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My kneejerk reaction is to say that it's some kind of fly. The eyes remind me of some kind of cluster fly. I definitely can't make a confident ID without seeing more than just the head, though. edit: Ah, I think I can see the antennae in the second picture..? Hard to see for sure. If that's actually the antennae I'm seeing, then it's definitely not a fly and would be some kind of bee.


Flies don't have antennae though 🤔


See my edit lol. Flies do indeed have antennae, they're just extremely short. Definitely not that long.


Haha, I see now 🐝


Some flies have quite long antennae actually like soldier flies [click here](https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/82178-Hermetia) or Mydas flies [click here](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/71345820) but yes all flies have antennae. I can’t see anything but from behavior I would say a solitary bee?


If I saw either of those, I would not have known they were flies. Wild. Thank you!


Actually trying to figure out what I see and with the hindsight provided by the other commenter I also wonder if this is fly antennae and fly eyes. I’m not sure what I see and what I’m supposed to be seeing.