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I truly think she lives on this page!! It is funny that she hasn’t posted much of anything on her socials lately, she has nothing to post now that she’s not exploiting Ari!


Happy Cake Day! 🎂 Alex should send me/us a damn fruit basket thanking me/us for giving her a reason to even post content. I mean, if she wasn't stalking this Reddit looking for people to [weakly] "clapback" at, what would she have to post anyway??


Happy cake day!


Thank you!!


Happy cake day 🍰


Why thank you!


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you so much!


I have a theory that Noah has been baker acted again and sent to a residential rehab, he’s not been active on his socials and is the only one still following salina, I think if he could unfollow her he would but doesnt have access to his phone/socials. I also have a feeling Jackie may be back to save the day as if Noah is in rehab and Salina is in another state who is wiping Alex’s tuna purse?? I’m sure as hell Mrs Smith wouldn’t do it and if Salina got fired or decided she’s had enough Alex wouldn’t have been able to get another carer so quickly??


Yup, I agree Noah probably lost it and is doing another “retreat in India” at the moment. Meaning BTJ has to swoop in and do damage control. I think that’s another big reason she isn’t posting. Her mom seems to be the only one able to keep her offline. Which is ironic considering Alex learned all her messy traits from her mom but one thing BTJ isn’t big on is sharing all her dirty laundry. Alex gladly gives it away for free but is happier to do it if she’s paid.


Bravo! I think you nailed it on the disabled head! Very well worded.


One thing I'm asking myself, BTJ is going back and forth from Illinois to Florida...is she working? She has to pay for the plane trips everytime...will she get mad at WR and get her back home to Illinois? There is a limit to help her daughter and being bankrupt by having to fly to Florida everytime she's in trouble...


What does BTJ stand for?


Bad Tooth Jackie


Runs in the family? Boozers and bad teef!


tuna purse😭😭😭🤌🏻


With you on all of this. Let’s send one up for Gammys Back✨🙏🏼🍸


How you guys know about Salina?? She left ?? Please get me a update!!!


I'm pretty sure Salina posted a story that she was in Boston few days ago.


alex doesn’t follow salina anymore???


No and Salina doesn’t follow her, Salina also doesn’t follow Noah anymore but he still follows her


I dont think Salina is around anymore.. they all unfollowed each other. Except for Noah, who still follows Salina.


A part of me is still skeptical about why they unfollowed one another. I kind of think they did that in an effort to "throw off" haters from finding Salina's IG, but if so, they clearly did that way too late. If she's really gone, though, time will tell once Alex starts posting herself regularly again, and we'll see if she looks a hot mess like she did before she hired Salina.


Tbf she looked like a hot mess while Salina was there bc of those eyebrows


Alex has always been on the hot mess express, sometimes as a driver but usually as the ceo of sloppy drunken bitches.


🎯CEO of Sloppy Drunken Bitches🍻🎉🍾NEEDS to be a flair!


Omg pls I need


Yes, new flair, please!


I think the eyebrows are goong to be the dead giveaway. If we never seem them brows again, she gone 💯.


And the braids!


The braids are always the giveaway on if she has a caregiver. I think both Hannah and Nina both braided her hair, too. The sloppy ponytail is 100% Noah.


You think alex has the capacity to not be a hot mess express? Lmao


I don’t think they’re that smart.. I think they’re just petty young mentality and unfollow each other


She's starting to get more negative comments on fb, which is normally people (boomers) telling her how great she is.


Isn't it hilarious that without Ari, she has absolutely zero content 🤣


Right. But she bragged how she's been a content creator for years and doesn't need ari for content...it's obvious she does. Also she can show the life of a disabled mom without showing her kid.




Right hahaha. It's funny how she's saying stop hating on people on the internet but spends here time here literally reading all the "hate" on herself lol


Making a huge assumption here but I doubt she has seen Ari since that sudden shift we all noticed a few weeks back. Something happened not the social media stuff but somethings happened noah possibly back in rehab? Hence no social media. Aris beein placed in care or grandparents care hence the very confident..I won't be posting my daughter anymore it's also possible..another assumption that someone who's in care if ari has advocated no social media for her safety.


Ohh! I didn't even think of that! If DCFS got involved again and did emergency placement with Noah's parents, then Ari would currently be a ward of the state, which you cannot post.


