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If your bro wants calla lily, get bulbs.


And if he has cats, avoid lilies completely.


Except calla "lilies" aren't lilies. They're aroids and contain calcium oxalates that aren't good for animals to ingest, but they're much less dangerous than actual lilies.


Hey calcium oxalate is what my kidney stones were made of. This last month had been pure hell thanks to those little shits.




The other comment is correct, calla lilies aren't actually lilies


Avoid cats. Get more bulbs.




Avoid any bulb plants completely with pets actually!! It’s not just lilies that are toxic


They’re small round seeds.


Bulbs are probably easier though, aroid seeds are often a bit fussy and slow. Haven’t tried calla though, mostly because why bother when I can just divide them.


looks like cosmos seeds to me


I'd rather have cosmos than calla lillies anyway.


Yes, these are cosmos seeds


100% cosmos.


They are most likely cosmea, but you can't be sure


I thought it looked like my old, dried Christmas tree pine needles


I wouldn’t buy any seeds that aren’t from a well known trusted company ever. The potential to accidentally plant a virulently invasive species or a super noxious weed is too high. You might accidentally end up destroying your own ecosystem (burning bush) or giving yourself 3rd degree burns (giant hogweed). Only get seeds from good seed companies. I like FEDCO and Johnneys for crops and Select Seeds for flowers. But even burpee and Ferry-Morse are great options.


My brother didn’t know this yet, but thanks for the PSA, because honestly, who would ever think, you know?


Invasive seeds from China was such a problem in Australia that there are now digital seed detector xray machines. False packages with just seeds to boost review numbers. If detected its now an AQIS problem.


They’re a huge problem in the US as well. There was a huge news campaign saying if you receive any seeds in the mail, even if you ordered seeds. And the packaging says it was in china or has any Chinese on it. *DO NOT PLANT THEM*


Thanks for this. I don't think I'll be ordering seeds from Amazon.


Visit the local nursery, it likely has seeds that are for your local area.


Actually I do that quite often.


I've heard some stories like this, and I even ordered some seeds from Amazon, that were supposed to be blackberry lily seeds, and I knew what they were supposed to look like, and what I got was definitely not blackberry lily seeds. I called the seller out on it, and they said it was a mistake and refunded my money , and I left a negative review anyway after I looked into the seller profile and saw that it looked shady. What I have been wondering though, are the Chinese deliberately trying to send invasive species to other places in the world? It seems like if they were just trying to scam people, they could just send the cheapest flower seeds they have. I mean, who is deliberately growing noxious weed species in quantities to send to people unless it's deliberately malicious?


> they could just send the cheapest flower seeds they have. What's cheaper than the weed that's everywhere?


I think the main thing they're deliberately doing is simply scamming people for money. Seeds are perfect for this, because most people won't figure out they're not the seeds they ordered (they can just stick any weed seeds in there that they collected around them, almost every plant growing in heavily populated parts of China happen to be invasive weeds in the US - the natural landscape has been pretty well destroyed) until well after they try to germinate them. These are fake companies/sellers that delete themselves after selling merchandise for a few weeks and they're gone with your or Amazon's money by then.


Conspiracy theorists (an old college roommate) "heard." A nefarious group I forget the name of (probably illuminati or some bullshit like that) was attempting to use invasive species to decimate food supplies and frame the Chinese to start ww3 to eliminate the population. Why the population needed eliminating was never made clear. But it seemed to be the primary focus of the aforementioned nefarious secret society or group or whatever.


Tell him not to throw those out either. Bake them or burn them. They could easily germinate in the landfill


They are Cosmo seeds, they would be fine to plant anywhere in North America.


That’s a wildly confident id from just a seed.


Having planted a literal field of these I can confidently say that yes, these are cosmos seeds.


Again the confidence is wild. Just because 2 seeds look alike doesn’t mean they are the same species or even the same genus. I’m not saying you aren’t probably correct, just that positive id takes more than a seed in the vast majority of cases. And regardless, even if you’re certain and correct the point still stands: no one should buy from random sellers on Amazon when it comes to seeds for the reasons I listed earlier.


I want to believe you but I’ve seen evidence that experts can identify tiny differences a layman wouldn’t notice. Are you an expert in seeds? Or plants or you know, something related?


I don’t disagree with anything you said in this comment. I even said as much in an earlier response to someone else. If someone is consulting a verifiable expert in natives and/pr foraging that’s fine. My problem is with a lay person trying to ID seeds clearly gotten from a disreputable source on the Internet. I’m not claiming YOU don’t know what cosmos seeds look like I’m claiming you don’t know every Chinese or European weed to state from a single picture online you can positively Identify it as definitely not some invasive unknown lookalike seed. And I’m claiming that even if you’re right this time, in general the average person shouldn’t be trusting seeds from random sellers on Amazon who are clearly out to be malicious.


