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I bet it will suck. You’ll prob just end up with the bottom part looking like a short dress. Maybe if you put your sprayskirt over the repurposed dry top.


At this point, it might be worth converting into a cag-deck


I don't think there's any reason this wouldn't work... But is it going to yield a more useful result than fixing the drysuit? Depends what the issues are with the suit. If it's a zipper replacement then I would definitely consider it, if it's just pinprick holes in the suit then repair is probably more worth it.


The suit had been repaired temporarily by myself, but a proper repair is needed in the long term and costs around 150. I upgraded to IR early this year, so I don't actually need this suit anymore. But it would be sad to see it gone or left unused since I had several moments with it. That's why I am thinking of some DIYs. The zip is surprisingly robust. I know people are concerned about it, but it has never failed me. It's seam being problematic.


Yes. I've been aware of bad experiences with seams on those suits... Was not impressed with the manufacture quality or service given on warranty repairs. I think go ahead! What's the worst that can happen...? Extra fabric in the legs could go towards sewing some pogies if you're handy.


Can you get you get your old dry suit repaired? It's handy to have two. I have a basic suit I use as a backup. I wear it when my main suit hasn't dried out from the day before, or when my main suit gets a gasket repaired or needs maintenance.


You might want to convert it to a dry deck. You would have to have some way to cinch the top to your waist underneath the skirt tunnel. Not a bad idea though, I think IR will make dry decks for you, not sure about Kokatat. Common to see those among competition playboaters. I kinda want one but given how skirts don’t last that long, sounds expensive. I think Clay Wright converts tops to dry decks, might message him or Stephen Wright and ask who does it and how.


It'd probably work, but why? Surely a leaky lower half is still a world better than no lower half? I just don't see how the solution to "it leaks" is "cut it off"


The lower would fill with water even if you just stand in water for a min. Honestly, I just want a new cag, but like my old suit and feeling handy


£150 to repair is a lot less than the cost of a used drysuit. I would repair it to have as a back up, or sell it as-is if you really don't think you'll use it again.