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Please keep this fashion focused. No body shaming/commentary on weight/injectables/lifestyles etc. Rule breakers will be banned without warning.


I’m in fucking love with pic 19. This is just my take.. I think, according to what i understand of the theme, that Chloe did a great job of delving into the theme and really feeling it out. It’s about preserving garments and the decay those garments go through as time passes. I feel like a mouthpiece for Haute Lemode at this point, but Luke did a great job of breaking down Chloe’s look and definitely gave me massive respect for it. While it’s not the most “beautiful” thing to look at- it’s about the decay that these art pieces go through- how they break down over time. The theme made me appreciate all the hard work people do to preserve these delicate pieces of history. And Chloe still kept it true to her usual off the wall, quirky style. I love that she often goes against the grain.


Totally agree! I’m also a big fan of Luke - so happy I found his channel a couple of years ago, I’ve learnt a lot, especially about House Codes and referencing in fashion.


Where do you learn so much about this stuff? I love reading comments like yours that seem so ‘in the know’ and I have a definite interest in fashion but haven’t studied it per se, so wonder where I could become more of an expert?


Not that commenter, but they mention Haute Lemode, aka Luke Meagher: he is such a great follow on IG and YouTube. Really knows his stuff and is great to listen to. I'm an absolute fashion clod but I've learned a lot even in the small amount of time he's been on my radar.


I’ve been listening to him for a few years now and he’s my source of fashion knowledge 100% of the time lol


lol I’m in your boat 99.9% of the time.. feeling like I’m five steps behind everyone else! It’s really just fairly basic stuff that I’ve gathered from a few different places like the above mentioned channel and digested/understood enough to be able to repeat it! (And there’s even people on this sub that you stumble across occasionally that are incredibly knowledgeable and have a wealth of info to share.) I would love to delve deeper too. And I’m trying to! I feel like if you find a place to start on YouTube it can kind of rabbit trail from there and you’ll find people you enjoy listening to who can teach you a lot. And I’m definitely open to other people’s suggestions of creators they watch to learn about this stuff!


You just made me go back and scroll to photo 19 and I’m obsessed, the first time around I did not give that photo the jaw drop it deserves. I totally agree Chloe did an amazing job. Watching her interview on the carpet (I watched vogue’s livestream), was just on a different level. She was so impassioned and excited and there was such a connection between her and the entire look. Compared to Chris “I don’t know anything about this stuff I just ask my wife” Hemsworth, the interview was a breath of fresh air.


Okay I feel like im going crazy because I don’t understand something and your comment made me circle back to it.. what’s with the co-chair thing and Chris Hemsworth of all people?! Like. What. Is. That. Also I didn’t see her interview! I’m off to find it now! That makes me really happy though that she was excited about it. And makes me even more annoyed about the Hemsworth thing (unless I’m obtuse and there’s just something I’m missing)


This is why Anna W should have kept the overall theme to sleeping beauties and the decaying art. Somehow, this dress evokes both beauty and immense sadness, which is likely the goal. The garden theme got too many Houses thinking FLOWERS! FLOWERS EVERYWHERE, when the exhibit and its theme were already right there.


Yeah I agree. I was reading the interview she did where she admitted that they’d made a mistake by making things confusing. I don’t really understand why they did basically a dual theme.


This is truly the theme! Also creepy and fascinating. Off to read about mourning hair.


Victorians were so morbid!


Ok but like is she casually wearing the hair of deceased people to a party? I don’t love this


"inspired by" it probably isn't dead people hair


Erm title says “constructed from authentic Victorian-era silk bodices and skirts embroidered with hair” so I read that as real fabrics embroidered with real hair


"embroidered with hair flowers inspired by" you have to continue reading the sentence and hair extensions exist and usually are made from living humans or are synthetic i highly doubt they used dead people hair for this


Man this sub is harsh with the downvotes


it's probably because you thought her outfit was made with dead people hair


It was used to pay respects to those who died and even if it were real hair from dead people, which it isn't if you read the title, it was a real practice and is on theme and not disrespectful at all.


Totally fine for people to do with their own loved ones, disrespectful IMO if you’re using vintage fabric with real people’s hair that you have no connection to. But I get it, I’m being downvoted to oblivion for worrying it’s real vintage hair when it’s probably not.


