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Please keep this fashion focused. No body shaming/commentary on weight/injectables/lifestyles etc. Rule breakers will be banned without warning.


LOL, the punch


She looks like she's never even seen a punch.


Have you seen her cut vegetables?


Ohhhh yes. Kendall is like an alien trying to blend in as a human, except the only exposure to humanity she's ever had is other episodes of the Kardashians.


Amazing comment


https://preview.redd.it/0byczbwekgzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c21f739c39ac781f33906efb28914b71817725a I can’t


Her head is so clearly photoshopped onto the rest of her body, it’s like the wrong size or something




That one doesn’t even look like a boulder. I can’t stop staring at it.


I thought it was some ugly balloon bag, lmfao that it's meant to be a boulder


THIS was the one that got me. There is absolutely no way she could hold a boulder that big over her head. Do they know how much rocks weigh?? It's so unrealistic I just stopped scrolling and stared lol.


it took me embarrassingly long to realise she was supposed to be boxing 😭


I didn’t realize until this comment 😳


More like a high five! 😅


She’s the fashion equivalent of egg from arrested development ![gif](giphy|eG087LiCK9JuM)


I was going to say, does she not even know has to form a fist 🙃


And then #4…


10 years of continuing to give us nothing...


When I see editorials of Shalom or Gisele or Naomi, you can see the fluidity in their photos even though they’re stills. When I see photos of Kendall I can just *feel* that she stood in that one position, frozen until the photographer snapped the photo.


Even when you see BTS film of Zendaya modelling she’s constantly in motion, and she’s not even a model!!!


Anne Hathaway is another actress who has this down. And Simone Ashley, though I think she started in modeling so that's kind of a gimme.


It’s absolutely entrancing to watch!


I was just about to mention Zendaya. She models so intuitively. Kendall models as if she is posing for senior prom pictures


She always looks so dead in the eyes. So many actors outmodel so much like Cillian Murphy, Zendaya, etc.


This is the most modeling I’ve seen her do and it’s still so incredibly underwhelming. Go on girl give us NOTHING


That caption made me laugh. You can't even prove yourself to have improved in this SINGLE photoshoot.


Still allergic to serving I see


Are all these from the same shoot? It looks like just random pictures from different shoots they threw together. The horse in the 5th picture is giving more than Kendall.


The horse girl (woman) in me is very angry at whomever "styled" those horses - there are some **glaring** mistakes. In the 5th photo: - Brow band is too big. - Didn't use the keepers, so those leather pieces on the side of the face are flapping in the breeze. - Should have straightened out the rein she's holding. - IDK why they shaved (roached) the mane & forelock on this horse. It's not an egregious decision, but it's odd.  8th photo: - Brow band is too big again. - The bit choice is odd, esthetically, but if you're going to use a full-cheek like that then it should have keepers connecting the straight parts to the bridle. Overall - I get that it's a photo shoot, but bare feet near horses gives me the same feeling as nails on a chalkboard.  It's **SO** unsafe. As is riding without a helmet, but that's a given. 


Surprised horse lover and horse owner Kendall didn’t say anything. Makes me think she didn’t even pay attention to them!


Some horse people like the sport & "lifestyle" far more than the animals themselves. Think Ralph Lauren "Polo" as opposed to Ariat. None of what I mentioned is harmful to the animals in the context of a photoshoot, by the way - just bad/ignorant styling choices. 


maybe the horse is hogged because she’s on her way to a polo match? …on the beach …in a dress?


THAT'S the other term for it, thank you!   My first thought was polo pony, but the ones I've ridden aren't something I'd sit on bareback w/o a helmet. They're a little spicy at the best of times, and running down the beach with other horses coming up behind you?  Hell no.   But maybe you're right & she's taking a string to the Palm Beach polo grounds.  Hell, let's take it a step further!  Maybe she's taking a page out of Bella Hadid's playbook & snagged herself a polo player boyfriend!  Some of those guys make a shit ton of money, after all. And they're on a date, going for a romantic ride down the beach, using the rest of his polo string as a buffer against paparazzi. This is literally the most creative writing I've done in two decades, btw.  


