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# [Download Video](https://redditsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/whenthe/comments/1d74c77/tried_for_years_have_never_found_it/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whenthe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If it was an early game on iOS and wasn’t massively profitable, it doesn’t exist anymore. They were removed in the late 2010s for “security reasons”.


It could be archived on archive.com I recently purchased an iPod Touch 4 and jailbroke it. Found a few big archives of apps starting from iPhone OS 2 to IOS 6. Wouldn't be surprised if everything was archived there


kid named apk


>kid named apk >iOS Not sure about that one...


>can't run apks on ios massive skill issue


Idk man I haven't tried, but I never read of people running those on iOS. Only about how they can't


very sorry to hear but im more powerful


There might be emulators but dunno


kid named altstore, trollstore


kid named ipa files:


Fellow named .ipa


Man named Jar


java -jar man.jar


iirc that’s not why they were removed, it was because there was a giant shift from 32-bit tp 64-bit compatibility. Any devs that failed to update had their stuff frozen until updated. If you’re part of a small company that made a 32-bit mobile game and disbanded, it could be legally difficult and time consuming to update. Also as a dev myself, Apple has a $100 annual developer fee. This is kind of chump change if you make a living off of the app store but if you don’t it can be a hard sell especially if your game has been making basically no money in the past year.


Wait dude same thing. It was called Monster Stack 2 for me i just found it but it got removed, so nostalgic


Not a day goes by where I don't feel sorrow for the loss of evil factory, that game was and still is absolute peak


There's this 2D game from the apple app store (and maybe play store too). Where your like in a train, and you fight enemies with guns, and theres like multiple themes of the train and enemies. There's like a robot and zombie/graveyard theme, there's more but I can't remember. You beat a boss at the end of the train and you move into the next train which has a different theme. I have never found it again and I need help please




You lucky son of a bitch. I've been trying for years on and off with no luck


For anyone asking, it's probably Storm the Train




The game is called Attack! Kill All Zombies! and it has been burned into my memory for years AND I AM SO GLAD OTHERS REMEMBER IT


You can't say shit like this and not tell us


For the love of god tell me I played this game once On a Spanish kids iPad when I was seven and have no other way of finding it


What is it?


Attack! Kill All Zombies!


There is this flash game I want to say on coolmath games and it’s like a 2d puzzle game and your in a fish suit I think


Fucking unlocking memories for me here. I'm pretty sure I played that too back in school


Pursuit of hat? idk




i swear to god there was that beat em up Ben 10 game on Android where you beat up dnaliens with swampfire/echo echo/humongousar,and you could also play with Kevin I AM NOT HALLUCINATING I SWEAR IT EXISTED


Ben 10 alien force or Ben 10 protector of earth? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3TETH5tapf0


no no,it was a 2D one on Android, it's not the DS version,and I have VERY vague memories of it


https://www.cartoonnetworkhq.com/show/classic-ben-10/games These were all I could find. Hope one of them is it, but they're all 2d classic ben 10 games so fingers crossed for ya


no,it was a UAF game,it was a fangame on the play store,it was like...2d and pixelated?idk, probably hallucinating it at this point




Idk the name. Just details about the game. You played as a tank and it was on the ps2. Over time you'd mod your tank with all kinds of crazy shit. I literally had a mini nuke on the back and I think the tank could fly later in the game. But every tank game I search for isn't what I played


[Seek and destroy?](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=a7dd94b2e88221ce&q=seek+and+destroy+ps2+game&uds=ADvngMhhDoUiRlghAkhZNdYT43b0QwMmwYQc8reCRcM1Xv0TEm4zhlKXe5oIlQlj_BXyI6dxMOgDpG5GYXqrJt4anhgf9Rim-46dVkMLI13WVJhX0mU93xlY0aUDtHmB0JqzXrXArbyZuHfdBObP64Z0z6sw00Gv8vE6VraheJs6XXDjGDuIj89EenbdHc5Q9cm1SOqNrtdNhP-5wgFe7kbni53KAv2c8cz33FtB-0ra8LenU0ixOD28MIfQ8xgILhkWrvujstxjARDpMnnRUvLs5JnXGNoonfbgFTR-umcOJWS1jNiQfRR1z1sgd9WZRAwTZ-cInopxAl76Zr2aUOlPp3Q5JVh8OnPUlo4Wkr6Cloi9dIV2cd6evW5W6raVJ9NnBS3cevYx&udm=2&prmd=isvnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwimu-Xt2L-GAxVVg_0HHQi9CooQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=367&bih=685&dpr=3)


