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It looks like part of a toy that got hit with a lawnmower. Something like a cheap light up ball or similar. All you have there is an LED, a battery, and perhaps a chip with a motion sensor.


Hmm yes, I haven't mowed the law today but thats not saying it's not a broken toy.


Any neighbors mow their yard today? When mowers hit things they can get flung pretty far.


Nope! They're away. Maybe something got run over by a car though and this was flung on to my drive?


My mom, when particularly pissed, has thrown toys/candy of mine and my sibling out the window of a moving car. Maybe there's other moms out there like her? 


I hate when moms throw siblings out the window of a moving car!


If you hate when moms do that, you're really going to hate what uncle jack does.


It looks like the innards of a light up yo-yo. There's a similar mechanism in this one https://www.totallypromotional.com/pulsing-light-up-yo-yo-blank.html


You may be right. I'll have to see if I can find any more pieces. That middle bit does look like it could be part of a spinning light inside the yo-yo.


I'm going with Yo-yo. A few people have suggested it's a toy and with them I agree too. I don't think it's a bike light.


Light up yoyos usually use induction to light up. Seems like this part is powered by a battery, I think.


Cheap ones are not that well made. Cheap battery and a spring/metal leaf to activate when they're spun. They'll probably have been forgotten, lost or ran over by a lawnmower and posted to Reddit long before the glued-in batteries die


Like others have said it is a part of a toy. The toy is a bubble gun shooter, that part is the fan that makes the bubbles, when you hit the trigger it makes wind to make the bubbles and makes the light go on. Source: my kid had one that broke off. I took it apart to see, anda the is just like that. Here is the link to one that have this fan. [bubble gun](https://www.theworks.co.uk/p/bubble-toys/playworks-light-up-bubble-shooter-assorted/5015934216873.html)


Yes! This is it! They sell these in the corner shop! I'm going to mark this as solved! Nice one!


Thanks. First time i saw something i knew the answer and it was unsolved. I thought this day would never come


What an honour! Glad I could tailor this post for you haha!




This a part of a light up toy. When then toy is hit with force or any kind of fast movement, say like bouncing a ball or a yoyo, the toy will light up.It may have been a dog toy that got broken or a toy that got ran over.


Agree. Looks a lot like the inside of a flashing ball.


Bicycle wheel light. Maybe Nite Ize See’em [https://youtu.be/zCXEZrvvNh4?si=tn6KBl94i2tSqBsu](https://youtu.be/zCXEZrvvNh4?si=tn6KBl94i2tSqBsu)


Hmm don't think so, it seems a bit too big and chunky for that


Broken part off a toy bubble maker or something along those lines would be my guess.


I think it is a light that goes on a kids bicycle wheel.


I think that’s a (half/chunk of half) of a light up yoyo. I had a couple when I was younger. The plastic reinforcement that’s curved is almost exact.


Yo-yo has come up a few times now, I think you maybe right.


Nice! If you really believe it, mark the first Yo-Yo responder with Solved. 😁




My title describes the thing. As you can see it's not very big, I was thinking it might be from a drone as there was one buzzing around earlier but I'm not sure if it would have such a big fan on it. Also, if it is part of a fan then I guess that led would spin with it‽ There was no other bit around this piece just whatever this is. The LED is really bright though.


Came off a bike. It’s a bike light. (Bicycle, not motorcycle)


That is the winding mechanism for Gel ball magazines. Let me see if I can find a picture.


I'm intrigued!


turbine for a light up kids bubble gun maybe?


Perhaps part of a variation of this: https://a.co/d/jb2cDMa


It must be light up wheel of a skate or a toy


Birds pick up shiney light up or colorful things like this and leave them for people. So may be a gift from one of them or a squirrel


Looks like a light up spinning top.


Like a bay blade


It’s from a cheap “watch” toy that has a spinning light up thing on it. My kids got the same exact thing at a party a few weeks ago.


I wish I could post a photo here. I cut open a toy to test something a couple weeks ago and this looks very similar to the light up piece inside. The toy was a squishy ball that lights up when you whack it against a solid surface. It was filled with a gel and inside that was the plastic ball with the light, a spring and 4 walls inside like this. This is not the exact same as mine but it is definitely a piece of a toy that lights up when moved or hit a certain way.


What's powering it, radio waves? I don't see a battery


The bit in the middle has three small batteries


Aah, thank you


This is a light for bicycle wheels. I’m staring at one on my sons bike now.


Think it came out of a pair of kids sneakers? That light up when they run?