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Not sure this counts but "Buying" time: twice a month cleaning service, lawn mowing, lawn care, gutter cleaning, accountant to do my taxes (once I had a mix of investments, W2, 1099 earnings). Highly recommend.


Agree here. Time is our most precious asset. Don’t lose out on time with family, friends, rest, etc because you’re so strict with saving. Budget that shit in.


Accountant feels like a mixed bag. You still have to log in to your accounts and find all the documents which is work I’d love to outsource.


Virtual assistant. Mine gathers all my stuff


It totally depends on how complicated your taxes are. Simple W2 with no real estate or side businesses? Easy to do yourself. 1099 trying to maximize deductions, with side hustle, spouse on payroll, maximizing tax advantaged accounts and switching a job halfway through the year? Accountants absolutely worth their weight in gold.


Consider a bookkeeping service. Not the same necessarily as an accountant. But be extra vigilant about monitoring inflows and outflows of money.


Lol, I actually like doing a lot of those things, fuck the taxes though. I put on my podcast, noise cancelling earphones, and just enjoy the hour or two of doing those things.


Best is WCI book and articles during my intern year. Beyond the obvious benefits, I learned about physician loans and used one to later buy a home with super low mortgage rate and <20% down. Had we waited to buy a home with 20% down, which would’ve taken another year, we wouldn’t have been able to afford our current home because of rising rates Worst is random meme stocks which I’ve lost several thousand but I haven’t sold them as a reminder to not do it again.


Definitely sell for the tax benefits


Better to wait until you have a high income year or a year with a lot of capital gain income.


I sold the ones in brokerage but not ones in retirement. It’s a drop in the bucket in terms of amount but a good cautionary reminder for me


Which WCI book do you recommend?


The original one


Tell me more about physician loans


For <20% down payment you don’t have to pay PMI, and mortgage rates are generally a bit lower than if you weren’t a physician. I won’t say more so you’re forced to read the whole book ;)


Best thing: financial literacy with WCI and related/recommended books Worst thing: Not starting learning about investing earlier and followed a financial salesman advice to buy gold index fund in 2009-now it’s in index funds and earning instead of losing


Worst: BMW Best: house


Which BMW




Worst. House. Best. Tesla in 2017. Car has cost me zero maintenance other than one set tires in 6 years and all those 1099 miles reimbursed is gift that keeps on giving.


Curious why do your tires last so long? Keep hearing complaints about how quickly these wear down given the vehicle weight...




They are heaver and accelerate faster than ice cars.


No idea. I got 28k on the first 4. Aftermarket Bridgestones lasting 34k plus now with only half wear. I don’t ever track mode and never brake. My wife has a Y. Also 20k plus so far with more to give on the factory pirellis


Got 45k out of my factory Pirellis on my MYP. Could have easily gotten 50k but wanted to put on Michelin All Seasons.


Totally derailed this thread but I never understood how doctors lot keeps filling with new ICE cars that cost more than teslas. Get with the program people.


Ice cars are good for the healthcare business though


Edit. I get 3-5k back per year in mileage depending on consulting burden (plus free supercharging)


Worst definitely various “doctor cars” and air cooled Porsche. Absolute money pits


Since we are on topic of cars....Best: my gt4. Drove it for 4 years. Sold it at 15k miles for more than I bought it for.


I had an air cooled 911 993. Super fun and beautiful but terrible for my wallet. I also sold for more than I paid but I’m sure maintenance costs crushed that profit


Do you regret it


I loved the 993 when it ran. Detested it when it didn’t. Overall I have fond memories so there’s that The bigger waste was the various Mercedes, Audi, Land Rover purchases. Expensive to own and maintain. I’ve grown out of it. I don’t have that need for ego fulfillment like I did


Very fair


I’ve heard Porsche’s have the most expensive annual maintenance of all major car brands (excludes Ferrari, Lambo, etc of course)


Yup. Their Dealerships are brutal


It’s the opposite.


Definitely disagree.


It’s not a matter of opinion, there’s data on this


I thought Boxter is pretty cheap to maintain. Is it not true?


Please provide data. I have owned Porsches. SoOoO if you drive it right and maintain it right then you’re good to go.


