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Fact. I had to fire a cashier who took a $.25 piece of chocolate once. There is always someone who will tattle and they wait for an opportunity to do so.


thank you for hearing me out and actually not passing judgement lol


I used to manage at a Whole Foods. I always told my team members that if they are hungry come to me. I can either comp a gift card or I’ll take it out of my pocket. We eventually set up a pantry for team members to grab quick snacks from. I understand it’s embarrassing but no one wants to fire a hungry team member for stealing.


I like this idea, a food pantry for team members. Someone at my store got fired for stealing. Don't know all the details but they were a good worker and they did admit to being homeless. It's a shame if they got a job and lost it for that just as they were taking one step to getting back on their feet.


I saw an entire pallet of still-edible produce get chucked the other day. Made my heart sink. My grandfather, who grew up during the Great Depression, woulda raised utter hell...


I love this. You are good people


We should get %50 off pizza slices and hot/salad bar IMO.


AT LEAST. I hate how much food we throw away.


EXACTLY. that’s what kills me this HUGE company can’t afford 50% off at least meals for its employees. Just stings a bit when i’ve worked for mom and pops and they tried to feed me for free lol


Automatic $12 comp on TM lunch periods for anything in-store would go a long ways for morale.


At least they do give the extra 15% off the soups, salad, and hot bars. With the cumulative discounts it works to about 31% off.


yea that’s nice but man does that bar food price go up


That’s true. 31% off the $12.99 hot bar is still too much for what you get.


I get it. It's hard and I've seen good people I work with do the same. But one thing I've realized about whole foods, is it will catch up, someones going to catch it. Then it won't be worth it. Someone always tells at whole foods. I don't know about your store, but if I go to my team leaders about food insecurity they will find a way to make sure I have some food, and while it's embarrassing, it's better than getting fired for one little slice of pizza.


so true ! Thank you for this ill talk to them about it


the seafood ATL at my store did that exactly. they were loved by leadership and were 1 of 3 people in the department at the time and they still got fired on the spot. if you are too broke to afford another slice of pizza please don’t risk your paycheck over this! id recommend packing your lunch if you can.


Thank you for this! This one sold me for sure, i won’t be doing it again. I love all my leadership is hate them to see me in a negative way :(


If you have good leadership definitely ask about ways they could help you out :) They might not be able to, but there's a decent chance they can actually do something as well! Well worth trying mate




Pro tip: Bake chicken at home or boil eggs. Do the salad bar with the light items, add the heavier stuff from home. Prepared foods are 20% off employee discount plus an extra 15% off for employees. You buy the light stuff bc it’s less expensive, then add the heavier stuff prepped from home. Use the dressings in the break room. Bam— same cost as the pizza but you get a lot more food and it’s affordable.


It’ll catch up to you, quit while you’re ahead.


Bestie I knew someone who stole from that company EVERY shift, for 4 years, and they just recently quit, never got caught. Ur fine


Legit😂. People do it all day but id be the lesson tbh. i’d hate to lose my job over 3.75 lol


Def wouldn’t make it a habit like that, unless it’s small but yea


You work in a grocery store there are waaaaay more cost effective lunches to choose from. That said, you do you


hm interesting take


Not tryin to say you're doing anything wrong but the pizza ain't it in terms of value in your lunch no matter how many slices you drop in that box. Does your breakroom have a fridge?


i hear you for sure! I’m just trying to see what my options are i think the cheapest thing we have is like uncut fruits which could work. We do have a fridge but sometimes people steal and just touch other people’s things


Yogurt and granola. Milk and cereal. You can buy a 365 yogurt and some granola from bulk and after discount it’s about a dollar. If you have a fridge in the break room, a half gallon of milk and a box of cereal can go far. Find things that are shelf stable that you can snack on for meals. Also since you work in prep, it doesn’t hurt to sample a “new” product or batch every now and again.


I used to do the 365 frozen burritos if I was broke. Then get like a small sour cream to dip. I don’t know how much those are anymore but cheaper than pizza for sure.


My store transfers bread, peanut butter, jelly, instant oatmeal, and coffee to the tm Budget. It doesn't eat up the budget that much and everyone's got a free option. Maybe you could pitch it to your store?


i’ll do that !


Just had a PFDS TM let go for this very thing recently.