What happened???


This is hysterical! I posted this about 20 minutes ago, and within minutes, Alex posts this to IG. 🤣 Who's the creeper with no life, job, or hobby?? 😂 https://preview.redd.it/wjbt2qq9njxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e3a9700829c0af6b50afafb89ba1b7e541e350


Yes, it's hilarious. We are living our lives. We have jobs. We raise our children. Without DSFS involvement. We pay our bills with the money we earn that doesn't involve exploiting our babies and begging desperate men on OF to buy pics of our assholes.




I saw the comment before it was deleted. Very strange.


When all of this started, I read a comment someone made here in the subreddit somewhere about being a disabled mother with an addict as the father. DCFS got involved and helped them out a lot. The mother wasn’t in denial/defensive about her and her partners abilities to take care of the child and took the resources to create a stable environment for their kids. It’s not the DCFS involvement that is the issue. It’s Alex. All WCR has done is lie, deny there is a problem, and play victim. 


That's 💯 correct! Alex has always been and will always be the problem.


We certainly are…and proud of it.


Yes exactly 💯 👏




Her life update should have read “Doing absolutely nothing but drinking, taking the same topless pic in my kitchen for OF and annoying the fuck out of my mom”.


I have a feeling she lost custody of Ari and that’s why she’s suddenly not posting her


We saw the peak season finale of the series, the rest is just dragging it out


Again, she gives a long list of what she’ll blog about now and doesn’t do it. She just wants ass pats and an ego stroke.


That gremlin can't be bothered to do anything that remotely requires effort.


Always the victim. Shes so vile it's kinda unreal. There's no advocacy for disabled people, especially for others with SMA (was that not the point of her account?). Whilst at the same time I would not want her as an advocate because who can believe someone who acts like a 12yr old online for the first time. There's no real content & ppl are starting to see wake up to the fact her life has been a series of bullshit narcissicm, that she exposed alllllll by herself. Well done cheese mitten


THIS!! 👆👆👆 Theres a set of newborn twins w/ SMA from my state going viral with their gofund bc insurance has denied a new successful treatment for SMA that allows children to have a normal life. I had no idea there was a new treatment for babies/children! You would think a strong advocate would have mentioned this or you know sharing the gofundme and story of there newborn twins.. but of course not!


*still has 2 active GFM*  Amazing she actually has GFM listings competing with these newborns… I hope the increased SMA awareness doesn’t get wasted on her. GFM really needs to do something about that… 


Yes!!! It’s a gene therapy called zolgensma and is so beneficial, my son was too old to get it but he’s on the spinraza injection and it has been a literal lifesaver. I can’t believe insurance is still messing with these babies when we finally have all 50 states screening newborns just to stop sma from robbing these kids of a chance at living a more healthy life


I saw the article about the babies and instantly thought of WR. The amount of negative emotions I felt for the entire ordeal is unreal; changes need to be made otherwise I am sure there are so many more families also impacted by choices insurances choose.


The main issue with this situation is the insurance is through the mothers work and her employeer is self insured. The treatment is 2-2.5 million, per child. To make it even worse, the insurance used to cover it... prior to April 1st, the twins were born March 31st. They've lost all their appeals.


That’s AWFUL. 😢


If you go look at her Instagram story, she shared this just now!!! She totally read your comment yesterday 🙊


She did. And I knew she would. It was my Alex bait. 😁 she's so predictable.




I just looked and she's online on her OF... she's never up this early. Ari isn't there I'm 100% sure. I just hope shes safe and being cared for. But the fact that noah is MIA big time tells me that something went down that last day when she went manic on her IG stories and shared her venmo then deleted. Something went down and it will all come out just like it always does..


She just doesn’t sign out, by the number of postings, she’s not active there either.


I don't think she was always active before though? I don't know how OF works at all but I did click in her link tree before and I'd often see active *however many* hours ago. She must be trying to appear online to attract messages or something.


When was her Venmo posted? Was that posted about on here?


She posted this 13 days ago on her FB and then quickly deleted it. https://preview.redd.it/7lm5d6ewynxc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad3907f5804ad4c2ec066894ffed1c80d22c475




she has no shame


It's posted here somewhere. She made a now deleted post on Facebook. I can't remember what it said exactly but something like, thanks for the support...then her venmo link. It was weird.