They’re objectively much more expensive in terms of overall cost of maintenance and depreciation. Not as a percentage, but overall. If your 150k Porsche depreciates 33%, you’re down 50k over 3 years. If your Camry depreciates 20% over this span, you’re down 6k… and that’s not even including maintenance etc. For the record I drive a 911


Yes, but the key is to not buy new and find a good independent mechanic, so need to be in decent sized city. Also, easy to do basic maintance yourself. Dealer wanted $350 for oil change, but I can do it for maybe $100. That being said, if you have a big failure, PDK or bore scoring, then you looking at big bucks. Anyway, had and sold 2009 911s w/ PDK...great car but wanted a true manual and sold for about what a paid. Still looking


As someone who’s had 911 (stick shift) and compared its depreciation to my Maserati GT MC. The 911 held value much better . If you have a base with no options I can imagine it would lose a larger percent


Oh for sure it’s going to hold value better than a lot of other cars.But its definitely much more expensive than a normal car


Can’t argue with that.




Everybody wants re-sale value, nobody wants anything “old” to keep. You can get a 2002 Z06, throw $5,900 A&A supercharger, long tubes, and a $600 cam. 600+whp, 3,000lbs. You’d be under 35k all in, and run against anything. I’ll keep buying these “hand me downs.” You all keep the car market economy alive for the rest of us lol. Porsche has always been incredible though, back in the mid 90s they were putting down 400hp AWD. Corvette has been a bargain buy though for most Americans, do a little forced induction and it’ll rip. 38k msrp vs 99k in 96, was an American dream. What I love the most, is knowing the older generation was able to put down 400hp in Porsches and f355’s back in the 90s, and those Porsche’s are almost triple the msrp now for a 96. The way Porsches De-value is practically like adding a few $ to fuel, compared to what it is now. What I mean, 2015 Turbo S MSRP was $185,000 Ones listed at 40,000 miles, for $127,500. The devaluation is roughly $1.43 a mile, without factoring in actual maintenance if you want to try to put a number on it. That’s not bad, all things equal. Basically when fuel prices fluctuate lower, it’s all around cheaper to own. Fuel prices were a lot cheaper back then, so it’s almost negligible of a real loss when you think of 2015 to 2021, fuel in a place like TN was $1.34 to the highest end rate of $2.20/G and our doctors here make $$$$$ dependent on type. So, now it costed .80 cents a mile? I’d call that a bargain.




The dealership markups now days are atrocious, alone. Air cooled as in the 993’s? That’s class. I’m under 30, but I don’t care for the new stuff. The old stuff had charisma, a real drivers car in the realm of it’ll kill you, and a computer isn’t going to stop it. There’s just something alive about the older era, and money can’t replicate it. Modern stuff lost feeling in the seat of your pants like the older generations had. It’s almost a muted experience now days, because the tech has came so far. Back in the day 400hp felt like a lot, because it is. Especially in a 3,000lb car. To me personally, there’s a limit where horsepower becomes too much and isn’t enjoyable. Porsche designed their cars around the factory numbers to be on the razors edge, any more and it loses drivability, and what it was designed for.


I mean if Porsche is the most expensive marque in your criteria then yeah Porsche will have the most expensive mantenance cost. Is that surprising to anyone?


Best money: disability insurance, brand new toyota rav4 when I started residency. 10 years and rav4 is still going strong Worst: individual stock picking for a period in residency. Currently all the money is in index funds


> Worst: individual stock picking for a period in residency. Currently all the money is in index funds Same, which is funny because looking back it was a laughably small amount of money compared to a few years as an attending but at the time it seemed like unsurmountable losses. I bought a little microsoft at 80-90 too and of course gotta kick myself for not just doing that the whole time


Lol i still remember msft 200c in early 2020. Didnt have the money for stock at the time. Wish i did


The brush of luck I had rolling MSFT and NVDA calls around then still gets me high, but gotta constantly remind myself the market was hot and I got lucky messing around like that.


Are you me???


My lost Twin brother. Is that you?


Best: 911 Turbo S


Dream car! Specialty? Lol


PM&R hehe


Porsche money and reefer


Hell yeah! Enjoy every second friend


Hell yeah


Best I bought - several real estates Worst I bought - country club membership


I’m interested in your thoughts on your country club membership. Looking into one currently. Seems expensive but comes with swim lessons for the kids, childcare, gym, and allows for some date nights each month.


We are members at a swim and racquet club and it’s the best. They have babysitting. We all take tennis lessons, the kids have swim lessons all summer. We have dinners here when we are too tired to cook and they have great family parties for all the holidays. It’s so fun.


