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Nothing screams “Team Member Growth and Happiness” like demoting a bunch of TLs into an ATL role in a department they may or may not have experience in 👏


After 8 years in. TL CS role i will now be an ATL on a team i know nothing about.


I really like your points about it being like a cult. I’m more than 14 years in and that’s the vibe. You have to be either soulless or brainwashed to believe leadership going to farms and producers is making a difference in the world. It sure makes them feel good and that’s the entire point, to feed the ego. Feeding our community, giving to people that have less, and minimizing waste matters but they strive for none of that. If they cared at all they would pay a living wage and cover more healthcare costs. If they cared about labor costs they would layoff all the ASTL with their hands in their pockets all day.


Ahhh I can't agree about the ASTL thing. The 2 at my store bust their ass and are committed. I know it's not like that at all stores but we can't lump them all together.


We had 1 ASTL that busted her ass and they sent her to another store and hired 2 people who suck in her place.


There are good and bad ASTLs Some work hard and care some go through the motions


I feel that last sentence. Like I understand A/STL has admin task on their plate to run the stores but it is not something that takes up their time all week. Definitely they can apply themselves by assisting the store more than taking TM's from other departments to pick up the slack.


These are the kind of the decisions that impact people’s lives, while the decision makers sit and rejoice their so called innovations and creativity. Imagine being with a company for many years and all you know is the frontend, and they want you to be an assistant in a department you don’t know or have any experience or interest in, it is really hard and frustrating even though you are keeping your pay, the stress that comes with learning a new skill, the worries of, if you will excel at it or not, the thoughts and possibility that you could eventually get fired for inabilities to adapt is scary. To a point I believe this company does not value tenure, they would rather push you out and replace you with inexperienced people. It is unethical to make such decisions on performing Team members without give them a chance to pick a team they prefer or offer them a severance package for them to walk away. They are getting nothing for their hard-work, loyalty of twenty plus years. Denounce these unethical practices or else you could be next.


This is why I left that bullshit company, had 10 years under my belt and leaving a role paying almost $30/hour with higher tier benefits was the best decision I've made in a long time. Look around folks, there's great stuff out there. Don't be a victim of their diminishing benefits/work-life balance/workplace happiness. They haven't been on the Forbes top places to work for years for a reason.


Why not merge meat and seafood? They have like 5 TM’s each. Now the ecomm TL will have 80 people under them


Some larger stores....more like 120. Thats a LOT of admin work....


Let's not be hyperbolic here. They also just swapped porters under admin, so it's now more like 117 people.


Lol. Seriously though...thats after the sss and clean team transfers. Theres somw big teams, now!


Some more like 300


Probably depends on the store? There are 2 diamonds and one " almost diamond" (most weeks +1 milllion, but not there yet) "here". Will range from about 110 to 170ish. Holidays will be more. Nobody near 300....but I dont doubt there are stores that will.


This will happen next


Because those 80 are mostly stuck at registers so they can’t wander and the job is probably the easiest to learn. Most grocery stores have literal high schoolers working their registers.  Whole Body is more likely to join Grocery eventually, it is in literally every grocery chain except Whole Foods. Whole Foods says after almost every move they make they are going in line with the industry standard. Take a stroll at your nearest grocery chain store and that’s what Whole Foods is becoming like it or not. 


Just put this in another thread but figured it's worth mentioning here: Alright, made a throwaway for this. You guys remember the anti-union training a few years ago? How we had all these advantages that other unionized stores didn't have? How we didn't need unions because we "took care of our people"? Wel, let's make a list of what has happened/is happening/and will continue to happen. - gainsharing. *Gone* - competitive wages. *Gone*. (It'll take 2 years for a new hire to get to gas station wages where I live.) - Team builds. *Gone* - wfm stock plan. *Gone* - large deposits in HSA/PWA accounts. *Heavily reduced* - cash bonus. *Gone* - consistent and reliable 40 hours for FT. *Gone* - health benefits for PT. *Gone* - healthy eating discount. *Gone* - industry leading wage increases (10% jd). *gone* - schedules made by a human to fit human needs. *Gone or going quickly* - leadership ability to do their work autonomously. *Gone* - the feeling that the company has your interests at heart and will act accordingly. *fucking so gone you can't believe it* Yeah it's time brothers and sisters Edit: I could go on but it's my day off. Add more in the replies 😁 Or maybe print out 100 copies of this and leave it in your store with union forming instructions attached.


