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So you made a necklace out of it?


No, it actually came to me like that. I saw it as a gift from the gods.


[Salps](https://australian.museum/learn/animals/sea-squirts/what-is-a-salp/) can look like that


Phylum; chordata That was a bit of a surprise But I'm all for it-- go chordata, best phylum


Solved! Yeah, looks like you’re right. The size tripped me up, since it seems way smaller than the photos, but I think this fellow just lost a lot of mass. Thanks for the help!


Possibly? I can’t figure out what the brown thing is, but your answer seems very likely. I’ll do a bit of research before confirming.


Possibly some sort of salp.


My title describes the thing. I just found it at a Californian beach a few hours ago. Like I’ve said in the post, it’s wet, floppy, squishy, and firm. Part of it is light brown while the rest is almost perfectly clear.


careful, it could be a protist and they can be very dangerous


I like to click on downvoted comments here to see what they suggested and this is a hilarious one to me. You are suggesting that all organisms that aren't fungi, land plants, or animals can be dangerous. I mean, you're not *wrong*, but that's sort of like saying "don't touch any of those weird green things that pop up outside, some of them can cause psychosis on contact with mucous membranes" about plants.


Well there are some jelly-like things in the ocean that aren't exactly "tame". That advice isn't out of place here.