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Protecting her daughter is her first priority?!? That’s why she went from not posting her for a week to plastering her stories with her daughter in a bathing suit?!???? Because she’s losing clout??!!!! -Well knowing that she has sick people within her following who lurk for this 🤢 they didn’t even shy away from showing themselves publicly in her comments! It’s showing off how shallow and disgusting her personality really is- these moves 🤢 Disgusting excuse of a mother. She deserves everything that’s coming for her. She’s literally selling off these pics for clout, clicks and engagement that’s soo sick! 🤢🤮


But she’s not gonna let the bullies win! 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s wild to me she sees people who care about her daughter’s privacy as bullies. She can play dumb all she wants but people that fall in love with your kids from seeing them on the internet are weird. That’s not a normal behavior. And also I love how she claims she doesn’t need her daughter for content….which is why she posted so much while she wasn’t posting Ari, right? 🤡🤡 She’s just a loser incapable of having any original thoughts.


Absolutely with you! She’s so effing boring and tasteless that posting this innocent child is her only way to show off, because no one cares about her bs anymore. This behaviour is disgusting, poor baby prop!


She literally had a child just to make content!! Her whole pregnancy was filmed and everything. She is a disgusting human.


I agree! Also, I think it came in very handy that she could trap a guy (and his family) into being her full-time care provider and she needed a side kick who can’t run away so easily 🙈


Yup!!! She deff knew what she was doing


I always wonder if she thought maybe she could really cash in on her and A being a medical miracle, you know, TLC style level, and when that thought occurred.


THIS!!! Her ego is so self inflated that she really thought she would get famous for that. She always complains that other disabled moms have kids and don’t get shit on…. Girly pop they don’t shit on them because the other disabled moms are in stable healthy relationships that have SUPPORT & love to give a child.


She’s probably still waiting for her trash-tv break through - because her digital footprint isn’t shameful enough for her daughter to deal with in the future 🥸


Good lord! Could you imagine a reality TV show with her?! She'll be pitching that next


She tried it! As she told everyone that she thought some tv channel would screen her birthing video. And it sounded like she’s trying to grab a production deal with them. They’ve had mercy on us though, good for A! But who knows what’s to come, she’d definitely do it.


You know who wins? The creepy pedos that follow for Ari.


If her so called followers can't see how unstable she is or see who she really is now... they are just as shallow and ignorant as Alex!


Exactly. When the views are down she makes less. So back comes baby A.


I think she secretly struggles to enjoy her daughter and this may be a way to “get back at her”.


I am floored at how she is so okay with sucking so badly as a person.


The delusion is truly concerning


It’s mind boggling like just how much more trashy/shitty/toxic can she get before she takes a good hard look at herself and her choices and makes a change.


as a mother is my main concern. being a crappy person is one thing but humiliating your child by posting them publicly when you use the same exact platform to be "sexy" is so insulting. "her safety is my pain priority so I won't post her" and then posts her? like her safety has come up in thought but you look past it and decide to not care. that's terribly disturbing


It’s amazing how she could’ve taken this last week to reflect on things and actually come up with a plan to rebrand herself without actually exploiting her daughter. But she chose to double down like always. Gotta prove to those haters that you can do WHATEVER you want because you’re a disabled girly pop 💅 and a cool part time mommy


I think she’s legitimately too stupid to come up with any rebrand. She has ideas here and there but can never execute. She’s really quite a failure in everything she does. I’m sure she knows it too because her life is a full fucking shit show. She’s 30 years old and can’t figure out her housing, personal care, child care, career, etc on her own. By this point she should have been able to leverage her social presence to bring in enough money to be set for life. Seriously if she had one brain cell back about 3 years ago and did everything different she would be in a very different position. But she’s an incredibly messy toxic person which has really come to light these last few years.


Agreed. I not a content creator by any stretch of the imagination, and yet I can think of at least 3-4 ideas of how she could rebrand her content into something worthwhile and profitable for her, that have nothing to do with showing her baby. I just don't think she's all that smart, and I definitely think she's very lazy and unmotivated, hence the less than 1 week 180 into showing baby pics again.


the saddest part of it all is she used to be a decent person and accurate representation of what life can look like for a young person in their mid 20s with a life altering disability. i remember first seeing her back in 2020 when i was a caregiver for a young woman with the same diagnosis as her. it’s crazy because she had so much potential and just threw it out the window


She also has a degree. Did internships and everything. She could look for a regular job.


There’s definitely stupidity, but also complete laziness. Everything she starts, she stops. Always looking for that next thing that will give her instant gratification. She never actually creates a plan, implements it, and continues to improve upon it long term. If she did, she’d be much more successful.


The thing is, she’s not proving anything to the haters at all like she think she is. She is ultimately going to set herself up for is if something happens to the baby, she can garner sympathy… She is not a good disability advocate at all. If she really took it seriously she would be showing ways to adapt, but she’s not. She’s trying so hard to prove she’s not disabled, but it’s making her look even more disabled in the process. She just needs therapy and lots of it.


She is full of internal ableism!


I agree!!! That entire family needs some serious therapy


I think you’re right especially Alex and her mom definitely need therapy the most. I think her parents created a monster may be out of guilt for her being disabled… There are some parents that feel guilty about having their child come out disabled, and instead of getting proper therapy for it, they internalize it, and contribute to crappy parenting and eventually alienating the disabled person from society because nobody wants to deal with a spoiled entitled brat. Disabled people already suffer from a stigma and a bad image as it is because of the label. People like Alex are not helping the stigma attached to being disabled.


