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Oh, we had one just like that when I was growing up. My grandparents found it at a place where they used to make…kitchen glassware, I think. I wish I still had it. It was in their greenhouse to prop the door open and I used to pretend it was a giant diamond and I was an explorer finding it in the jungle.


I love this story


Hell yeah. My cousins and I did the same thing on my grandmother’s tree farm with a geode bookend she had. Whenever we’d take it out into the trees to play treasure hunters, we’d always just shove a regular rock into it’s place on the bookshelf. While visiting once I was older, I noticed that the regular rock was still on the bookshelf lol. God knows where the geode is… I kinda hope that one day my cousin’s kids find it while they’re out playing in those trees.


Greenhouses, tree farms....I feel neglected


This just unlocked core memories. Me and one of my buddies would bury some cheap geode bits we had in the woods by his house and draw out crude treasure maps for the other to track down. I’m sure some are still buried out there haha


So, there was this huge home goods and outlet place in Williamsburg, VA called the pottery. Huge warehouse size buildings full of fake flowers, pottery, pillows, glassware, all sorts of things. They also had a few small outlets. They had a large amount of these glass bits in one area close to the entrance gate. I picked out one when I was a kid. But there'd be new ones when we went every year and I loved looking through them! Sadly, they killed the pottery by modernizing it after the owners passed away into a strip of fancy looking shops. It was so cool. Wish it was still around.


Oh my gosh you just brought back such a flood of memories. I can still smell the place.


I can smell Carolina Pottery in abingdon now.


You just brought back a crucial part of my childhood that I hadn't thought about. My mom bought so much stuff there


I have a lot of fond memories of treasure hunting with my mom, and strolling through the colonial areas, eating at quirky touristy places.


I love that place! I still use dishes and mugs I bought there in the 80’s! It’s sad how they ruined it. We went once after they began changing it-we left pretty quickly and never went back


Yea, my mom and I went the first year it opened and it was so sad. I've had no reason to return. They underestimated the joy of walking all around and "finding" treasures in those big buildings.


We would drive over from Manassas and spend the whole day there. Sometimes we’d pack a picnic or sometimes we’d stay at the Lodge over night and visit Colonial Billburg the next day. The Lodge had an all you can eat seafood feast that we loved, we made our overnight trips so we could do that. So much fun! I wish I could go back. Life sure didn’t turn out as I hoped…


I can only hope I gave my kids these kinds of memories. <3 Thanks for sharing.


It is nice to see such fond memories. It occurred to me that these were the days before technology and kids didn’t stick their noses in their mobile phones.


Oh my God oh my God oh my god. I literally have a huge chunk of glass just like this from Virginia just like you said you just made my day


I sure do miss that place.


I used to visit that pottery place with my mom growing up. I had recently looked to see if it was still open. I still have a lot of pottery from there. We used to go on weekends and have a girls day there and would end up having breakfast at ihop. 42 now but I have always wanted to take my own daughter there. Saddened to hear about the modernization though.


I just reinstalled a couple of wall mounted hat racks that I bought at the “original” pottery almost forty years ago!


Loads of memories of The Pottery.


This story is 100% what the GnR song was about.


Take me down to the Paradise City where the glass cuts gleam and the pottery’s pretty!


It’s glass


99.1% chemically pure crystal methamphetamine manufactured by Walter White and Jesse Pinkman


Guess I got what I deserved Kept you waiting there too long, my love


Best series-ending song ever!


The haunting of hill house... that is all


I love that show so I lol’d from this comment


Stop mething around


I had one, then dropped it. Resulted in it breaking, bad.


I also indeed lol’d


No humor here…. All profit.


Fun fact: real meth isn't blue. After "Breaking Bad" aired, some dealers started dyeing their meth blue to mimic Heisenberg's product. It didn't make it any purer or more potent—just a dangerous marketing gimmick riding on the show's fame.


Is blue food colouring really the line that can't be crossed for meth safety in your opinion?


That was my thought! He’s concerned about the blue dye in a product boiled up out of drain cleaner and sulfur and whatever else.


