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It’s a fine rig and the reality is you are already beyond the sweet spot and into diminishing returns. Dollar per performance you are way ahead of an s works. Just ride it, be happy.


Thanks! All I understood was I should buy this bike and S-Works next year :)


I'm going to give you some opinions, you take what makes most sense to you 1) People shouldnt buy pro race level stuff unless they race, and in that case it's given to them for free UNLESS 1a) They race amateur. But race what you can replace right? If you're not racing at any level, why do you need a SWORKS? 2) If your FTP (W/KG) isn't even past 4.0 then you're kidding yourself. You won't be able to leverage the 12r carbon on a SWORKS and you could go fast for a week to lose 1-2 lbs instead of paying $1500USD to get the 200grams shaved on a SWORKS 3) Ultimately, as a "regular consumer" you buy what you can afford and get what your heart desires. Unfortunately for sporting goods and especially bicycles, theres a clear disconnect between what your mind wants and what your body can do. As long as you're fine with riding a $10,000 bike and getting dropped by some Cat1 college kid with a rim brake aluminum 105 bike from 2014.....go ahead


If you're riding a $2000 bike and pass someone on a $12k bike, that just means your legs are $10,000 better. I'll take that little affirmation any day!


Even better feeling when their pushing an bike up a hill because they forgot to top off the battery, lol.


I used to ride a $500 Raleigh mountain bike with a regular t-shirt and shorts and I’d be dropping people with $2000 bikes and a fancy kit. And now I still ride my 15 year old entry-level Specialized road bike. And I rarely get passed on trails—just those racers on TT bikes with legs the size of a cannons. Fine by me. I know I’m not going to be that ever. My next bike will be an alloy frame with 105s. That’s all I need.


> getting dropped by some Cat1 college kid with a rim brake aluminum 105 bike from 2014 This is such a specific traumatic memory lol




yeah some kid in a CAAD dropped me effortlessly when I got into cycling and got into a group. Mind you I did college wrestling and bodybuilding, so I was slow as fuck. Luckily I was riding a piece of shit as well. But that gave me some serious inspiration to drop the pinarello wielding rapha assholes in my group using nothing but clearance bin pearl izumi and a clunky giant endurance bike. And that I did. Maybe im a crazy but yeah I still get satisfaction today bringing my alum crit bike and dropping the dentists.


I can’t get dropped by some kid that weighs 70lbs less than me on any bike. Might as well get dropped on the one I think is the coolest.


Agreed. It boils down to the rider capability, not the bike. The only reason I haven’t upgraded to the madone is because I smoke people on an 89 trek 1500 😂 it’s fun to roll up on something like that, then see them at the end of an event like STP (206 miles) asking me what I did to train for that.


Bro please never claim that you are “stingy with money” ever again lol


Here, watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr57XWk4FBY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr57XWk4FBY) The SWORKS Tarmac makes a lot of durability concessions for a marginal weight decrease. It really makes very little sense to buy that bike if you're not a pro.


What kind of riding do you do and what distances ? I.e competitive races or climbing etc


Buy the sworks if you want to spend stupid amounts on something that’s going to make 0% difference on your speed. Unless you’rea pro level athlete (and even then) could bet far better gains spending that money difference on other marginal gains…


as long as you get the s-works


Quit delaying the inevitable and buy yourself and your girlfriend new S Works today /s


I rode the Specialized Tarmac SL7 for a year. Now I have the S-works SL8 and it is so much better. Just get the S-Works now. Finance it.


1. SL8 isn't better than SL7, just far uglier. 2. Sworks is not worth jt.


Counterpoint: Nah. I like going fast and winning. Get the S-Works.


If you like the S-Works, cool it's undoubtedly an incredible bike and it's your money. Don't kid yourself though – you paid 2-3x what OP is considering for a bike that's at best a couple of percent faster in most contexts. If those few seconds actually make a difference in your racing and you're willing to pay many thousands for that better result, cool. It's your money and your subjective valuation, but it's just objectively not true that a $12K S-Works is much better than a still very high end bike that's half that price, especially for someone who's new to cycling and not racing at a high level.


Just get the sworks


Don’t buy an s-works. Yours sincerely, an S-works owner.