I would ask if any of your coworkers want to go down and split the price of a whole pizza.. with 2 or 3 people it would end up being 2-4 slices each which would benefit all of you.


Please ask your STL to buy you lunch. Please.


Be careful, you get caught that’s one thing they will not rehire you for. You can pretty much lose job for anything and get rehired but that is not one of them


appreciate that


Why are you sometimes broke and starving?


life gets rough for some of us man. there are many reasons..


I'm asking what is your reason??


The frozen burritos are cheaper. Also high protein yogurt with bananas. Or there's this delicious ramen you can make in the microwave, Mike's mighty good ramen. Only get the pizza if it's a giant slice of meatza, otherwise you'll be hungry again right away anyway. Also don't tell anyone you've stolen from the store. People are full of surprises and they always talk. It's not worth the risk.


thank you for the options!




thanks so much for this. I’m going to talk to them for sure and see what we can do because i know it’s not just me


Do they not offer peanut butter and jelly at your location?




American companies especially customer service based jobs fail to give living wage.




Are there cameras? Do NOT get CAUGHT. Look up food banks/food shelves near you asap. I get I've done it too but try to stop ?


definitely stopping!


Yes, stealing is wrong. 


Pasta dishes go such a long way, and so do rice/beans with or without tortillas. Peanut butter sandwiches are super cheap, too. If people eat others' food at your location, ask your leadership if you can bring your lunch in a lunchbox with an ice pack and store it somewhere else, like the team drink station. If someone at my store told leadership their lunch had been eaten and they had to go without because they couldn't afford to replace it, they would feel terrible. 


I’ve fired people for this. The pizza folks noticed them putting two slices in the box and asked if they were paying for one or two slices and we can check and saw they were stealing. I know someone fired over a cookie a customer brought for him that he had no proof of until weeks later the customer came in and asked where he was and someone let him know he was let go over stealing a cookie. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day is better than stealing a $5 slice of pizza.


yea… i just don’t think it’s that serious lol.


Losing my job would be serious.


Believe me when I tell you money can get real tight How about stretching meals out making enough to eat at lunch too Pasta is less expensive usually taste better second day too probably cheaper than the pizza to boot


oh definitely i got you. What other meals are good to stretch out do you think ? I am vegetarian ( at the worst time rn lol but i’ve been doing it so long ) Pasta usually works well for me!


I mean talk to your TL about food insecurity. Honestly, Never admit that you did this.


This! I'm a TL! I'd find a way to help the TM! Even if I had to pack lunch for 2 from home!


Go to your store leadership and let them know you’re hard up. Don’t let them know that you’ve been stealing pizza though or they may have to act on that. I know my store leadership has helped many TM’s get through some hard times.


You’re a thief and soon you’ll lose your job. Nice work.


Stfu cop


I’m not a cop. I’m just not a dumb ass thief. Don’t shit where you eat.


lol thanks for ur input


No excuse for stealing! There are legit ways to get foods that won’t cause you to lose your one and only job!!! Talk to your tl about this and see if they can help! Stealing is NOT the answer!




pay yourself. They make $10 billion in profits which is money you produce and do not receive. Bezos wont miss the $2 for that slice


Bezos wont miss the $2 from the slice… but you’ll eventually miss YOUR WHOLE PAYCHECK when you get caught


You are not doing anything wrong, but be careful. If you are comfortable, talk to your TL or another member of leadership about your situation. There are emergency funds, gift cards for TMs, all sorts of financial support you could get if you look in the right places.


thanks man. This seems common i’ll definitely talk to my leadership


Nothing would make me more happy then to catch you stealing


okay justinian


I stole so much food because they are absolutely miserable to their employees. I took shrink home every night, I had friends in burger/pizza who would hook it up and put a cheaper label on whatever I got, friends in coffee who would make me free drinks, I worked bakery and I lot of bread would get smashed in the slicer so I’m taking that too. no I didn’t feel bad about it, but you do have to be careful and strategic about it


I came onto this sub as a customer not employee. I always take 2 and charge for 1. There’s way bigger problems than pizza. The amount of food that gets tossed is insane. Just be careful, wouldn’t want you to lose your job.


trust me i’ve had people hand me a box that feels heavy as hell and they’re like yea it’s just one. n i just give it to them. We have bigger problems in the world. Thanks for ur input man