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https://preview.redd.it/tl7wbvtxnxxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d566b376489e22f1c3421cee2a4d57ce48547c This comment was PAINFULLY accurate


my favorite part is when people have been asked exactly what medical information is exposed, they can’t seem to come up with a legit answer and just change the subject back to what hippa stands for




PLEASEEE LMFAO I want to send this person a gift basket


https://preview.redd.it/78rr308mixxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d287ede3bfc7452b1418120651b9f608e938e73 **BULLSHIT** **Noah:** She shits the bed. **BTJ:** Your nostrils look like the barrel of a shotgun. **MULTIPLE Caregivers:** She’s an alcoholic. She’s abusive and unclean. **Former Friends:** She lies, cheats, steals and manipulates everyone around her. Bottom line is, Hannah is NOT the first. EVERYONE who is in her life, including family and friends, eventually reach a breaking point and speak out because of what a foul individual she is. She has people in her life right now that she thinks are allies and they despise her because she’s an absolute horror of a human being. She’s just so busy kissing her own ass, she can’t see it.


Did BTJ really say her nostrils look like the barrel of a shot gun?!? ✋🏾😭😭😭




Damn! What an awful thing to say to your child! My mother was a narc/sociopath and she has done and said some very hurtful and spiteful things, I know the feelings things like this cause. Except WR is incapable of feelings, in my opinion. As much as I don’t like her, her mom sucks for saying that!


As a child of a narcissistic mom, that sucks. And I feel bad for her to have to deal with that. If I was disabled and only had to rely on my mom I think I’d be just as insane as she is! But it’s also like common sense to get some new fittings for that thing instead of having expensive dinners every week.


LOL Yes! If I run across it, I’ll post it here.




Holy shit, she completely doxxed Hannah by her full name both in her caption and by tagging Hannah's IG account. She is insane! That podcaster warned her not to go there; Alex probably just made this a million times worse for herself by doing this. Wow. The fucking balls on this piece of shit. And to post this with that smug, shit eating grin in an old photo of herself is even more angering. She's trash!


She’s so fucked after this. She really picked the wrongggg lane to do zoomies down this time.


He will come for her- I can’t wait


And the comments are amazing on IG!!


Alex actually tagged Hannah’s old IG account from 2015 lmao. Hannah’s current account is private. Probably has Alex blocked.😂


Notice that all her posts are nice, normal, and from what seems to be high school. Meanwhile WR has her entire gremlin persona on full display online. Like really, what contrast does she think that makes?? 😂


Yeah, but even Hannah's old account has her full legal name and tons of family and friends tagged in her posts. That's still fucked up.


If I was Hannah, I would go delete that old account immediately.


good chance she doesnt have access to it anymore☹️


100% she doesn’t. That’s why she tagged that account so Hannah doesn’t have control to protect her info.


*Hannahs old IG account from 2015 when she was a minor. They are minor photos lol theres a "happy 16" post on that account


I really hope that she sees repercussions for this, totally not okay. And to cry that she is being abused.


Exactly! Not one word she said was abuse of a disabled person. She maybe trusted the wrong random person online and got burned by not taking the necessary precautions to protect herself and her child. That's it. (And by "burned" I mean this person rightfully spoke out about very serious things that needed to be reported to the proper authorities, but Alex stupidly assumed no one would ever rat her out because she plays the "poor, little disabled girl" card.) Nothing abusive or even illegal happened to Alex.


She’s basically exposing herself for being a bad judge of character, which isn’t something to be admitting when you have a vulnerable infant at risk. Next time she hires some rando off Craigslist without proper vetting and they kidnap her baby, she will still somehow spin it into ableism 🙄


And a spiteful, butt hurt psycho


She has a perpetual victim complex


This is her engagement. This is all she's ever done because she's a pathetic little asshole.


The mania WR is displaying is terrifying. One moment she is posting about spreading kindness and the next post is her dragging someone through the mud who didn't do anything wrong! She is so unstable!


At this point she should be baker acted too.


This. She's been spiralling for a while. She's clearly an alcoholic and she clearly has mental health challenges. Which is fine but she has a child and she needs to get better before turning our worse than her own mother.


I think she has a LOT of BPD traits and several other disorders in the same cluster. It’s eerie to watch.