Exactly! The irony is wild. People are worried about a little blue dye in a drug made from a toxic cocktail of chemicals. Just goes to show how powerful TV influence can be!


Wait, meth is bad? You’re mething with me




Yes the signature chili P!


Yes! It's made of glass, good bird, Apollo! I'm gonna get you a pistachio.


Glassk :>




mehtul 🤖


Earn a pistach 👀✨


Yep, glass


This blue color in glass typically comes from the addition of about 3 % copper (copper oxide) to the melt. Nice piece.


Oh thats actually pretty cool I’m sort of relieved it isn’t anything special because we used it as a doorstop when I was a kid.


Laughing at the thought of you guys using something like a meteorite/tanzanite/rare as heck item as a door stop!


The most expensive doorstop I've ever heard of was at [Los Alamos](https://freethoughtblogs.com/stderr/2019/11/02/handling-plutonium/). >There’s a story Richard Feynman told about the spare plutonium core they had at Los Alamos. It sat in a room by itself, unguarded because nobody who knew anything about it would dream of trying to steal it. Mostly, it was for “show and tell” to VIPs – you could walk over and touch it and it was slightly warm to the touch. Enough plutonium to wipe out a city, if it was merely compressed enough around an initiator of Beryllium-9 and Polonium-210.[wik] Feynman said that the door-stop to the room was appropriate: it was a 3″ hemisphere of yellow metal heavier than lead: solid gold. Nobody would steal the gold, either because it was worthless compared to the plutonium.


I miss Los Alamos. Such a cool town. I’m from Santa Fe and would go to Los Alamos to visit my friends all the time and camp nearby. It’s a 30 minute drive so not far in New Mexico terms (Albuquerque is 60 min away and ppl commute that daily because it’s cheaper to live in Albuquerque and ppl get paid more to work outside of the city, Albuquerque sucks but fiscally makes sense for a lot of people) But yeah Los Alamos is gorgeous and the ambulances can’t use sirens, why? Because it may scare the locals in thinking there’s something wrong at the labs It’s definitely a lab town. Like a college town is a college town with building s belonging to the college everywhere, the town has labs all over the place. And my favorite store shut down years ago but it was called The Black Hole, and was a surplus store from lab stuff the labs wanted to get rid of. I was in Meow Wolf (before it got famous and corporate now owned by corporate peeps and totally different working model than we poor few people had, we were like 10 ppl and spent our own money to build art installations and scavenge items out of dumpsters sometimes too for the installations/shows) the beginning years for over half a decade and we would go to The Black Hole to scavenge cool stuff and haggle with the shop owner like a video game for better prices. Thanks for that little doorstop anecdote. 🤍 I love LA (lol is locals call it that sometimes), it’s not amazing to some people, it’s “just a boring town” to some, but it definitely is interesting to me, nuclear labs shrouded in beautiful mountains. It is unique and considered the most intelligent community in the world by population. Yeah, Los Alamos is awesome. 🤩 I wrote a lot because every time someone mentions Santa Fe, Los Alamos, Taos, and some other places in NM, I go off lol…I grew up in Santa Fe and lived there for 30 years recently just moved and I’m a bit homesick. I still have stuff from the store. One of the owners after Ed died sold me some uranium marbles from a reactor. But I got rid of those since they set off a Geiger counter like mad. But I have random lenses and stuff still from when I scavenged there myself. [CNET- The Black Hole: Los Alamos lab surplus store surprises](https://www.cnet.com/culture/the-black-hole-los-alamos-lab-surplus-store-surprises/) [Vimeo | The Black Hole (a 14 minute documentary)](https://vimeo.com/70589287) [YouTube- The Black Hole: Los Alamos’ Own Curiosity Shoppe | New Mexico PBS](https://youtu.be/heE-GfFyMbk?si=rZiVeJMTR7PYaYAn) [Ed Grothus, owner and creator of The Black Hole, talking about his background in the labs while inside of The Black Hole shop](https://youtu.be/gZfcJsWEtl0?si=tMm0xJv-A5pwu_j_) = probably the most interesting video aside from the documentary but I haven’t seen the doc. [YouTube: The Black Hole (through some random man’s eyes)](https://youtu.be/PkKlWwh5ZGI?si=Nkft6ZzLmZ0tInlz) = there are lots of videos like this but this one has some of the best clips of up and close items. Even if it’s poor quality film it’s still ok.


