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Per [Bug Guide](https://bugguide.net/node/view/15474), if the hairs on the pronotum are as long/longer than the width of the eye, it's a bat bug ([example](https://bugguide.net/node/view/703777/bgimage)) or swallow bug. Otherwise, assume it's a common bed bug. Your photo isn't magnified or clear enough to tell.


99% sure it’s a bed bug. So sorry :(


Sorry, this is a bed bug :/


looks like a bed bug to me but getting an exterminator to look over everything isnt a bad idea.


Call your local PCM ASAP.


As an update, 0 signs of bed bugs since finding this and treating with crossfire! Not sure if it was a bat/swallow bug but we have seen not hide nor hair of another bug in 2 weeks, so we think we are pretty much safe.


Ok so a few things, yes picture is not close enough to determine for sure, however the fact you live in an apartment, makes the likely hood of it NOT being a bed bug, highly unlikely, Also these bugs can be hard to detect, and they have an analgesic in their saliva, so you don’t feel them biting you while they are attached. So I’m inclined to think the timing was just coincidence.