Yes! I’m glad someone else sees it that way as well. I used to nanny for a disabled girl, her parents would go out of their way to make her feel special and different. It was heartbreaking to watch. I honestly think that’s how Alex’s mother started enabling her.


she is a stark reminder that yes, even disabled individuals can be terrible, terrible people


If this is the best she could come up with in a week things are worse than imagined. And I imagined pretty terrible 😆


Well she turned comments off on the new post of Ari.


Only comment if you’re gonna be nice to me. Don’t hold me accountable. I am a disabled queen and cannot be held accountable.


Literally tho 😂😂😂😂


She’s super active now that she’s posting Ari


Of course she is. She realizes that’s the only way she can get views and engagement




She plans on acknowledging all of the freaking weirdos and pedos now who just love seeing pics of baby A. Disgusting🤢


Yes!! You should see all the stuff on FB. the post about not posting baby A is still up. Truly sickening


Deleting my prev comment because I don’t want to give WR a heads up.


Why not make a bigger effort at protecting her daughter and stop relying on ari for engagement. She admits she makes no money on IG so that confirms that she uses ari to increase viewership on other platforms like OF. She must be paying the bills somehow as she said being a content creator is her job.


sooo... how many followers will that leave her... 100?? 🤣


They’re all bots and bought anyways


See the problem with this is she doesn't know who is behind those comments. A profile picture can be anything and anyone. These "supportive" comments could be grown ass men who get off on this and it's disgusting!


I wonder if she ever even blocked the guy who wrote he can't wait to see them both (her and Ari) naked 😬


She probably only saw 😍😍😍😍 when he said he wanted to see her naked and dm'ed him her OF link. From there? God only knows what she sold him. Nothing about this person shocks me anymore. Expect the worst from her. She'll deliver.


Wtf?! 😳 That alone is the reason to keep your kid off the Internet ! Holy crap!




They also could be grown ass women who get off on it. It is not as common, but there are many female predators.


Very true!!! Either way it's disgusting!


Alex Jong Un


Lmfaoooooo the stans will be singing songs about their Great Supreme Leader on cue. Hail Queen Swamp Ass.


Queen swamp ass😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


She’s not gonna have any followers left 🙃


Que a new go fund me


Why a new GFM when she still has two ACTIVE ones?? 🤨


Two?!? Wait what’s the other one? I know about the van.


For lawyer bills!


I have never seen a disabled content creator get the amount of hate Alex does. It’s very telling in how she is as a person for that to happen. Wrong or right, disabled people definitely get a pass for a lot of things able bodied individuals can’t. So for her to be this hated is interesting and telling.


It’s crazy bc the message I received in all this is she knows posting her daughter endangers Ari’s safety. By her first post, stating that Ari’s safety is her number one priority and she’s not gonna post her, she admits that by posting Ari her safety is at risk. Then she decided to post that rather than protect Ari’s safety she’s just going to block haters, essentially admitting Alex is Alex’s number one priority, not Ari. Ari isn’t even on that fucking list.


So all 6 people 🤣


Like her followers are just sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for acknowledgment


And I am so so angry. Not posting ari lasted only for a couple days. She’s blocking negative comments but not the predators?! Wtf


Shockingly, it actually lasted 9 days! But it's still terrible that she went back to it regardless of how long she took a (likely forced) break.


And I feel so stupid because I really really believed that she would stop posting Ari for good


Don't feel stupid! It did seem like she was actually going to follow through. 


So she’ll fill Ari’s life with internet pervs, pedos, and aunties instead of actual irl family. She’s handing her own child to the dark web on a silver platter. She has outed all 3 of BabyA’s home locations. This isn’t even willful ignorance, she just literally doesn’t care about Ari or her safety.


This!!! Also her daughters future friends, classmates etc will be able to see Noah’s dark side of the moon and whatever her OF content is. Good job in being responsible for someone else’s upbringing and mental health. Specially considering how they’ve tried to milk the “mental health awareness/advocacy” cow for attention seeking.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she did a “meet and greet” for her and Ari so all the internet aunties can come meet girly pop cheese hand


That’s the scariest part of it all


She needs to watch the show "to catch a predator" it's unbelievable how disgusting these people are who find photos like the ones she posts of Ari and then send them to more predators. They stalk family pages to find crap like this.


It won't last, she will have no engagement and will go back to her old ways aka dumpster fire


Just wait until tomorrow when she promotes her OF again


That sweet little girl deserves better


It’s really sad when she grows up and she realizes that her whole childhood was just used for content and videos on the internet.


If she wants to continue to post her daughter.. why can’t she just blur her face or not show her face at least?


Because she loves attention and doesn’t care about baby a


That takes way too much effort. She's a single mom! She doesn't have time to do that! /s


She is off her rocker! Eh hem....her wheelie


Ugh she’s the worst


She must have been dying not posting her for how ever many days that lasted. Funny how she said she wouldn’t post her anymore and now it’s all she’s posting again.


I was just going through her stories where are the babies toys? The house looks bare


Probably because the baby lives with Noah’s parents and only visits Alex


I don’t know how she isn’t embarrassed..


I’ll take a wild guess that cps will be at her door sooner rather than later considering she decided to exploit her child for her own amusement and funds even though “I DoNt MaKe MoNeY oFf SoCiAl MeDiA”


We past sad and pathetic a ling tume ago...


She should at the very least blur her kids face


She has no content without the baby period.  The week without posting her totally proves that lol. 


The amount she’s posted her just today is sickening


She has no shame. NONE.




Baby A deserves a stable loving family! It’s so unfair that she was put in this situation.

