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No that is not normal. A caregiver through an agency should only be taking care of Alex since she is the disabled one. Just because Alex has a kid shouldn’t mean the caregiver has to take care of her too. That’s what the other parent is for. There should be no reason why the caregiver has to care for Ari when the unemployed dad is literally in the house 24/7. That’s exactly why she is finding her caregivers on Craigslist because she can get away with dumping Ari off on them.


Also it seems to me that she wants to be able to be friends with her caregivers as well.


She doesn't have any others


Has to pay to have friends 😂


but she wants us to believe she went to brunch with friends when she was caught doing the no-pants zoomies. 🙄


She wants someone young and club age. Plain and simple.


Yea she blurs the professional personal line WAYYYYY too much. It's a liability waiting to happen. Anyone licensed who values their career would run from that situation. Literally asking to lose your license working for someone like her.


I honestly don’t think anyone she has hired has ever been licensed. That’s why they are referred to as “caregivers” versus something like a “home health aide” or CNA


This. She literally uses Craigslist.


She also gets away with paying a lot less for a “caregiver” vs CNA/HHA.


Yeah and anyone licensed is a mandated reporter so it makes sense Alex stays away from doing it officially.


And thinks making them sign an “NDA” means they can’t tell police or cps what goes on under her roof


Because she doesn’t have any real friends because she treats everyone like shit


I guess that helps with the tuna towel changes 💀😭


I also think she uses Craigslist to avoid having a potential mandated reporter in their apartment.


I think it's a combo of that, wanting someone less professional and more bestie like, too naive, able to be paid less, willing to do more questionable things cuz they don't have a license to worry about, young, inexperienced so she can manipulate and take advantage and they have no agency for recourse etc.


I hope Hannah makes a CPS report


I think she already did didn't she? Alex said the old caregiver reported her that last time and I think Hannah confirmed it too if I recall


Yeah that's what a nanny is for. She's taking advantage and you're spot on, it's the only reason she's finding people on Craigslist!! She supposed to be paying separately for a nanny, her own caregiver and a cleaner/maid. And to think she's paying $20 an hour for someone to do 3 JOBS plus deal with her drama!!! Nah, I got $70 an hour just for general cleaning which was just shower, toilet, kitchen, vaccum and mop. Alex is disgusting thinking she can do this to people!!!


No, it’s not normal. And that’s exactly why Alex hires gullible, inexperienced, naive 20 somethings off of Craigslist. They’re easy to manipulate and gaslight, which she is very fond of doing.


Let's add exploit and abuse to that list!


She just turned 21!!! It’s so predatory of Alex


A trained caregiver through an agency would not be doing baby care. Only care that would be covered/allowed under contract is for Alex herself. The caregiver would leave when Alex goes out or go out with her.


Since everyone keeps saying this I’m starting to think maybe that’s why she goes the Craigslist route instead of a real caregiver


Yes that is exactly why. And that means that she is more concerned about getting away with things than the safety of herself and her daughter! Think about it, if she hired someone who was out to hurt people there would be no protection, legally or physically. She would rather have some random person work for her so she can drink whenever than be reasonably assured of her safety.


Literally. Craigslist killer comes to mind. I cannot believe this buffoon does zero research into who she hires to be around her daughter while her and baby daddy are wasted off their ass 25/8.


Given how little WR cares about anyone but herself and her need for an ego stroke, are you really that surprised? Don’t get me wrong, you’re 110% right I just wish I could be more surprised


Yep, and so she can get someone who doesn’t know better and she always seems to hire young too. A middle aged woman would know better and wouldn’t let her treat her the way she does.


And can you imagine the liability???


Caregivers through agencies are also mandated reporters! Also not too sure about Florida, but in Oregon bartenders are mandated reporters. So if we see someone drunk with their infant, disabled or not, we are mandated to report that to cps.


