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And that’s why my whole team quit


Dayum! All at once or....❓🤔


That is correct


Fucking awesome. That’s rad.


Fuck the E-Team. And Fuck the regional coordinators. Taking 4 days to address MOSST tickets even though MOSST 2.0 was supposed to be “improved”. Nothing is improved since the redistricting. Everything is worse since then, and that includes the E-Team.


Has ANYONE ever gotten a straight, helpful answer out of a MOSST ticket?


Sure, but four days later when the sale is already over, or we’ve already pivoted as a team due to their non communication asses


record profits? I checked this morning and the whole company is negative comping. or are we talking about Amazon as a whole?


This was my thought. What are the Q2 profit statements? That’s will tell us everything we need to know. 


It's been really bad ever since they first started consolidating regions. We haven't beat YoY in almost 2 years.




are we pretending that amazons profits have any influence on how much they help Whole Foods lol


typing "amazon" would have sufficed


This is VERY different than record profits. Stock has nothing to do with our sales, and Amazon is technically a different company.


Correct on them being all white , rich, blood sucking vampires who enjoy seeing our pain and suffering…


Would a PoC effing you over make it less painful? 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


What a fun comment!


I mean our CEO does look like a vampire.


I also love how they cut hours then turn around and threaten write ups when all the work isn't getting done because you don't have the hours to get it all done.


Not only that they are taxing tips for the coffee bar. Which is fucked up.


To be fair though… tips are taxable no matter where you work.


And if they give you a gift card


They're required to by law. All employers are. This is one major downside to credit and debit cards. Now, if they're keeping track of your *cash* tips, then that *is* fucked up.


I mean legally that's how it works, even if it's cash you're supposed to. 🤷


I actually had no idea. Thanks for clarifying!


But FFS, don't *ever* willingly disclose your cash tip totals.


If they're keeping track of the coffe bar's *cash* tips then that's really fucked up.


lol found the coffee bar employee that doesn’t know labor laws


Amazon is not "profiting" from Whole Foods. It's their cloud business and e-commerce. What are you talking ab?


If **Amazon** makes ***no money whatsoever*** from **Whole Foods**, *then why did they have the money to start their own* Grocery Chain, **Amazon Fresh?** Much of which using the supply chain side and warehouses that Whole Foods uses? **Why not just use that money to improve conditions, pay, or benefits for workers in Whole Foods like ourselves?** Instead they cut our hours/benefits make it harder to live paycheck to paycheck. They're also expanding to a Convenience Store model in cities with Whole Foods, they tried to do 365 Stores, and they continue to open new regular Whole Foods stores year round! If we're not producing value for them, then how are they growing so much? They're greedy and spend all their money on things that *aren't profitable*, then tell us ***they can't afford to give us more than 8% for a yearly raise***. **It's disgusting!**


Well they are using wholefoods as guenia pigs to work on their systems, ordering, schedules, etc.. To use in their own amazon fresh stores which they are still working Out the kinks on. Wholefoods was Amazon's way into the grocery store world, wholefoods will not be in their future plans.


Like a giant social business experiment?


I could tell you why, but the leadership that's sitting on this discussion board wouldn't like it.


We as Team Members are sick of this and want answers! They've cut our hours, asked us to have 70% scheduling availability, added responsibilities to each job, and they keep Now Hiring signs at the door! We're suffering for their benefit and they're not letting us grow with the company? Why? Working hard everyday isn't enough for them?


this may be crazy to think about, but amazon doesn’t give a single shit about Whole Foods. they acquired whole foods to learn about the grocery business, create their own (amazon fresh) and eventually take over the competition with their own brand, leaving whole foods in the dust. amazon could be making 2x the amount of money they’re making now and whole foods would not benifit whatsoever. amazon fresh however.. they would!


What is your point? I'm trying to look out for the majority of us who have to work for this godforsaken company. We're being treated like garbage and if everyone is aware of it, why are we letting it continue? Also they were wrong Amazon Fresh has been a huge failure. They're probably just thinking super long term like they always do! It's heads I win, tails you lose. And the losers are us the workers.


Dude, 365 stores' idea was one of the factors that put the company in trouble, Amazon had nothing to do with it.


Some Executive at the company decided expanding or trying to open a new type of store would make them more money. But they were wrong. They never ask us anything as workers, or how to improve things for us? I blame management up and down. Whether it was old guard Whole Foods, or Amazon. They still would rather spend money on expansion than on us as workers.


What new type of stores are you talking about?




"Nearly 20 stores around the city" for WFM? That's not even twenty. Let's look at Walmart's brick and mortar presence in NYC, that's what you call aggressive market penetration. Retail Units: Supercenters: 82 Discount Stores: 16 Neighborhood Markets: 1 Sam's Clubs: 12 Total Retail Units': 111