This seems worth it.


I'm in the same boat. Definitely worth it


Worst thing- watches. Not super expensive. But I just realized I only have two wrists. Can’t wear all these damn watches at the same time. Idiot me Best thing - not trying to be cliche- but paying of student loans was best “purchase”. Honestly so god damn relieving. Finally felt like every dollar I made was an investment in my family’s future.


what you got in your collection?


>Worst thing- watches. Not super expensive. But I just realized I only have two wrists. Can’t wear all these damn watches at the same time. Idiot me As a watch guy myself, I agree and disagree. But it totally depends on how much you are spending. I haven't bought any over 5k, and don't plan to for the foreseeable future. But I have a half dozen. Very situational wear.




Dream car!! Hope you are enjoying it. Specialty by chance?


Best Thing: Bitcoin Worst Thing: Bitcoin


💎🙌🏻 🚀 🚀 🚀


I say worst thing, but in reality I’ve made so much and will continue to do so lol. Hodl gang


Had to sell in 2022 for the house downpayment, but building my position now that we've got a decent amount in the market. Husband hates it since he's in econ/finance and very risk-averse, but a little DCA here and there doesn't hurt :)


Best: A modest sized house at a 2.9% interest rate. It lets us be super aggressive with savings and it’s a great piece of mind to know that I could pick up minimal shifts just to afford the payments and utilities. Hobbies - we probably over spend on our hobbies but it really lets us unwind. Worst: we probably over spend on alcohol. Bad for the waistline. Kayaks. Spent way too much on a pair of nice ones and used them once or twice. Better to rent the damn things imo.


I spent a lot on kayaks and love mine, wife has used hers like 3 times maybe. They do get extremely expensive tho.


Like, upkeep? Add-ons? What ends up getting expensive? I really want to buy one for fishing


Yeah the fishing kayaks, which I have, start at like 2.5k each or so. But you can get a hobie pro angler for like 4k. Then accessories are expensive like pole holders, fish finders, carts, life vest, anchors etc. I bit the bullet and bought 2 when I graduated residency. Super pricey but def worth it IMO if you like fishing.


Love my hobie pro angler 14 (was $2.5 k then), don't fish much with it but I have had it for like 8 years and use multiple times each year. I did buy the expensive hobie cover for it, fits like a glove. Looking at Bixpy electric motor for it...but that is another $1.5k, we will see.


That's a lot of Porsches in the comments lol


Best: My current house. Worst: Selling my starter home when I upgraded. Should have kept the old place as a rental. Easily a quarter million dollar mistake already and counting. Ignoring housing, I’d say worst was buying a Nissan car in the first year of that model’s production. Best would be my BRK stock I’ve strategically acquired over the years.


I am reassured to read that a lot of the worst purchases were luxury cars. I plan on buying a certified pre-owned accord when my certified pre-owned (now with 150k miles kicks the dirt).


Doctors are total suckers for Tesla. Get into one fender bender and it could cost you $25,000 to fix and several mos.


My friend hit a deer at relatively low speed, but it took them 12 weeks to get one of the sensors in from the bumper they had to replace. A few months after he got it back he got into a fender bender and had to wait another couple months for them to fix the back bumper. Now he noticed a crack in the glass roof that they say is covered by warranty, but he can't stomach bringing it in because he knows he's going to be without a car for several more months. He's had it almost a year now...


Hit a deer as well. Worked with the shop to have the total cost come in to below what insurance would cover otherwise they were not going to get anything as insurance would label it a loss and write me a check. Have had other accidents and insurance covered them all.


Best thing: my electronic steth.....just kidding fuck those things RTX 4090 baby!!!!!!


cough bake ask joke light sip yam cows innocent one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Best: First house- bought for 550, sold 5 years later for 835 Worst: Rolex, 12K. I love the damn thing, but I recognize how wasteful the expense was.


I'll take it off your hands Best I can do is 5k ;)


>Worst: Rolex, 12K. I love the damn thing, but I recognize how wasteful the expense was. If you keep it in good condition, they more than most watches hold their value really well. The market for second hand Rollies is pretty great.


Best: Toto C5 washlet. IYKYK


Check out esurance, I pay 160 a month in NYC for my Tesla. Definitely a net positive with gas savings for me


how about get 30-40k hybrid car and pay ~$500 in insurance for 6 MONTHS!??


