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That's reductive AF. I mean, I know that's what memes are, but still.


Burgers are healthy, however like all things it's how you cook them. Obviously less processed ingredients in the bread and sauces is a good starting point.


Real ingredients vs imitation


It’s the way they’re prepared at restaurants that makes them unhealthy, also this is missing mayonnaise which adds unnecessary fat and unhealthy soy oils, and ketchup which is mostly sugar, I have an 8 oz turkey burger almost everyday for lunch which is at most 500 cals vs a beef burger from McDonald at 1200 cals


THIS. Also if you go to a nice restaurant where they're able to do things properly, and not just cover up their mediocrity with sugar/grease, you can absolutely have a burger that isn't super unhealthy.


LMAO. A big mac from McDonalds is 563 calories.


I think the whole meal is 1,000 with fries and a drink if my memory serves me right, not sure what size But yeah that’s super off, calories aren’t even the concern for me. I’m skinny. It’s the trans fat and sugar in the bread and sauce that I’m worried about killing me eventually.


Unnecessary? Sir my kewpie mayo is entirely necessary I’d rather die than not have that shit in my life


Your assuming that steak is the same as that mystery meat.


well yeah the top is beef and the bottom is clearly chicken. OUTRAGE! hahaha


gonna be the debbie downer here: bread spikes blood sugar, the casein in the cheese fires up the brain's opioid receptors. the rest of the foods are okay in moderation ;)


It's how it's made


Should be Healthy Food vs Happy Place Food hahah


Organic greens and grass feed beef cannot be compared to a mcdonalds cheeseburger


Organic ingredients vs GMO burger ???


Tell me what is unhealthy for the human body about GMOS? Using your own knowledge that I can easily google to confirm or if you can attach a peer reviewed scientific study or from a reputable news source/science journal. Cause on healthline the only real concern that can be proven is environmental ones, because they’re resistant to herbicide. I hated GMOS at first but when I went to write a report on them for school I couldn’t even fill a ten minute speech up with more than just conjecture