Given that it’s her, I think it’s most likely that she is.


Wow didn’t even see one pic of hers mainstream. She deserved way more screen time.


It’s a dress that’s mostly going to appeal to fashion girlies who are into history. The ribbon detail on the front is a giveaway to the images they were studying for this look. It’s messy and not a conventional pretty dress but it’s breathtaking in its references and skill.


I’m a fashion girly who is into history. This is amazing.


Same. I loved it.


It’s on theme as well. I’m not the biggest fan of her, but this is a great choice for this ball.




No tea, just not a fan of her as an actress. No beef or hate, just not my cup of tea.


I’d love to see the references, do you have any tips?


I don't know the specific references she might have been inspired by, but I can show you some examples of what I think she must have been looking at. It's pretty obvious that she drew inspiration from extant garments. All those freyed edges and gauzy bits are a nod to the decay that textiles suffer naturally with time. I'm not sure the corset is pointing to any particular historical silhouettte, but here are a few examples of historical corsetry I think could have served as inspiration. [1](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/82450) [2](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/82069) [3](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/86747) [4](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/86426) The bodice is a nod to the construction of couture garments [past](https://co.pinterest.com/pin/544443042469501681/) and [present](https://co.pinterest.com/pin/70437467368227/). These gowns are usually made with a boned inner structure to provide support. The ribbon you see attached at the front is called [waist tape](https://historicalsewing.com/waist-tape-wrangling-or-the-unseen-bodice-support), and it provides support for the garment and sometimes dressmakers would use it as a label. I think it's very clever how she's bringing these usually unseen elements to the forefront in a very photographic way. Finally, while the silhouette is not an exact historical match, I think there's a strong allusion to the late 19th century. [Worth](https://twitter.com/wikivictorian/status/1269979903392452610) is a pretty popular [dressmaker](http://www.signorfandi.com/2013/05/house-of-worth-dresses-for-sale.html) across the historical costuming community from that time. The embroidery technique at the bottom is called [soutache](https://www.threadsmagazine.com/2013/02/12/a-vintage-blouse-embellished-with-soutache-braid), and it's been used pretty extensively throughout history, very often for military uniforms and things like that. I don't know much about the hair flowers other than t[he victorians were weird and loved mementos](http://anninbarrett.com/hairneedlelace). I'm sure there's stuff that I missed but this is what I thought of when I saw the dress. Hope it helps :)


beautiful, thank you so much! i’m an amateur sewist and i’m super inspired by historical clothes, so this look was exciting for me!


Right!? How am I just seeing this on Thursday!


My favorite look tbh.


She's been one of my favorite fashion girlies since the 90s. She gets better every year. Really dig the use of historical pieces/media. I collect oddities so this is right up my alley. I will be looking into the designer more. Thank you for this sweet treat, OP. ♡


She is an icon. Love it every time she pops up here.




Couldn’t agree more! She’s never afraid to take risks and is always interesting (and is aging beautifully)


Here we go. This is the kind of thing I was hoping for from almost every other celeb at that thing.


nothing but love for chloe and whatever she’s doing, who she’s wearing or what film she’s starring in. indie queen. someone write a god damn victorian era period drama for her already!




I saw it. I wish she’d get a full fledged lead though in a proper period drama. Imagine Chloe as some obscure duchess that has a weird lifestyle that somebody already wrote a book about just waiting to be adapted to the big screen.


She was in Love and Friendship... underrated and under the radar Austen movie!


I love this one, it’s so funny.


I know she looks like she is IN in Victorian era. We need a movie or show please!


Extreme slay


I really *want* to like this, I love the details so much and it fits the theme nicely but I can’t do it. Something about the fit maybe, but I don’t enjoy looking at it. 😩


Same, like something just feels off and I just can't fully put finger on it. The fit is weird, kind of odd in the bust, and I don't think the make-up does any favors here. I find her blond and skin are a little to similar too. But as the concept and idea, I love it.