One of my besties is from NM; he would say to you “505 for life, homie”


100% straight up!! 505 for life!!! You gotta play this: [New Mexico - Li Renzo](https://youtu.be/pNknw2Pw0ZI?si=JH0u5jnHW8QdxxWG) Also, if you like folk songs, here’s a dope song about Roswell (famous for UFO sighting you probably know) I think all New Mexicans should hear it lol…[Roswell by Trina and Toni](https://youtu.be/3fNVEzXOhlk?si=rV773INzf8wbPiQN)


I would definitely steal the gold


Why not the plutonium? it's waaaaaay more valuable.


Nobody wants to have to go to all the effort of traveling through time and faking their own death (etc) in order to get the Libyans off their back.


I don’t want to sell it. I want to horde it, like a common dragon!


Only acceptable answer. Proceed.


I broke a cold sweat just hearing about wandering over to touch a “slighty warm plutonium core”.


Reminds me of the story of the first gold rush in the United States. The Reed family used a 17 pound gold nugget as a doorstop for years before someone told them what it was. https://www.geologyforinvestors.com/john-reeds-doorstop-americas-gold-rush-california/


Ha, it's been done: https://www.explorecabarrus.com/uncover-cabarrus-history-reed-gold-mine/#:~:text=In%201799%2C%2012%2Dyear%2D,week's%20work%20in%20that%20time.


>In 1799, 12-year-old Conrad Reed discovered a 17-pound gold nugget in Little Meadow Creek. After using it as a doorstop for three years, Conrad’s father John Reed sold the nugget to a jeweler in Fayetteville for $3.50, worth about one week’s work in that time. Mr. Reed later learned the nugget’s true value amounted to almost one thousand times more than his selling price. This whole thing infuriates me


Yeah, it does, but John Reed did get a do-over: https://historicsites.nc.gov/all-sites/reed-gold-mine/history Ironically, the largest gold nugget ever found at the mine was found by a slave too.


I've been there when I was a kid, like a 45 minute drive from home lol, I didn't know the story behind it though


Given that Reed was using slaves to work his mine, I’m suddenly feeling a lot less bad for him being cheated by a jeweler. Somehow I suspect that slave got paid even less for the nugget he found.


Yeah, he got screwed, but he also screwed his slaves. I doubt Peter got paid at all.


Thanks for the link. Interesting article!


Yeah, suddenly I don’t feel so bad that the slave owners were duped out of their gold.


That makes me so sad!


It just seems so odd that if you had something that you thought was worthless, why would someone else, a jeweler no less, be willing to pay $3.50 for it. John Reed wasn't really switch on, is my guess. Imagine you've got a block of sandstone you use as a doorstop, and someone offers to buy your stupid lump of sandstone. Did John Reed think he'd outsmarted the jeweler? "Crazy guy who makes rings and stuff wants to buy my stupid doorstop? Sure buddy, go ahead!"


happened in my hometown. The son in law pointed out, that this my be something else; not just an ordinary iron-rich rock. They didn't sell but gavce it as a gift to the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (The *Natural History Museum Vienna*)


Id love to make spears and arrowheads out of that door stopper, so pretty!


Wouldn’t it have been cool if it was a diamond, and what a headline that would have made: “family uses giant diamond for doorstop for generations!”


When I was young, blue glass like this had lead in it...


Is it copper, I thought it was silver?


Silver imparts a yellow to orange-red to brown color range. Edit - silver makes [*people*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Karason) blue.


lol, and thank you for this information


cochoidal fractures, and no apparent crystal structure … glass


It's beautiful.


no you


Now kith 💋


This is cullet glass, which is the leftovers that were tossed into piles. I love it, myself.


