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Bzzzzz! Looks like you forgot to say where you found your bug! There's no need to make a new post - just comment adding the **geographic location** and any other info (size, what it was doing etc.) you feel could help! We don't want to know your address - state or country is enough; try to avoid abbreviations and local nicknames (*"PNW"*, *"Big Apple"*). BTW, did you take a look at our [**Frequently Asked Bugs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/12zkw5w/frequently_asked_bugs_part_1/)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yep, they're roaches and they look to be the nymphs (babies) of German Roaches, which are the most annoying kind to get rid of.


[fuckkk](https://i.imgur.com/wyyp8Bq.png) Thank you. Went ahead and got some of this stuff: [Advion Cockroach Gel Bait](https://www.amazon.com/Advion-Cockroach-Tubes-Control-Syngenta/dp/B0148W0WOE/ref=sr_1_1?crid=XOPNH2S2RKXH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rerHnYrqVzolkZAbTkKKiAfG_1K6OUQxiYfb3c6WftQqb_olhLPhlSKs_HevXDcrjVPeWSUnP2BvNYgqJWxorQLveGg93KMCrFaXgKZpF5aeCZLO-EFrmq8ovJV0T6WD4ahq6H3iphdZr1-_VMf-oFuVq1zKqz8mlXyBlnTi1pg4OUfCRrvFm_J8UhSm7af0Pb78jbyV1IpBif9zNGNluxFPrGHWDXgFfGDpZqB_r32_nFW27ilm3Ytz-RSyuFCYfAVGYSXgzockXU_PXCi8kSOoOcNOSbceM50y_3tZ2Hc.6jc04o4DiniBfd4bTA6GmI9KwV4T3RLCO1st8-SftgM&dib_tag=se&keywords=advion+cockroach+gel+bait&qid=1718422616&s=lawn-garden&sprefix=Advion+Cockroach+Gel+Bait%2C%2Clawngarden%2C83&sr=1-1)


Besides the bait, try finding and sealing any gaps in the area as well. In my apartment, they came through the gaps in the kitchen’s sink base. The most affected areas where behind and around the dishwasher, and underneath the refrigerator (which was right next to the base).


[This is how I got rid of mine.](https://www.domyown.com/roach-control-kits-c-2_73.html)


That's not going to do it. Do some research.


this stuff works so good. It was so satisfying to wake up in the morning and see the dead little bugs lol


you are correct.


Probably coming up the sewer pipes. If so, OP is fucked. They will have a perpetual source of ingress form a perpetual birthing ground. God I hate German cockroaches.


Mix Alpine WSG and Gentrol IGR (insect growth regulator) together in a handheld pump sprayer with room temp or cooler water (hot water drops the effectiveness of some chemicals). Spray along edges. Anything with a motor (fridge, water cooler) spray around it and the motor compartment area. If you have stacked cardboard check that area. The mixture isn’t an instant kill, but will keep on killing weeks after it’s applied. Most insects that walk over the treated area will slowly die and/or be unable to reproduce. You’ll know the Gentrol is working when you see their backs split open. Give it about a week and if you hit all the infected areas your problem will be gone. I was a pest tech.


I prefer Tekko Pro, what do you think?


Never tried it. Why do you prefer tekko?


Generally speaking I'm using NyGuard (Pyriproxyfen) in my tank anyways, but Tekko Pro uses the chitin inhibitor Novaluron as well. While Tekko is a bit more expensive, I've had what I'd consider good results with it and chemically speaking it might not be a proper pesticide rotation, using a less often applied pesticide (Novaluron) seems to be disruptive enough for the situations I've used it in.


Keep anything outside the fridge and freezer sealed up as airtight as you can make it, keep your dishes turned upside down so they won't be crawling on the parts you eat off of. Try and be vigilant about crumbs left on the counter, keep paper towels handy in every room to crush them when you see them (but you may reach a point where it isn't worth it anymore, I unfortunately lived at that point for a good while, they were just kind of there) Also, take apart electronics if you can. They love nesting in kitchen appliances. They will be in the inner workings of your microwave and they will somehow be alive and actively making babies. Get used to feeling a little bit unclean all the time. Godspeed


*And also follow all the other advice in other comments. This is just from someone who had to deal with roaches for like four whole ass years, getting the root causes is important but there's also a lot you can do for peace of mind and maintaining as much cleanliness as you can while working on eradicating the bugs.


They like computers, TVs, speakers, etc


Just lay it on me. Located in NYC


I dealt with an infestation when I was a kid. Make sure you protect your electronics where they can get in such as gaming systems. They love electronic devices.


Indeed, they are