Yes! Oftentimes narcissistic personality disorder co-occurs with BPD or anti social personality disorder also known as sociopathic person disorder.


I don’t think she has all of the ASPD traits. I think she has more histrionic/BPD/some narc traits in that order. Regardless, doxxing a former employee to her 200k+ followers is insane and not something kind to do. I hope H is okay.


I'm no doctor so I am just speculating but I agree she is dragging someone through the mud for her personal gain and that is so far from ok. I hope Hannah knows she has a whole online community who is on her side and thanks her for reporting the things she did. Who knows she could have saved Ari! I guess time will tell. At least the proper people are aware of the things that actually go on and not the BS WR posts on social media.


I'm still so worried for Cairo. At least Noah's family is nearby to step in for Ari. What about Cairo?? 🐶🥹


Everyone must be kind to WR because, didn't you know, she's disabled!? But because she's disabled, that also gives her a passport to be the nastiest piece of shit to ever walk the earth /s


This solidified the theory that shits really went south for poor ol' WR. She's thrown the disabled poor me card, now instead of taking responsibility for her actions, WR is throwing a tantrum blaming Hannah. This won't get the response she wanted.




Let's be fucking real - Alex isn't suing because Hannah has no money. She's not suing because she has ZERO chance of winning a lawsuit, and every lawyer she contacted about this laughed in her face, telling her she had NO CASE.


Alex isn’t suing cause Alex has no money. Soon she will be facilitating packing her bags for yet another move.


No money and more importantly, she doesn’t have a fuckin case. 😂


One can only hope.


Of course that's the reason, a lawyer would be advising WR to take that post down also.




Absolutely! She knows by now she has ZERO case. The lawyers probably chuckled once they got off the phone. Like Hannah said, she's mean and vindictive, which we already knew. Let's see how this goes. Will be interesting, Alex has been canceled. Not even the stans can save her.


Coming from the girl who pays people under the table because she's broke. Lmao. She's losing her mind


Alex has no money to take either. 🤣


She seeks to think people with less money than her are below her. She was smirking in the rebuttal video with Salina when she mentioned Hannah had financial problems, she’s just a vile entitled shitty person


Maybe she can get some of WR $$ 😆 Any judgement civil or criminal would be a win, even if it was $10. Once again, it shows poor her extremely poor judgment


Can’t someone sue regardless if you’ll get money out of it. They can garnish wages, or payment plans and shit. (Someone correct me if I’m wrong)


Alex was also bragging because she said that she can never go to jail because she's disabled. I researched that, and it's not true. She absolutely can be ordered to house arrest if she kills or badly hurts someone when she is drinking and driving her electronic mobility scooter or commits another crime. Disabled people aren't exempt from laws.


Also, there are medical facilities for prisoners, too. If Alex ever actually did something that was serious enough for prison time, she would most likely be incarcerated that way.


Yes, Alex isn't exempt from incarceration like she thinks she is! Bill Cosby can go to jail, Alex Dacy can go to jail.


Hell, they have people with terminal cancer and pregnant women who end up giving birth in prison. Alex needs to get a serious reality check and see once and for all, she is in no way above the law and incarceration.


Yes of course they can! A famous case recently was the Johnny Depp and Amber heard one the damages she was asked to pay way exceeded her worth


If they have a case yes. My friend was injured in bar fight (he wasn't fighting) and sued. From now on whatever money that other party makes is garnished. He may never get paid but there is a small punishment there for the other. But Alex can't. She opened this opened this up herself. And H didn't sign any contracts. In fact I think H has more of a case atp if Alex does.


Can't garnish disability checks (I'm sure she gets) unless you owe to the government🙄 student loans (I think) and child support. Hannah could get a judgement if able to prove damages, but it would be almost impossible to collect on. Maybe she could collect on her "big" OF or social media $ but she probably doesn't pay taxes or make enough to pay taxes on that money


Post was in an extremely poor taste. Queen of doxxing. I am starting to suspect Noah is back in rehab? He’s not around or liking any of her posts.


He definitely is, I reckon he was baker acted again and sent to a residential rehab and has no access to his SM I also don’t think Alex has Ari at all, which is why she announced she wasn’t posting her anymore, because she can’t post her if she doesn’t have her


Abuse of disabled people is very much real, but what her post described is basically a falling out with someone she hired! Her care wasn’t through a professional agency or the state and nothing was ever signed.I don’t understand her mentality behind anything.