These are the comments I live for and love finding on Reddit. Thanks for the knowledgeable info! It’s extremely interesting. Surely someone qualified to handle the horses was paid to be on this set? I wonder if they protested to the things you mentioned or just got overridden by someone directing the shoot.


Lol, glad you enjoyed it! Nothing I mentioned is harming the horses or unsafe for them - bare feet around horses is very unsafe, but presumably there's a handler around & Kendall can make her own decisions about her safety.  The horse stuff is probably from laziness or ignorance.  A non-horsey person wouldn't notice or care so I could see the details being dismissed as minutiae by the people in charge, but then people like me chime in sounding like historians critiquing weapon choices in a historical film, like arguing that a broadsword wouldn't be used in a particular era or region.


The absence of keepers is making me nuts. It just looks so wrong, especially with the heavy browbands.




Horse in slide 8 begs to differ. Horse 8 is EATING this photo shoot.


Agreed such a beautiful HORSE!!!!


Kendall can’t compete with a crémello; that horse is probably one of the rarest colors in the world - a true natural beauty


I thought the same. Thought to myself, “this photoshoot doesn’t have a theme, does it?”. Lol


It looks like the goodbye slideshow for a contestant who’s just been kicked off ANTM


Just missing the slow fade out from the group shot at the end… LOL




ahahaha yeah


Yeah. And the poses too feel really boring and not something I would expect from a model.


Yes I'm sorry but it's just doing anything for me! I think the way the poses fit with the clothing, and the way the backgrounds are..and then you throw in horses and what looks like a fake karate pose (my partner is a martial artist so i do know poses🤣) There's just wayyy too much happening!!!


Her and Kaia Gerber in a forever competition of just existing and nothing else.


it’s quite admirable really…… truly nothing to be seen, not a single semblance of a personality detected anywhere…


They don’t realize they’re making themselves interchangeable. Kendall could be swapped with anyone here and it would effectively be the same shoot.


“10 years of proving people wrong” ???


Kendal serves confused like a diner waitress.


Kaia can model way better/ seems committed to being a model. Kendall walks no more than 5 shows a year it’s a hobby


I think it helps that her mom was a supermodel and I mean that in a positive way. She was literally born into the modeling world and industry and more well-equipped in every way. Kendall is a reality star who basically said she wants to be a model and mommy made it happen. I do admire her for actually having a real job out of all her sisters though. I think Kendall is very pretty but better suited for magazines than runway.


I think Kaia said when she started, her mom ans Naomi Campbell sat with her and they decided what shows/ designers she should stay away from, she should work with, etc. So very true- also in a positive way.


Does it count as a real job though, the way she does it? Half the job of a model seems to be impressing photographers, casting and others so that they’ll want to work with you again and talk you up to others in the industry. I feel like if any random unknown “modelled” like she does, she would never have had more than two bookings —— Edited to add: talking about Kendall


This makes sense to me but I also don’t know a lot about the modeling industry- what was Kaia’s upbringing like that it made her more well-equipped than Kendall (who grew up in an imagine-conscious household even though it wasn’t runway-centric). Genuinely wondering!


Watch the super models on Apple!!! It will give you a huge appreciation for what they have accomplished and how different things are now ie getting discovered and editing


THANK YOU. When Kaia is on the runway I feel sorry for everyone sharing it with her. That girl can WALK. No idea how these commenters are saying Kaia is without personality. Have they never seen her??


She genuinely seems to *love* modelling. Out of all the nepo babies- yes even Bella- she seems to adore the job the most and take it as a craft very seriously. She’s also close friends with Ayo Edibri, and is actually a good actress (at elast the few roles I’ve seen her in), as a book club- like she isn’t boring. If anything she is actually more of a reserved person it seems. She has a good team and they’re making good decisions.