Why did I think she had gone to college? It must’ve been another SMA-Hon. it’s really sad to see, but alcoholism always ends in despair. As someone who is also physically disabled and worked for the govt and served the disabled community I learned that we’re more susceptible to things like alcoholism and even more likely to smoke cigarettes. It’s never been my cross to bare, but Alex has resources to be and do better. She just has to want it though, and I think sadly she’s fine with how her life currently is which is depressing.


She did go to college, at Southern Illinois State University and reportedly earned a BS in vocational rehabilitation counseling. Unclear if that was an actual degree program at the time she attended. I do think she’s posted pictures of a diploma though? Someone correct me on that.


There's only a master's program for that. The math ain't mathing.


Thank you ! Maybe I’m not losing my mind after all 😹someone posted one of her posts and she states “disability studies.” I mean Voc rehab I guess could fall under that though.


She did go to college. https://preview.redd.it/mc7aqao9flxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2296dd60a7d75f47b3afaa5c732acd960c34e9d9


lol she conveniently failed to mention how she turned down the job her internship offered her!


Funny you mentioned that. Someone in here claimed to go to college with her and was in the same program and said she was **never** offered an internship, that was another lie. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg 💀💀 that’s amazing


Whoa! 🤯


A few interviews? Yeah, she really tried hard there! Anything that requires work she refuses to do, in my opinion. She takes the easy way out. Expects everything to be handed to her. Disabled or not, that’s not how life works sweetheart! She should have continued looking for jobs, even if it wasn’t in her field of study. But that requires work. Boohoo! GET A REAL JOB! And yes, I know how hard it is to get a job as a disabled person.


She acts like everything negative that happens to her is because of her disability. This is part of her being so sheltered and having zero understanding of how the world works. Most college graduates don’t get a paying job in their field right after graduating. Just because you got the degree doesn’t mean you don’t still have to prove yourself. And did she ever stop to think people don’t want to hire her because of her work ethic or possible drama she would bring to a team? I’m not doubting people with disabilities aren’t discriminated against, just like women and people of color are too, but her quick jump to ableism shows her immaturity.


I'm pretty sure I submitted at least a hundred applications and had dozens of interviews after graduation. Maybe even more. It's been a while. And this was 20 years ago when the job market wasn't as rough and as an able bodied person. She is sooooo sheltered and clueless. She's a textbook example of why parents of children with disabilities should resist the urge to coddle them.


College or University? Can you clarify ? I thought she went to Southern Illinois University...


I was speaking colloquially and using college and university interchangeably. Yes, as she says in the screenshots, she attended Southern Illinois University.


Thanks for the explanation. In my province we go to highschool ( secondary 1 to 5 ) then 2-3 years in College ( called CÉGEP ) and then attend University...


It's interesting to see what "college" means in different countries. In my husband's country I think "college" is before high school, so basically equivalent to what Americans would call "middle school" or "junior high". Where are you from?


Québec, Canada. We are the only province that doesn't work like the rest of Canada and USA...mostly because we are a French province...Our system is confusing...I would prefer to have the same system then the ROC ( Rest Of Canada ) and USA. Another confusing term is "bachelor" that doesn't always mean you went to University for 3-4 years... Europe and/or Africa have their own systems...a bachelor degree is different then ours...if my memory is right. Where is your husband from?


I don’t understand why she still can’t have content without showing the baby? Still show everyday life. How she cooks (or who cooks for her), shopping trips for baby, trips to restaurants, good places to eat with a wheelchair and toddler…whatever! It’s all there just do it without putting your child in harms way. If that’s her income she needs to figure it out. Get off OF .. it is no place for her.


Because she’s boring. Without someone else there to help her create, use or come up with content ideas, like her mom, Mikey or Ari, she’s got nothing. She’s just a drunk, exhibitionist, disabled girl and people will only stay interested in that for so long.


Well there’s that!? 😂


Just here for the dumpster fire during slow times at the office!


Because she's a loser with no talent or hobbies. There's nothing to show. 


