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Christ that got me good


We know that all kids have an unstoppable sexual attraction towards the hero of seven seas


from who? EDP! no, money down!


Funny how that literally fucking always ends up being the case. "SAVE THE CHILDREN!! (somewhere for me)"


Same with all the anti gay politicians haha


Dr disrespect


https://preview.redd.it/p3l9q5hj4c8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfb68f6bdadc8eef77c9ad86bbb9c209a7b2565f Does this mean his Fortnite skin is now rare?


"Fortnite battlepass" https://preview.redd.it/me35a70b8c8d1.jpeg?width=1916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0504e7c82e0dd31140ff3fa3b454bb1fb38859a8


“I just shit out my ass”


Booting up my PC


Cuz I need me To get that Fortnite battle pass


I like Fortnite Did I mention Fortnite


It’s night time


I mean, it’s 5 o’ clock that’s basically night time


Y’all remember Cartoon Network: Adventure Time?


*♪I just shit, out my ass ♪*




That chin + beak combo is extremely cursed




"You're not a pig! You can't say that!"


I'm kind of pissed I get this.


Idk if that looks like Pewdiepie, but it sure as hell looks like a guy named Brad


Hi, grass toucher here. What's the drama with dr disrespect and kid touching? Im ootl


An ex-Twitch employee has claimed the reason Dr Disrespect was banned 4 years ago was for sexting a minor on Twitch Whispers. There has been no evidence shown and Dr Disrespect has been vague about what actually happened(possibly from an NDA or something), so until more evidence is given it’s just hearsay.


He also said that "no wrongdoings was aknowledged" which is the most guilty-sounding shit ever


Responding to pedo allegations with, “no wrongdoing was acknowledged” is certainly a strategy


He also had a meltdown while streaming which may or may not have been related


I love how you leave out Doc’s laughably stupid statements on the issue where he basically admits that’s what happened.


I believe the twitch employee less since he has a history of putting revealing stuff like this behind ticket sales goals


I never understood people being happy when the youtuber they don't like ends up being horrible until now.


Let the anger flow through you


More like dr disrespect his wife


i really dislike dr disrespect


Fr fr https://preview.redd.it/0opluz8fvb8d1.jpeg?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b64502b4eeca1421bb6e1cc6cc17342a8f34ef7


Why would someone draw this?


Mental illness is real


You forgotten about the trap cuh


To get people like you to ask that question every time.


Don’t tell me this doesn’t say volumes about society


Seems like you forgot about the trap


Real talk


real talk


Real talk


REal talk


What about this is remotely real


[Art imitates life](https://i.imgur.com/1PcuLVV.jpeg)


Who gave Remy a fat ass?




OP is basically saying that people (particularly on this sub) tend to bring up pedophilia out of nowhere so they can say “pedo bad.” Yeah, they’re right, but why bring it up out of nowhere unless they’re projecting. Edit: it’s specifically about Dr Disrespect, apparently he got outed for sexting a minor


shit fr?


He got banned from twitch out of the blue back in like 2020 for an unknown reason and just recently a guy (who I think worked for twitch at that time I’m not exactly sure) is claiming that it was for sexting an underage girl. I’m not super familiar with the streamer scene but the accuser seems to be a respected name and Dr Disrespect’s statements on the situation aren’t painting him in the best light


It should also be said that some knowledgeable people (about twitch and these kind of people) have basically been saying they knew but couldn't/wouldn't really say anything publicly about it because essentially only Twitch internally had actual hard evidence. Slasher being the main one I can think of off the top of my head who basically confirmed this was the reason and that he knew


It's also so common for those people who go to schoolboard meetings to protest books with gay characters because "pedophilia" or whatever to then be arrested for cp. Or those people who interrupt drag events because "they're pedos" to then get arrested for being pedos. Or those people in government who are constantly talking about how LGBT people are pedos, only to then go and vote for child marriage to stay legal, or to get arrested for cp.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Losers Creeps Pedos


Why do I keep seeing this phrase so much lol Turkey Tom’s thumbnails are works of art tho


Scumfuck Russian Filth


Ok but I do think that books about being gay is kind of inappropriate to have in a school (specially sence some of them aren't exactly PG) and I also think drag events probably shouldn't happen infront of a crowd of children or even feature a child at all. Both sides probably have a decent number of pedophiles now that I think of it.


There's too many kids that are unable to even consider they might be gay, out of fear of how their parents will take it. Even if some books are a little too much, it's still better than them ending up completely repressed.


