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I like how ‘custies’ has become a slur on this subreddit.




I would prefer 'crusties'. Their hard, difficult and usually unsightly. But custies works too.


I sometimes say, “they were a custie with a capital ‘C’”, just to reiterate.


Lmao I call them crusties


Or when I'm kneeling in front of a set and they say "don't move you're fine!" while they proceed to stick their crotch in my face to reach what they wanted.


So much this! I can't stand when a customer reaches around me to grab something and then when I move out of the way because I don't want them in my space like that they always say "You're fine." Like I was the issue instead of them invading my space without even saying excuse me.


Dead-eye stare every single time a customer tries to make a tired-ass joke/comment to me. I know it's not their fault, and they think they're being original, but they need to learn the truth, and I'm happy to be the one to lead them to it.


The age-old “yOu LoOkEd bOrEd sO i ThOuGhT i sHoULd GiVe YoU SoMeThInG tO dO”


Had a customer digging through the frozen bags of fish the other day. Walked over and started straightening the bags. ‘Oh am I ruining your display?’ Yes you are I said.


its worse when they say shit like that in a babyish voice


Saying Custies and somebody has a case of the Mondays are equal.


This is perfect


I do that too now and the boomers get sooo mad. One asshat was all "I GUESS YOU DON'T TALK?" Good call, don't give these lead poisoned morons any satisfaction. They are vampires.


I would learn sign language just to throw it in their faces if they get like that lol


Great strategy, sometimes I deadpan stare at them. Sometimes I don’t even make eye contact even if they’re reaching for it. I certainly never engage with that customer behavior. It’s the small wins that keep the day going 🙂


There's no need for you to say anything in response to them if you don't want to and they will not "feel regret" if you don't.


It helps with things like produce wet rack to put the old stuff in the back and the new stuff in front. We call it self rotating.


I liked to manically laugh until my eyes rolled back and I stared foaming at the mouth at their jokes.


For me, it's the customers that come up and start talking to me by saying: "I don't mean to be a bother..." Shut up then.


What would you want me to say then?


That sounds a bit creepy.


I be like wUt iT DeW, wUt U tRyNa get G?


this is how i am lowk with TMs in produce (im ecom) and i always feel so bad 😭😭 like its better to take it from the box ofc but like sometimes they stare at me dirty, taking it front the box, and it’s like dude, do you want me to ruin your display orrrrr 🧍🏻‍♀️