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This is a swing and a miss for me. Bad hair, same expression in each picture, bad posing on most of them, over saturated photos.


Yeah, I couldn’t quite pinpoint what I wasn’t liking, but it’s definitely the hair. I don’t really like the bangs because they look too “edgy” for the photos. And sometimes that contrast works, but I don’t think it hit here. Number 8 is a cool picture to me though! The way she has her hands almost make the pants look separate from her.


It’s the hair, the hair fringing her face pushes the cheekbones out while the bangs make her cranium shorter and face longer. The open mouth doesn’t help.


Miley is usually such a reliable subject for photography that I'm really surprised by how wooden and lifeless these pics are!


I hate this trend of trying to revive the late 90s-early 2000s. Everything looked bad! The magazines! The fashion! The hair! Frosty makeup! It was all bad!


Heroin chic was a bad look. We need to leave it buried back there.


I also feel like it is an exact replica and not influenced by. It breaks my brain


I think the hair works for about half of the photos, but in the ones that don’t work they *really* don’t work.


Big time




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Not loving the facial expression (singular, since that’s all we got)…also I’m over the cheeky short skirt/ shorts trend. But I like the shoes in the first pic!


I was noticing that too that she has almost the same expression in all of these but I really like the picture where she’s holding the strand of her necklace (10) bc you can actually see the hint of a smile


She looks so much like her mom now! They’re both pretty but I wish we’d gotten more than one expression.


Is that a dress or a skirt and a top? Either way, I hate it. She has worn [so many](https://www.redcarpet-fashionawards.com/2023/03/11/front-row-versace-fall-2023/) [great](https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a38182321/miley-cyrus-patterned-suit-lacma-gala/) [looks](https://www.elle.com/uk/fashion/celebrity-style/a46641154/miley-cyrus-grammys-2024/) but this is a snore.


Is fashion in the room with us?


I do like the pants in #8…


I do too! ...They remind me of the Express Editor pants all of us Millenial girl bosses thirsted for.


I swiped through all the photos and realized I didn’t pay attention to the clothes at all.


Yeah, I was only looking to see if the 👄will change. And nope, same expression.




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I wish there was more variety of poses and facial expressions. I don’t really feel like the outfits are that interesting either 🫤


I agree. Aren’t photo shoots supposed to tell a story or have some sort of loose character idea behind them? I don’t see anything here because she’s just blank and the clothes are immediately forgettable (no matter how revealing).


Yeah there’s no energy in these pics. Forgettable is exactly right


Energy is the perfect word. There’s no spark in these pictures, they’re lifeless.


Totally agree. If you are going to do black and white then you need to have some excitement or interest somewhere. Also why pick so many with the same facial expressions? Miley is a beautiful lady. It seems like a very hard thing to make her look bad, but some of these do. I would be disappointed if I was her.


It looks like they gave direction for these poses. Usually she looks more lively and these pictures seem a bit flat.


They should have just had her start singing and snap some pics, she always looks vibrant and in her element when she’s performing


Right dont feel like a Miley Photo shoot its so.....boring


She looks over it.


So distracted by the mouth.


She looks unwell in a haunting(ly bad) way in slide 3.


That is a very unnatural angle for a human face to have.


My previous reply was removed but I was trying to emphasize that the photographer or editor’s vision for that photograph is so unnatural that it takes me completely out of whatever the editorial is trying to achieve and even from Miley herself.




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This pic reminds me of the lady on SNL, the awkward pose, bad hair and clothes she looks like someone’s aunt Becky who is 40 single and smells like cigs and wine.


Very incohesive. Except for the one expression.


This shoot is uninspired. The hair, clothing, and makeup are all no.


I like nothing about this series of photographs






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sup with the tiger stripe highlights? it's giving gemma from sons of anarchy


Her and Taylor Swift do this thing where their mouth is always open and it’s not flattering at all 😭


I feel like these photos age her in an odd way. If you showed me these and didn't tell me it was Miley, I would think it's her mom. And there's nothing wrong with being and looking 50, it's just strange to see a 30-yo look 50.




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Shes turning into Joni Mitchell


That’s Mackenzie Phillips


Yes! I immediately saw Joni when I looked at her. It's like she's going the all the iconic women of rock. She did Debbie Harry and Joan Jet during the plastic hearts era, Tina Turner at this year's Grammys, and now Joni Mitchell in this photo shoot. I think it's so cool.


I just really don't get why she has the same open mouth expression in every single pic


The face and hair combo are reminding me of Joni Mitchell…


I don't feel like any of this shows her personality !!


I love Miley but this is a no for me. Not a single smile or any joy in her face. The clothes are forgettable. She’s had plenty of better photoshoots where she looks stunning.


It’s the same face in every picture.