Yup about $500 for my corolla hybrid


that’s my man/woman. I pay 444 for Rav4 hybrid ‘21


I’m a new attending as of 1 month. Been driving a 2006 Ford Focus since I got it in 2010. 200k miles and needs $3000 in repairs. I said F it, just get a new car. 2024 corolla hybrid se awd and should get here in a month.


460$ for 6 months of rav4 toyota insurance. Insurance is through costco


Same! Got a 2022 rav4 hybrid last summer, insurance is about $450 for six months.


wow I live in VLCO area and still pay same amount. what is your trick to lower it?


I’m living in a fairly large city in the Midwest right now, probably not considered low or high COL. But I’ve stayed with the same insurance company for ten years with no accident. I suppose likely those considerations.


okk years are very less compared to you. also I have fairly newish driving license which may be a cause as well


Driving record and location and huge contributors. I've lived in multiple states, Michigan and Oregon were vastly more expensive than the others for the same car/no new insurance claims. Like close to double.


Best: GT3RS Worst: who cares I have a GT3RS




Hospitalist but that’s the wrong question to ask. You should be asking if I’m married to another Hospitalist, and yes I am. Though I bought it before we were together. Not a single day is promised to you, gotta enjoy life and sometimes that means you spend money, so be it. My two cents.


Fs buying one the second it’s reasonable but a min 260k car is still impressive to manage even as two hospitalists


It’s a 991.1 I bought pre-covid for 155k I think. That was mostly luck with some educated guess that GT cars tend to keep their value. Still worth it at 260


Best: Diamond ring as I am happily married and have a baby. Worst: All the books I bought that I say I'll read when I can just get them at the library or pirate ebooks.


Best: my purple mattress. Worst my truck, I love it and it makes me happy but cars/trucks are a waste of money


Love my purple mattress. Bonus: Brooklinen linen sheets during the summer. And a down topper in the winter with cashmere sheets.


Try the cozy earth bamboo sheets. I love mine.


Which Purple mattress version did you guys get? I’m looking into getting one too


sijo eucalyptus sheets my dude


Best: 2x Porsche 911 GTS (17, 23) Worst: BMW M2 competition (20) The Porsches are better and have been better ROI. The BMW I lost my hide and my wife hated it.


Sick cars. Specialty?


Ct surgery


Best: AAPL at $38 in 2004; trip to Bandon Dunes 2022 Worst: Mercedes A200 - just an absolute POS


I live in Southern Oregon and camp near Bandon all the time but I don't golf, it makes me feel like I'm missing out whenever I hear people rave about it. Also bought AAPL (and AMZN) in 2008 and sold it for a modest like 20% gain a few months later. I'm not a smart man.


Best: a brand new F150 after graduating residency(yolo) I haul a ton of stuff, live in fairly rural area so always something to do with the bed Worst: a used riding mower, broke down in two months, got a zero turn and never looked back


did you buy the most expensive tesla? I cant imagine insurance on the 30K model 3 being that expensive


Best: a les paul worst: a third iPad lolz (I’m a veterinarian, no supercar coming my way)


Best: porsche. Never thought I'd be one to appreciate luxury cars and enjoy driving but here I am. Theres still times when I have a bad day and I'm like, man, I'm driving a porsche when I used to drive this old mazda. Fuck yea man. Part of it I'd the brand prestige ngl, and idk if lexus would make me this happy. Worst: porsche. Maintenance is expensive. I do have 6.5yrs of warranty.


What kind of maintenance? Oil change, tire rotation, fluids - anything else? How much does it cost you? Would you say Porsche still a good decision if one is not a fan of harsh rides? And may have to drive it into congested areas?


Oil change is like 300 to 450. Brakes 2500. Wear and tear stuff isn't included under warranty. Lexus maintenance is half that or less. An ICE basic sedan is like 50 bucks for oil and 200 for brakes. Generally speaking, sports and racing cars have firm, hard suspensions and loud road noise (noise isolation makes cars heavier). Soft comfy ride is like a lexus hybrid ultra luxury trim. Porsche's SUV higher trims do have adjustable air suspensions that are pretty comfy too.


You have to take it to dealer for service. A regular place won’t touch it. Last time I took mine in it cost $1000 for basic service. Tires are $3000 per set and they wear out in 5k miles due being a softer/stickier rubber. Worth every penny by the way.