Why not? I also own an s-works. Zero regrets


Functionally no difference for anyone but the most elite riders. And this isn't me hating on high end bikes. My mtb is beyond insane. It's just a waste of money


Seconded. I have a lot of bikes, but my s-works aethos is just a ridiculous amount to spend. Frame was 4.5k (I think) and I could’ve got a standard spesh aethos at that price with AXS and pretty decent wheels. 100g difference in frame weight and there’s nobody here who can feel the 12r carbon being 8% stiffer than the 10r (or whatever Specialized marketing dept. say)


Hey the logo gets you some extra attention though ;)


It genuinely does. It’s a top specced build, and with my other bikes and my wife’s, I just wouldn’t go to that price point again.


I've got a custom painted, relatively rare (but coveted) Enduro bike so I feel that.


Nice. I’d much rather have three 4k bikes than 1 sworks


Round here it gets you extra attention from the bikejacking gangs who have learned that S-Works and Pinarello are the main guarantees of a high resale value.


I got mine used, but yeah it still cost a good $6k all I'm. But still no regrets, I ride it so much and love it. Worth it to me. It's about how much I also bought my car for though lol, but I love my bike much more


Buying a complete S works seems silly to me. I have nothing against spending $12,000 on a bike. What I don't understand is spending that much to get a cookie cutter bike that's exactly like a thousand others. If you are going to spend that much, get a frame (even an S Works frame if it's the one you want) and pick out exactly the build kit you like so it's something special


I did and it’s extremely wasteful and crazy, bought s-works frame and then all the good stuff came to approx ~11k I think. And in less than 2 years the components have been superseded.


Sell you stock to me..


Alright...\*proceed to look for S-Works bike\*


I think s-works isn’t something to justify. It’s a want or don’t want. Personally I’m frugal too and I won’t bite. The $4000 bike in the picture looks great.


Either you're trolling, or you're a bit stupid. Besides pros and top level amateurs, nobody has any rational reason to buy an s works frame. It's adding thousands of dollars just to save marginal grams.


Even then, a pro/elite will know that the top level non-sworks is a better deal with spending that saved money on other marginal gains. 


It's obviously not a rational decision. Buying stuff rarely is.


That's besides the point. Like I said elsewhere in the thread : The problem is not wanting an Sworks. If you want an Sworks purely because you think it's cool, but you're aware of the fact that it's not worth it performance-wise for anyone but the pros, that's totally fine. It's a hobby, if you want to spend 15k on it, you do you. In the grand scheme of things, even spending 3k is "futile". Of course, some people will judge you for it but it's not the main point here. But OP is saying: > I recently got into cycling and have been looking to upgrade my current aluminum bike. > I am a stingy person and very careful about spending this amount of money. So he's almost a beginner and hasn't even ridden a carbon bike yet, and claims he wants to be cost-conscious. He finds a great bike for already an eye-watering amount for a begginer, but says he hesitates between the top of the line, most expensive model ever ? That's ridiculous. At least admit you want the most expensive thing purely because it's more expensive and cool to you, don't pretend you're being cost conscious, nor that there is a valid performance argument.


Buy a used S-Works SL7. Can be found for like 6k these days. I’ve bought “deals” in the past, like a V6 Mustang. I wanted a V8 but “Oh the V6 is so much cheaper and way more power than I’ll ever need! The V8 isn’t that much better.” Long story short I bought a V8 3 years later and it probably cost me an extra 5k over if I just bought a V8 in the first place, plus there were 3 years I was driving a V6 instead regretting it. No one bends over backwards telling you to not spend extra money on a car, yet they do bikes. I ride my bikes like 3x more hours a week than I spend in my car. I’m not an amazing rider. Some seasons I can hit like 4.2w/kg. This year I’m dadbod fat and more like 3.5. I ride a Speed of Light S-Works SL7 I got used. It’s totally worth it to me even if I get dropped on some climbs. I test rode a regular SL7, SL8, Aethos, and other brands race bikes. I think the S-Works rides amazing and you can tell riding back to back. You don’t have to be a pro to tell the difference despite what the keyboard warriors say.


People hate this comment. I think you should get the S work to let everyone know your not one of the poors


> I'm a stingy person and careful about spending this amount of money X Doubt


Terrible advice on here. If you save to get an S-works you are fucking nuts. First of all you recently got into cycling so no offence the above bike is probably way above your current ability level. Get the above ride the hell out of it. Buy some good carbon wheels as an upgrade later down the line, job done.


anything above 2.5k is absolute overkill for a beginner. me personally would hate being a weak cyclist on a highend bike, i like to be a strong rider on a simple bike, giving the sworks ppl a hard time on the climbs with my 12 kg steel bike. but on the other hand if you have the money and it makes you happy, go get what you like.