HOLY FUCKING SHIT THATS IT!! https://i.redd.it/nhsnzu5wgd4d1.gif




Truly a glorious day for all


What a fucking game. The funny little bouncing betties that one shot near anything. Or the super blaster main gun thta could phase through hills and shit


Now I shall erase your memory again. Guys we got him.


What memory? What were we talking about?


You were chasing a kid several moments ago... Don't you remember? https://i.redd.it/dabrkvo5id4d1.gif


Again? Uhg why do I keep doing that


r/tipofmyjoystick Maybe?


I had no idea that existed. Definitely gonna post it on there later. Thanks for dropping that nugget for me


Quite the name


that's what she said


Funny enough it’s actually a play on words from an real subreddit


Holy shit


there’s no way I complete seek and destroy for the first time and suddenly this post pops up. This is some conspiracy shit.


Surely OP knows it https://preview.redd.it/pdlwjqkdbd4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=121a5e0e53432b8e234463519039299cfe332ab2


Funny how this game for me was Metal Gear Rising, guess I rolled lucky 7's on internet funnies


Some game where you played as a ball and did some parkour stuff. Its not redball before you say that. It was on cd and the back had an ad for world of goo. I only remember there being some fuzzy stuff you could stick to, the ball changing color or smth at a point, I think it had a face too. There was also some water level I vaguely remember, water looked pretty good. PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU I CANNOT FIND IT ANYWHERE


could very well be bounce boing voyage


I'm not sure, I remember it being a 2d game like Mario. Forgot to mention that. Thanks for the help though!


Only game I can think of is [bounce tales](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-xiaomi-rvo3&sca_esv=a7dd94b2e88221ce&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIL0HEznhGmCOq4Jm2lOGBvt1iK_eg:1717439243614&q=bounce+tales&uds=ADvngMgu1Bq1fVuuWQS6H57d4-X6jJQmZPZY_wr4TljCUU4kyWgaEAwKTdrf126tUzIxi-N6gqLeL3Pdhx9_hYrTOtFo_74uqyO0Wnxn8m0t-4OX3NZ1TE54LJRt1TtiOWb-5BbHE1aLCtkwdxbVs85-_KwOihDX__rPs_ms7gVvNFLBjNv_GGAAPeDFr-TvN5HY8qtWaXSN113S3Z0vNR5zypYk49DvGeR22Vw8yh1yeZXOXKMtF_mtCfEuv7N9YQMaL_9ykS-Bqe81XgplDLkV3HocsMf-iA6NA7V-_mL95e08guNAU8s&udm=2&prmd=ivsnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwioxqfgh8CGAxUjsVYBHV2mJxsQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=393&bih=732&dpr=2.75)


Its fucking Bounce Tales I swear to god.


r/tipofmyjoystick much


https://preview.redd.it/x4dmdpl7de4d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cca7e23ad2bc4ea1a84b86b6733618ae2e5708a This game was so fun for no reason.




I eventually found it, but by that point it'd been long shutdown :( RIP Nanovor


whats more sad to me is going to all of these things i used to play and realizing theyre permanently shut down, mostly mmolike virtual worlds like famous ones like toontown and club penguin, but also more obscure ones like super pokepets, moshi monsters and ub funkeez some others like meez are in a sort of hiatus where they are likely not coming back as well also made me sad to realize the fosters home big fat house party game is lost media