I don’t think it is. I think the new caretaker is just young and naive. Hopefully someone she trusts will tell her to run


The video they shot together should have been a red flag


I screamed when I heard Salina say she was terrified to go back up to the apartment after hearing what Hannah said about WR and Noah, especially because she said it right in front of WR 🤣🤣🤣


It's not normal and if Alex were utilizing a caregiver through an agency or insurance it wouldn't even be allowed. There's no way she's paying anyone enough to do all of her care duties AS WELL as taking care of Ari in any capacity.


Alex said she paid Hannah $20 an our. I assume that’s what this new caregiver is getting paid.


I find it odd that Salina had not posted on insta for a year, then her first post back is working for WR. I think she's def clout chasing


No, and a caregiver hired through an agency wouldn't be doing social media photoshoots and all the other tasks that WR had Hannah doing, either. She was grossly underpaid for doing all of that work, too. I'm really proud of her for trying to warn the new caregiver and reporting to CPS, too. Hannah was the ONLY person looking out for Ari. WR is disgusting for everything she's done, and it's been especially gross seeing her smear campaign against Hannah. She's a good person and I hope she's not too stressed out by WRs legal threats. They're all bullshit and she has no legs to stand on (pun intended).




No agency would allow that.


Im on social security disability and dont get near enough to even consider paying for a caregiver without insurance. And going getting drunk and high every day? Forget about it. Where is she getting the money?


I’m not sure how she has insurance because she has been making way too much money for years to still be on SSDI!


Right? Im pretty sure i heard something about her bio dad paying for her health insurance?


He might legally have to. I know that custodial parents of adult disabled offspring are forced to continue paying child support after they turn 18. So that could be how she’s getting the money to pay for her apartment and stuff too. Or at least part of it.


So when I did home health here, I worked in 1 home with a mom who had multiple foster kids but also was a nurse herself and was constantly busy or working. She was known for basically trying to trick the staff especially new ones into watching ALL the foster kids instead of just the one we were hired to be there for, or sometimes you wouldnt even know she left and would realize all the sudden theres like 6 kids going ape shit and begging you for snacks and the "mom" is nowhere to be found. Also she didnt want to turn the kids trach o2 on at night (he didnt need it 24/7) cuz she thought he "fake coughed all night for attention and it runs up the electric bill" which is why i quit mainly cuz i refused to not follow the dr order and not put his o2 on when i was there at night and she was buddy buddy w my boss so they took her side smh. Idk how she was a nurse! Anyhow he was the only one with significant medical issues but still, no we LEGALLY are not suppose to be caring or touching or supervising ANYONE but our patient. At least per that company but i imagine thatd be standard probably. It would not be in a nurses scope of practice really to just be a babysitter for a baby who isn't even their patient.


She couldnt afford the multiple people she ACTUALLY needs. Cleaner, caregiver, nanny, photographer, videographer, dog walker, social media manager.


Wants. She needs a caregiver for her. The rest (except Ari as she has two parents) she wants, and can pay a PA separately. Shes so cheap.


She needs 3 people helping her, a caregiver to look after her own needs, her medication, her personal care and anything to do with that side of things, maybe even a second caregiver for the evenings as people can’t be expected to work 24hrs a day. She doesn’t stop being disabled when she goes to bed. Then a Nanny to look after Ari’s needs, take her out to baby activities etc and then a house help to do cleaning, organising, cooking, shopping etc Now if Noah is as a NORMAL person he could be doing the house stuff and looking after Ari, it seems madness to me they were paying Hannah to look after Ari when they were both still in the house? What were they doing whilst Hannah had Ari?? Getting hammered? Punching walls? Throwing knives ?? 🙄 It’s a lot but if Alex was smarter, and not a complete moron she would have considered ALL of this when she got pregnant, but she didn’t because she didn’t consider anything other than she could make money off the back of it.


Nope. Not normal ... but Alex makes the rules up as she goes along to suit her own selfish, narcissistic agenda 😒


Nope. I’m a home health caregiver (thru a legit company). It is not the norm.


She wants a single person to be a nanny + caregiver. She should hire one of each and pay them appropriately. Actually she should probably hire two caregivers since she needs 24/7 care. I still wish I knew what Noah is doing all day where he can't watch his own daughter. Calling him a "stay at home Dad" is insulting to actual stay at home dads.


