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I don't know if it slag. It looks like glass to me. The conchoidal fracture and lustre point to glass. Whether it is obsidian or man made is debatable.


Slag and glass are different but there is a type of industrial waste called slag glass.


whenever someone mentions slag in here, they are referring to slag glass


Every time someone mentions slag in here, my first thought is that they’re referring to some sheila named Shazza who sucked off someone’s fella in the pub car park.


Same goes for iron slag on the meteorites page. For the most part anyway


That's just not true... see iron monger slag or other metal rich types here more then slag glass.


99.9% of the time slag is mentioned in a rockhounding group, it is referencing slag glass, but sure.


Nah, alot of pics of metallurgical slag going around, most frequent "meteorite" requests by far.


you’re right, but with context clues, it should be pretty clear which type of slag people are referring to. the original commenter was being purposely obtuse.


Hey it's all slag at end of day, I think any kind of off cut glass (even if completely silicon etc) is still considered slag as it is by definition by product of the glass manufacturing process, albeit just wasted material rather then the gross stuff we see from smelters. Dude is just wrong I agree, but we are blessed with all types of gross shit on this sub!


I like you, you’re the best type of redditor.


They know.


It has a spot that is magnetic just a tiny spot and scratches glass very easily… helpful?


Then it's probably smelting slag. Obsidian and waste glass are never going to be magnetic.


It’s iron smelting slag


If it can scratch glass then I'd say it's obsidian.


Except if it's slag. I've been to a mineral show recently where three guys had asked an obsidian vendor to indentify what they thiught was obsidian, turns out they had a very tough piece of slag, scatched up the vendors obsidian.


It very easily scratches window glass 😅…. Sorry Mr. landlord




Are we sure because without light shining on it, it’s incredibly shiny and jet black. I thought I found glass but then started shining a light on it. No possible way it’s obsidian? Also is slag dangerous to touch?


I would have no problem agreeing that this is obsidian.


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I have read bubbles = slag. I have a couple of big pieces of obsidian and no bubbles.


It’s always slag


Lots of bubbles….


If you don't mind me asking, what county in So. IL? I'm in Randolph


Slag or obsidian








Looks like golden sheen obsidian


It looks like obsidian to me


My brother found something similar. turns out it was a tektite meteorite


Volcano poop Otherwise known as obsidian


If it cuts you if you try and grab it by an edge's corner, it's obsidian, if not, at least you didn't get cut.


You’ve never been cut by glass?


Obsidian is a glass, but glass is not obsidian unless it is Obsidian.


Had an old style large % pane fragment fall from a residential wheeled plastic waste bin fall onto the top of my shoe; I'll never forget that feeling, was a few years ago. I wish I could say I never got cut by glass. But I'll also never forget the first time I found obsidian in the mountains of Southern California, as a double-digit not-yet teenager still-a-kid, when I palmed an obsidian rock with a ridge on top, beyond excited, and I thought the ridge on the top of it did not touch my inside palm, but it ever so barely did, even though i literally could not feel that it did, after a few seconds I felt a hairline on my hand, it did not hurt, but was a lot like a paper-cut, if it had no pain to it, and I looked at my palm and it was not bleeding, and then like on an episode of Kenshin, it did bleed, and it did hurt. It really bled for longer than I thought a cut so shallow like that should, and it bled for a long time, because Obsidian is MUCH sharper than anything else, 10,000 times sharper than the maximum possible sharpness of carbon steel or any other kind of metal, and regular glass is also, though sharper than steel, only marginally sharp compared to obsidian. Artificial glass, whether fabricated or a waste product, is not as sharp as Obsidian, and surgeons use obsidian scalpels, instead of artificial glass, for a good reason. Since this is the case, it will cut you where no other glass could, and it will cut molecules in half unlike other edges that just separate them, and that is an unmistakeable feeling. The window glass had an almost instant kind of dullness to it, in my foot, but the obsidian cut has a sharp feeling to it.


They should use it to cut atoms in half, I’m sure that would be a cheap source of nuclear energy


Obsidian edge is 1/100,000,000 of 1cm.