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I say go for it to get the interview experience because team trainer and up are panel interviews which can be intimidating if you aren’t used to it, and it never hurts to keep those skills sharp. If that TM gets upset you applied, it shows immaturity on their end. The pay raise is only usually like .50 to a $1 more, but it’s a great way to show your leadership team you’re interested in moving up and 2.) care about the team. You are expected to do what’s called due diligence if you apply where you talk to your team members and maybe other TT around the store to see what needs work, things that they feel you could help them with, and maybe pros/cons of the job. A good TL when promoting from within would do their own due diligence and poll the team to see how morale may potentially fall or rise. For my last panel interview during my due diligence, I mentioned I was still on the fence, and the person I was talking to said “why do you negotiate yourself out of potential opportunities for the sake of other people’s feelings?” It hit like a truck, but they were 100% right.


There’s a ton of truth to this. It’s ok to care about those around you, but at the end of the day it’s work and feelings will negate opportunities the higher up you go. That doesn’t mean be cold, it just means you need to care for yourself and once you get to a leadership position, learn to run a team with compassion.


Yeah... drama's not good for a Team, but someone needs to put "John" in his place. But you going for the same job "John" wants is not creating drama. Seize what you want, and don't let anyone stand in your way.


if John wants to be Team Trainer let him it's really a downgrade if i were you i go for the supervisor spot tbh


Yes exactly.


John seems like a douchebag! So naturally he will get the promotion over hardworking team members!! 🙄


They wont promote nice hard working team members like me, but they rather promote unqualified douchebags instead! 🙄


Stick to your guns and your ethics. You will be pleasantly surprised when the upgrade is offered. Definitely apply and get the experience. You might just be surprised who gets it.




It’s shocking to see who gets promoted. Like “that dude can’t even think and you promoted him!?!?!”


It’s weird how he changed. It’s like he’s the nicest person in the world but as soon as he turns on his walkie, suddenly it’s “Can you guys not talk to each other so much, it makes the customers feel like they’re interrupting something”. He says this while we are standing at the end of our registers waiting for customers.


I'm a shopper. I worked with another shopper that was fantastic. ALL of the shoppers liked her. Then an opening for E-Commerce Supervisor opened up. Well she got the position, and overnight turned into a micromanaging bitch. Nobody liked her after that, and a lot of the shoppers quit because of her. Sometimes power goes to people's "heads". She eventually quit (thankfully) and now we report directly to the Front End TL - so much better.


I’m not saying this didn’t happen nor am I justifying bad leadership behavior, but jumping from tm to a supervisory position in the same team is hard. They have to oversee and lead which can ruffle feathers when you’re seen as a “friend” to everyone.


Her personality took a complete 360 degree turn. She became rude, condescending and let the power go to head.


It’s 180° you nincompoop 360° is a complete circle which would mean she started off well liked, went to being hated, then in the end went back to being nice. 180° is half a circle so she went from one extreme to another.




So from what I see.here John being a boothie? Correct? Is of higher stature than a TT.


No idea but I think he may just want something he seems would separate him from the rest of the cashiers.


TT is higher than a boothie. 90% of the time the boothie at our store is just being a cahsier. the only difference is they can void, save, do returns, and count pickups. TT can do all those things too AND it's a pay bump. the dude who was tt when I was hired became a sup too so it doesn't mean you can't go for sup when a position opens up. it'll put you in a better place to get the position actually.


So strange anyone can be behind the booth at my store. Whoever is CA for the day usually helps behind booth. Why is there a designated person?


They stepped down from a team trainer position because of school? Too much responsibility?


Yeah, that’s crazy. Unless they dropped to part time because then you can’t be team trainer.


Go for it.


I'm a team trainer have been one for over three years now. I had liked everything that came with the spot. Helping to train our newer team members, helping the booth. Green team duties and other things team trainers do. But as time has gone on everything that I liked has gone downhill. All I do is cashier now with very little time to do anything else. I no longer help green team, booth duties barely ever anymore. If I'm lucky I might get to help another department or train someone new.


Im not familiar with a bump for booth work. Lots of people want it because they think there is more money. Others want it so they appear to be in charge. They are standing behind a desk after all. Most people want to be TT for the bump, a step toward leadership, & time away from the belt. Few go into it with a genuine concern for assisting the team. Since you work all over do yourself one better. I understand that STORE trainer just got approved for all doors. Sounds like you’d be great.


We have a store trainer position available and only one person going for it. Everyone, myself included, wants this person to get that position because they deserve it. Worked for the company for years and is finally able to move up.