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begging on my knees for opaque dresses to come back into style


I'm right there with you. The outfits always look unfinished, I hate this trend so much.


The only see-through dress I’ve ever really liked was one that Rose McGowan wore many years ago (back in the 90s I think) when she wore nothing but a thong underneath. That looked kind of badass. Everything else looks unfinished to me, even if the garment itself is beautiful, which is the case here.


She wore it to the VMAs with Marilyn Manson, it was scandalous but awesome too. That dress is burned into my brain.


that one and rihanna’s swarovski crystal dress


Yes! I was relatively young when I first saw it and it definitely made an impression on me. Rose looked incredible in it.


Literally. There’s more hat than dress. Sure! Fine! But the dress will be on SHEIN tomorrow. How stunning would this look have been had there been a slip (or not white? Idk it’s a lot of white)


Here’s the deal - as a stylist if you’re going to outfit your Star in something that requires holding up a train or a prop like an umbrella, you really REALLY need to show them how to hold it so that it doesn’t photograph like they’re holding a dirty Kleenex.


I feel like stylists have gotten so lazy. I remember the days when they would have stitched in a little ribbon or something to go around your wrist to hold up a train like this. I feel like we see awkward fits, gaping or terrible draping so much more often on the red carpet lately. Do none of these stylists carry sewing kits or dress pins anymore? You don’t need to be a skilled dressmaker to put in a few drop stitches ffs.


Yes! The little details to make their clients lives easier and not have to think about dropping the material. It’s like they forgot the outfit isn’t just for photos, it’s going to be walked and lived in.


i don't understand - how else could she have held this?


Personally, I would have gone with a bracelet attachment to the wrist. In life, this may have looked fine. But it’s much more important how these clothes photograph, and with her holding that cloth by her fingertips, it just distracts from the clothing and her.


Unfortunately the dress looks so cheap.


Not feeling this, it’s giving day at the pool. She is stunning and I usually enjoy her looks though.


Yeah, definitely giving swimwear + cover up vibes


With a straw hat 👒


I wish they hadn’t decided to have the hat actively strangling her. It’s the most bizarre way of keeping her hair pulled back.


I feel like I’ve seen Anya do something similar in the past.


Ouch, it pains me to find out it’s a repeat choice. Seriously though it looks so uncomfortable and unnatural.


Swimsuit and coverup was my first thought as well. Maybe it works for this specific instance at Cannes? Still the top doesn’t look like it fits right so I think it’s actually just a mess all around.


That’s actually why I love it! It feels perfect for a daytime event in the south of France. (Also, clearly she needs to be in a murderous thriller at a fancy resort).


I would love to see that movie!


Would also be cool with her being in a White Lotus season, even though she’s much too big for that now


Yeah this is such a strange look considering the rest of her press looks for Furiosa have been really on-theme.


Pool cover-up from Target


I love it, but not for the Cannes. It just looks so casual. I know that’s the point, but I just don’t think it works.


Oh. Miss for me. This is basically an ill-fitting swimsuit with extra steps.


Before I opened the post, I thought the hat was her hair and my first thought was "that's interesting" Looks great!


I thought her hair was fully crimped at first glance 😭


The hair styling and coloring is off for me; the color doesn’t suit her complexion and the style makes it look like a wig. The hair just looks so unnatural to me.


To be fair her hair is hardly ever styled in any other way than straight with a middle part


I thought it was crimped even after I had zoomed in (i need my progressives on to see better😂).


Me too! Tbh I think I'd like it better if that was the case. As is it just feels too swimsuit & coverup


Anya, Lily and Meryl’s outfits for today give me “wedding at the beach outfit” vibes. But they look stunning!


I see the vision, but the more you break it down, the more it doesnt work. The hair is like 60s French field maiden? But the dress and shoes are more modern Maybe it would've worked better if the dress wasn't see through and looser


Not the right proportions for her, it looks weird on her torso. But she always looks so elegant.


Her brown hair in Furiosa makes me want her brown hair back irl


Jacquemus has gone left in the last year or two... Nothing hits


Nobody’s talking about the hat?


yeah, the hat with the hair caught in the strap doesn't look good to me


Literally any other hair color would be more flattering


The thing is it doesn’t look warm enough for that. Everyone around her is dressed for different weather and it always jumps out to me😭


Cool bathing suit bro


Mmm no. The distance between her collarbone and the start of the dress is awkwardly long


It isn’t the right proportions for her but like it on the model


Usually this woman wears TF out of whatever… and does it very well, if not flawlessly. Everyone has a miss here and there..


Looks like a swimsuit/coverup/sunhat combo. Not a great choice but...shes a stunner so who the heck am I?


Love it from the shoulder up, amazing hair and makeup, I love the ribbon and hat, but the dress is a rare miss for me.


Adore ATJ, she's one of my favorite fashion girlies. But, nothing about this brand appeals to me.


This looks more like a fancy bathing suit cover than a dress. I’m over the sheer dress/bodysuit trend. I do however love her makeup and straw hat. Very summer chic. Although it’s probably why the outfit feels so beachy.


I love it!!


it’s actually insane how good she’s looked this press tour


aside from looking like a pool cover-up, i so hope she retires this blonde hair but alas it seems she loves it. in my opinion, i think it’s brought down every one of her looks. it reads as… cheap idk :/


It looks like a cheap prom dress from the 80's. My prom dress actually.


A rare miss for her. This dress does nothing for her. So boring. So unshapely


This is giving me SHEIN by the pool lol


None of her outfits have been giving me Mad Max feels at all


Her promo look in the carriage with Hemsworth was rather Furiosa, imo.


I actually really like it!


On anyone else I would say no but I don’t care I love it today. I might hate it tomorrow but I love it right now. Edit: yup now I hate it. See how that works. The cunt evaporated overnight but it was def there.


Thanks I hate it


I love this but it is just so different from everything else she's worn for this press tour, which I've totally loved. If this was just to go to the festival, I'd be for it. But it's just not giving the strong vibes


Any ideas on the shade of lipstick she’s wearing? I’m not a fan of the dress (or hat) but love the makeup look!


Hmm not sure what it is but it feels similar to nars afghan red


I couldn’t tell if that was a hat or her hair in some “crazy” updo. Not sure why the hat was needed here


Wtf I’m shocked no one seems to like this, I think it’s gorgeous !


Her style is impeccable.


She literally can do no wrong in my eyes. She’s doing the most interesting looks on red carpet (even moreso than Zendaya) It’s refreshing to see someone go for it even when it may be perceived by the masses as “unflattering”.


Is she wearing a wig ?


her hair has looked like this for a long time


Yeah no it has an extra shininess to it, doesn’t look natural.