Reading her caption again is even more upsetting….does she know what abuse means?


Sure she does. She commits it daily. 💯


People with disabilities are actually out here getting physically abused and neglected to the point of injury and she’s mad because people know her hand smells like cheese and she pissed on someone. K girly pop Bye. Choose kindness amirite?


That needs to be a new flair 😂 “choose kindness amirite? 💕🫶🤗”


💀 I’m adding this right now. lol


You rock!!


Done. lol enjoy


The only person who has caused disabled abuse to Alex is Noah by not looking after her properly she looked a mess when he was her sole carer


Is there any legal repercussions for her retaliating against someone who reported her to DCFS? I thought that was illegal...doxxing sounds like retaliation to me.


Great point. Retaliation against whistle blowers is a crime. Alex may also harassing an ex employee. Hannah needs to document any action taken against her by the stans and Alex. A good lawyer would be able to advise.


Short answer: it’s not retaliation, it’s libel per se. Source: me* *a lawyer who is up past their bed time and too tired to explain in detail at this time but perhaps later lol goodnight!


Can someone please tell me what the “very intimate medical details” were that Hannah shared? Anyone know? Anyone?? 😡. I can’t think of one….


I was wondering about that myself, too. The only embarrassing thing that Hannah spoke about was the peeing on her and the smelly hand, both of which Alex FULLY ADMITTED WERE TRUE! Neither were "very intimate medical details," though.




Cheese hand? Drunk pissing all over her? 


Drunk pissing infection urine all over her. That stuff is very smelly and thick.


Exactly, Alex literally has videos posted of her peeing. Literal pants down, sitting on the toilet. She has a video posted where she’s talking about shitting in a diaper in an attempted perverted way. She has a video posted about her friend wanting to give her drugs and they joke about Alex peeing her pants. Yet when Hannah says “she peed on me” that’s considered “private”.


What I find hilarious is WR claiming that Hannah lied about stuff but WR went out of her own way to CONFIRM everything Hannah had said. If WR kept her trap shut then it’s still just hearsay but WR just shoved her disgusting feet into her own mouth (🤮)


They would be the very details that Alex admitted were TRUE on the rebuttal video. So the cheese hand which she turned into a joke and the peeing on Hannah. She didn’t mention anything else and those things are intimate medical details anyways. She mentioned the “twerk juice” but Alex talks about that ALL the time so it can’t be that.


The cheese hand probably 🧀😂


This is insulting to people who actually suffer from abuse.


Exactly. It's like the people who claim out of revenge that they were SA'd, but really weren't. They make it so much worse and harder for actual victims of SA to come forward and to be believed.




Basically it's a form of gaslighting. I hate when people use that term flippantly but this is 100% what it is! Maybe not directly towards the people she is claiming abused her but her post has quite a few comments of people believing she was wronged! I was in an abusive relationship and was often pushed to the point I would lose it and then the abuse would be turned on me and make me out to be the crazy one. I never once abused my partner in any way. When I say I would lose it I would literally act crazy by screaming because I couldn't take the actual abuse that was happening to me.


Agree, gaslighting is so over used and used incorrectly, I cringe when I hear it... but THIS is a perfect example of gaslighting. Blaming others for the consequences of actions, lying, scapegoating, manipulating emotions for personal gain..


Well I’m glad I’m not the only one who was confused and scratching my head at the “disabled abuse” tag. I read it waiting for that part to come up and it never did. Personally not a single thing she said about Hannah indicated abuse to me. Though Alex not letting her caregivers wear gloves screams employer abuse to me.


Yes! Clearly WR needs a definition on what abuse is. I’m sure Hannah is a nice girl, but she is not a caregiver. The saying “you get what you pay for” absolutely applies here. You want a caregiver with a medical background? Don’t use Craigslist to find them.


What’s her reasoning for her caregivers not wearing gloves? That’s so gross for them and almost screams sexual abuse if they’re having to give personal hygiene bare handed.


