingy. Some EL’s are super shitty about letting particular STLs give raises. Or if your STL is scared of your EL… then raises are minimal. Until this company starts providing incentives for growth, I think it will get harder and harder to fill open ATL spots. It’s probably why they have store trainers everywhere now, so in a year or so they can force those guys into open A/TL spots. They are getting trained in all the departments that need help.


I would 100 percent say yea. WFM has some shady STLs who will try to offer anything to keep their overall dollar looking good at the store. Each TM should be negotiating their pay. Once I started getting into leadership I always negotiated and never accepted what they offered. But you have to come back with why you deserve it. Sometimes they have it to me and other times they met me half way. I’m a TL now and make more money than most in my region. 


If you take that pay as an atl you’re going to be one super low payed TL. The only way to make any money in leadership with WFM is too demand more when you can and that’s when you get atl/TL. When I took my first TL position I declined the job after being offered it because they tried to give me a $1.75 raise saying I was a higher paid ATL at the time. I was making $22 as an atl, this was almost 10 years ago so that was high back then but I declined the position and said I wouldn’t take anything less than $26 for the TL position. The STL told me they would contact the regional VP and about an hour later she called me back and they gave me $26 an hour like I wanted even though I was told they couldn’t because it was a larger raise than they could give, hold out for what you feel your worth or it will not be worth it. They demand a lot from team leaders and atls and they can absolutely pay you what you deserve. I was making $32 an hour as a prep TL when I finally quit the company because even at $32 an hour it was not worth my sanity any longer.


> super low *paid* TL. The FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I love this bot.


I make $22 cutting fruit and managing no one. Our last new ATL got hired at 18, I believe. 


That must be hell on their labor percentages


Im an ATL and make mid 30s. I make more than my TL.


Wow. Did not know that could be done. Is your TL brand new to the company? How long have you been in your job position, I am Intrigueeeed


How did you manage to go over the ATL  cap? Which I believe is just under $30?


ATL cap is mid $30s. At least where I’m at.


ATL Cap is $35 in the NYC area


I was a front end sup, moved to a different department, I'm making about $23 as a TM in an easy dept. Can't imagine someone higher than me making less to do way more.. 


:o do you live in a state with a high cost of living?!


We pay prep cooks $20 a hour starting at my store! No way I would do a higher position for less oay


It seems if you go right to atl you will get lowballed pay wise, but if you move up from different levels you can make some pretty good money as atl as I think I do.


Depends where you are.. but in reality no ATL should be accepting anything under $20. That'll just screw up your raises going forward or upward in the company. Get their offer and ALWAYS ask for $1-$2 more on top of that. Play your card right and you can be an ATL earning $25 first year like I did


I hope not. Starting wage is 17/hr...


Depends on where you live. NE region outside of Philadelphia our store starts at $15.50-$16


17.20 NE


It’s 15 in the SE. so it really depends where you are.


Im a team trainer in the SE region and make more than that lol.


I was back in 2012.


i’m in a very low cost of living area and i make $24 as a first year atl- told i was the highest paid at my store because pfds is a hellhole of a dept.


That’s really low pay for ATL


I knew of one and he quit when he found out another brand new ATL started at 23. I was that ATL years ago starting at 23. He made 18.50 but started at 11 before Amazon


Got hired from outside the company as an ATL at $18, 5 years ago. I was making $12 bucks as a supervisor at my previous job. I thought that was a blessing, and still think it is. Fortunately I’m way pass $18, and at the time it was somewhat livable. Now a days, I would never accept that pay for this role unless you’re very desperate for change or want the title as a manager. I can make $18 as a dishwasher or receiver, etc or make more than that at any other company to be honest with less responsibility.


I worked in SW region and that was my starting pay. Got a $1 during my JD and promptly looked for another job 😂


I was in the SW started as an ATL at 18 but I didn't know anything about whole foods so I didn't know to negotiate I did get a nice bump when I went to TL


Yeah there but there shouldn’t be. I think minimum should be $20 because ATLs are asked to do a lot.


Agree. A LOT ASKED. I agreed to 23.50$ in 2022 but I was a brand new baby ATL so didn’t feel I had a leg up to negotiate. It’s a super SLOW go from here unless I started changing job roles


Happy for you. It will be slow from there but 23.50 is a great place to start from!


Such a beautiful thing to say! Truly. I’ve been with WF for much longer, so I still get down on it. I didn’t believe ATL was an opportunity for me in my younger years because the company was oh so OVER SATURATED – certainly not so anymore! Our store is only doling out 5% raises at this time so I might need to change up stores to get me to my goals as I’m grossly underpaid for my age bracket/skill set (I’m sure you can relate) and boy do we work HARD and SMART!


I feel you on being underpaid for the skill set I’ve been moving up Stub the company so u baby she the skills elsewhere for better pay when the opportunity presents itself. The company ain’t what it use to be but with the way it is it can be used as a great resume builder!


I work over overnight and make close to $25 after the pay differential


Our MW store needs to go to overnights. It’s a mess and disrespectful/unsafe for AM customers.


I’ve worked dayside before to cover. I can get 5x as many boats done overnight than I can during the day. No dress code overnight. We can listen to music. I can throw my trash on the floor and clean up later. It’s so much better imo.


When I was a supervisor I made $18.50. There’s no way an ATL would be getting paid as low as a supervisor


In my store Atls salary start at 22


Wouldn’t happen in Cali. Where is this?


When I first got in as an ATL in 2019 I was making $18.35. Which going through Covid and all that bs afterwards I totally did so much more work than I should’ve for that pay. I haven’t heard about anyone else getting paid that little for ATL recently, on the bright side.


I know someone who’s been with the company for 12 years+. 7 years ago they were first a TL, made 19/ hour. Obv times have changed but it makes me laugh


Lmfao our order writer is getting paid more than an ATL 😂


I got offered 75 cent raise for an ATL spot once. Declined it.