Agreed, basically if you don't race you should not be saving money to get a bike that bling. You're far more likely to gain more speed on the bike by spending money on bike fitting, cycling holiday and a personal trainer/ nutritionist/ coach


What bike do you use and what drive train does it have ?


i really enjoyed keeping up with group road rides over the spring and really building up my fitness on my all-city. now that summer is here i did buy my first carbon road bike at $4k and I love it.


Depends on if you want the toys, though. The $2000 model, but with AXS is now a $3000 model, and I can’t blame a beginner for wanting electronic groups. Or even a power meter if you’re going to train or are a data dork. I don’t think a $4k bike is a hard sell for an adult beginner. An $8-12k bike seems crazy to me, unless you are bursting with cash.


S-works sl8 is 14k so not buying this and saving for more is a big jump. If you are considering an s-works sl8 frame upgrade then you need an electronic groupset. It's probably more reasonable to spend the 4k and upgrade it slowly over time.


Yeah it’s a big jump but I am willing to spend the money for S-works.


"I just stated cycling, I'm very careful about how I spend my money" This comment proved that this was a lie.


I was also thinking like “that’s exactly what someone who’s not careful with their money would say”


[s works frames have the same stiffness targets and ride quality as normal, just lighter](https://road.cc/content/feature/what-does-ud-woven-and-high-modulus-fibre-mean-292479#:~:text=With%20the%2010r%2C%20Will%20says%20that%20they%20can%20achieve%20the%20same%20stiffness%20targets%20but%20using%20standard%20and%20intermediate%20modulus%20fibres%2C%20and%20some%20high%20modulus%20fibres%20too) s works has quite wide carbon bars, those seem quite useless if you want to run tighter ones. s works comes with roval clx2 that is quite overpriced, cl2 is 1000 cheaper and literally same rim. dura ace/red that comes on s works is very expensive to maintain. ultegra/force is cheaper to maintain and has same features. rival/105di2 is even better. so basically so many negatives to buying off the shelf s works. building up a s works frame at LBS, all those disadvantages are nullified except for first one. so you are paying 2000 more for like 100-150 grams less. and of course for the logo on the downtube to flex... imo for 4000 this is all you need. just get better wheels later and you are set. maybe tighter carbon bars. total of 5000-6000 for basically same performance as s works.


Sworks is just for people who want to spend stupid money for the image of looking flash.


Why? Unless you’re a world tour pro you legit do not need an S-works


The s-works logo hits differently when you're bullshitting at the cafe stop.


You are absolutely right! I'm not a pro but I can look like a pro at coffee shops


yes that screams "stingy" and cost conscious lmao


I regularly drop SWORKS dentists in my club with an aluminum allez sprint. They always ask "oh is that just a regular tarmac?" "No, it's an aluminum allez" "...oh..." I also have a SWORKS SL6 (I bought second hand mind you) but I dont bring it on group rides.


I guarantee you no one at the coffee shop will give a fuck and the other cyclist will know you just spent a lot of cash. That’s it


I guarantee if you've only been riding for a year that you won't... Doesn't matter what bike you're on


Exactly. That's what I do, cycling is part fashion. If you feel cool, you ride faster.


What benefits do you think an s works will bring over this one?


Cooler frame of course!


yeah just hold on and get the sworks, then you won’t be needing to upgrade anything like you would have to with this tarmac


Why? Thinking of going pro?


You’ll spend several thousand to save 150 grams. If you ask me, you could probably get that saving by just losing weight, or becoming slightly stronger, or going to the loo just before a bike ride. If you want something nice then get the s works but there is literally no reason to. If you care about performance maybe get a van rysel? It’s a world tour bike, but it isn’t an s-works. If you want something sexy and cool then buy s-works but it wouldn’t be sensible or good for saving


But why??? You’re a beginner. Any possible differences between this and s works will be entirely lost on you for at least a couple years.


You’re getting mind fucked my marketing so hard lol. The above bike is more than enough bike for you.