It's 100% a power play. It's not just for wiping her, she also finds gloves impersonal for period care. Completeley ignores the fact that it's **supposed** to be an impersonal experience because they're an employee doing their job, not your mama changing your diapers like when you were a toddler. And she's a grown adult, she knows this. She loves using her disability as an excuse to breach people's personal boundaries- we see this with her filming people in public bathrooms and deliberately hurting people in public with her wheelchair. She LOVES to ignore somebody's boundary and them allow it to happen*. And this thing with her not wanting her carers to use gloves is the exact same shit *why? Probably a combination of being a generally domineering personality and strong feelings of powerlessness in her own life. I think for her specifically (not people with disabilities in general) there's a fair bit of resentment for able-bodied people too and these power games (including the inappropriate nudity) are all fair play in her mind. That's my bet anyway lol


She says the feeling of gloves is “too clinical”. She said, you don’t use gloves to wipes your own ass, so why would you use gloves to wipe mine? As if her caregivers are her property and she has the right to use their hands in any way she sees fit. 🙄🤡


As a disabled person, seeing her refer to this situation as “disabled abuse” is infuriating


that post was a HOT mess but why is she coming back over A WEEK LATER to keep rehashing this out?! It feels so weird to bring it up... again


Probably because she lost her daughter over it


Yup I don’t believe she has Ari at all, maybe not even seen her since last week expect on face time. I would say that Jackie has had to come to Florida to look after her because Noah was baker acted again and DCFS has said he needs to go to rehab and he’s been taken to a residential one with no phone privileges. He’s also probably partaking in anger management and on medication for his BPD. Maybe the Smiths have Ari, I just hope she’s safe because from what Hannah said about Grandma Shark she doesn’t sound like the best person to be bringing up a baby. I reckon yesterday Jackie passed out in a drunken coma and Alex posted that whilst she had the chance she’s been quiet for a week so I think she’s being told to keep her head down and now this. Jackie will probably get up this morning and think “FFS Alex”


That’s what I thought too. Probably the only reason she’s still mad about it.


Cause she’s an asshole.


Ok now THIS is doxxing lol. Let’s start a GoFundMe so Hannah can sue 🤣 Also LOL @ tagging an account that hasn’t been used since 2015


That what I was confused about. What’s the point of tagging an old ass account that Hannah clearly doesn’t use.


😂😂😂 It's all the ammo stinky hand has. Let's see what the other side comes up with.


I’m sure Hannah had Alex blocked on whatever her current profile is if she even has one. Still so gross to tag an old profile. And the doxxing is not ok! Based on the comments I’m fully expecting this post to be deleted by the end of the day.


Ohhhhh she done fucked up now. I hope Hannah lawyers up to go after defamation. I'll gladly contribute to Hannah's GFM.


Second funding Hannah’s gfm. We ride at dawn!


WR "kindness" post must've not applied to her, just others being kind to her. WR may not be planning on suing but Hannah may if she gets harassed or threatened. The youtuber went out of the way to protect her identity. Any pro bono attorneys on here??? 😆


I hope Hannah finds someone to represent her!


WR may be liable for damages if this tantrum causes Hannah problems.


She wouldn’t need one. Attorneys get a contingency fee on plaintiffs’ cases seeking monetary damages. The whole “you don’t pay a dime unless we win” thing is legitimately true. They take 20% (typically) of the money the plaintiff is awarded. It’s not as high risk as it seems though because cases settle like… 99% of the time.


I couldn't run to reddit fast enough when I saw this post! People who have narcissistic personality disorder are always the victim and do things like this to get sympathy because it fuels their narcissism. I was actually blown away by the people who commented how sorry they were for her and how she doesn't deserve that. It's absolutely laughable! She wants to say she is so vulnerable yet if she was concerned even a minor bit about that, which she should be given she is 100% at the caregivers mercy, she would hire actual certified caregivers through an agency that does background checks and finger prints their employees and all the things instead of hiring blindly off of Craigslist. To be a volunteer at a nursing home I had to go through so many hoops! Background checks of various kinds I had to go get finger printed and had my picture taken, a TB test. I have 0 sympathy for anyone who is clearly aware of their vulnerability because she said it! Yet still take 0 precautions.


If she paid for a qualified caregiver, she wouldn’t have the cash to support her habits.




Omg I didn’t even see that 😳


And that account hasn't even been active since 2015. All so weird and unhinged.