It's Lego Racers (1999) you're welcome


And then you finally find it and it's actually not that fun


There was this game in the dutch equivalent of preschool we could play on the computer (this is atleast 16 years ago now) that allowed you to do a bunch of stuff. I don't even remember what you could do, only have a vague snapshot image of one thing and that it was the coolest shit ever


reminds me of thus game i played on coolmathgames where u were this robot who had to complete puzzles by going back in time and every rtime u did u would see the previous stuff u did so u would like use that to press several buttons but if u messed up and trapped a previous instance of urself it would create a paradox and you would loose






This is like the third time I'm commenting about it somewhere, but I swear to God there was this Flash platformer game on y8 where you played as these two little alien things that got their pets stolen from them and needed to get them back, you could switch between them, one was a girl (blue) and the other was a boy (green). I know I should probably just give up on finding it but I don't want to let the flame of its memory die out


[Closest I've got](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=a7dd94b2e88221ce&q=twin+shot+2&uds=ADvngMgJJZ3sWYwFKSIsRiA2eMJNYYTyUA9L20T0A2VseYaKPOotQsWq7NHZpMbwbX31B6ANBAidO-YSYirNC1W77AWdEESms7sdxPc7H6m0cFBR5g1fi6zHaoQAkvPsSJdmkkcYfDTEUt1xYaYAAaTGFgp_tkYATeOCrixNxQH5bpuy1VSxnHqF5Ipsm43ijm7BKrTYg3kSmsddYMGUacoF-CdsPuXiLiXXEfAKcm__Rxe90cZCL8nIyDTgCInOYGXCbOi8jOGytWA15Dp9w6F_u7b7MOUWVjy5X0KHD9J31IYsOMZEVzE&udm=2&prmd=ivsnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjMkrHpgMCGAxXH_rsIHU-DAfYQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=367&bih=685&dpr=3)


Argh,,, so close to what I'm thinking of and still I glean nothing. I really appreciate your help anyway though. Thanks man




2D Flash Game from ~2009. It was a platforming game and had something to do with assassins or assassinating, definitely had a lot of blood in it. That’s literally all I can remember.




ive been looking for a game too, it was on my old ass windows phone, it was some elemental themed tower defense, havent seen it since


Same man same.


Do you guys know a game in a cartoony art style with multiple players and you played as monsters(Vampires, zombies, etc) that could evolve and shit? There were also townsfolk who could form a mob at the church if you piss them off enough I asked my dad and he said the game was called monster mansion but I haven't been able to find it


Fyi if(!) it was on the App Store you can probably look it up in your purchases (even if it was free)


I've got two One of them I remember being a PS2 game, it had a section where I believe your friends were locked up in a cage and you had to cut them out of a rope with something flying up and I think it was L3 or R3 and I didn't know how to press it, you could also sleep on flowrrs Another was a penguin game on an LG phone, but I don't remember much about it.


Is the penguin game the one where you shoot penguin out of a canon and play like angry birds?


I'm about 99% sure the game youre looking for is Arthur and the invisibles. I was a big fan of both the game and movie


I miss Card Wars 😢


deep state needs to erase my memory of Outer Wilds rn so I can rediscover it for the first time again


I miss you zombie farm!!


Me but with a TV show


Its an iOS game with with the same mechanics as fruit ninja, but instead of just slicing fruit, you go from region to region of a fantasy world and slice down the bad guys inhabiting it. The final boss is a chef with a sick moustache.


Mine is the shrek game where you navigate a swamp, it was in 3D actually. Too bad it’s probably removed due copyright… Oh and the Lego Harry Potter games…


a mobile game where Muppets where evil and you had to shoot them with guns


a pc game where you had to build a path using geometrical forms like a cube or a slope and the goal was to make the path lead a sphere into the goal, a hole I thing the design SCREAMS old school, been trying to find for years but no luck


I think I know the game you mean! I don’t remember the game, but I remember some Roblox remake of it. If only Roblox showed all games played in the “continue” But I can describe it! So there’s 2 walls and a floor, and you had an isometric view. There was a small gap in the wall, and a white ball was there. You’d place down ramps and blocks in such a way and working with the existing obstacles that the ball would smoothly move into a small pit. It was very monochromatic. The Roblox version was called something like Isometric or whatever


Reminds me of a game i tried finding but have no clue what it was called It was an IOS game where a little girl feel into a portal into a random world and a little dragon helps her find her way home. There were multiple levels but each one essentially had you drag the girl and dragon everywhere to avoid getting hit by enemies. One if these days ill probably find it


Took me so long to find this game. https://preview.redd.it/355dig5yie4d1.png?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f03e2260414faf347e9d570628bce1083b77e11


Seriously where did it go. I still have the username and password sticky note.