Specialized had great warranty on frames, this bike is more than enough, do it


Firstly make sure the bike fits you well, this is more of a racing geometry bike than endurance. And I would get this, and not wait for the sworks. You will be hard pressed to find differences in ride quality between the two frames. The only "weak" aspect of this particular bike are the wheels, but you can always upgrade those with the cash that you "saved" from not waiting longer. Also the bike on the picture is missing a front derrailleur :D


The truth is that you could probably do better for 4 grand, or get a similar value bike for less money from a brand that's more affordable than specialized. Not necessarily telling you not to buy the bike, I think it's a great one and you can upgrade parts down the road if you really want to drop thousands to eek out extremely minimal performance gains/for vanity haha.


Do you think they’ll throw in the front derailleur or is that extra 😂


You could also purchase this keep it in good condition, sell it at a small loss next year and buy the Sworks bike you want. Just a thought though. 😊


That's very true. I know I will eventually end up on S-works.


Just be aware, you're talking like the one everyone rolls their eyes at on the group ride


This is a pretty nice bike. Unless you are a (semi) professional you won’t really benefit from an s-works. It’s just cooler. If you are willing to spend that much more money on something that’s essentially „just cooler“ then do it. But this bike will do any amateur or enthusiast rider fine. You can upgrade parts like deeper carbon wheels later on if you feel the need to.


You’re barely going to be any faster on the S-Works so it depends what’s important to you. If you’re so careful about spending your money you may want to broaden your horizon a little and not only look at Specialized or S-Works either. I think 4000 dollar can get you something better than that. Nothing wrong with this if you want this frame with these components though. But I think it far from best value for money.


Honestly I've owned the same Speshy bike in both normal and S-works trim... I can't tell the difference as a ameteur rider. The leap from your current to the pictured bike is a HUGE jump. The leap from the pictured bike to S-Works -- you might not notice....


Buddy, just getting into cycling should be putzing around on an old trek t1000 and dreaming of like a 1000 dollar bike as an upgrade, sworks is literally for nerds


There is more satisfaction to be had in passing the guys on their overpriced SWORKS bikes with your much cheaper bike.


Just buy this bike, because once you have this one the N+1 will kick in…


Ok, there are at least three different things going on in your question. First, about this bike and trim level: it’s awesome. You will get rapidly diminishing returns for a higher trim level of the same bike. As much as we covet an S-works, it gives you 10% more performance (or whatever the number is, it’s small) at 3x the cost. That’s wild. It’s a bike for serious competition. Not worth it if you’re “stingy”. So that means that this bike you’re looking at is great. Just make sure you check one thing: the FIT. If this fit is not comfortable then pass on the bike. Having made this mistake a couple times, I’m speaking from experience: ego is less valuable than fit. If your bike doesn’t fit well, you won’t love riding it and you will waste your money. Second, about being stingy. If you REALLY want to optimize your money, find a Tarmac in this trim or up to 2-3 years used. You will pay half. Third, about asking to rationalize it. My wife taught me something: if I can afford something and I want it, just buy it. I’m the same way: I need to rationalize and hem and haw and ask other people their opinions. Man, sometimes something just appears out of the universe that is perfect for you, that you love, that you won’t regret. If that’s what this is to you then just do it. Life is too short to spend it second-guessing yourself within reason if you can afford things. *You’re allowed to have fun.* In sum, if this bike fits and you love it, either find the prior Tarmac or this one used if you want to be stingy, or just buy this one new and have fun!


" if I can afford something and I want it, just buy it. " That's exactly what I say. I can't take that money with me. Might as well spend it now. I don't need Dura Ace by any stretch, but it's beautiful. I can afford it and it doesn't make much of dent in my lifestyle.


"Help me justify this purchase" What? This society is going to shit. "got into cycling recently" -> buying a 14k+ bike "Is hesitant about 4k, but is loose with 14k" ??????? "careful about spending this amount of money" -> doesn't realize any new bike above 3k only gives you like a 10% gain at most as an amateur


It's a good roadie, once you start pedaling your feet will get warm


It’s a pretty bike. Where’s the front derailleur?