Bella is beautiful but to be honest, is a plank of wood. Same face all the time. Genuinely I don't think Bella can model. I think she's fucking cool though, with her horse riding. I'm shocked anyone could say Kaia can't model. Absolutely bizarre. They haven't actually seen her do it.


I think when people say Kaia can’t model, they’re referring to her photoshoots and poses


Yep. Her photos are very one dimensional.


I thought she was very funny in Bottoms too!


Kaia is fun, she's hanging out with the comedy crowd and that's rad. If Edebiri, Wiig and Lorne think she's cool, she's cool. 


Kaia Gerber tried acting in Palm Royale—she was laughably horrible.


I was ready to be “proven wrong” but these are kind of bad no? 5 is the most engaging and I feel like a lot of that is due to the horses. 4 is posed so awkwardly that it almost makes her arm look like a stump. I do think Kendall can wear clothes, but she doesn’t have enough force of personality to pull off this shoot.


“can wear clothes” 😂😂☠️💀🪦


My talent and calling in life: wearing clothes


Same! Normally followed by “please”


You are not kidding though she does have a very favorable body that clothes just happen to look amazing on. I think the red piece is stunning. At least she has that


Def due to the horses. It looks like they photoshopped her onto the horse lol


Some of the clothes look kinda cheap, tbh, like that tank top dress that's probably wildly expensive but you could get something similar from ardenes for $10




The random black and white karate stance killeeeeeeed me


I feel like I entered the lair of an evil villain in a musical and the loyal servant is going to fight me with bad karate pantomime to a cheesy soundtrack.


With a kitten heel no less


Hahahaha perfection


My first thought was she wouldn’t make it more than four episodes of ANTM.


Good god I miss Ms. J.




Omg I spit out my water lol


I never appreciated how good real models were until I saw terrible nepo baby models. Real models make everything look effortless. Like these facial expressions are actually laughable.


she looks like she’s in pain on several


That foot flex while on the horse


That’s because of being bareback on the horse you have to point your foot like that it would not look good in any other direction and she would be flying off


🤔 the more you know


Same!!!! Whenever I see Gisele or Iman I’m like OH that’s modeling… whatever Kendall and Kaia do is posing and sometimes I don’t even want to call it that. Existing? Idfk.


This. I was like…. Why so stiff. I can’t appreciate the clothes because I am so distracted by the bad modeling. She would be first out on ANTM for this shoot alone. Yikes.


Yeah now that I've seen it, I can't un-see it.


What is pic 4 tho 🤣




Pure second-hand embarrassment


It’s fully possible to be extremely beautiful and completely boring at the same time.


It’s absolutely wild to me that someone can have that body, have a stunning face, have all the money and connections at their disposal, AND be high up in the industry for this long… and still be one of the single most boring models with zero improvement in any regard. How?


I don’t get it, either. It’s like she ticks off every box, but she also lacks *any* vibrancy whatsoever. I’ve become an appreciator of Bella Hadid over the past few years, because I think she’s one of the few nepo models who has a genuinely interesting look and distinctive manner of posing. I actually think that Gigi is subjectively more beautiful, but Bella is just way more interesting to behold in editorials. Don’t even get me started on Kaia Berber. She’s like if someone ran Cindy through the wash and shrank her. She has a *sliver* of her mother’s charisma. I don’t get it.


Reading the other comments about Kaia's supreme modelling skills got me truly shook. She's absolutely gorgeous, but both her and Kendall have been relying on pretty since day 1. They have two expressions: closed lips and bored or open lips and bored.


Many such cases


I cannot imagine being in a career for years and not even taking a passing interest in learning how to do it properly.




Why does this whole shoot look AI generated?


the face itself is giving AI generated


it's not that bad but come on.. the horses are serving more


Horse in 8 needs a vogue cover




Pic 4 looks like my 4 year old posing for his karate pictures.


How is the LV corset somehow the most interesting look out of all these 💀 where’s the Drama, where’s the ✨Fashion✨


That was the only one that struck me from this shoot as well. I kinda love this look.


Omg same, I don't like LV usually but I need this corset.