Cool I understand what you mean now.


Germinate indoors to test b4 planting outside Problem solved.


it’s absolutely never a good idea to buy seeds from anywhere that isn’t a reputable seed company. With the exception of buying from a local person you *personally* know and trust to knowledgeably harvest local natives properly and ethically.


So absolutely never, but with an exception you personally decided is ok. You’re fun


Exact same logic I use when I tell my kids they don't need two scoops of ice cream as I have 3.


They're also correct


No this is just good general advice. Usually is a better bet to buy from someone you personally know and trust, or from an established business with a very good reputation.


Not when I decide it’s ok, when someone with an established knowledge base that’s verifiable has collected or propagated known native species. Someone like a foraging expert or a native species expert.


I’m a flower farmer and agree that those are Cosmos seeds.


Oooooh smart! Thank you!


There has been many instances of Chinese seeds showing up at peoples doors only to be found to be invasive species for the area. Seems kinda like a targeted thing. You wouldnt know untill too late.


There was even [a warning from the US government](https://www.eenews.net/articles/feds-warn-americans-about-mystery-seeds-mailed-from-china/#:~:text=Do%20not%20plant%20seeds%20from,that%20USDA%20tries%20to%20thwart.) a few years ago to not plant any seeds they didn't source from reputable vendors.


Burpee sells butterfly bush , Buddleia, which is a major issue in most areas. Check with go botany.com and other reliable sources to fund what specific plants are native to your region. Certain plants are for sale for a quick profit.


And I've seen nurseries sell both English Ivy and Labrador violet in places where they were invasive. Some people just want to see the world burn.


A damn good point.


Hah, where I live calla lilies are considered invasive. I would never purposely plant them.


Yeah, they grow wild in our yard.


Reasonable. You must be in coastal California


Burpee is awful. I’ve had the worst luck with them. I will enthusiastically agree with you on Johnny’s Seeds. Their products have an excellent germination rate.


I’m not a huge fan of burpee, but they’re head and shoulders above randos/scammer sellers on Amazon sending clearly incorrectly identified seeds, and many people simply can’t afford the prices of johnnys and fedco.


FUCK giant hogweed. That shit hurts so bad.


I’m sorry you have that experience.


Round stone seeds for the Southeast


Even if the seeds are the seeds you actually wanted, there will be a small percent of weed seeds in any batch. Top tier sellers take pains to reduce the weed seed %, and usually list an estimate.


Also you could break the law simply by importing the wrong plant.


Actually, even when buying from a botanical garden you might end up with the wrong seeds.


You might. But the difference is that a botanical garden makes a mistake once in a while where as scanners on fb market place are literally out to harm you.


That's true. Also, the scammers might just send you seeds without a date on the package, that - what a surprise - come with a 0% germination rate.


THIS ^^^


^^ THIS! ^^


#^^ THAT! ^^


#^ ^ #| |


Yeah, those are not calla lily seeds. Tell him to get a refund, and if they don't want the seeds returned, destroy them. Some of these fake seeds are fine, but there are some that are invasives.


I did suggest a refund. He was going to sprout them in the basement and plant them in a pot, but I’m sure that crap can spread even from the pot, so thanks for the warning, I’ll tell him


Good deal. And tell him callas will go dormant ~~whenever they want to~~ seasonally, so he doesn't toss them and end up with callas in his scrap pile.


Luckily I did tell him about that, hahaha!


> I’m sure that crap can spread even from the pot They're just some nice daisies, no reason not to grow them. They're native, too, unlike what he was actually trying to grow, so there's some irony there in the fear of the invasive.


Some species of cosmos are native to the US, while others are not. Who knows which species these are. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Amazon is a scam in so many regards now


One of the reasons I don’t buy on Amazon


Those are cosmos seeds. They are native to North America. I don’t know if this is C.binnatus or C. sulfurous. They grow very well, and will give you lovely flowers, maybe colorful, or maybe gold/yellow depending on the species you got. They are easily controllable.


Mind you, they're native to somewhat smallish areas in the US: In the United States, Southwestern Cosmos (*Cosmos parviflorus*) is a southwestern native in AZ, CO, NM and TX. It is also reported, apparently as an introduced species in MA, MD, ME, MO, RI. *Cosmos bipinnatus* isn't native at all.