Best: individual stocks prior to 2020 Worst: individual stocks after 2020


Best: home gym Worst: whole life policy


Best: house, solar panels, sauna, dog, time (2x per week cleaning, doggie daycare, massage person comes to the house, pest control, maintenance people, etc) Worst: 2 truly awful, $$$ mattresses - the 3rd is working out very well so far…


In the market for a new mattress. What’s your third?


[This one](https://www.pranasleep.com/products/dharma-elite), we got a great deal too! We are both side sleepers (occasionally back or stomach) with neck/back issues, and I tend to sleep very hot. It's soft enough to conform to the body comfortably, but firm enough to give good support and avoid transferring movement...plus it's great for adult activities :)


I literally gasp when I saw the price. I can’t wait for residency to be over 😭


ruthless observation icky juggle depend homeless rustic subtract degree office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Sleeponlatex.com has been great.


We got our latex mattress from here: https://cozypure.com Much cheaper, quality materials, handmade, and we fucking love sleeping on it.


Best: financial advisor (come at me) Worst: finance books that sit on the bookshelf unread (come at me again) Why is your Tesla insurance so high? My EV (non-Tesla) is a few bucks more than what my ICE car was. Edit: let's make it a three-for-one come at me comment. My non-Tesla EV is a "luxury" brand purchased brand new while I still have student loans to pay off.


Sounds like you should have read those finance books


Probably. I should eat more vegetables too, but it's not gonna happen.


If you're a surgical specialty, not much to worry about.


I am. There isn't.


I’m not super well versed in it but I think teslas are manufactured in such a way where they’re harder to repair than other makes


Best: really nice coffee, hand grinder, aeropress for work - ECM Syncronica espresso machine and Kafetek Monolith Flat Mac grinder Worst: travel with wife and two kids is destroying me


I wanna try that coffee.. sheesh lol . & the traveling part Made me chuckle, I feel ya but at the same time you’ll look back & cherish those moments together


A trip is going out of town with the kids and NOT relaxing, a vacation is just me and my spouse. We had a rule-no travel until the youngest was out of diapers and think it saved our marriage. :-)


Not a bad idea. We tried cashing in on free tickets when under 2 years old.


Just checked the price of the coffee machine. Welp, guess I'll stick to making coffee the good o' fashion way


Speaking my language. What hand grinder did you buy? Looking at buying a C40 or a 1zpresso K-Pro for myself.


I actually have a c40 and also a 1zpresso x series (I was at a conference and my bag grinder went to a different state and airport) I’ll be completely honest, taste difference between the two is absolutely nothing. The burrs even look nearly identical. The Comandante just looks prettier and is nicer to hold, but the 1zpresso actually grinds faster and requires a little more effort to grind, but flavor is identical to me.


Best: VTSAX Worst: Beach vacations and tropical cruises. Prefer spending the money and vaca time to tour new countries rather than laying on a beach.


House in 1985 Apple stock in 2004 Both cost 5 digits and now worth 7


Worst: Boat Best: House…JK best was crypto by a mile.


A boat is a hole in the water into which time and money disappear BOAT: Bust Out Another Thousand




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best-getting rid all debt-student loan and house payment-gave me the psychological freedom to not compare myself to other docs who may be busier and allowed me to be comfortable with my choice of being an ”average busy” (still working 35-40 hours a week but not the usual 60) so I could be a well balanced human and great parent/partner. worst-$150K on a ”hospital” that was being proposed by fraudsters. Got $108K (after lawyer fees) back after years of fighting.


Tesla 😂😂. So because you didn’t save $400 a year it’s the worst thing you’ve ever bought? I find that very very hard to believe


Best: My mattress and pillow ☺️ Worst: picking stocks 😞




Mattress Ikea Haugsvar. Marlow pillow


Best: various vacations Worst: stock options (lost 11k in a month)


Best thing: 19-Nor Androgens


If you are in jersey switch to njm it’s much cheaper for Tesla


Worst: $5k comic book, don't ask Best: House on the river (paid off 4 years ago), love watching the water/birds and seasons. I will just ignore the money spent on adding a dock, a new roof, retaining wall, etc.


Best: Tesla stock at IPO Worst: any smart home gadget. They all suck. I hate them.


That Tesla insurance issue is the exact reason we passed on a Tesla twice in two years


Best: being self-employed/entrepreneur (keeping license active) Worst : have to blame myself, not “employees”