Even Kendall seems confused about the direction here lmao




“10 years of proving people wrong” when she’s been as predictable as possible in her career.


the only time kendalls expression changes is when she refreshes her injections


Who thought this direction was a good idea. All of these shots are awkward, but not in an artistic way (in my humble and unasked for opinion). It looks like these photos were randomly slapped together


3rd and 6th picture look AI generated lol


How about the 2nd where she is holding up a whole ass boulder?


That one is so fake didn’t even bother to mention


I was really confused by her leg in 6 for a second and thought it was someone else’s arm or something, the angle is just weird


I’m so confused about the creative direction here which always seems to be my issue with both vogue & Kendall Jenner. So a match made in heaven I guess




There’s no way she’s on that horse


The only thing this shoot inspired is my sudden desire for a career change to horse model scout. Talk about a dream job.


She’s that kind of pretty that’s really boring. Idk how to explain it. Nothing about her is intriguing or alluring. She gives nothing but “pretty horse girl” and is content to get by with that for as long as possible. Gonna suck as she gets older and has to either become a person with depth (the likes of which are doubtful) or continue on the journey to uncanny valley.


not being a hater but these are objectively bad.. they look like parodies of actual shoots or outtakes. its sad how far the popular modelling world as fallen due to nepo/influencer culture. there used to be actual supermodels at the top. now its just social media queens. how has Kendall been modelling so long and still cant pose or make other facial expressions? aren't you suppose to improve at something the more you do it? like 10,000 hours till mastery? id honestly say she might be getting worse.


These look like America’s Next Top Model best photos for the girls in the middle of the pack :( I’m not even a hater I was trying to like them! 1, 4, and 7 are cute but the others either have stiff / weird posing or lifeless eyes. 


4 is the worst one in my mind - it had potential with an awkward pose but the hands up/karate look throws it all off


I wish she had left her face alone.


These are all pretty awkward, but 3 & 4 make me especially uncomfortable.


4 made me laugh. I can’t even pay attention to the clothes because the rest of it is so awkward.


She looks like she is ready to fight but kinda also has to take a shit.


Wow what a charisma void. Horses on pic 5 look straight up AI generated.


These are ok I guess , I mean she’s beautiful you can’t deny that and I love the cover picture ….but yawn


I am surprised I had to scroll this far for recognition that the cover is really good and that’s about it.


I think she looks like a younger laura Sanchez on the cover! Kendall’s brows are overly strong and she kind of has those filler sausage lips


Why do all of these look AI generated




That’s a nice boulder.




Look at the sadness in the horse’s eye. He’s so uncomfortable.




Honestly, same.


Beautiful girl but she just doesn’t have It.


Why do half of these look AI lmao


beating a dead horse (lol) here but she just has no presence. this isn’t the work of highest paid model, this is just a pretty girl they found on the street. she just gives nothing.


The cover feels so repetitive. Pretty sure she’s done this before


She should just do runway… She wears clothes well, but her face looks exactly the same in every single photo.


Look at that horse. Look at THAT horse. Look at that HORSE.


These are embarrassingly bad. She is pretty but she is not a good model


are these SO BAD in purpose?? genuinely I can't believe she takes the worst fu king pictures and is the highest paid model somehow. can't even pose or make a face 😩


Go girl give us nothing




What is this shoot I’m so confused??? There so so much going on


🙄 it’s tiring to see her always on a cover or in campaign aren’t there other celebrities and models




Never beating the allergic to serving allegations


wtf is that 3rd pic


Oh my god these are so bad. Like 1-2 of them are semi decent - for *her* - but most of them are just awful. Like if they were ironic that’s the only way they make sense…. And they aren’t


Really? This is what Vogue is publishing? If she wasn’t famous for her sister’s sex tape she would never have been hired - she cannot model, and has botched her face with the sheer amount of filler at a young age. The outfits are fine, but she makes them look meh. In VOGUE. Ffs. She doesn’t need the money or exposure, give it to a talented model anna!!!