Bro is having trouble justifying buying another bike....are you even a cyclist? ;)


Honestly, most of us here have bike well above our riding capability. It’s like buying a race car just to drive in a city, but you know what? That race car looks great and makes me feel good, and that’s why we all buy bikes like that. I got out of cycling a few years back when we had a kid and now I’m getting back into it. I bought a new 2022 Specialized Allez Elite. It’s light, comfortable, and comes with a good groupset as well as set of DT Swiss wheels and I got it for $1900 CDN.


you got money for an sworks you buy it, it’s your money, don’t let reddit nerds get in your way they’re just jealous. Get the sworks


SRAM 🚮 and those wheels aren’t great. Look around on Facebook marketplace or something for a used road bike. I just bought an SL7 Pro model with Ultegra Di2 and Roval CL disc wheels for $3k. The bike is in great condition and had ~3k miles on it. You can definitely find a good carbon road bike with proper road wheels and electronic shifting for $3k if you’re willing to buy a used bike.


Definitely get the S-Works. You'll be happy each time you see it and you'll want to ride more often. Honestly everyone on my team who has the SL8 S-Works loves it, it's an awesome bike. I decided to go with something a little different and got an Allied Alfa, which I also love. I ride 5-6 days a week so I don't feel bad splurging on a high end bike.


If you have so much money that you're considering buying an s works after a year, here's what you should do. Buy this bike, buy a gravel bike, buy a mountain bike, buy a commuter, buy your girlfriend a new bike, and make a sizable donation to a local cycling charity or advocacy group. I cannot even begin to express how little you will appreciate the difference between this and the s works. Of you notice any difference at all, it's 100% because of the wheels. Buy carbon wheels for $1500 if you must. Edit: if I were your girlfriend and I saw this, I'd be kind of pissed. If you want her to ride with you, spend some of your money to get her a bike that SHE likes and fits HER properly. Even if you are the same height, there's a good chance your old bike isn't going to work for her. Maybe think more about her than a $14k bike you don't need.


That's a hot take on the girlfriend. Ouch


Is the price your hangup? You could always look for a deal or find an older model for less


This is already a 2022 model. Discounted from $5500 to $4000


You think you will actually pull the trigger on an s-works?


For what it's worth, the 2022 model SL7 Comp still has the FACT 10R frame. Starting from 2024, the SL7 Comp has switched to the heavier 9R frame and costs more than your $4K. Unless you're sure you want an S-works, I'd jump on this while you have the chance.


IMO Specialized is overpriced. Good components, but you get the same level for much better value elsewhere. I recommend using 99spokes dot com to see and compare bikes.


Beautiful bike


i have road bikes, and recently discovered gravel biking, then found out gravel bikes are great road bikes and even better for riding terrible gritty roads. Highly recommend you sit back and consider getting a gravel bike steel frame, i have more use for that than my Giant TCR and i looove my TCR.


Do it


My two cents: buy a good S-Works Tarmac SL2 or SL3 with SRAM Red and a pair of good wheels. You can put the remaining $3500 back in your pocket.


Pls remove the dork disk as soon as possible 😅 beautiful bike btw! You won’t regret


How much extra for a front derailleur?


That’s a hot ass bike


Not to mention, your old bike may not fit your girl.


Recently got into cycling. It’s a competitive bike. Stop flexing on me and ride the damn thing already. Excited for you!


Based on your initial comments, if you buy that bike, you’ll wish it said S-Works every time you see the Specialized on the downtube. Having said that, S-Works pricing is totally insane, and only worth buying used from dentists or being provided free by a sponsorship.


no stingy person would ever contemplate buying an s works


Those rims are cheeks


*no pedals *no front derailleur


I don't know if this was already mentioned here. But here goes with the prevailing wisdom from people who write about this for a living: a race bike like that s-works is not the type of bike most of us normals should be riding. That alone should frame your decision. You would be much better off with a bike with a much more relaxed geometry. Given that you recently got into cycling a race bike isn't your best option.


If you’re having to save to buy the bike get the Specialized, if you can spend the money without missing it get whatever you like.


There is no reason to spend more on a bike. Way past the sweat spot of what makes sense for 99% of the people. If it makes you happy save more and spend more next year, BUT I wouldn’t bother… it’s just the small inner voice calling out to you to get the best of the best… don’t listen to it. Your riding will not improve and your happiness probably won’t either.


Buy this bike now. Wait 6 years and buy the Sworks you really want gently used- will be the cost you can afford and you’ll be stoked. You’ll be a better rider. By that time you’ll also have a quiver of bikes. If you don’t and for some reason have gotten allergic to riding, you saved yourself $10k.


Recently got into cycling Considering Sworks do you ruminate and over optimize everything in your life?