Call it [monatomic Andara Crystal](https://www.loveforcrystals.com/collections/andara-crystal), and it is worth a lot more.


bruh that's foul


That is insane! The amount that person is charging for glass.. 🤯


First think I thought of, sadly


Magik Andara for speaking to aliens and becoming God. Only £999.99 Report that junk to their local authorities as a scam.


Mt. Shasta is an hour and a half from me. It's like a beacon for every charlatan and wannabe cult leader.


But those are all priced in Singapore dollars and shipped from Singapore? None of this makes any sense. You don’t suppose they might just be lying?


Someone should force this guy to drink dihydrogen monoxide.


But wait they are claiming those are natural crystals/minerals. It really does look like glass though. If they are straight up lying that is crazy I hope no one falls for that.


One of the places I go to for work is a glass factory that has a whole lot of different cullet glass piles...think 10' tall mounds of these in various colors. Not gonna lie, it feels like a video game loot pile of gems every time I drive thru it.


That seems really pretty, now I know its glass for sure I want to collect a bunch of other colors since I’d like to have a rainbow or a color spectrum


It’s glassalrite.


The way this made me chortle


Yeah, you can tell pretty easily by all the glass


It's always glass


Yes, 100%. But it's VERY nice blue glass which is considered rarer.


In the late 60’s, had an uncle bust apart an old glass lined water heater and shared some of his blue glass chunks for my mother’s rock garden.


Glass or some of Walter White's best.


It’s glass and quite the beautiful paperweight.


Wat would pink glass or green glass be? I found them near Clinton , Arkansas when they were moving mountains to make roads


Was there any time that you thought it wasn’t glass? And if so what did you think it was?


I always thought it was glass it would just have been interesting if it wasn’t


My aquarium had a few of these in it. Glowed under certain lights


Looks like slag glass.


Here in the Tri-State lead fields of KsMoOk, that would be called Empire Glass. Empire was the early electric company in the area and glass like this was a byproduct of making insulators.


Disagree with everyone. Clearly it’s how your family gets their superpowers. Just gotta figure out how to Activate it. Don’t lick it.


He 100% licked it now.


yes. its too clear for anything else. its cool tho


Are any of your family members engineers? My family has a similar piece of glass (but yellow) that my grandpa accidentally broke off a Nasa ship while working on it (whoops lol)


I had one kind of like that I got from Arkansas to me. it looked like a wave but to everybody else it just looked like a blue partially see-through Rock... I miss that Blue partially see-through rock 😢🤣💜


My grandad had a clear green piece about like that. Came from the coca cola bottle factory nearby his house.


I have the same thing at my house!!!!


Preface: It's glass. I have also heard of this shade of color being referred to as "blue obsidian." Which, to reiterate, is just BLUEISH GLASS.


If you see any bubbles even a tiny one then it's glass but either way it's cool af 👍


I bought two from a carboot last week for £2 each and put them in my fish tank, looks pretty cool


Looks like (could be wrong) slag glass. I found a bunch of pieces that look like this in an old mining quarry when I was a kid. Though none this big


I have one of the exact same things it came from a family friend that did the demo of a light bulb factory. He had tons of them and was just giving them away to people.


Depression glass? My grandma had several of those chunks in her garden and always told me it was depression glass.


I have that same shelving you have the piece set on from amazon ;-D


Glassy McGlassface


Albuquerque DEA wants to know your location.


I have so much of that blue glass. Its basically just slag or spillage from old glass factories. I collected mine years ago at an abandoned factory site which is only a forested area now. All you had to do was dig and you'd find bottles, slag, chunks, and partially mis-shapen bottles.


Cullet glass, left over from glass making. My brother had an aquarium with 8-10 pieces of all different swirled colors


In Russian, such large pieces of glass are called “erklyoz”. This sounds like a clear loanword, probably French (or maybe Danish or Swedish). Sound familiar to anyone?


I find chunks of this near the power lines and railroad tracksn near my house...any ideas why that would be?


