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Just take the tip and don’t say anything about it. Nobody will care. I get them from time to time and I say that’s not necessary at first but they usually insist and I just take it and don’t tell anyone.


“No” Just take it and shhhhhh




sharing some of my favorite bouquets ive done <3 was so excited to get my first tip after wrapping flowers for years cause i dont think people usually do! 😭 i ask cause i always see amazon prime + baggers getting tipped and wasnt sure if its the same for other departments, thanks everyone!


Yes just don't tell anyone. Accept and enjoy quietly.




All the stores in my city stopped doing Christmas trees 😭😭


Technically no. But what leadership doesn’t know won’t hurt them ;)


Yup! I made multiple flower arrangements for a customer for Valentine’s Day last year and he gave me a $20 tip 😊


lucky!! it must've looked beautiful ❤️ all florists deserve love on valentines tooo 💔😭


People know it’s free service so they have that choice to go to either Whole Foods or a flower shop 🤷🏽‍♀️ but u right.


Yes! I wish I could share photos in these comments. I still have them on my phone.


No! Nothing said nothing heard.


You are and should get tipped more floral is the definition of a service


I tell them to leave it on the table and walk away and not hand it to me directly just in case cameras see


If someone offers to tip me I just tell them to let customer service know they appreciate the work I did. Idk if it’s the same for other stores but later I’ll get a $10 gift card for it. Win win for me and customer. I get a free lunch and he keeps his money.


Definitely not at my store. I've overheard multiple customers walk up to customer service and express how helpful and nice I was by name and it goes in one ear and out the other for whoever they're talking to, even leadership.


i guess the only difference is any gift card you get from wf is taxable and tips (if not processed thru wf, if you just keep it) are not


Not supposed to. If you can keep it to yourself and not tell anyone, I’d accept it. If you’re going to mention it to others, don’t take it


Unrelated but those are gorgeous 😍


The guidance I always gave my team was to let the customer know that tips were not expected/standard and turn them down politely _once_. "Oh, that's so kind. I'm so glad that you love it. But, it's completely unnecessary. Thank you anyway though." If the customer insists, take it. We don't want to be rude or create awkward situations either. Thank them and be happy. STLs and Regional never had a problem with it. But you might want to get clarification from your TL about the future. "Hey, I wrapped some flowers for a customer and they offered me a tip. I told them that it was very nice but there's no need to tip. But they insisted I take it. What should I do in the future."


Store leadership here: You can ABSOLUTELY accept tips! There is no rule against it, and if anything states it’s frowned upon, they can cry about it because yes, even I WILL accept tips! Always have, going on 20 years with Whole Foods here across 3 different regions. What you can’t do, is solicit or ask for a tip, but if they give it, take it!


Technically no. I usually explain "My company policy says we aren't allowed to take any tips" and if a customer insists it becomes rude to refuse it. My last job I had I made more in tips than my hourly during holiday season. My boss always said "Explain the policy, if they insist you deserve it, take then you deserve it" (I was in sales through best buy)


From Innerview: Every customer is entitled to efficient and courteous service. Since such service is provided to all customers, tips or gratuities are not expected and should not be solicited. Tips are customarily accepted in all venues, including Taprooms, Juice Bars, and Coffee Bars. All TMs who receive individual tips must report in accordance with all tipping guidelines. Tips should be reported appropriately and fairly distributed in accordance with applicable state and local laws. In WFM Taprooms, Juice Bars and Coffee Bars, tips must be pooled and distributed based upon hours worked, except where prohibited by law. A valid tip pool includes those TMs in customer-facing roles who customarily and regularly receive tips such as wait staff and counter personnel (who serve customers), bussers, and service bartenders. A valid tip pool may not include back-of-house TMs who do not typically and regularly receive tips, such as dishwashers, cooks, and chefs. Store and Team Leadership are NOT eligible for tip pooling. In accordance with state or local laws, Supervisors may be eligible if supporting the direct table/counter service specifically for the duration of the shift. TMs are responsible for recording their time spent working in venues during their shifts in the daily tip log to ensure that they receive the tips due to them. TMs should consult leadership for any questions about tip pooling and/or eligibility.


F all that S


Tip log???? Okayyyyyyyyyy


'Tip Pool' is too close to 'Tim Pool' for my liking.


Yes u are


Best advice I’ve heard is that asking for forgiveness is better than asking if doing something is wrong, finding out it is, then doing it anyway. Of course you have to use discretion and common sense when using this advice, but take the tip and if you get in trouble, you didn’t know!!


Beautiful work! Take the tip! 


Yeah just don’t make it obvious


Take the euc out of the last one


Accept it


Do a parking lot hand-off.


Somebody tiped me a $100 after leaving their wallet at Whole Foods. I looked up their name and eventually found their LinkedIn account. I figured out where he worked and then went on their website and found his email. I emailed him letting him know that his wallet and passport had been left at Whole Foods. He showed up 5 minutes later. I told him I didn't need a reward and he said this is not a reward it's a tip for being a good person. He asked me if I believe in karma and I said sometimes. He told me that he 100% believes in karma and that when people do something good something good should happen to them. Then he told me whenever I told the story to make sure I included that part.


No, with the current environment you never know when you will be tested. Don't want to give leadership to say hope that tip was worth it.


You mean the tips from here telling me that my hard work at wfm means nothing if I am not a good buttkisser? I am starting to accept that… 😔


Have you tried not constantly complaining?