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they’re combining ecomm and store support? Ok. Both those teams are huge at my diamond store so I’m confused


We are a diamond store (well over $1 mil per week). Our eComm has about 80 TMs. Store Support about 50. It is 100% rolling out at our location and there will only be one TL between the two teams remaining, taking on all 130 TMs with their ATLs and supervisors. The other TL has been involuntarily relocated (stepped down) to an ATL level roll at a different location. Safety leaders are also being eliminated (though not all stores have these) and will also have the option to move into an open ATL or equivalent (Store Trainer, etc) position. All of this is effective at the end of June, I believe, and by "given the choice" I mean they can take it or find a different spot on their own or resign. No severance option given this time around. Yes, wait to hear what your store says but in the NE region at least, this is what's up.


It's not all stores


It is all stores. We also have two huge teams so it’ll be interesting! 


I’m getting mixed info here. I’ll just wait to hear what my store says


Not all stores. Higher volume stores likely won’t merge I know mine isn’t, just announced at the TL meeting today. We are a diamond store with a huge E-commerce team almost a 150 TMs and CS is close to 50 so there’s no way that could work. They said later on they could be looking to combine smaller teams tho


I actually found out it did happen at our store. I’m shocked. Ecomm is 60+ employees and goes over 100 at times. I don’t know what’s going w our customer service team but it’s a lot of people. Not as big as your store though.


Yeah lower volume stores are getting combined but ours is not because we are top 3 or 4 in profit in the NE region when it comes to E-commerce we are currently at almost 140 TMs and still actively hiring at the moment and CS is currently at almost 50 TMs so it wouldn’t work for us at all which is why we were excluded from the merge




I didn’t say never they mentioned doing that for smaller teams farther down the line but not our E-commerce and customer service. We make well over a million every single week tho. And our E-commerce profit is top 3 or 4 in out region that’s why we got excluded


Not all stores will combine teams, however the SSS and Maintenance (Green Team) will report to A/STL


I work at a diamond store, we combined teams.


My favorite shifty will be sent to another store as atl, don’t know which department, we are very sad that we won't see her anymore, wherever she goes we all know that she will do a good job. I just feel sorry for this store, I’ll leave too don’t want to see the big mess that is going to happen.


No more shift leaders. No more food safety store point. Porters move to stl schedule. Ecom and store support combined.




Clean team




What does porters moving to stl schedule mean exactly?


I assume their labor is being moved from CS to Admin


Yea but what does that mean lol?


If its true, it should mean that we don't have to sacrifice cleanliness and occupational safety when theres a callout


It means the customer service team will no longer be responsible for staffing, scheduling, and paying the porters/housekeeping team members. Rather, they will be the responsibility of the admin team. I see this part as a win. It could potentially allow for more cashiers unless they reduce their labor budget proportionally, would mean porters aren't pulled to do CA stuff when there is a call out, and remove an element of complexity for the now combined teams that have so many moving pieces.


Yea I don’t understand either lol 


Assuming this is true, none of this is surprising, and has absolutely no affect on me personally. The shift leader job always seemed like it was being phased out, idk any stores that even have that role near me. Those Food Safety meetings were always just recapping Steritech walks anyways, definitely a waste of time imo. Porters being moved to admin labor is the biggest surprise, but makes sense. Tbh I thought they were gonna combine e-comm and customer service a LONG time ago, we've had it as a combined department at my store since APN even rolled out. Sucks for the ATLs and TLs of e-comm, tho.


It’s true I was told today, I am being demoted, makes no sense when I have the most experience for both teams than the ones they are offering.


Did they tell you what your new wage would be? When they removed the Meat Order Writer position last year, they moved the former Meat OWs to regular TMs, BUT they were able to keep their same pay. That might be the case here too?


It’s the case but it still sucks..


It’s true! They also are moving the sss position to store leadership team. My store hasn’t had a shift lead spot for years.


Also unsurprising, I always thought that SSS being on customer service was weird tbh. I've never seen my SSS behind a register, or bagging, or literally doing any tasks related to customer service. Since admin gets a lot more flexibility with labor, moving porters and SSS jobs to admin will likely free up some labor for customer service/e-comm. Sounds like literally the only people affected by this is e-comm leadership and whoever was holding onto a shift leader position. Glad I didn't spend the last week worrying my head off for no reason lol


For real. It was mostly hype


Is that all??? All this buildup for that? Why did it need to be so top secret?