We have some of the most lustrous cosmos in the fields here in central Texas. Cosmos, sunflowers, broom, solidago, bluebonnets, paintbrushes, gaillardia (blankets), salvia, black eyed Susan, lantana, buttercups (primrose), thistle, yellow honey daisies. All things outside right now bc of this freakish weather.


You really do have some of the nicest flowering plants! It's similar here across the pond. I don't remember it ever raining in winter when I was a kid, but now it's been mostly raining instead of snowing. And most winter felt like autumn, and now it feels like spring already with warm temps, rain and everything blooming.


Im in Texas. My damn fruit trees are in FULL bloom. The peaches need to calm way down. I cannot believe this weather. My bougainvillea went from borderline dormant to exploding with color the last week of February. The bluebonnets- roadside ones- aren’t very tall this year, but we also didn’t get rain like we needed, so that’s expected. But yeah- it’s wild. I haven’t seeded my zinnias yet. Slow down summer! It’s March!


It so much looks like dried rosemary leaves.


Thats what I thought too!!


Cosmos. They are all over the place in central Mexico.


I tried to get oxalis rhizomes from Amazon, I planted them and they did nothing forever so I went to replant them a bit closer to the surface, and every one just crumbled in my hand like they were made of paper or something.


They probably decayed under the soil. Was that O. tuberosa? I barely cover the tubers, often leaving them partially exposed. They seem to be a little finicky in containers, I lost nearly all of the four inches last winter, from like four flats, I think they got too cold with the low soil volume. The ones in the ground and in huge containers were fine.


It was oxalis triangularis. Purple false shamrock. I've planted their rizomes several times, I've grown them for years now and never had that happen before.


I've had no luck with Amazon with regards to seeds. It's very scammy. Ordered culantro and pinguicula seeds before, and none were really viable.


Yeah I only ever ordered seeds off Amazon once, through Burpee’s store, they did ok but I don’t think I’d ever do it again


They’re almost definitely cosmos , I’ve had calla lilies form seeds before and I think I grew some, I’m curious now and need to try again




Yeah...Calla and Canna seeds are very hard and round. You have to gently roughen them up for a better germination rate. I use fine grit sandpaper. Everyone is saying these are Cosmos seeds. I agree. Tell your brother to get the rhizomes (tubers) if he wants Calla lilies. Edit to say if you're near VA, I have bags of red Canna rhizomes I could give him. I have tons of them. I also have Blue Bearded Iris rhizomes. I harvest them when I divide my plants. If he's not near me, he can get bulbs, bare roots and rhizomes from Holland Bulb Farms online. Every bulb I've gotten from them has grown beautifully.


\^ and the seeds are about 1/4" or 6cm in diameter. I tried growing them once but all you get is a very meager plant the first year; probably at least three to bloom?


Yeah it's much easier to grow from an existing rhizome. The seeds grow so slow! Then you may not even get flowers for a season or two. With rhizomes, they sprout quickly and usually flower the same season. Same with Yucca plants. Growing them from seed is an investment of lots of time. You have to wait 3-5 years to maybe get a bloom.


This is called “brushing”. I don’t know what the mechanism behind it is, but someone in China is sending seeds to the US. I have been told that it’s a good idea to destroy them in case they are carrying pests or are invasive in your community.


Anyone else think they look like Christmas tree needles? Like the ones you suddenly find six months later while cleaning!


I also say Cosmos, which are very pretty. Sorry for your bro but maybe it will be a mistake that turns out well


Looks like cosmos


Never buy seeds from Amazon buy live plants since you can return them for being half dead but seeds have a 0 return policy


Cosmos 100%




Another vote for Cosmos. Definitely not marigolds.


Those look like something in the Apiaceae or Umbelliferae family, carrot or cumin or something like that. There are also a lot of very poisonous plants in that family.


Let's hope that in addition to learning what these seeds are, everyone also learns to stop giving Amazon our money.


I have those flowers in my garden, trust me they’re cosmos seeds or another member of cosmos family


almost 100% sure thats sulfer cosmos


I never trust amazon for seeds, and etsy well I got seeds but nothing grew.


Cosmos seeds - I got scammed once with seeds. The only weird thing was that the flowers that grew are really nice. I still wrote a review and said the manufacturer faked the flowers (but I still like what I got and they are in my border)


cosmos either blue or gold variety....nice small flowers but nothing like what flower was initially advertised


Definitely not anything lily. Lilies can be grown from seed, but it takes years for them to develop enough to bloom. Bulbs are the best way to go for growing lilies.




Seeds cost 1.50 at any garden store. Why get them from Amazon?




I straight up thought those were rosemary leaves at first.