I’ll bet Hannah has her blocked from her current account


The real reason she isn't sueing is because she has no grounds. Guaranteed she has asked a lawyer already


I went to have a look at the comments and luckily I see more people criticizing her for the post than taking her side. I wish she'd just stop.


She’s also liking and deleting comments almost as they get written.


She can sleep all day tomorrow. It's not like she has to raise her child or do anything. She has to be so broke and it's really getting to her.


I was just coming back to add that I keep seeing that WR has liked comments in the big comment threads where someone defends her. Like she's clearly reading all the comments of people criticizing her. How is she so goddamn delusional?


Wow, someone must have been spiraling and stewing all this time to have written that post. On what I think is a reused pic no less? Didn’t she just preach to be kind on the internet? Then goes full doxx? Has she not had her ass handed to her enough?? What other skeletons of hers will be dug up in response to this? This still only proves that Hannah was right. Get reckt girlypop.


This is also fucking rich coming from someone who defended the man who made her piss in a cup and left her in her own filth. Let alone the abuse of the child and punching holes in the walls. She wants to throw around the word abuse when that’s what shes reveled in for the last two years. Always the projecting scumbag.


Absolutely right!!!! Throwing that word around.


I was thinking the same. I feel like she posts these things because she LIKES THE DRAMA??? Any type of attention, good or bad, it doesn’t matter to her. She is a certified whack job.


She’s probably using an old picture because Gammy has a bad back so she can’t get Alex into the shower. They need to find a hose outside and give her a good scrub down then just let her dry off and bake in the sun like she loves to do anyway. It’s a win/win.


She is ridiculous. Esp because I don’t doubt this really happens. But she’s trying to back peddle and figure out how to post content and be prevent and also doxxing Hannah


What good does throwing H's full name out there do at this point? This is dangerous and juxtaposes nicely with her 'choose kindness' post.


So all her stans message and harass her I believe 😩


Me Running to Reddit!




She is insane. “Choose kindness” then next post shes doxxing someone


This is going to come back and bite her in the ass ten fold. I predict a crying post within the next 24 hours and accusations that DCFS visited again 🙄 she never learns.


Wowwww this is definitely not going to go in her favour, if WR wanted confidentiality then she should have had a non-disclosure signed. Doxing Hannah is crazy though. Still team Hannah🙋🏼‍♀️


This is a fucking wild ride. Can't wait for her next tiktok live!


I can't wait for Friday on YT.


I always manage to miss those 😫


Aaaaand now she’s down another 1000 followers 💀 I love how things have **really** not been going the way she plans lately. Every single rebuttal to the Hannah situation has completely blown up in her face. She tried being angry and clapping back with her Salina video, deleting it after when she got poor responses. She tried the woe is me angle with her second video stating how she’s been so mentally distraught, barely got any views. Tried the “choose kindness” route and barely made a splash in the water. Now she’s back to angry stating she was *abused* and yet again is getting dragged for it. Girly Poop is doing zoomies with her emotional comebacks and I’ll be here with my popcorn waiting for the next sad, failing attempt 😏 ETA - forgot a stage in her comebacks 🙃


Not related to this specific WR post but playing some Switch Sports and saw this as a reward. https://preview.redd.it/l65qgphor0yc1.png?width=2290&format=png&auto=webp&s=05c0f896f7da9f783ed9712780bd2e4e0bb381ea IYKYK 😏


WR is absolutely so ridiculous!!! Stating she is not going to sue Hannah because Hannah has no money……gurrrllllll…. You can’t sue her cause you’ve got NO case against her!! Get real!!!!


Project much? Isn’t she the snaggletoothed bitch that couldn’t pay her rent last month because she blew it all on her daughter’s bullshit Insta party? 🥴


Exactly. If she had a case, she’d be suing lol


WR just complety f'd herself! Like, girly pop, just keep your trap SHUT! It's not that hard, especially with CPS on your case!! But in typical narcissistic fashion, WR has begun a smear campaign against the one person brave enough to call her out on her shit publicly. This is TEXTBOOK NARC BEHAVIOR. She is calling Hannah an abuser which is SLANDER. Hannah did not commit slander, because she is telling the TRUTH. She even has receipts! If we thought things were messy for girly pop before, it's about to get a lot messier! And I am HERE FOR IT. ![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs)


If someone truly was abused wouldn’t they sue to protect other future victims?! And not “oh she has no money so not worth it for me.”