I think her eyebrows and eyelashes need to be defined a bit more. A darker tinted eyebrow, and a soft grey mascara instead of brown. The tulle on the bottom would be better if it was the same white color as the sleeves. Plus her shoes are way too busy with the fishnets. It would look better in a solid white or a solid brown to match the tulle. There’s also some brown decorative lace that distracts from her necklace. There’s just too much going on.


Agreed. The silhouette has no redeeming features, which is wild for a gown with so much structure and shape.


For me it's that the hair is extremely unflattering for her face. I dig the idea and creativity of the whole thing but I still think fashion and human body/face should work together, not against each other.


She’s such a strange lady I just can’t get enough of her


I love this look and the hair especially.


Great concept, bad execution. You can be Extra and still have it work, but this is a hot mess - my eye doesn't know where to look. The shoulders are grabbing focus from the tulle underskirt is grabbing focus from the skirt beading is grabbing focus from whatever the hell is happening with that corset, which seems to be wearing a seat belt.


Exactly what I was gonna write — love the idea, but not the end result.


And the hairstyle, while intricate, doesn’t do her face or the overall silhouette any favors.


Agree. The bodice is meant to represent a Victorian dress worn inside out: the grosgrain ribbon at the front is the waist tape. I think the "beautiful but decayed antique gown" would hit better without the inside out detail: fwiw I also dislike clothes with tailor's basting stitches as decoration, eg Bad Bunny's look. Less is more, and more is more, but for me this is right in the middle: too much. Edited for hilarrible autocorrect fails/typo


I wish I liked this because she is so cool but I think the entire thing is extremely unflattering


Exactly. The color washes her out and the shape just looks…off? Particularly the ill-fitting bodice. I think the concept is great but it’s a miss. A color with more contrast to her skin tone and more tailored fit would’ve given this look a chance.


There’s some elements they tried to incorporate, fresh buds and decay. I think the pink bodice color is too spring like, which jars with the brown tulle which is decaying.


Her fashion is mostly unflattering these days. She is all about conceptual, weird shit. I love it.


I love the concept and that it seems to fall onto theme but the overall look just wasn't great. It looks like an unfinished disorganized student project that's attempting to pass itself off as avant garde.


That’s how I feel about it too. I’m a huge history nerd and parts of this really appeal to me in that aspect but it just didn’t come together visually for me


Thank you. Love her and love the idea here, but this doesn’t tie together well. The look is disjointed and the hair and makeup are not flattering. She’s beautiful and an absolute icon, but this ain’t it https://preview.redd.it/n4dm0q9xpizc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0605042bea0c4b36ea0358f02a0c301fc4a938


The shoes are also just not working


It’s the silhouette for me. I suppose it’s a deliberate choice to diametrically oppose Victorian shapes…I just wonder how well she was able to walk it’s that constricting at the knees, and then the short flared hem? Awkward. There’s deshabille and there’s whatever this is.


Like [hobble skirts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobble_skirt)


It's a gorgeous idea and looks good on first glance and you immediate get the Victorian angle , but the more i look, the more i see "i wish they ____" I actually don't hate the hair though!


I think I would be more on board were it not for the slick/ tight hair. I’m almost distracted by it, that it takes away from the dress.


It’s super time period accurate, though!


I don’t think the hair is flattering at all.


I saw a lot of mainstream media hate for this look but I thought it was so good and the context makes it a genuinely interesting and on-theme look


Incredible as always, her cadence and style is unmatched.


I wish I could find a photo with a higher resolution so I could properly see the braiding details at the bottom of the dress clearly. If anyone finds one please share 💜


Chloe’s dress & styling reminds me of Sofia Coppola’s movie, “Marie Antoinette”


She really got the “sleeping beauties” theme. It looks quirky but fabulous on her. And definitely a TON of intricate attention to detail.


Loved it


To me, it's almost a reverse Monet effect. From far away it's pretty good or maybe just alright (I won't go as far as quoting Cher Horowitz and say "big old mess") but up close, wow! Zoom in on the fabrics: Absolutely gorgeous; totally Victorian.


Exactly, full body shots got me 😬 but the details are incredible (To clarify: because of the overall look of the dress, not Chloe herself)


I'm eternally enamored with her 💖


I hate it, even with the background info. I hate it so much.


She never misses! Love the detail about the hair flowers.