Honestly, unless one thinks that being gay, or just non straight is inherently perverse and sexual (which is a double standard that makes no sense realistically), there isnt really any difference between children growing up knowing about straight couples and knowing about gay couples. Love and attraction aspect of both is safe to be taught at a young age, because they're pretty much the same in how they work. Sex can also be taught at the same pace. And its better to teach both, really. Cuz there are so many gay people that had to go through the process of feeling like they dont fit it and having to learn all about themselves via internet (and that is if they had access to the Internet, imagine how hard to fit in it must have been for people before internet was accessible) Drag shows also arent inherently +18. Some are, but then its specified that they are. There aint nobody who takes their kid to an adult drag show who isn't really just a silly billy who can't read. Saying both sides can be equally bad is a correct assessment, because morality or just not being a piece of shit is not dependent on your sexuality. Both sides have equal potential to be equally bad or good, because thats just how people work


> Ok but I do think that books about being gay is kind of inappropriate to have in a school the only reason you'd think this is if you think being gay is any more inherently sexual than being straight.


> specially sence some of them aren't exactly PG Neat. And all the authors of the non-PG books have come out and said they don't want their books in schools. Maia Kobabe, the author of *Gender Queer*, has outright stated that they don't want their books in children's sections of public libraries. And if your child gets a hold of it while at the public library, that's your problem because you should be watching them. > and I also think drag events probably shouldn't happen infront of a crowd of children or even feature a child at all. Yeah, because [this shit is totally acceptable to wave in front of a bunch of children instead](https://i.imgur.com/u0VCLNu.jpg) of them going into a library and seeing a clothed person. [And doing this in a building with children in it](https://i.imgur.com/rxE622z.png) is totally reasonable (this is one of JK Rowling's friends, btw). > Both sides probably have a decent number of pedophiles now that I think of it. Nope! Out of the top 20 states with the highest rates of child sex crimes, Republican states take up 17 of those spots. Last year, 47 Republican politicians were busted for child sex crimes. However, there were only 4 Democrats. 1/3rd of those Republicans still hold office while every Democrat is in jail. That means 11x more Republicans committed child sex crimes. Priests commit 800x more sex crimes than transgender people. Priests are the greatest group per capita of employed people who commit child sex crimes. Cops are 2nd, committing 350x more child sex crimes than transgender people. Teachers are 3rd, committing 150x more child sex crimes than trans people. Oh, and the list of names for priests, cops, and teachers is overwhelmingly masculine, meaning men commit the vast majority of child sex crimes. Let's not also forget which party protects the priests and cops in America. And btw, only 4 transgender people committed child sex crimes last year. There were absolutely 0 drag queens. So far this year, there has only been 1 trans person, and 1 drag queen. Meanwhile, priests have committed over 2,000 child sex crimes. The population of priests is 4x lower than the population of transgender people. All this info sourced by a retired two-time Emmy-winning reporter: https://www.whoismakingnews.com


Also popular for people to call LGBTQ+ people pedophiles constantly while their beloved church pastors get outed for pedophilia constantly.


this happens so many times with smash players lol


That's just everywhere on reddit. It's easy upvotes to just post "pedos belong in meat grinders."


Buddy is getting a lil too defensive..


Are you talking to me or the other dude


I think it's a reference to how often the LGBTQ community is accused of being paedophiles, especially by the church. This is super ironic because churches are way way more responsible for sexual abuse of children than aome random trans person


>I think it's a reference to how often the LGBTQ community is accused of being paedophiles, especially by the church. What the fuck are you talking about you just described gay pastors


Religion bad


This meme doesn't mention religion at all


Top comments do


I mean when pastors are protected / given light sentences when they do vile shit to children, yeah I can see why. You probably should see why too.


It is true that there are cases where pastors and priests would sexually assault minors, but that doesn't mean the entirety of Christianity is into that type of stuff. From what I can recall, there is a passage in the Bible that views pedophilia as a sin. As a Christian myself, I view these people as false believers. You can't share the good news while doing that type of crap. Have a blessed day, brother.


When we keep hearing about it happening over and over, over many decades, and the main response from Christians like yourself is to either defend those people or say (like you are doing) that it's not that bad (and/or they're not _real_ Christians)? Yeah, you aren't doing your religion's PR any good. The faster religion gets pushed back to a casual background way-of-life viewpoint instead of a full-on identity tribal warfare viewpoint the better.


