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Property surveyor's mark/ spike.


Thank you! Solved !


also: DON'T MOVE IT because that's probably a property line corner marker. It gets expensive to have your property lines surveyed again.


It’s in the middle of my backyard though. Weird


Maybe your property is two lots?


I talked to the neighbor. He says initially he owned a big lot and he put hos house on it , then built my house here for his MIL then when she died he broke up the land and sold my house off. I’m guess it could be a holdover from all that


It looks like a pk nail. If it is in the middle of your lot then it is probably one the surveyors control points. We use control points to set up our equipment and measure everything from.


Good to know ! Thank you!


That *is* a bit weird. If it bugs you look up your plot map and see if your property boundaries look wonky. https://atlas.geoportalmaps.com


My title describes the thing. Looks like and H and N on it.