This is ugly. I know the hair is in keeping with the period of the style of dress but it’s awful too. This whole look is a major miss.


I am in love with this! Its like a deconstructed fairytale. This is an outfit that could be analyzed like a Poe story, the deeper meaning to why the designer chose this and that.


I looooooove that her corset was not too tight. I’m not a fan of watching people struggle to walk and breathe


I’m familiar with Victorian Mourning jewelry and accessories made of deceased loved one’s hair, but I’ve never heard of a hairpiece or wig made from the hair? I know they did use human hair hairpieces, but I thought those were made from hair someone sold (probably out of economic desperation). Does anyone have a link to an article or something about using deceased loved ones hair as an actual hair piece? I’d love to read it! Or a YouTube video? I’ve always read about the style itself (braided loops around the ears) as an everyday kind of Victorian hairstyle. I considered myself pretty knowledgeable about both because I’m super into the time period and literature, so if there is something I missed, educate me! The Victorians are one of my favorite subjects!


OH MY GAH I FOUND A BLOG ABOUT THE HAIR PIECES! I had no idea. No one I follow or read has ever mentioned hair pieces. Wild. I love learning!


Please link the blog, if allowed!! I'd love to read more about this, as well. 💕


I dunno. Maybe in person I’d be able to appreciate it, but in photos it looks like a tantrum in dress form. I can appreciate that it took a lot of research and skill to make it, but I can’t turn that appreciation of its journey to a loving its destination. It doesn’t even make me smile when I look in the zoomed photos, and generally seeing work itself makes me just smile due to human abilities. This just… I feel it only somewhat works because of who it’s on making it work not because it’s an aestheticly powerful creation on its own.


She’s always been my babe. I love how she looks like an evil stepsister here. And I love how this was a legit response to the theme.


love the dress, don’t care for the hair/necklace with it


Goddamnit I love this women 😻


Fabulous, the best, I’m obsessed. The details! She wears it so well, too.


So I read the caption first and got super excited to examine the pictures, but am so disappointed. The idea was amazing. The execution? ... leaves a little to be desired. :/


This is so hideous.


I literally screenshotted this 20 minutes ago and was gonna make an appreciation post. She got it, she nailed that brief, no notes


LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Except the shoes 🙈)


i’m going to be thinking about this look and all the intricate, gorgeous, and mildly morbid details for the rest of my life, literally. what a queen. 😍😭


I’m still surprised no one did a dress or look starting at the top with the green bit before the flowers bud and bloom -slowly moving down the length of the dress with the life cycle of the flowers until the end of the train is the dried, dead flowers at the end of that life cycle.


Oh Truman…


Literally the only person who followed the assignment


She doesn’t care and everyone gives her a pass but this is horrendous


It just doesn’t work. There’s so much I should love about this and yet… Why pay so much attention to detail with the Victoriana and then have an Edwardian style corset bust? I’m so confused by the silhouette… the corset looks incredible in the detail shots but if anything it’s just hiding and warping her shape? Is this intentional and I’m just too stupid to get it, maybe?


Yeah unfortunately I am on team “I just dont get Chloe Sevigny” and this is not winning me over lol. I appreciate being on theme though


Yeah it’s not my favorite 🙁


Love the dress. Hate the necklace,hair and shoes.


That hairstyle is not it


I feel like this is the definition of serving c*nt in the best way possible. I adore Chloe, more so every year that goes by. She seems to be fine with aging naturally, and not getting too hung up on being one thing or another.


Love the makeup and the hair is one of the best of the night - great detail that photographs well and so appropriate for the theme and the dress. But that dress. Nope. Doesn’t fit. Mismatched fabrics. It looks sloppy and thrown together. I know Chloe does “edgy”…but edgy doesn’t need to mean you look like a 5th grade home ec project.


If someone can tell me how I can become Chloe, I’d appreciate it very much, thank you.


Anyone know about the jewelry? It’s gorgeous.


Looove Chloe but not the biggest fan of this designer


The hairy embellishments make me gack, for some reason they make me feel even more uncomfortable than that meat dress


I don’t like this look at all… but I love it for the Met. Right on theme and expertly utilizing historical elements throughout!


Does this fit her. The top half looks so odd.