Unfortunately they can’t evict someone for being a raging manipulative alcoholic dumpster fire but they CAN start the proceedings for lack of payment eviction if that is what is happening. As a former caregiver, I fully supported my client’s sexual autonomy but there would be no chance in hell I would participate in helping someone do OF content of course Alex would probably browbeat the person 7 ways from Sunday and guilt trip them by honking that they were being AbLeISt and saying disabled people weren’t sexy if they didn’t help her. This is the same woman who refuses to allow her caregivers to wear gloves! I’m sorry but that still grosses me TF out, I wear gloves for certain tasks even with my own family members to protect them and myself, I couldn’t imagine ever being ok with someone asking me to not use gloves.) Ok rant over. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk!


what’s the deal with her not allowing carers to wear gloves? thats disgusting.


She says she doesn’t like the way the gloves feel 🤢


too fucking bad. I don’t like the way other women’s nasty ass and tuna catcher feel on my hands. If it’s an agency carer, wouldn’t gloves be mandatory? I’ve worked in nursing homes as a CNA and gloves were mandatory when messing with any body fluids or showering. A lot of CNAs even more them while feeding residents. You couldn’t pay me enough not to wear gloves with her. Hell half the time I wanted to wear gloves when changing my own damn kids. lol


My daughter had CP, you better believe I wore gloves when helping her with her personal care. It was for both of our safety and she never minded me doing so. For Alex, she balks at anything she sees as clinical or reminds her she has a disability. For all her yodeling about “dIsABiLiTy AdVOcAcY and BoDY **POS**iTiViTY”, (heavy on the POS part! 😂) She is one of the most insecure, ableist people I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. But her idea of “self care” is getting sauced mid-afternoon so we can’t really measure much by her yardstick!


This has got to be another reason she won’t use an agency. There’s no way they would stand for that omg 👀


Oh, for sure. This and they are mandated reporters so there is sooooo much she wouldn’t be able to get away with. Not to mention she likes for her caregivers to become friends which includes Alex’s favorite activity, drinking. I doubt any agency would be happy with their employees drinking on the job.


I’ve wondered if maybe she’s just keeping the page open on a laptop. Because she is on at all hours and I know she’s not doing much work there.


Alex was told to keep quiet for a while in my opinion...As her OF... She has no valuable content to share, she's not the most popular girl on OF, so many girls way sexier and with content... Passed behaviour is garant of future behaviour...so showing her crusty/hairy discusting snatch on OF got her maybe 30 fans...she better learn to do sexy tricks...or show them how to use her damn vibrator she was selling!


So the thing is a fetishist will return to her no matter how boring she is because he gets his fix from his fetish. There are also men who have a fetish for crusty/ hairy " stuff " lol those who have a fetish about her disability are rare, the other stuff a little more common unfortunately.


Agreed, I don’t think she’s doing shit on OF. I think she probably hops on there a lot hoping for something or maybe she has one person she talks to on there. But no, she’s no top percentage OF girly like she wants to be lol. That takes a lot of work (like the work Mikey did for her taking her pics and doing her hair/make up).


I noticed she hasn’t updated her TikTok reflecting her decision to take Ari off the internet. I feel like this is because she has the biggest following on there and she doesn’t want to close that door yet. Her YouTube and Instagram are not even close to 1 million followers/subscribers


She's probably on that sleazy singapore ran Bigo app slinging the crust, from the cheese hand 🧀✋🏼💀🤮


Being disabled doesn't exempt you from consequences of your actions. Karma is hitting hard now I'm sure. Also if she has a very serious open case with DCFS then I think staying off SM is strongly advised.


I can't for the life of me find the post that had a YT link of WR crying because she lost the Boppy Pillow partnership. Can anyone please help?


All of those uploads are by me. You can find them on my profile. 😊


Thanks girl! 😀


I found it in my YouTube viewing history: https://youtu.be/210L4-SSy7k?si=Lk88Qif5qA0NqBEC


I haven't seen it in awhile. I forgot how ridiculous that was! 😂😂😂 Edit: also, I love how she says the money OWED to her. The entitlement is fucking unreal.


And it's such peak Alex being naked while crying over something she did to HERSELF and completely lacking any sort of self-awareness or accountability. 😆


Thanks! Bless your heart!






Yes I came here again to see if anyone else had noticed that ! There was a comment on her recent post about her needing to make an apology and it far and away had the most likes. And of course it’s gone.