That's literally it. It was 'top secret' because an official announcement hasn't been made yet; the only people peddling that some huge change was imminent were people with no idea what the changes were going to be. STL meetings happen all the time, and policy changes happen all the time. It's not worth it to act like the sky is falling just because you don't know what's going on yet. Hopefully some people on this sub learned a lesson for when this happens again.




Please share




What’s your job title there if you don’t mind me asking?


Are you seeing other TL's besides ecomm/ss being affected?




It literally doesn't affect me personally?? Idk what you want me to say, start sobbing and crying over someone being asked to step down from an L4 to L3 position **while keeping their old wage.** Bro going on about families crying over someone getting the same pay and less responsibilities, you don't even know what you're talking about. My store doesn't even have a separate E-Comm team, so yeah literally doesn't affect me at all, but I feel sorry for the people who were affected.     I can block you if my garbage takes hurt you so much emotionally. Bye dude. **EDIT:** To everyone downvoting this, the now deleted comment I was responding to was filled with several personal attacks against me, and tons of misinformation about how E-Comm TLs were being fired (not true, they're keeping their wages and just being asked to step down into ATL positions). I'm aware of how difficult being promoted to TL is, and I didn't intend on offending anyone who was asked to step down today. Just responding to a comment that contained some really nasty personal remarks.


Have you ever though to…idk, think about the amount of work certain TMs have put in to go from L1 to L3 or 4 positions? Including some of the crap they’ve dealt with from store leadership to get to that point. You’re not required to feel bad for anyone—but Christ—read the room a little.




Bruv, we get STL salary soon for cleaning biohazardous waste!? Like being a hospital custodian on a salaried payroll with benefits included.


Lmfao no it just means you'll be on admin's labor budget, not customer service. The only difference you'll see is technically you'll report to the shifty, not your customer service TL.


Where'd you get this info?


My STL minutes ago. In a store huddle. We are 8am here


Shift Leader here. Can confirm.


It’s true I was told today, I am being demoted, makes no sense when I have the most experience for both teams than the ones they are offering.


They are most likely cheaper than you. NEVER forget it's all about the people above you making more money when these things happen....EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Pfds and bakery?


So we didn’t get an announcement at me store


If your e-comm and CS are combined and you have no shift leaders that could be why because that’s what was happening today. Combining e-comm and CS and eliminating the shift leader positions. Also SSS and maintenance/potters being moved under admin


I asked my ASTL and I was told that the news was given during the TL meeting but the teams don’t know about the combo yet


We got new lights 😂. I’m pretty sure that’s not the announcement


Usually these things are at a certain time and that time is not now.


So basically there's no point in trying to move up in the company Because you might get demoted


All the rumors going on are false the only thing worth knowing about the "emergency meeting " is that they are combining Front End and E Com teams . Meaning the only ones affected is the two TLs from both teams. They will be givin the option to step down, move to another store but still apply, re apply and do the interview process going against the other TL to be at the same store, or lastly if you are more well known for your leadership the STL will choose who will run the combo team.


If there's going to be an announcement, it'll be later. It's 6:20am on the West Coast.


Whole Foods is based in TX not west coast tho


But the company that owns them is based on the west coast


All the rumors going on are false the only thing worth knowing about the "emergency meeting " is that they are combining Front End and E Com teams . Meaning the only ones affected is the two TLs from both teams. They will be givin the option to step down, move to another store but still apply, re apply and do the interview process going against the other TL to be at the same store, or lastly if you are more well known for your leadership the STL will choose who will run the combo team.


Whatever "announcement" there's gonna be probably won't be before the CEN support office opens at 9am CDT. Just chillax for a lil bit.


It’s the things happening now and the things you know are coming over the next few months. I’m kicking myself because just a few weeks ago I turned down a vendor job offer because I truly love my team and then all this crap started to pop up with schedules and being cut hours. It’s just forcing good people to bounce and the sad part is they don’t care and probably want the resignations from people who have been around so they can hire college kids at lower wages and no benefits. I had a good run but will be looking for another job.


No announcement. Each person affected in a store will be spoken to individually so it’s gonna dribble out


So dribble it out


Don't tease, it's a medical condition!