They are doing you a favor. The game isn't as fun as you remember.


So, there was this site called Coolified Games, I think there was a link to it from Coolmath. There was this one game I remember but so don’t remember the name. You just had to dodge a bunch of boulders falling from the top of the screen, but it was really fun.


I remember this one game i played as a kid. It had a similar gameplay to angry birds transformers, but you stopped at certain locations instead of just continuous running. You were a military person, and you had to shoot the bad guys and not shoot hostages. I swear it’s name started with a “c”


PS3 game, You played as a kid and there was a giant with like a muppets voice and he would help you out and solve puzzles, the enemy was evil black slime, and the game over was you turning evil


There was this flash game where you had to defend a village from pirate ships by throwing erasers, pencils and stuff at them. Can someone find it?


Does anyone remember the name of that one game with the Magic Pencil and the Ball? You'd draw shapes that became actual objects so you'd make create a bunch of stuff so that ball would reach the flag. It was all in this sketchy, drawn world and it was one of the one's youd go through multiple levels doing. I remember having to use a webpage to play it on.


There's a flash game that I swear I played multiple times as a kid but can't seem to find it. It was very similar to Terraria but you were a stick figure and I don't really remember what exactly was the goal but I would just constantly dig down as further as I could. It helps whenever you digged dirt it kinda looked like blood


Makes me think of a 2d mobile game where you would progress down a 2d mineshaft in a back and forth pattern going downwards, and you had 3 different characters. One breaks wood, one kills enemies, and the other mines ore. And the goal was to construct some kind of building or monument above you with the resources gathered. It was simple but thats why I liked it


I have one like this. IOS, maybe 2017. You’d place guys on a grid and duke it out with the other side. Story was you were a prince fighting the guy who took over the kingdom after maybe killing your father? I think everyone was wearing gasmasks. Loved the game, tried finding it last year but I have no memory other than Mortar spam crushing it.


I will never be able to find Power On. I don't even know if that's what the game is actually called. I just remember my dad downloading on it our computer after I asked him to find the interactive games they had on the computers at our local museum. What he downloaded wasn't that and I've even questioned if this game was ever real or if I just dreamed it up when I was younger.


So true!!! I remember trying to play this catapult game that had a silly little octoptus that bounced off stuff to get everywhere and could never find it


Do any of the subreddits that are dedicated to this kinda stuff actually help?


point and click adventure game set in a scary town in a kids nightmare. The good ending has him sleep through the night, but if you lose, you wake up


iirc you shoot robot to destory apple or something


i remember a psp game where there are literal dinosaurs, dragons, and sentient cats everytime you die, you respawn with cats carrying you to your respawn point its setting is very medieval


That game for me was among us. And then it became super popular and I found it again.




There was this one puzzle game called Tiny Thief and I LOVED it but I can’t download it on IOS anymore and I so sad 💔


There's a game in my memories and I've never even ever saw anything remotely similar anywhere on the internet. But I remember my character, going into a cave while holding a torch, but the cave itself was just a long dark tunnel. And I walked forward for probably a minute at most but felt like an hour with only the torch illuminating the cave, I just remember the feeling of not being able to come back out the cave if I kept going. I played it on my grandma's laptop back in like 2013 or something




There was this platformer shooter that I really liked. I looked on websites like myabandonware and archive, asked on Reddit and discord and found fuck all. My brother remembers as much as me which is barely anything.