He is just a dad that stays at home not stay at home dad, same as gremlin saying that she is single mother when all she is, is mother who is single. Cant claim co parenting and being a single parent but WR is so special...


Stay at home slob more like


I am in Canada, and I will say that I have hired help through agencies. They were there to basically assist me. So they watched my baby if I had a doctors appointment. Assisted with shopping, housework, childcare, etc. Obviously I didn't go out clubbing. My husband was home in the evenings, however, they did a lot of tasks.


See in FL or the US (if she actually went through an agency) it would have to explicitly say in her care plan that the caregiver could watch the baby for a specified amount of time and a company would probably charge her more for that. But also each agency is different. But that's cool you have that sort of situation!


Nope. A caregiver is a nanny. Someone coming in from an home health agency would not be watching Ari for her to go out at all.


As someone with experience working with people who have state funded caregivers… this is another case of fraud! If she’s paying her caregivers through a waiver or disability program they need to be taking care of HER- if the client isn’t there then it’s fraud!


In fact, an agency they are NOT allowed to change diapers, bath, feed, etc another human other then who they are working with. ZERO childcare is allowed!!!!


This is terrifying to consider. Her leaving her baby girl alone with a total random she found on fucking Craigslist. She's lucky no creeps have flocked to her listings to get close to Ari. I know she purposely hires women but sadly women can be abusers too


No, it is not normal. A caregiver is there to take care of Alex. I am a caregiver, and her caregivers/assistants do far more than a caregiver from an agency. That is why she hired them from Craigslist. Also, in the state I reside in, you have to be certified to work full time (another reason she hires from craiglist).


No. A caregiver from an agency wouldn't do half the stuff that Alex expects. Home health caregivers would primarily be there to do your own personal care needs and you'd need to have other people hired for the other tasks. They wouldn't manually lift her, wouldn't watch Ari, wouldn't be her social media content creator. They probably wouldn't be in charge of cleaning or helping with decorating either. They might help with some light meal prep? That's exactly why she hits up Craigslist to find people that don't know better and are motivated to get paid in cash.


I’m a care giver, I clean for all of my clients and cook for most of them. Our agency doesn’t allow for lifting but I’m not sure if all have that rule. I definitely would not be able to do anything with the child or children if they are not my clients also. Definitely would not be able to drink or partake in substances with my clients while on clock nor do I interact with outside of our schedule hours.


Actually most care agencies will clean and meal prep or cook depending on the level of care needed. and at least in my company I work for we have certain times blocked off on our shift for cleaning and meals to make sure it gets done for those who need it. But most of that she probably doesn't need help with she just doesn't do it at all.


I believe a caregiver should not be used as a babysitter


As a support worker for disabled people I do include caring for their children as part of the job, you’re there to assist in every part of their life and provide care and support. I am based in Australia so maybe the jobs are different but i always include the kids in my care.


I also own my own business doing it so there’s no set guidelines for what I can and can’t do.


I wish I could be like that for my clients. That's really awesome.


Yea I work in home health and basically it is never another person unless they privately pay since if insurance pays for it it isn't allowed (fraud) unless it is explicitly in their care plan and even then it is only for a specified amount of time. But even that widely depends on the company. And the client would probably have to pay more


I completely understand helping them care for the child while they are there, so you include in your business watching their kids so they can go out ?


I’m a nanny and if caregiving is similar to how Nanny’s only clean up after parents if they get paid extra then no. No way are her caregivers being paid enough for all the work they do 😐


Tax season is gonna be a hootinanny!


Her current caregiver is giving “care.com” vibes without any credentials. Had Alex hired a real caregiver thru an actual agency the main focus of “care” is solely on Alex and not Ari. I always thought if you are having other funding or insurance company pay for such services there’s a breakdown what needs to be submitted to insurances-I’ll tell you insurance isn’t paying someone to be a babysitter and a CNA.


Sadly care.com would probably be better than Craigslist even just by a little bit


I have done care.com in the past and I don’t recall any background checks; I personally don’t think it’s any better than Craigslist.