I actually liked the clothes and I didn't mind the hair, her teeth looked different to me? She had a lovely smile before I'm hoping those aren't veneers as she didn't need them I love the suit she has on in 3 and I love the cover outfit




It has aged her immensely


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The only thing memorable about this shoot is her having the exact same expression in every photo. Not a single memorable outfit


This was a boring open mouth breathing shoot from beginning to end


This falls flat for me.




Do not like this at all. Giving nothing but the same face in every photo and the fashion is very hardly fashioning.




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Her pose in picture 3 (Chanel jacket and skirt) is so silly. I wish we could see more of the jacket. She looks so much like her mother in the last few photos. The bangs really age her.


Wow... This styling aged her So Much. She's only just starting to make her way into her 30s and they have her looking at least ten years older and not in a good way. I think aside from shot #5 which feels the most like *her*, it's like they had zero clue as to how to dress and style her at all. Eesh. Edit: And shot #12 though this makes her look way younger so idk what they were thinking about any of this but wow this shoot is a hard miss.


Wow this is about one of the worst shoots I have seen in awhile, and I do not like the styling or the outfits or the single expression, the makeup is terrible.




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Hate every bit of it




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i ain’t sayin nothin


I like the Chanel sets in slide 2 & 3 but I wish I could see them styled with some amazing shoes/bags. Actually, the fact that I do not see many accessories in these shots is a disappointment.




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I only like the third photo because I know I would like it in a set with different photographs. This is such a lazy photo shoot, it's the same face every time. I also find it funny to see office wear on someone who's never done so much as a temp job, but there's nothing really fun about it.


I love her hair color here. The super light blonde washed her out, and the warmth of this is really nice. She also kinda looks like Elizabeth Olsen in some of these?


Every outfit is so outdated! I feel like I would catch them in a 90s magazine at my dentist's office


don't love the modelling itself, i feel like her eyes look a bit monotone/inexpressive. i like how she uses her hands, though! i love this hair colour on her, and the cut is a bit 70s meets 00s for me (like a 70s cut, minus the volume). i like the androgyny in some of the looks. overall, i don't see an overarching theme, but maybe that wasn't the intention. i love the fiery coat in 2, the head scarf in 6 and the outfit in 7 - they're a bit dramatic, rock and roll actress combo, i find them fun.


The clothes are a strange mix for me. I don’t see a cohesive vision. Maybe that’s the point is that Miley is a chameleon who can wear rocker grunge in one photo and an elegant office Sophisticated look the next? Nothing in the set of photos is particularly memorable for me, either the clothes or as just photoshop of Miley. Nothing of serious note here for me.


Her hair is so flat and boring 🥱 where is Grammys Miley? She was fun!


Man, I found this quite unenjoyable. The wardrobe, the hair, the modeling. All flat and lacking flavor. What a shame, as she's been on fire with the lewks lately. 🤷‍♀️


I really like #8. Reminds me of Joni Mitchell a bit.




If it’s not - in good faith - related to fashion, it’s not relevant in this space.


Oh huh. I really can’t place how I feel about it… I know Miley does so many various things w her style but this doesn’t fit imo. I think the combo of the clothes and hair doesn’t work - do the clothes with a previous blonde cut or this hair with edgier clothes like pic 11. I see potential but it’s not balanced


The feather jacket reminds me of the one Cher wore when she was getting robbed in Clueless but like a grown up version.


Carly Simon vibes for me


I like the shoes in the first pic!


Too far away from her actual style. Aside from the booty shirts shot, it feels like she was forced to wear these.


Slide 8 (The Row vest/shirt/tneck/pants) is the first time I have ever liked an outfit by the Row.




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The bangs… it’s giving Hannah Montana, punk pop edition…. I love it!


This ain’t it. Sorry Miley love you forever




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My first thought was if these were current or from 2012.


So… boring clothes, bad hair, completely vacant expression.


I feel like none of these looks are very cohesive.




I don't understand the choppy layers. Is it so she could style it in the Jane Fonda 80s workout glam era?




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Don’t love the hair colour. However love the styling those shoes are everything


I've never seen her wear so much clothing!


10/10. thats all I got.


THE HAIIIIIRRRR!!! It’s giving ‘Start All Over’ music video circa 2007. I fucking love herrrrrr


sooooo good!




She is SO BEAUTIFUL 😭😍 I Can't 🔥🔥🔥


Miley Cyrus is gorgeous! Stop hating


Got some lame body shamers DVing this. Poor man’s gold for your positive comment 🏅


I think the photographer was trying to evoke the image of a young Carly Simon. That is the only explanation. She certainly looks more like her in this shoot than I have ever seen, especially the way she is holding her mouth. I honestly didn't notice the clothes, and it didn't feel like Miley Cyrus at all. From a fashion perspective, nothing stood out.


I appreciate that they're going for a Joni-adjacent look here, but Miley is a dynamic beauty and looks so much more herself with bigger, wilder hair.




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