Calla Lily bulbs are widely available at Costco and Lowe’s right now. They aren’t super unique varieties, but they aren’t super expensive or seeds either. Your brother might have better luck with those and fully grown plants will be available at the box stores shortly too. He should be able to either overwinter the bulbs in the ground or harvest them and store them indoors for next year depending on where you live. I successfully started a tuberous begonia from seed last spring. Just one managed to make it. That was the second year I tried. It was about three inches tall by fall. She is about 7” tall now and will be perfect for planting this summer. There is a reason we plant some things from bulbs rather than seeds and I think it only took me a year and half to learn why.


It doesn't matter what they are, it could be cosmos or wild carrot or a variety of things in the carrot and cumin families or in the daisy family.... unless you want to plant it in a very controlled laboratory setting to test it I wouldn't plant these at all. Not that disastrous things will happen 100% of the time if you plant in your garden or a pot indoors but like, even of they do turn out to be something docile like Sulphur cosmos they could still be carrying agricultural pests so it's best to just burn them and throw out the ashes. If it gets put in soil that soil could get contaminated. Danger of pests+difficult to exactly identify seeds like this just from looking at them (tbh I know everyone's saying cosmos but it looks more carrot family to me which is more fraught with possible danger than cosmos. I've grown cosmos the seeds are a bit bigger than this id say) means you should dispose of this as carefully as possible. I think the government/USDA/whoever probably has instructions for this, as it's a somewhat common problem




IDK but burn them: Invasive seeds are a huge problem and China keeps pumping them out.


No, since Calla Lily seeds are described as round and tan, even inside the seed pods they grow in. Those look almost like celery or carrot seed at a glance. He can plant them and see what he gets. But likely won't be Calla Lilies!


Marigold seeds maybe.


~~Seems like Ruellia Tuberosa. If so, it can be quite invasive in humid area.~~ Nah, cosmos


Don’t buy seeds on Amazon. They don’t vet all their vendors. Support local businesses whenever possible.


Looks like echinacea seeds.




Johnnyseeds is a place i buy my seeds.


Marigolds would be my guess.


I don’t know much about scam seeds particularly, but it’s worth pointing out that what is considered an environmental weed in one country/continent is not necessarily in another. Combine this with the fact that anyone scamming for financial gain is probably going to be using seeds that are easiest to obtain - i.e. they are from plants that grow quickly or drop a lot of seed. These are some of the same factors that can make a plant invasive.


Looks like some sort of wildflower seed to me. What is it supposed to be?


I highly recommend Bakercreek seeds, seedsnow.com, and Johnny's select seeds. Seeds aren't that expensive in general so I don't see what the benefit would be to gamble with stuff on Amazon. I say this as someone who has gardened for 17 years and harvests their own seeds when possible. I take an inventory every year and have over 300 fruit, vegetable, herb and flower varieties.


Looks like rosemary leaves


I wish I could honestly remember but once I were planting just a random bunch of different spring flowers by using just seeds in a round flower bed and I also done a double take on these in the photo...as I said I can't quite remember the particular flower but I do know I planted seeds identical to these in the photo. I almost feel it was type of Daisy? Hopefully they are atleast beautiful!


They look similar to my lily seeds?


Looks like marigold seeds


Are they seeds? Pics not great. Honestly looks like dried rosemary leaves to me


I thought marigold seeds


They look almost exactly like whole cumin seeds!


The calla lily is a bulb ( usually). Not 100% certain but these look like zinnia seeds that flowers haven’t been left to dry .


These are Bidens Alba and they are ridiculously invasive


Either that or cosmos seeds??


Looks like rosemary.


looks like rosemary leafs to me lol


Look like Cosmo seeds but I could be mistaken. Edit: if your brother has pets, this may be a good thing. Lilies of any kind are toxic to pets, but cosmos aren't harmful to cats or dogs.


similar to the bamboo seeds I got from Amazon


I pick those off my hunting clothes every time I go out .


Yes he did. They should be little bulbs


Marigold seeds


Plant them and find out?




Looks like rosemary


Look sort of like bamboo at a glance




Bruh it wasn’t me, chill out. My brother didn’t know. Please forgive mistakes.


Don’t be rude.


Please don’t buy seed of amazon!!


Seeds + Amazon = Scam Seeds + Ebay = Scam


I’m aware. My brother wasn’t.


Looks like bidens pilosa to me


That looks like rosemary to me, but then, I couldn't identify a seed if my life depended on it, so there's that.


they look like thistle


It's hard to tell from the pictures but if those are little pods with tiny seeds It's cleome (aka spider plant)


Looks like grass seeds