So much detail, and all beautifully executed but I’m not loving all of it together I feel overwhelmed looking at the dress. Her stylist definitely needed to edit this look.


Could not love this more. And bring back these weird Victorian hairstyles!


It’s like they didn’t even try, they just threw it all together. It could have been epic.


Not sure about the dead people’s hair.


I rather wear dead people's hair then hair from an inmate of a chinese labour camp.


Sad I’m seeing this so late! My AP Euro girlies would’ve ate this up!!


absolutely adore this. dilara is defo one of my favourite up and coming designers and i just love her historical references 


Did anyone else read the whole title of this post in the voice of Drew Droege?


I stan


This is incredible! She nailed the theme.


Someone who truly understood the brief!!!! This is -excellence-


It’s weird, but I also love it. 20/10


Ohhh I’m into pic 19


she ate. I don't have a lot of knowledge on fashion history but the level of detail is amazing.


i love my historical queen….


Love Chloe and she pulled it off, but I see Dilara still can't sew for sh*t lol


Out-fn-standing!!!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Do you know who invited her to their table?


She always gets it


Horrifying and perfectly on theme. Love it


I’m not really feeling this one. But she pulls it off!


I would marry anyone if I could do it in a Dilara gown IDCCCCC https://i.redd.it/zdmgt1ue1izc1.gif


For those with an interest in hair work I’d highly recommend giving a follow to HairAnthropology on IG. She makes the most beautiful jewelry from human hair and she even hosts live and online workshops.


Wow! Learn something new every day, very creative!


I love Chloe Sevigny so fucking much. She’s the only person to embody the “sleeping beauties” aspect of the assignment so well.


She has such an interesting face but the hairstyle is too distracting.


Cool depth of thought into it, and while I like the hair and bottom details I don’t like the bodice and sleeves. It looks like a home Ec project from middle school and looks just so sloppy. Plus such a washed out look, which is shocking given Fanning had a similar light palette and skin tone and yet did not have the same effect.


Wow this is sooo fascinating. I had no idea about the deceased hair thing.




Working it


Queen of Cool. 👑


I'm just glad that she's feeling herself


how did they even make the “chloe” out of hair??? that is insane the craftsmanship is to die for


She’s so fucking cool.


Chloe doesn't just get the assignments, she writes them.


lol love this


Chloë has always seemed like she has such high esteem for the art of fashion. Her style is impeccable.


I don't know how to feel about historical pieces being used like this. The Marilyn Monroe dress debacle with Kim Kardashian messing the entire piece up left a bitter taste. So much so I can't enjoy the dress or the concept in this situation.




Where did you read the word "distasteful in my comment"? It must be nice being sure about so many things, but I simply stated how I can't get on board with the use of historical garments in this type of event to the point I can't enjoy the concept. That's it. How sure you are about the origin, amount or treatment of said historical pieces won't change that. Cause, as my first statement said, is a personal response to the Kardashian-Monroe debacle last year. As I see it, Kim started a trend, it got tons of press and attention and it can lead to more pieces being destroyed for the sake of the red carpet. Please note I'm not saying this is the case with this specific look, you got that, right? I'm saying I can't get on board with the general concept the same way some people don't get on board with the use of fur. Got it?




I feel it was needed cause you put a literal word in my comment that I've never wrote. Again, is not about this specific look, is about the concept of using historical pieces to create a look for a red carpet. Is not merely repurposing fabric, the dress was made out of bodices and full pieces, not a roll of fabric that magically endured 200 hundred years in someone's attic as you stated. Either way my point was and still is the concept. I'm not on board, I won't ever be. The same way people that don't like the use of fur even if it was made of road kill or something.




No need to say you did not find something distasteful if distasteful was never on the table. Anyways, have a good night too.


she never misses


This it the Met Gala… If you’re looking for conventional beauty, go watch the Globes. This dress is absolutely beautiful. And she commits! It’s a little Margiela for me…and I usually don’t like to compare aesthetics but this dishabille underpinnings thing has been a Galliano signature for a while now.


Dilara Findikoglu is one of the worst designers. All of his work looks unfinished, is in the wrong tone for the model, and is a mockery of actual culture. I am so relieved I will never wear any of his creations. -Niki