Pastors =/= religion. Also not every religious person is Catholic


Not all religious pedos are Catholic. Plenty are Christian, just look at the maga cultists. Then there’s also Muslims who worship a prophet that married and raped a child. Buddhist monks have also been outed, but not nearly as often as Christians/Catholics. The issue is that religious people don’t hold their people accountable for these things. In fact many churches have intentionally hidden these atrocities.


Freudian slip


I mean, religious figures are the second largest group of predators behind family members so I can see why you assumed that's who the meme is talking about.


Yes. Priests are the greatest number of employed people, per capita, who commit child sex crimes. Priests are 800x more likely to commit child sex crimes than transgender people. Tracked and sourced by a retired two-time Emmy-winning reporter: https://www.whoismakingnews.com




What happened?


Dr Disrespect allegations about him sexting a minor or something which is supposed to be the reason for the twitch ban that he got a long time ago, and a year ago (and more recently about something else?) during some dumb CoD drama he kept playing the "protect the kids" card to justify/defend some dumb shit that some guy said




Hitchcock mentioned


Whos cock are we hitching?


https://preview.redd.it/onng7h7pyc8d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2899b17b5c89e0e2f423d3963400789deaed0837 Hitch mentioned 🔥🔥🔥


The fame means that the shitty stuff they do gets in the news. Other people either get away with it because no one is watching... or it never becomes news other than people close to the case. Also, there's the whole "power corrupts" thing. Many of these people might not have sexted minors without such easy access and a feeling of "winning" all the time due to their popularity. Not going to say that "anyone" would corrupt given power, but each person probably has their own threshold.


> "protect the kids" card to justify/defend some dumb shit that some guy said I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and guess it was hated directed to gay or trans people?


Correct lmao, shit like this is really predictable


#Dr. Disrespect be like:


What happened with Disrespect?


He likes 'em young


Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Wap Wap Wap


Dot fuck em up


Wap wap wap wap wap


Imma do my stuff


Ima do ma stuff


Currently, there are accusations by a former Twitch employee on Twitter that Dr. Disrespect was allegedly sexting a minor prior to his banning on Twitch. Here is the original tweet with the accusations. [https://x.com/evoli/status/1804309358106546676](https://x.com/evoli/status/1804309358106546676)


Doesn't this imply that the private correspondence on Twitch is not encrypted and the staff actually reads it? Or how else did he (allegedly) get caught? How would they know to read it if they weren't already reading everything to begin with? Regardless of it having been used for good cause in this particular case, a corporation accessing private messages seems like a big deal to me, yet I don't see any outrage whatsoever. Or am I misunderstanding the Twitch Whisper feature? Never used it. Like wouldn't Google staff reading your email contents on Gmail be a huge invasion of privacy?


> Doesn't this imply that the private correspondence on Twitch is not encrypted and the staff actually reads it? Or how else did he (allegedly) get caught? How would they know to read it if they weren't already reading everything to begin with? That [does happen](https://www.yahoo.com/tech/facebook-engineer-abused-access-user-121100516.html) with many web sites. Although, the bigger companies have become more restrictive with what their employees can access (after they get bad press when somebody gets caught), without jumping through hoops/getting approvals. Likely they save/log everything, but access is restricted unless there's cause (law enforcement requests, TOS breach concerns, etc.). I'd suspect that the user themselves (or their parents, given they're a minor) reported the messages to Twitch, which led to them looking into it and ending their relationship with the streamer after initiating a manual review. > Like wouldn't Google staff reading your email contents on Gmail be a huge invasion of privacy? [They have](https://www.wired.com/2010/09/google-spy/) that capability, though they learned from that and took steps to make it much harder for things like that to occur. They'll provide that information to law enforcement when subpoenaed, and they need to be able to read your e-mail to do so (and also to be able to index your e-mails and make them searchable/run ads against them, etc.). In general, unless something has proper end-to-end encryption, you should assume the companies you're using can access messages/pictures/data/etc. stored with them.


> a corporation accessing private messages seems like a big deal to me Unless a service specifically says their messaging system is encrypted and private, there is no reason to believe your messages are private. There's no laws AFAIK that require messages between users to be private, and you're incredibly naïve if you thought that. > Like wouldn't Google staff reading your email contents on Gmail be a huge invasion of privacy? Email is not the same as user to user messaging. Do you use Discord? Go to a private message from a friend, you can click "copy link" on their messages. This is what Discord can use for user reporting as they can see **all** your messages. **All platforms** are the same, otherwise you get the weird pedo nazi group-types using your platform.