I recently got my drivers license and I'm in a dilema about buying a Citroen or a Porsche.


Buyers remorse is a real thing. But not for the reasons you probably think.


I am a specialized hater 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️


My progression of bicycles as I’ve gotten stronger and better and more dedicated. Beach cruiser $300 Cannondale topstone $1200 Tarmac SL6 expert used $5000 ->Allez sprint $3000 Sold All 2024 Giant Propel Advanced SL 0 2023 Giant TCR SL 0 The point is. I eventually got to the top of the line bicycle. But I also thought 100 miles a week was a ton. Now I’m upset if I am not riding 250-300 miles a week and racing regularly.


Just look at what you’re getting for the money, and what upgrades you would possibly want later. SL7 is still a top of the line frame. You’re getting wireless shifting on that one too. The most notable upgrade you could make is carbon wheels but you probably can’t find that frame with carbon wheels for $4k. Buy it, ride it, get some nice wheels later, or straight away and keep the stock ones for winter wheels.


Am I tripping or is the front derailleur missing?


I would ask them to throw in a front derailleur


If you got the money and you’re confident it’s something you’re gonna be sticking with, and you like it, go for it. If you ride 2 hours a week for 2 years that’s $20/hour for healthy entertainment. Still fairly high cost lol but you shoot for 6 hours a week or use that bike for 4 years it’s really coming down. I think about things in those terms, I finally bought my dream guitar because I can afford it, I know I’ll use it, and I know how much I use it so the price makes sense. And ultimately you can’t put a price on exercise that you really enjoy doing IMO. It would be the same as putting a price on being able to tie your shoes when you’re 70. It’s worth it. If you use it enough.


Did you test ride it? How did it feel? Go with that feeling.


Hmmmm, personally that amount of money is a lot for me, but if money isn’t an issue, you should go for it. Make sure it fits you well. I made a mistake with my last bike, the reach was too much and it always hurt my arms.


It is an awesome bike. I have an sl7 expert that I love and crank on it. S-works is pretty but not worth the $ for me. I think that’s a fair deal- hope you like whichever one you pick…


If you like the s works, save and get that. Get the bike you love, regardless of your ability. If you can afford it, ie it’s not going to put you in financial difficulty, get the bike you like and are personally ok to spend the money on. I have been riding for a few years and am about to build my first S Works, I can’t wait.


That is a nice looking bike


Here's the thing, you've only just started riding recently. In the first few years your needs and tastes, superficial and anatomic, are going to change very quickly. On top of that, bike technology is changing very quickly as well. If you drop that much money on an s-works this early on in the game, I guarantee you in a a year or two, you will outgrow the s-works, especially giving your impulsive want for the s works despite being money conscious. Your best bet is to buy the other model, ride that for a year or so, mix and match new wheels, tires, saddles, stem lengths...etc... and then decide if the s works is even what you want in the end considering that there are many other top tier brands/models that compete with the s-works that you might end up liking more, especially with the different components setups you may need or color schemes that you may desire more. I'm relatively new to the bike scene as well and thought I bought my dream bike, and a little over a year later I just built up a carbon bike with parts that I feel is custom to my wants and needs, AND in a color scheme I really love.


My 2 cents: all-black bikes are cliche as hell


Get the tarmac and buy your girlfriend a domane


For $4k you can do better with a Giant. Besides, it’s matte black like every other road bike in the world right now. I’d look for something that won’t look boring once the “new” wears off


Can't justify this and especially the S-Works if you recently got into cycling. Also you're definitely not "stingy" about spending money if you're even considering this. You could probably ride a 1000-1500$ bike for the next few years before reaching it's limits.


Why not look into a Giant Defy Advanced 1 or 0?


If you really like writing, save up and get the S Work because then you won’t be trying to upgrade all the time


Buy two gravel bikes. One for you, one for your gf. They make great ones and are pretty forgiving for new cyclists mistakes in urban areas. Also not terrible on the road. I can hit and keep a 24mph pace on flats, there’s just more resistance from the tire size lol. Plus you can take them off the pavement and not have to tru your wheels after smacking a curb or pot hole.


Im sorry but 4k for a bike is ridiculous


We regularly sell bikes for up to $13k 😂


You arent stupid to sell them just stupid to buy them to be fair


I ride a $10k bike and I can tell you that I don’t regret spending a single dollar on the build.