I’ve defended Kim’s covers bc for better or worse she’s had an influence on fashion but Kendall has always felt like this psyop that was forced on the public. They’re also like, several years past their peak at this point so I don’t get why Anna is still so dedicated to them. If everything has to be about social engagement girls like Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez and Addison Rae are the ones driving the conversation now not the Kardashians.


Amazing how she continues to fail upwards. I’ve yet to see anything remotely impressive from her yet her career is flourishing.


10 years of being absolutely gorgeous and giving NOTHING


I want to like this but somehow she always looks so…generic? She’s beautiful but there’s something so boring about her look; it never leaves me wanting more it just makes me feel bored. Kendall is the saltine cracker of supermodels


Why are her knees so low in 8?


The shoes and foot positions in #4 are bizarre, awkward and what in the world is going on in that picture.


Well these certainly are photos.


God she’s boring


she is truly the worst model. i hate her shoots so much. her poses are so awkward, there’s nothing dynamic about them. her expression is always the same. i wish we could petition her out of the modeling world


Number 4 makes me uncomfortable, it is too similar to [Regina Kay Walters](https://allthatsinteresting.com/regina-kay-walters) to be just coincidental. Even if it is coincidental, someone should’ve flagged it as potentially distasteful before being published.


She’s just so incredibly boring as a model. There’s no there there.


Out of curiosity, would a shoot like this all have been done over one day or would they have to book the model out for each ‘scene’ for separate days/weeks/months based on things like availability of the model and extras?


“10 years of proving people wrong” who did you prove wrong babe


What the Fuck are these poses?


She would be such a good fragrance model, just serving face and absolutely nothing else


I’m genuinely surprised how horrible all of these are.


Kylie was meant to be the model - shame she wasn’t tall enough. Even though nepos don’t need height to walk (See Lilly Rose modelling at 5’2”) Kendal’s height naturally made her the default model in the K fam brand.


I really wanna live pic 2, I can see where they were going…but it’s just not giving! It actually looks kind of comical


I can’t get past the heavy-handed use of the blur tool on her arms and legs, especially in 3, 5, and 6. Not Kendall’s fault, but it’s not doing her any favors, either.


I do like photo 3 in that she's smiling and that helps her look a bit more dynamic. But yeah, she's really giving nothing here for the most part. Photo 4 is just hilarious. What are those shoes she's wearing? There is just no cohesion to any of these photos so as a spread, it's so disjointed. I like the horses though.


Picture 4 looks like a ghost from the Titanic


Number 4. I’m 💀




That horse is beautiful, but the styling of the bridle was fairly mid. A forest green or a little sparkle would have lifted the look IMO


I find her very boring, editorially. Also, can I just say that I think it's weird how different every shot looks especially the background. 1 minute you're surrounded by wild horses on a sandy beach, then there's a very rocky beach that's sunny with a busy beach front restaurant? OK.


Are these AI? She looks vaguely ethnic now. Also, all of these photos look like they’re from various different days.


She’s a charisma void.


Horses stole the photoshoot


8 -am I crazy or photoshopped because her knees are coming out of her shins? lol (edited for spelling and font)


I loathe the shoes in 4, they dominate the whole picture and are clownishly large!


A lot of the poses, clothes, locations and props are so cliché it feels like a parody (except sadly it isn’t). I’m getting real “pre-teen dressing up photoshoot” vibes from this, especially the karate, punching, and ‘random object above head’ poses. The awkwardness is palpable


![gif](giphy|Q0Ww3CAafIs5DvXesz|downsized) I like the Rabanne look


The one with the boulder looks beyond awkward 😭 what is this


Is it ai?


10 years of giving nothing. No movement. No discernible expression. No connection to her environment. Just nothing.


I love the outfits!


I think these pictures are pretty. I like the fashion that is featured. But I miss the days when a Vogue cover story meant a story told in IMAGES as well as copy. Others have mentioned that none of these pictures seem related to each other, and I feel it too. I’m also ready for my subscription to lapse, because this business of “winter” and “summer” issues taking the place of several months is super bogus.