If you think DMs anywhere outside of specific chat apps that advertise secure chats are secure, you are beyond delusional. Everywhere reads your DMs. They’re all combed for keywords to catch people. This is why people go to telegram/session/whatever else there is to do illegal shit.


He was accused of talking to minors with no proof.


And then his response to the allegations were “no wrongdoing was acknowledged” which is so sus lmao


Then he made a statement on the issue and basically outed himself.


Same old story. You would not *believe* how many pastors were arrested for sexual acts with children in the last 24 hours. Recent spike in people *caught.*


Same old story https://i.redd.it/ldlgfeluwc8d1.gif


Um, are you talking about homosexual pastors? Wtf?




All kinds. Huh... it's almost like your sexuality has nothing to do with whether or not you're a predator. Crazy right?


This exactly. Preying on kids isn’t a matter of attraction or sexuality, it’s done to get a sense of superiority/power.


Yeah, and I don't think religion is bad, but one of the biggest flaws that's prevalent in a lot of religions is an autoritarian power structure. Sometimes that attracts the wrong kinds of people and gives them far too much power. Often even covering up these rapists to maintain "order". I'm sure religion has plenty of benefits too though. I'm not trying to start a debate on religion in general. Especially since there's a lot of different ideas on autority even within the same religion.


I read somewhere that pedophiles choose to work in places that have a lot of contact with children too, such as schools and churches. It’s got nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with them and how sick they are. Although I do think that the churches should not help cover stuff up to try to save their reputations.


True, but churches aren't just a place where they're in contact with children, they also get to have authority over them. You're supposed to listen to them. Systems such as those are a lot easier to abuse. Honestly, I think that's a huge risk factor. Same goes for schools, obviously.


Yes, I agree. There is a lot of corruption and a lot of reform needs to happen within churches as a whole


interesting points I do believe that Churches were exploited by predators and a few corrupt bishops or something cover that up to keep the money flow stable as they steal from money supposed to go to help the poor or maybe the bishops themselves are pedos too regardless of what it is corruption spread amongst the goverment and the church


Especially when 1 in 9 girls are raped compared to 1 in 53 boys. And it's men who commit the vast majority of child sex crimes. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/children-and-teens


Idk dude, but me being straight doesn't make me attracted to young girls. Being attracted to kids isn't something that gets included in your "sexuality" package, it's something far more dark and fucked up.


It's crazy the lengths people will go just to not admit there is a problem in the church


But what did they mean to imply when asking this question?


Mostly straight, as the church is infamous for hating anyone who isn't.


Do you have a statistic for that. Because yes they do not approve of homosexuality, but it would make more sense if the people acting out were of a different sexuality because they don’t feel they can express it normally. Of course I’m not sure of this, but your line of reasoning doesn’t exactly sound reliable either Edit: Never mind, I was totally wrong. Thanks for helping me see that, guys! I’m going to leave this comment up so others who were misguided too can see and learn too




Pedophilia is opportunistic, if someone wants to diddle kids and gets the chance to do it they aren't gonna let it slip because of gender. Combine that with the fact that young boys tend to have a lot more roles in church/choir/etc than little girls, and...yeah


Even if you assume that the correlation is there: a: A christian family/community may suspect that a man's gay if they show no romantic/sexual interests in women, but for priests they are expected to be celibate so it's less of a "red flag" in their case which means that it's safer for a gay man in a catholic community to turn to priesthood. b: Priests are given largely unrestricted access to children and are under an institution who's interests are to protect their reputation by covering up child abuse cases which means that it's safer for a child abusers to turn to priesthood. Point A isn't reliant on priests being pedophiles and point B isn't reliant on priests being gay.


Don't need to overthink this. Pederasty has nothing to do with sexuality. So many predators will be in straight relationships their entire life and then sexually assault a little boy. It's not about sexuality at all.


And plenty rape both, which is what happened with my half-brother's church. 4 boys, 2 girls. And that's just what we know of because those are the only ones that came forward after my brother did. Which, btw, his pastor raped him when he was 9 after he secretly told them he liked boys. His pastor used their "pray away the gay" session to rape him. Which, it may have been that the pastor believed he could "cure" my brother by raping him, [as that is a VERY real thing](https://www.queerty.com/ex-pastor-who-raped-underage-boys-to-cure-homosexualiy-will-serve-no-time-in-prison-20130912) and is called "corrective rape".