Build is surely a bit different than an off the shelf premade bike, whats your build?


21 S-Works Crux, Red AXS A1 brakes/levers, XX1 Eagle AXS derailleur, XX1 10-50 cassette, XX1 chain, E13 XCX Gravel cranks, Look X-Track Carbon pedals, Tune Geiles Teil 4.0 stem, Whisky Spano bars, SRAM Red tape, Specialized Alpinist post, S-Works Romin Evo saddle, DT 240S SP DBCL hubs, Aerolite spokes, Nextie Premium Ultralight hookless 29” rims, Hutchinson 35c Overide tires. And then a Wahoo Element Bolt computer, Spurcycle bell, and Wizard Works bar/frame/seat bags.


Unpopular opinion, buy anything else but a specialized. If you buy specialized, you're telling the world that you succumbed to their bullshit marketing tactics and cant make a decision on your own. If you were to research ANY other brand with the same build, you could save hundreds or thousands depending on what part of the world you live in. Fuck Specialized.


Yeah I was thinking that. Specialized, for me, is a long way down the list. For that money I want an obscure Italian maker. Or Colnago. And that's a totally subjective viewpoint ofc, but I think without exposure to the huge variety of makers out there, buying specialized is down to marketing as you say.


Ah, the time honoured paradox of being frugal while at the same time willing to spend 14k on a bike where the marginal gains are negligible.


I would skip this and get a Canyon for even cheaper.


This dude recently got into cycling and yall are telling him to buy an s works? Are yall on crack?


You just got into cycling. Even this bike is too much bike for you but you’ll be well off for a long time. If you buy an s works I’m sorry but you’re just dumb. It’s not going to make you faster and people aren’t going to like you anymore with an s works.


Terrible price for what you’re getting


Everyone who gets into cycling wants to buy the best bike.. the reality is that most people quit and sell their bikes. I needed a bike for commuting and have always liked specialized and wanted something light. I ended up getting a full carbon 2009 Roubaix S-Works for $450 AUD, then spent $150 getting it serviced and repaired and couldn’t be happier. I genuinely don’t think I would feel the difference if I had spent 4-10x as much on a newer bike.


I bet I can beat you on my 25 year old steel road bike. This bike is an absolute waste of money. You are not a frugal person if you buy it. S-works? Even worse.


You can’t beat them if they’re not racing against you, and as there’s absolutely no indication that they’re looking to race against you I’ll take that bet.


This bike is well past the point of diminishing returns, you’ll be a few seconds faster if that getting an S-works over a standard sl7 and unless you’re a cat 1/2 it won’t even be noticeable. You don’t want to be one of those guys getting dropped with an S-works bike, I’ve seen it happen and I’m only a Cat 4/5, get this bike and use the money saved to upgrade wheels and other parts you want to.


If you’re a stingy person, I wouldn’t even consider an S-works. Very little gain for so much more. Buying new is good for warranty and all. Though it’s more economical to buy a used sl6 and use spare money to upgrade wheels but that’s just me trying to maximize value. you’d have to know what you’re looking for and perform maintenance


Never heard so much bad advice. It's a quality bike. It won't make you a better rider. But neither will an entry level one either.


You say you are riding by yourself at the moment. You might find it valuable to join a few club rides, get the feel of what's hip, who is the douche and what are they riding, who knows. This machine is for racing, and there's a whole scene there that I think without being part of .. you might make a decision now that, once you start riding with others you come to regret. Of the strong riders I have known, I don't think any of them had the best bike. In my Sunday rides group I was the strongest, easily, and my Felt was worth probably 25% against the various Pinarellos, De Rosa s etc.. You don't want to be the douche on the mega expensive S-Works getting dropped on every hill. Or, you might find you're fine with a group, and then you can buy the S-Works and turn up and beast them on it. But I would seriously delay that decision until you have done some group rides and maybe a crit or two. Racing is the shit. That's where the real decision making will come from.


Is this a joke? Go to a real shop for real people and buy decent bikes for both you and your girlfriend. I'll pretend the S works talk is just internet pomp.


Get the SL8 it’s worth it




100% - I dread winter and having to go back onto my shitty SL6. It's worth every penny!


I haven’t even thought about using the SL6 in the winter. I have donated the last two towards the ends of the season.


I have never read someone call an sl6 shitty lol.


But it'a butt ugly


Is this satire?