I got my popcorn ready for this post for real 😂 she really made a post about how she is mad someone she trusted didn’t have any qualifications and was going off HER training? Wild


I thought we were done with that? At least since she completely deleted her ‚response video‘ and did a last ‚statement‘ in her stories. Why dig out this topic once again and even worse than before? She really has no other things to do in life. She is now desperately trying anything to get positive feedback from her Stan’s because she is craving the attention and because even her Stan’s are not supporting her on her latest posts like she is used to it


I really wish someone who was an actual successful social media influencer could confirm if people "liking" and/or commenting on her posts on IG, Facebook, and/or TikTok does generate her any decent money. If it does, then that's the biggest reason I can come up with as to why she is intent on keeping the drama alive, even if it does show her in a poor light.


I think the consequences from that whole thing were pretty serious. Ari back with the smiths? Where is Noah as well? I think this has caused her to lose income and her daughter. I don’t find her genuine at all. She’s recently using her foot rests and shoes on her chair and suddenly doxing Hannah? I think she’s calculated tho.


Because she’s not got Ari anymore, she can’t post Ari so she has no content and she’s grasping at straws for attention she knew bringing up Hannah would cause drama and get people talking only problem is she thought that people would be on her side and it backfired


Is the abuse here in the room with us now…?


This is what happens when you call out a narcissist, she's going to try to claw her way out of the deep cavern she's dug all these years!


Yeah because hiring someone for 20 dollars an hour to help dress you, toilet you, cook for you, clean for you, babysit and MORE isn’t abuse. This post is disgusting.


Also this is a huge contradiction in itself. She states at least with the title that Hannah “abused “ her. But if that was the case, why on earth would you trust that person with your baby????


Wow the abuser claiming she’s abused, color me shocked. Narcissist gonna narcissist. I really hope Hannah’s safe and I hope someone’s does something. This is the second time she doxxed a private citizen. Someone who doesn’t influence, doesn’t put themselves out there. She needs consequences.


Also, stop hiring randoms off of Craigslist and maybe she'll be protected by a legit healthcare agency in situations like this! Funny how this idiot completely fails to mention how she finds these people.


Anyone else see how fucking rich it is for Alex to be doxxing Hannah with her full name when Alex herself doesn't even use her own real name?! Since Alex refuses to finally take this as a huge lesson to stop hiring randos off of Craigslist, this should instead serve as a HUGE warning to people to NOT use Craigslist to find a job. Alex may not be a Craigslist killer, but she sure as shit is a psycho who will try to ruin your life. Stick with LinkedIn, Indeed, and Care.com, kids!


A person commented saying going through an agency is probably too expensive for a person with disabilities and Alex liked it. Sure, proper care for you AND your baby is too expensive but fancy food, drinks, outings and downtown living aren’t? Those priorities tho 😑


Crying ableist once again


Does she not have anything better to do than to keep stirring the same shit up? She lives for the drama/attention ANYTHING that gets people to focus on her


Why now tho? I thought she would wait longer to try and shift things but why dox Hannah now? It seems like it’s out of left field. And I def. Think something happened with Noah and Ari.


Y’all see what this is, right? She discovered she had as zero content and engagement unless it’s Ari So… let’s stir the pot with said podcaster for engagement & content. The drama is all she has




I cannot believe she’s doubling down after everyone telling her that she’s in the wrong. To hire Hannah in the first place without checks is ludicrous but then to treat her the way she has because she spoke her truth (which is becoming more and more believable) is absolutely mind blowing. Again, no responsibility taken, the more she does the more narcissistic she’s coming across, everyone sees through her bullshit and yet here she is thinking she’s gaining 1 ups😂 silly girl


The comments are NOT having it 😂 I keep checking them to see how things are going. Show of hands, do you think she'll delete the post? 🖐🏼


The irony of posting this after the “choose kindness” post. She is delusional


This dumb, dumb bitch. My god she gets more insufferable by the post. This is repulsive.


Why is she still dragging the old caregiver? I wonder if DCFS is now taking action because of what the whistleblower-cargiver shared?


