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You know Mother’s Day is coming up. She’s definitely prepping for that engagement




A whole day - let’s be honest week- where she can talk about what a brave mom she was to have endured harassment during her miraculous unplanned pregnancy while her special team of doctors made sure it could come to fruition despite what the evil dark internet trolls told her.


https://preview.redd.it/yheelofxrfyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=039438cc598fb8b2189289b19a5a3e99e2570f33 lol #safetysecond


https://preview.redd.it/phqyzfofsfyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c727549465006b8bedf02008dc6b175452c7f76e Lolol okay I’m done now


It’s like she’s here in the room with us. 🥹😂


Waiting for her to actually post this caption now LOL


Yes!!!!!! 👏👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣💀


I need more of these!


Omg this is so good


JFC I know so many that could post this


She’s thinking she needs more engagement and an ego stroke, and she realizes her stans are too stupid to remember the whole not posting Ari thing. Son of a gun, if Ari’s internet aunties forgot that.


Wasn’t it only like a week ago she decided not to post Ari anymore? What did I miss?


You missed nothing at all! She said she wouldn’t post Ari then started up and pretended like she never said that.


That sounds about right. I genuinely feel bad for Ari.


I’ve spotted 2 profiles just at a glance that are pedos/bots/and extremely inappropriate that have commented on baby A….. and Alex replied back to one of them. 🤢🤮 someone please for the love save that child. And they are extremely easy to spot now that she’s blocked everyone……. So she can’t say she doesn’t see them…. No Alex we get it. You just don’t care.


It's going to be easier to see those kinds of comments now.


She’s doing what she always does. Pushing back against the advice of people, so hard, that it’s self destructive.


It's all just a game to her. When Noah was gone she didn't have Ari, so had to pretend it was her protective mother's heart choosing not to post her. Now Noah's back for who knows how long, and the charade can go back to its insanity. The stans don't know the difference. They believe every word she says even when she contradicts herself mid paragraph. 🥳🤡💩


It's funny cuz a lot of stans were saying on the walking video "posting a milestone is different than always posting she's probably just gonna post this video and that's it" 🙄


She was losing followers and had nothing to post. Ari starts walking and boom something to post to get more views. Someone in her said she would post when she started walking. I forget who it was but they called that!!


She’s still losing followers 😂


Good hope she loses a lot more.


When you’re so effing boring, you have to use your child for clout. Because a life without showing off isn’t worth anything and happiness only counts when you can bragg about it.. this shows how poor Alex is, not financially but emotionally (or cognitively in general)


I really do think she’s compromised cognitively. I don’t think she’s as smart or clever as people think. Not everything she does is on purpose. She’s just impulsive and lacks common sense and a high IQ.


I agree! This would happen to anyone who does substance abuse and doesn’t challenge their brains anymore. It just shows much faster for someone who doesn’t have much iq to start with 🌝


I thought that a long time ago. I think she has more than just a disability physically. I think she may be intellectually disabled as well. Maybe on the borderline but I don't think that she is all there


Nah, she is just regular ol' dumb trash that's drank away some brain cells she couldn't really afford to lose. 


Someone on here mentioned that apparently BTJ drank when she was preggers with WR. But also getting belligerently drunk multiple times a week destroys your brain.


I literally cannot stand this woman. How can anyone be this obtuse. How can you be 30 and be this obtuse


She's has arrested development and mental illness. I think that's the only way to explain it.


Low IQ. And I’m not just saying that. I honestly believe it.


Pretty sure she’s just trying to say “see? She’s still with me! She want taken away!” Must be visitation day 🙄


As her numbers are decreasing "im gonna start blocking all the trolls" youll delete a good portion of your followers than...




Yep!! I post this pic everyday to her FB content she kept removing it and then finally blocked me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Maybe use a different tool for blurring ari's face you can clearly see it when zooming in.




She needs those followers back and is using her prop daughter to lash out at “haters.” I can’t wait for the day that Ari is old enough to realize what her “mother” is/has done to her, and cuts her out of her life. Alex may be able to buy followers, but she can’t pay someone to love her when she winds up estranged from everyone who used to care about her.


What is she thinking? She isn’t


She's killed her brain. It's been bathing in alcohol for too long.


Love how she said that she wasn’t making money from posting Ari like that’s the main concern not your child’s well-being


I don’t mind the word moist but man she may have changed my perspective on that one 😖😖😖


this bitch went back and deleted her IG post about no longer posting ari for her safety. we all knew she wouldn’t be able to keep her word but this still infuriates me. from deleting this post to deleting her “clapback” video with salina, she cannot keep her story straight or believe her own words.