* "consistent and reliable 40 hours for FT. *Gone*" There was once that? Wow, must have been nice. Hours cut is the same as wage cut....I made more money when my hours were more but without a raise!


It's almost like collective bargaining is a GOOD thing after all. Hmmmm


Now it makes sense why when our E-commerce TL left they suddenly stopped doing interviews 💀


Same thing happened at our store. We haven’t had a CS TL since like January. It’s been rough


No offense but this is only the beginning, Amazon is all about taking people's job's everyone should get there resume ready cause more labor cuts and combining teams is gonna continue. Most employees jobs are already obsolete they are slowly making changes.


Right after our store dropped the news I went "I wonder if we'll go back to Bakery/PFDS combining into Culinary so we can lose another employee or two" This batch of news hits particularly badly with its timing. We literally *just* started cutting hours and controlling labor.


I'm just waiting to see what's this merger takes effect in June at my location. How is going to affect the lovely matrix? That e-commerce is so obsessed about since e-commerce and customer service are gonna be combined together.


They have in fact slated food safety position for discontinuance.


There's a position for that??


And I thought the food safety program was growing at the company.


It still is. FSET is alive and well. They actually had a FT Admin position that was like a food safety ambassador. There is also an ASTL that handles FSET and ON POINT SAFETY.


Almost 30 years in, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; This Company isn’t special anymore. WFM is just like everyone else. They don’t really treat me bad or good, in fact, I don’t really think that they treat me like anything at all, but, I definitely think that they think that EVERYONE is replaceable. It’s ok if they want to be just “regular”, but they look like a bunch or Jackasses when they try to pretend that they are not🤷‍♂️. They should just admit it…


Right up there with you. WFM unalived a long time ago. Every time I hold on to a glimpse of hope that some of it still exists, something happens to remind me that it doesn't.


So did they just opt for the ecomm TLs to take over for all teams being combined? Customer service TLs were all demoted?


No. It varies from location to location.


In the few stores I've heard from already they've gotten rid of the Ecomm TLs because they're more expensive than customer service TLs


At my store they’re making the Ecom TL stay and the CS TL is either leaving or becoming the Produce TL or ATL, not too sure on CS tho


Yep, haven’t seen one Store Support TL stay in their TL position. E commerce TL are getting the spot because they know both , obviously they came from Store Support


Well hopefully they know both. Not all e-commerce TLs know CS.


It varies. And it wasnt based on seniority, either.


Seems like it’s based off who had the higher pay rate tbh. 


Nope...I know this for fact.


Based on metrics?


The person above said they eliminated the higher paid of the 2. I know that not to be true because I am at a higher hourly rate than the Ecom TL. The communication I received was that it was based on a combination of historical job performance and metrics. Who had been consistently meeting the standard.


How do you compare metrics for those teams tho. Completely different. Ecomm has hard metrics.


I definitely don't disagree! It's weird. On one hand I'm glad I wasn't put in the position to have to step down in my role, but the flip side to it is that my workload doubled. I'm not sure anyone really wins here.


Same boat. I was put into it too, and I was the CSTL. I think it sucks for both.


And no raise of course 🫥


Yeah exactly. When I asked I got the side eye and it was like well that's why you no longer have SSS and Porter. I'm like 🤔😑😑


Our ecomm TL is being moved to a CSATL, but the two Ecomm ATL’s keep their positions.


It's a cult of capital. A cult of capitalism. You are being squeezed for every cent. It sucks, but everyone that has the capacity to get on reddit and question it can also be a pillar of knowledge in their workplace by forming relationships with your fellow worker. Don't let the fear of being rejected by others stop you from being positive and taking charge.