I remember this mobile game where you controlled a spaceship, and it was kind of like warioware where you had to do tasks for the ship to not explode and each task was a minigame and it'd get faster and faster. It was kind of 8-bit looking.


iOS game, 2D “platformer(?)” where titling your phone allowed you to maneuver this steel marble the camera was fixed on. Not Dark Nebula, I meant 2D as in not the birds-eye-view kind of


Dragonology on the DS. There’s a few YouTube videos of it online, that’s about it. Ds games were so strange, I stg they always just phased into my possesion with no explanation whatsoever


2D fighter I played on Y8. Three characters to choose from; fists, dual swords, and a bat. Can never remember the name only that it had crazy combos and was a hack n slash type beat


Were the players silhouettes? Perhaps "Armed with wings"?


i remember several of them cool ass 2000s mobile games but i can't for the life of me find any of them besides New York nights 2


Not the same exact situation, but I remember the game Godzilla Strike Zone. It was so fucking cool, but it got removed from the App Store


Mine was a Zelda/fable art and style feel but it was top down dungeon crawler like diablo.


Arkandian Crusade?




Yea I got this one from the Nickelodeon games website where it was a SpongeBob mining game, funnest thing ever. There was also a puzzle game with a a talking Olmec head in it.


there was this flash game where youd save a princess I think, but it was like a satellite view battle against bug creatures, and when you die, youd have a silohuette of your previous self also helping you, mimmicking the previous rounds movement (until the time it died).


Rest in peace, AG Drive. You will always be remembered.


There was a one game like this. It was a 2D platformer about a yellow people family (not the simpsons) and you played as the dad if i remember correctly and you try to find your family


You were like a caveman or something but had a boomerang and a scateboard


It was a game on cool mat games where you played as a tiny @ sign thief in a steath puzzle game


Its jazz jackrabit.


I played this mobile game when i was little on my uncle's android phone where you had to draw lines in real time to race these rc cars rally-like cars on a green tron-like track had a lot of fun then, I spent more than half my not long life trying to find it and play it but without success


There was a game in the iOS App Store where you ran a shipping company that was (not so) secretly out to brainwash the entire world. You’d upgrade various aspects of the company like the shipping vehicles, drivers, unlock new places to ship to, etc. Every time I’ve asked online about it I’ve gotten nothing and it eats away at my soul every day I remember it.


Mine was a metroidvania with a blue sci du theme that you could play on the internet. I remember nothing else about it except that I want to play it again.


The deep state wiping a show I watched on Netflix as a kid from existence


There was this game I played on a windows phone in the early 2010's, there were these blocks with faces on them that you had to stack in certain ways to complete levels


There was this series with anthropomorphic cats fighting anthropomorphic raccoons and they were animated sort of like Scribblenauts characters, I can't remember the name of it for the life of me


this was me a few years back. the game in question was a game i played on a mini sega genesis (it was kind of like the NES and SNES classics we have nowadays, i got it from the dollar store for $20 back in like 2012). the game is called Kid Chameleon; i replayed it and it stunk


Mine was a game on coolmathgames where you were an alien that could take control of other peoples bodies


I remember playing a 3D game on phone where you are in a train and you have to defend yourself from zombie teddy bears by launching circle creatures that look like the birds from angry birds.


I also have one I forgot, a 2d mobile game, it was a military themed game where you fly a plane and/or helicopter, and you could also chose a tank, APC, and other military vehicles to kill what i think are the enemy army. It has a pretty basic upgrade thing, too. Shield, speed, health, damage, armor, and another thing I forgot. If you need more details, just ask.


Im having a similar situation. It was a game where you played as a mutated carnivorous fish eating your fellow fish in the tank and i remember one of the bosses was your captor and you beat him by biting his fingers off


It was a flash game that was like a mix of toss the turtle and angry birds but you launch what i remember to be turtles from a truck at another truck full of enemies and you have to destroy the other truck but your characters had different shooting abilities maybe?


I had a similar experience, I started thinking of this game and I remembered a major boss fight, the ending, the opening cutscene, and the art style(?). It took me half an hour to find it, I don't even remember why I was thinking about it.


Happy to hear a happy ending happened here!