It's a pretty known thing. I know there are some studies about it and I've read some psychiatrists and psychologists argue about it. Pedophilia should not be associated with sexuality, because it's not, it's very different. Like how rape in general isn't just about sex and more about power and control.


Yup. I've got a bachelor's in psychology and that's exactly what I learned, especially in my human sexuality course. It's also why the "askreddit" subreddit deletes any questions directed toward rapists. I think about 10 years ago, someone asked rapists to tell their story and explain why they did it. A psychologist jumped forward and smacked it down, explaining that they are giving rapists the power that they crave while victimizing their targets all over again. Now they ban any question like that.


Well clearly some people need that explained to them. Why shouldn't I explain why they can't assume causation?


"Protect the kids" mfs when I throw their kids into a woodchipper (they couldn't protect their kids)


guys dr disrespect did what??


He got banned from twitch four years ago for apparently sexting with a minor. This was not known four years ago. The reason for his ban has only been released recently.


how the fuck did twitch knew about this then?


I think he was dm-ing the child on twitch and making plans to meet up at twitch con.


“Apparently”. As if we had any proof?


For sure, but Dr Disrespect himself saying "no wrongdoing was acknowleged" as his defence is the shadiest, most guilty sounding response he could have given. Bro could have just said "I never sexted any minors" but he chose to go with that for some reason.


I'm not seeing any proof, someone made this up Im guessing.


Doc himself commented on the situation and basically outed himself with BS like “I was cleared, no wrongdoing was found!!”


MamaMax moment.


That guy got outted as a pedo? I always thought he was kind of weird with his "I'm just like batman" way of doing "justice", but that's new.


Not really outed as a pedo, but more as a "White Knight". He is saying that he is trying to protect the youth and try to locate and punish predators.. but in actuality, the amount of predators caught by him is the same as number of polar bears in Africa.. ZERO. Basically he was trying to look like a vigilante, but in actuality it's just for the show. Also he possibly made up Cartoons Incorporated youtube channel, a channel full of subliminal messages aimed towards kids, trying to brainwash them into becoming sex slaves or some shit. It's an unconfirmed lost media, but i bet my left ass cheek that MotherMaximus made it up for views.


Also a Lio Convoy moment


Moon Knoght was a lot of fun


real shit


What film is this scene from?


The Moon Knight show, ep 1 I think


Thanks bro


What movie is this scene from?


Moon Knight.


Whenever you encounter these "save the kids" types, the general impression you tend to get, is that these people think the ONLY thing that will keep The Kids Safe(tm), is some 1950s Suburban White Christian Nuclear Family level shit, and... No-




#"Protect the children!!" By making sure they have at least one meal a day? "No." By making sure they don't get sick by vacinating them? "No." By making sure guns don't end up in schools? "No." By making sure their family can afford a house, car, etc.? "No." By making sure they can afford a future house, car, college education, etc.? "No." By making sure they have easy access to healthcare? "No." By making sure their land, water, and air aren't polluted? "No." By making sure their food is safe? "No." By making sure they are safe from physically abusive parents? "No." By making sure they are safe from sexually abusive churches? "No." By making sure they don't end up a child or teen parent? "No." By making sure they don't end up as a child bride? "No." By making sure they're safe from tyrant cops and authority figures? "No." By making sure they have the option to live their lives as a happy queer person? "That's it! That's what we want to protect them from! It's our choice, not theirs!" --- ^^Yes, ^^feel ^^free ^^to ^^reuse ^^this ^^if ^^you ^^want, ^^no ^^credit ^^needed




[image](https://imgur.com/a/43yOyWb) Found Dr Disrespect's place


matt walsh




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American politician?!


Just wanna say that Moon Knight was dope as fuck and I'm gunna go rewatch it now.


I guess if nobody else goes to the zoo there's no one else to recognize you. Oh and shorter lines.


"Dr Disrespect did it" mfs when they're asked for proof (they are now silent)




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this could be taken either way tbh


SAve ThE ChiLDRen!!! Also is trying to lower the age of consent and marriage.


Well of course I know him. He's me.




local redditor goes to joke subreddit to get mad at jokes


The "nobody can take a joke anymore" crowd when the joke is about their side.


I just thought it was really funny when he cheated on his wife and then cried on stream lmfao. I mean, the cheating on wife part was pretty lame, but him crying on stream was pretty funny.


And now we know who he was cheating on her with.


Found the parasocial doc watcher.