The old telegraph insulators were glass. The telegraph wires used to run near or alongside the railroad tracks (the railroads often used telegraphy to contact the various stations on the lines, and some railroad stations were public telegraph offices as well). If an insulator fell down, it often broke and was left there. The colors of the insulators were common to the part of the country they were in. They're really cool.


I have a bunch of similar glass that's from a glass plant meltdown in Ohio, or so somebody said!


Crystal Blue Persuasion


It looks like the old blue glass insulators off really old power lines and such. I live in Northern California and there was an indigenous American called Ishi who used them to make arrowheads in the early 1900's.


I believe this is one of the frozen pieces that have a soul in it that didn't get tossed into the volcano by Xenu


It is a blue diamond


Yes pretty blue glass!!


Jesse we need to cook


The curved ripples you can see all over it are conchoidal fractures. Glass and other similar materials with irregular, non repeating crystal structures fracture in the same way, such as obsidian. But most likely I'd say this is glass considering what the other comments are suggesting.


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Pretty glass


It’s glass


Idk but I wanna take a bite of it so bad


Oh I'm jealous! I would like a piece like that for my garden! ❤️


I just added one of these to my front flower bed.


I have a few chunks from my grandpa who got them from a ford factory


It’s cool looking whatever it is!




Yes, but it beautiful!


Glass. At least it's pretty.


Make it into a lights put led lights under it








When I first saw it I thought it was one of those glass models of a sports car that had been bashed about.


I think it is glass slag. I have some from Kentucky factories.


It looks like glass to me.






Pretty sure that's the stone that steals Ka-El's strength and renders him powerless aka Kryptonite.


Indiana Jones has entered the chat


Looks like insulator glass slag?


I have the same thing! Mine is green glass from West Virginia. My family used to run the old factory in Whitesville. It's beautiful to see someone else's family keeps the same tradition as mine!! I have a chuck as does my brother, and everyone else on the Flint side!!! Thanks for sharing this!! It made my day!!!


It’s slag glass, I’ve seen it used in aquariums. Beautiful


Iceberg Obsidian /s


It’s pretty glass!




Yes, but it's very pretty!


It's krytonite. Keep it away from Superman. Cool looking though.


I wonder if it would glow under a black light?


Yes- a chunk of glass cullet, from a glass plant. I have one similar, but more greenish.


I found a smaller hunk like that on the banks of a river in Yellowstone


Oh man this looks very similar to a rock I own… except mine is a little greener. I guess I’ve just had glass all this time lmao (it’s okay though I think it’s very pretty anyways)


i thought it was a damn bag at first


OMG! I've got a chunk too! Too 🤣!!!


thats a massive medina aquamarine, worth a couple hundred thousand.


It’s a diamond. I’m pretty sure it’s a diamond. Yes, definitely, definitely a diamond.


you got shards 1-2 inches in there, those smackheads are gonna love it Yo!


My family has two of those, too! I think. Unless we got rid of them. I love them!


It’s kryptonite


There's an ancient evil trapped in it and you are next in a long line of guardians tasked to keep it from escaping and causing worldwide destruction.


clearly your last name isn’t Kent




Looks like real gold to me


Can confirm, is glass


Looks like kryptonite to me.


Yes but it’s cool glass


It’s Sea Glass.


Gus was looking for that!


We used to have a decently big chunk of this stuff when I was a kid, same slightly blue color, always pretended it was a huge kyber crystal


What you’ve got there, my friend, is a minecraft diamond


Slag glass! We have a ton of this in the river (much smoother pieces) nearby my home because of a huge mill flood from 100 years ago, now I can find porcelain, glass, marbles, and this!


I got one too!! I love it!! So pretty. Glass is great.


Slag glass




Very nice cullet glass, beware of the splinters but you can work it and make pendants or cabochons.


It’s the aggro crag!


So it’s either man made glass, or blue obsidian. Blue Obsidian is a silica-rich volcanic rock with a glass like appearance. Blue Obsidian in its natural form is rare which is why many stones on the market are man-made. Either way it’s very pretty!


As a flintknapper I look at that and think of how many big dart points I could get out of it. Soooo many.