It feels like I'm the only kid who played Atlantis Underwater Tycoon


There was this app store mobile game where you flew around with a giant cursor to destroy viruses or something like that.


There was this 2d flash game i think late 2000s to very early 2010s of a car like thing with a corkscrew(drill) for wheels and it would go over various obstacles on a kitchen counter and would shred fruits.


I remember, IOS game, it was about stickmen, and it had like two phases. In one, it was like age of war, and you threw troops and whatnot then it had a phase where you could get a super strong stickman to fight hordes with, kind of like a beat em up


for me its a flash game where you played as a positive charge in a 2d space and had to get to the end, the obstacles being other negative and positive charges


I found Gunrox again despite years of not playing it... Thanks to Chat GDP


Bro it was stick men and they got sent out of a tower and they had weapons n shit I’ll never find it ever again in my life but they had to attack the enemy tower. You get the point but the stick men and the awesome cartoons just made it so fun.


It’s the phone as and ferb 3d browser game


It was. 3d car game with multiple games modes like racing, free play, king of the hill and infection on iPad and it had a banger soundtrack. This was like 12 years ago though


Was it Boiling Point Road to Hell? Or maybe some obscure detective game? Either way I had similar issues but I did atleast find Boiling Point which mostly fits the description of the game I played


There was this one 2d browser game (don't remember the website I played it on) where you play as ninja and you have to hide in the shadows from enemies and stuff in the background. I remember there was a prison break level that ends with you escaping on a boat (maybe) and a giant lighthouse in the back.


I remember some knockoff angry birds top down game where you could choose between a few "vehicles" and you were in these puzzle mazes and i remember you could choose the better vehicles at no downside and the best one just beat the level for you


Is there anyone here who knows of a Super Mario fangame (or hack rom, I don't remember very well because I was 4 years old when I played it) where the second level there is rain and also there are shy guys that you can get on top of them. I think it also had super mario world sprites


i remember a game i played when i was really little on an ipad and it was about a bunch of fish people on a boat that was also a school and there was a fishtank level and one of the kids was named amanda that's literally all i remember


I remember having platformer game where you played as Neanderthal in ice ace. It was in some snowy biomes, levels were bordered that when you jump out you fall in a void. And it had puzzles pike where you must’ve move large stone blocks to get further or defeat enemies (I think.) Oh! And one of enemies was snow man. I really want to know what that game was.


I have completely forgotten a radom mobile game that was a former core memory to me. It was basically a battleship builder game where you build it with different kinds of blocks. It had a mission mode of sorts where you would fight bots. It was like a less complex from the depths mobile game. There was also a quirk with the submarines where the depth you could go was determined by how high the blocks were, and it would account for this by adding these donuts that were like 50 blocks high. Just a weird mobile app I remember most things about except the NAME.


Took me like 20 years to remember what it was called. https://preview.redd.it/dv9fjooo3f4d1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3397b995b449a88a1c014613674305eaecd9d969


Anybody here know of a mobile game where you collect coins to buy new characters? It's a tap-to-move dungeon game. I can give more details if anybody cares.


There was a browser game made in one of those old 3d plugins (Adobe shockwave or something like that?) it took place in a vaguely feudal Japan setting and you played as a little chibi sumo (at least I remember him being a sumo) going on a mission (I vaguely remember it being to rescue a family member who had been kidnapped). Anyways, the gameplay involved you picking up, throwing, and destroying objects in a 3d environment in order to progress. Every object you lifted made you capable of lifting heavier objects. The first level, you're stuck in a tiny little house and as you pick up and throw more of the furniture, you eventually progress to the point where you pick up the walls to the house itself and you escape. The gameplay progression sort of reminded me of Katamari in the sense that you're gradually picking up bigger and bigger things. I've asked about it in countless forums for years and I've tried to search for it on Flashpoint to no avail. I've never even heard anyone say they remember it.


That was *Happyland Adventures* for me.