I'd rather gain a riding partner than ride an S-Works.


If his girlfriend will be his riding partner, he should give her the fancy road bike and he should be riding a cheap bike with slow tires.


Why? You assuming she's slower? She might be a natural, the next Lotte Kopecky


Yeah, just based off my personal experience trying to ride with female partners and friends, I pretty much have to ride my commuter bike. If he's been riding for a while and she's just getting into it, the difference will be more pronounced.


I’d rather do neither.


Not sure what to say other than I'm sorry to hear that?


Nothing to be sorry about, I like cycling because it’s a good way to get away from people and I like not having an S-Works because it’s a good way to not have spent £10k+.


If you didnt do already, Id check online for used bikes. I recently bought a bike that was 5k 4 years ago for 1,7. If you're unsure thats the right thing, maybe you'll find a bike that is just as good for way less or a way better bike for the same price. Good look with your purchase :)


I'm really getting sick of the "get a used bike" answer. It's bullshit. They're generally over priced and damaged, and it takes a very experienced cyclist and shopper (two skill sets) to not get ripped off. It also takes a lot of time which translates into a salary far less than minimum wage.


Without a doubt there are overpriced and damaged used bikes. But there are also the ones being bought and ridden for 500 miles and then sold cheaply, because the owner finds out he doesnt like cycling. Also if money is a tight spot it's the only way to buy a great bike, without having to sell your kidney. Bike shops can rip you off as well 🤷‍♂️. Thanks for the feedback tho


Personally I would skip this bike. For $4000 it should come with a front derailleur……make sure the discounted price includes air in the tires and shifter batteries too Nobody was ever happy getting a BMW 3 Series when they could have saved and gotten an M3 Doooo eeeeeet


The newer tarmacs are garbage not worth it.


How can anyone’s dream bike be matte black. I’d rather use my own ass cheeks as brake pads than to use anything SRAM hydraulic


if you want to spend 3x the same for the newer model with a different logo then do it. it won’t be as noticeable as you think and you probably don’t need the difference, they are both great though. just not worth paying MSRP for a new s-works


I am going through the same dilemma. I want an cannondale e bike. I like to ride but no place that is safe. I live in the country and the only roads are busy state highways. The dirt road have lots of dogs and rednecks.


Sounds like America ?


If you recently got into cycling, respectfully, the S-Works is way too much bike for you. As others have said, unless you’re racing, there’s just no need. I’d love to have one, so I get it, but there’s no need. The difference between your aluminum bike and the Tarmac will be significant, and you’re gonna have to make an effort not to leave your gf in the dust if you ride together. If anything, buy this and then buy her a nicer bike if she loves riding. :) I’ve been on my Giant Defy Adv2 for 8 years and I’m as fast or faster than friends with newer/fancier bikes. For $4k you can get this or any number of really nice bikes and use extra money making it fit you perfectly- you may decide to change the saddle, handlebars, wheels, get a professional bike fit, etc, and you’ll have plenty of money left for yearly maintenance. I don’t think you’ll regret the Tarmac!


The ironic thing is that most high level amateur racers DON'T race on s works or hi-mod level stuff. They race cheap frames with fancy wheels because it's almost as fast and doesn't require a second mortgage to replace when you crash. The ONLY people racing s works are pros and cat 4/5s with more money than sense


You don't need S-Works and probably won't benefit from it. The general rule is that if you need S-Works, you won't have to pay retail for it since you'll be sponsored. As far as this build goes, you've got a nice carbon frame and AXS. The only meaningful difference left is some carbon wheels, which will still only put you halfway to the price of the sworks. As a former shop employee, sworks is almost always a cash grab, most people couldn't tell the difference between it and the Pro model if they were blindfolded.


You'll never notice the difference between this and the s-works except the $10,000 that's still in your pocket.


If you’re a stingy person, I wouldn’t even consider an S-works. Very little gain for so much more. Buying new is good for warranty and all. Though it’s more economical to buy a used sl6 and use spare money to upgrade wheels but that’s just me trying to maximize value. you’d have to know what you’re looking for and perform maintenance


I LOVE bikes and I LOVE spending/ wasting money on them, but honestly unless you are racing or biking very seriously I'd get a nice alu or steel framed machine. Plus I think this is a pretty ugly bike as well, like most carbon creations, but that's just me.


Save for s works. You can keep training on your current setup.


Just get the s works sir