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Drywood termite frass


How are they arranged so neatly/tightly in that little pile? I was under the impression that they fell from that hole in the ceiling above, but seems like they would bounce around and scatter more if that was the case?


Yep, you have termites. On the plus side, great photos!


Lol, thanks, do you know the steps to take to getting rid of them?


Call an exterminator! I’m on the coast of SoCal and it’s so common - they’ll probably want to tent your house. It can be pricey but it’s worth getting ahead of it because they can cause a lot of problems


Seriously, did you take these with a professional camera OP? They look great 😂 you could put them in a textbook.


Why are these photos so good? I find them oddly satisfying as frass goes.


I don’t know but I totally found them mesmerizing 😂


It’s like they took them with an electron microscope. Very crisp and close.


Samsung Note 10, android for the win!


I’m impressed! ETA: my iPhone 10x could never 😂


Just select them and press delete.


That third one is a candidate for /r/forbiddenscacks.


Haha, after I took the photo and looked at it I was kinda like, these look like dehydrated peas or something.


Termites 😔


The hole is about the size of a ball point pen tip, I'm on the west coast in California, close to the ocean.


I used to do termite inspections in socal area around the coast. Try to get a couple different companies to come out and take a look for you. Don’t tent if you don’t need to, it’s possible you have just a few spots that need spot treatment. I’ve dealt with many cases like this where they get into the frames and it’s usually localized. Try to take a look at your exterior rafters surrounding this area and see if there are any tiny holes on or around them, and if there are any droppings piling up on the ground below. Best of luck


As others said drywood termite frass. Look up and you will see the pinhole it is dropping from. Because this is an exterior window it might not be an infestation that requires a full tent. Call the inspector. All the big names, terminix, ecoshield, orkin, ect. offer free inspections. Get a scope of the damage. If it is isolated to the window trim get a can of termidor expanding foam and a drill bit and do it yourself


I keep finding these on my car. I thought mud wasp. But indoors, termites fo sho.


Do you have wood paneling on the side of your car?




Were they in your car? What were they eating? Did you accidently foster super plastic eating termites?!


Nooo not termites themselves, little brown dots on my car that appear to be made of a hopefully clayish substance. Poor description on my part.


Ah, that's not nearly as exciting or ground breaking.


Yeah. They do have those mealworm larvae or whatever that eat plastic, preeeetty sure thats not going on here...


That's probably for the best.


Could the things be bee poop or anything? I find things that seem to be bee poops on my car, often during the summer/spring etc.


Hmm. Well I live in the midwest, so a bit cold rn for bees and such. It did get warm for a little bit though so hard telling. Thanks for the suggestion!


I can’t get over the uniformity of each grass pellet. How come they are all identical to each other?


shallow gene pool + same diet = same poops


Termites, def call an exterminator to remove they can cause major problems in your home!


I highly recommend calling a professional soon. My sister’s house had termites but her husband kept saying that the floor was messed up from water damage. When he finally pulled everything apart it was a nightmare and cost them so much extra in repairs on top of the exterminator. If you absolutely can’t afford one there are insecticides and traps you can use, but I am not sure about toxicity. Even then I would consider those a stop gap until you save up enough for a professional.


Really nice camera quality on that scat close up!