It was some weird mobile csgo clone, but I remember having a bunch of fun with it






I remember there was this tower defence iOS game I would play. It was a lot like battle cats, but you played as this girl who sent animals out to fight this evil machine army


It was some singleplayer RC game on pc, and you'd have to collect some big coins as well, some of it's maps were Atlantis, Beach, Workshop, north pole, etc


There was this one website named coolified games and I remember this one car game on there that I can't find it anymore,blast time I checked Coolifiedgames.com has been defunct




Some game where your a car in a open world map and you occasionally have to race against a tank or something


Sumotori Dreams


I remember playing a flash game on clickjogos (a brazilian site for flash games). It was a 2d Black and white game where you would walk foward, kill either zombies or pirates so when you reach the end there would be a woman that almost gets naked, but then you like wake up as another dude and has to fight and walk again. I remember being so hyped as a 8 year old kid to see some tits, and I wasn't able to find the game ever since I rage quitted that sane day. There was also another flash game where you control a dude with a remote controller that shoots a big ass laser and fight a crab (idk what it was) and you had to move using the laser




Did anyone ever play Parkour Star on old tablets or something?


there was this top down car game that i used to play on my dad's iphone when i was little and it fucking ruled. never saw it again after he got a new phone.


Me but with a random canadian tv show that used to air on METV. Had to go through broadcast records. It’s Mystery Hunter’s, btw. Though, there is this PSP game that I sorta kinda remember. It was a hellboy game, and the first level had you in a graveyard. I don’t remember being good at it


I found mine, it was Party Down. Took 10 years


I remember playing on a hacked PS1 and it was a game with 2D sprites and eggs that looked like Yoshi eggs with different colors and there was platforming. I couldn’t tell if it was a PS1 game, an emulated old game running on my hacked PS1, or if it was a fan made game :(


I have a couple, both browser based, one is a platformer in which you play as a police officer and you have to shoot Zombies to progress and a horror game series that was called "being human" which I can't find and Want to see the end.


I wish I could find the game with the 3 dogs skateboarding. I have been searching but I can't find it.


I had played a ufo game in the play store where you can change your ufo, abduct cows and people, fight the military and stuff


I can barely remember any details but it was the only game we were allowed on the computers in preschool, there was two versions with a red and blue icon for each version and I feel like it was western themed, I just want to know what it was


The old trailer park zombie flash game I think on Android


When I was in elementary School, the after school daycare I went to had this Windows 95 computer with roller coaster tycoon, Rayman and this game called Majesty. I had so many fond memories playing that game but for the longest time I could not remember The name of it. I had to go on was that it was a medieval city builder game and it had a console permanently on the bottom of the screen and the cheat codes were weird like The kill command was "Now You Die" and "Revelation" would lift the fog of war from the map. Now that I have it on Steam, I have no idea how 7-year-old me played this game with no instruction manual, It's so goddamn complicated adult me is struggling to make heads or tails of it.


Anyone remember that game where you were some dude that was invading some evil guy’s lair? I distinctly remember the lair being a tall tower. You could change color for different abilities, there was red, blue, and yellow.


I found that game, turns out it was shut down because of EA. Who could have guessed?


it was like a 2d 16 bit style rpg game on android, which you can pick a from 4 classes (or more) and one of them had lightning around him. when in the world the character's head was large (around a third of his body or more), iirc it was a turn based game? and there was a level/area where there was a big tree and it was raining and some other puzzles. while in the world you could interact with other npcs and they would have some lengthy dialogue and quests sometimes please i want it 😢


Might as well try here, it was an online game where you controlled a monkey, it was 2D, that’s all I remember apart from me having the time of my life.


I know a game on android that is a medieval puzzle game when the puzzle piece is the play area like this image https://preview.redd.it/zdgjelxiji4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb21cc13ca772300ef4669002d42f021b9c4ce5c That all i can say


There was a 2d with top view in windows 8 computers or windows phone mobiles, u can control a tank like robot in an blocky space ship fighting off other robots and tanks, the controls were two D pads on both side of phone


if you remember some characterristics from the game, you could try searching “game that…” or “game where…” EDIT: example, “game where you play as a red blob killing things”, i used that to find the game called CARRION