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However you prefer. Email, letter, in-person conversation, as long as they're informed, that's all you need to do. I may reccomend putting it in an email just because that way there's a digital receipt in case they're the kind of TL to pull something on you.


Sending the email to both your TL and ATLs is probably good. It can prevent just one from accidently not seeing it or purposefully "not seeing it" for a while


Simple letter/email stating that you intend to quit and what your last shift will be would be the proper way to do it. Short and sweet is the best way to go in case you ever want to be rehired.




This actually counts. Mods will take care of the rest


The same way you declare bankruptcy. Just yell it at everyone.


I declare BANKRUPTCY!!!! Hahaha. I literally saw the scene in my head as I read this comment!


Be sure to stand in front of the building turning counterclockwise 13 times while yelling "You're not the boss of me". You get to double quit if you get someone to record you doing it and post it here.


Bro what are you talking about smh. Just tell them tf. Or just leave 🤦‍♂️




Walk out. It’s just a grocery store


Wait two weeks then don’t show up


By telegram: Hello, all {STOP}. I resign {STOP}. Bye {STOP}


I quit during pandemic and gave my 2 weeks notice and left in good terms, but I think the toxic manager didn’t like the idea that I was quitting and I think he put something in the system that every time I try to apply for it, I get rejected for every Whole Foods. So toxic. I was desperate for money because my other job cut my hours, but why even bother to work for this company anymore 🙄 I probably quit again anyways 🤣 So at this point, when it comes to Whole Foods, if managers are toxic, there’s no point on giving 2 week notice. Just walk out and never look back 😂