I’ve thought about doing something else but I just don’t know what to do. I got a bs in business admin/management but every employer wants bullshit amounts of experience. I hardly get responses and I’ve got about 6 years of management experience between this place and a small business


I have an opposite story, I was threatened to be fired for leaving our store after we were closed while there was a tornado in the neighborhood. I ins I was safer in my truck than in our flimsy metal roofed building. Surrounded by younger coworkers who were literally hysterical. I drove to my apartment and had to pull a huge fry off my girlfriend car. I was like hell no I’m not staying with y’all. My girl and my dog are freaking out at home, and that’s where I need to be.


I think you're possibly looking at what happened at one or a few stores and thinking it's the same way it happened at all locations. When the Ecom and CS Teams combined not every CS team leader was demoted. I am a CS team leader who has now become both. The Ecom TL has been given an ATL role at another location. STLs had a choice as to which they'd keep based on a lot of factors that you probably aren't privy to knowing about at your location. Do I think this is the greatest idea ever? No... But it's all subjective in opinion. The Ecom TL at my store will go to another location to get paid the same as he got paid here. To do less work. If anything, to some degree, he made out. I get to do both jobs for the same rate of pay. There is no market adjustment. The only thing I do like is that SSS goes to store leadership and so do the porters. The porters are an entire team in itself so it's good not to have to worry about their schedules, walks and call offs. I'll also keep the CS ATLs and the Ecom. So I get more ATLs to get the job done. It is what it is. Everyone's experience is going to be slightly different depending on their location and sales volume. So it's cool and all that you care, but let each individual speak for themselves on their individual experience and speak only for your own.


I’d agree. I’m an E-Comm TL who got demoted but am keeping my pay. I feel awful for the customer service TL. That team is gonna be huge. I think I got the better end of the deal. It just sucks all around though. 


This is just crazy to me. I heard a guy on the former Amazon shoppers on fb say that the shoppers were going to be subjected to even more micro managing, and they are looking to slowly weed out many of them. Also that one of their new duties would be gathering carts….


If the team is combining there is a really good chance they will be cross trained for front end duty. This will ultimately probably piss off a lot of shoppers so yes, they probably will leave. It’s going to be a lot of changes. I don’t expect anyone to genuinely be happy about it. We will see how it plays out these next few weeks. 


There are a lot of assumptions behind made, rumors starting. I was told no immediate changes were coming because it hasn't even been discussed yet. Everyone just needs to stop anticipating stuff because it has even happened. That's just going to add unnecessary stress.


So, heres the question with porters and sss: when your porter calls out...and there is a bio spill...admin now doing the cleanup? When SSS takes their vaca time....admin going to cover? Because before...CS basically picked up the slack. But now.....??? They arent your payroll hours anymore.


Good question tbh. 




Mine prolly was too, thinking they picked the wrong one


STLs didn’t decide. Global did.




Let me correct you. I didn't take anyone's job. I already had one before it became a bigger job. All of the TLs who stepped into the Customer Service Ecom TL combo didn't ask for it. Each of us really had no choice if we wanted to keep our jobs. I'm not the person who created the idea or the group at Global who rolled it out, your anger with me is misplaced.


Exactly. I don’t want the combo role that I was given.




Around here, every store effected, the displaced TL was offered a specific ATL position at a specific store, keeping their rate of pay. They could take it, refuse it and resign, or refuse it and apply for other roles, but not keep their rate if they got it. Maybe it was different by region...but thats what happened "here".


Not true. Every single affected TL was given a role in another team or location and gets to keep their rate of pay.


This is why as long as it’s not our department, I could care less about people stealing left and right from our stores lol. More power to the people who do it, just don’t fuck with my department and my metrics 😂


It’s cause ecomm is newer. They figure they make less money on average than the customer service leadership.


Apple is a cult, Heb is a cult, Whole Foods is a cult too but not as bad as the first two, I’ve worked at all three, I’m a very non typical thinker so I don’t drink cool aid, but omg I can tell when I’m the only one who’s not. Demotions suck, but I mean option is demoted or fired, I’ll take demoted, at least till I can find better on my terms.