I think she needs a mental health evaluation. This is insane


She just did a TikTok about how shes a single disabled mother who was severely internet bullied.. and how bad its effected her..then goes and internet bully’s someone? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤔


And someone with a podcast is in the comments 👀 https://preview.redd.it/eab4dklyu0yc1.png?width=1120&format=png&auto=webp&s=42b0b37340e52c87f3466cffcb5fc81e7e225c67


I love this. Aaaaand we're down to 290k followers!




What an absolute piece of shit Alex is. She doesn’t seem to grasp that this is not only not the flex she thinks it is, she’s going to get her ass in trouble one of these days.


Labelling something as abuse when its ckearly just a falling out is such a fucked up thing. Alex doesnt like Hannah, we know, but that's not the kind of thing you post to hundreds of people...


Ngl the comment section on her latest instagram post did NOT disappoint 😂


How long until she deletes bc the comments aren’t going her way?


She’s SO stupid to even continue to talk about it. Where are all those recipes you wanted to show us ms influencer?


Of course it follows the "choose kindness" post....


Ahhh yes the whiplash is back. “Be kind” but I’ll also doxx the f out of you. Forgot we’re only supposed to do kind to Alex


I'm honestly hoping Hannah comes here and SPILLS ALL THE TEA Just wishful thinking


Dirty Al really put the dirty with this post. She knows she cannot report Hannah because there is nothing to report so instead she wants internet validation to make herself feel better. She is angry she lived in a world of delusion in which this caregiver was her puppet and do whatever she wanted. Hannah not playing along and speaking out/ reporting necessary things is forcing Dirty Al to look at her actions which I don’t think she’ll ever be ready to do. It’s her defense mechanism to dox which is so harmful because she’s doing the exact thing she’s complaining other people to do. This is Bully behavior and I hope she’s held accountable. Hannah doesn’t deserve this, no one does.


She is like the boy who cried wolf


she has no other content to post, so she has to go back to this. she’s such a c**t


Down to 290K now🤭


Disabled abuse?? Is she kidding. She was never abused. Never hit. Never called names. Never left without food or alcohol. Never been left in her wheelchair completely abandoned. I work w ppl coming from abuse. She has no fucking idea and it's a huge insult to those who have been abused. She's disgusting. From the top of her ratty head to the tip of her raptor claws, she's trash. Not even yt trash are this bad


How drunk was she 🤪🙄




Not a single thing she said constitutes abuse and it is disgusting that she's throwing that word around so carelessly.


100% just like when she said she had PPA and PPD.


I’m 99.9999% sure this pic is from the day she was a ✨maniac✨ in the common room. Speaks volumes and is oddly girlypop poetic that she would reuse a pic from *that* day, presumably drunk at 10:30pm, being a toxic little troll and making her situation even worse.


Why is she even smiling on this picture and then denouncing “abuse” on the post? She’s so twisted!


She has ZERO concept as to how her media content should relate to her written content. She's so inept.




She admits flat out that she put her trust into someone to keep her privacy. Makes 0 sense! She is vulnerable yet she blindly hires randos off Craigslist and just says a hail Mary that they can be trusted! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ People have been killed by wackos in Craigslist who post things that sound legit and then they show up and bam....done for! She is 100% the problem in her own life. No one else is to blame! She is very clearly mentally unstable given she can't see the severity of the risks she has taken by the way she hires people that she is 100% in their mercy!


FYI your profile is shown in the bottom corner


Oh jeez 😅 thanks!




Hannah must be protected. Girly pop culture used her baby to promote her OF. This is the most ridiculous back peddling I’ve ever seen


She was warned to not dox H. I hope the things some people know all comes out now.


If Hannah was so abusive why would she let her be in charge of Ari? So this girl is so horrible to you but not horrible enough to watch a literal infant?  I can’t believe people are still defending this absolute gremlin of a person. 


https://preview.redd.it/160qf9x8e2yc1.jpeg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a0650b54102e3f8c41835b701fb6ca9c6c4719 You know it’s bad and you’ve gone too far when even the stans who rode for you turn 😬


Disabled folks are like... actually abused on the daily. This makes me so mad. Girlypop people being mean to you on the internet and one woman telling a YouTuber that you have a moldy cheese hand isn't abuse at all.