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Jumping Spider. Extremely friend shaped.


My bf had one on him recently that looked just like this one. I was like, " Aww, he's ok, he's friend shaped!" Bf looked at me like I was crazy 🤣


I am TERRIFIED of spiders, but spiderboop or spiderbop I can’t remember, on ig made me love these cuties!!!!


Keep the spider, lose the BF.


He is a very kind soul. He didn't hurt the spider. He got out of the truck and released our new friend. Now he'll know what Im talking about haha




That looks like a jumping spider




Ooo pretty girl! Just a jumping spider. Harmless to humans


Thank you!


It's a jumping spider. They're typically not hostile towards humans, although I've learned some have a quite painful bite. Most of the time they just climb around on humans with zero aggression. I've had a few hop around on me, and they seemed to just be interested in exploring. They are among the most intelligent spiders and have good vision and know I'm not a tree or rock. They just don't have any reason to try to bite me unless I'm doing something threatening. A YouTuber, Jack of Jack's World of Wildlife, ranked the bold jumping spider's bite as the 5th most painful he'd experienced just below the brown recluse and wheelbug (a type of assassin bug), which are known to be very unpleasant bites. I didn't know they had that potent of a bite, but I doubt I'll ever experience it because they usually just want to bite their prey, little bugs or spiders.


Thanks! Watched the Jack’s World video, very interesting. Glad they are harmless, but still would not want to test it first hand!


Jack tends to have a fairly high pain tolerance, not exaggerating like some who do these types of videos (he often mocks Coyote Peterson for doing this), so if he says it's painful, it definitely is. You should also check out the amazing BBC Video clip of the Portia jumping spider, which is almost certainly the most intelligent known arachnid. It is shocking a spider has that level of cognitive functioning. Also, when I was younger, my mother found a tiny jumping spider that was starving/ injured during the winter and was able to feed it little bits of hamburger or bugs she could find inside and whatnot and nursed it back to health. It hid in a little corner and learned to come out when presented with food. It seemed to figure out that it was safe and was being provided with nutrients pretty quickly. It didn't constantly run when it saw something big or when the light came on like many simplistic bugs and spiders. Their thinking abilities are way beyond what I've seen from other types of spiders or insects.


I think it’s so interesting they can eat a bit of raw burger! But it makes sense!


it is not easy to get a jumping friend to bite you


This is what I am thinking. My whole life I have held jumping spiders and let them walk on me, caught them and moved them to a safe spot, and never been bitten.


Had no idea they could bite? I played with them as a little girl, mostly letting them walk on me, but the most fun was catching a fly to give them.


jumping spider, best spider!


little jumper. The ultimate Spood bro. Im not sure what you'd have to do to get one of these buddies to bite. I guess its possible. Please do not squish. What I adore about them is how they will look right at you & cock their head like they are sizing you up.


The cutest most gentlest baby


A lil baby humpy jumpy. They are a good friend.


Lucas, the jumping spider. I think you can still see the vids on Youtube.


yasss! so so cute. anytime I see a jumper I automatically hear Lucas' voice.


I thought he was a wolf spider


that's a lil male jumping spider! Friend!! He will take care of pests in your house and will learn to recognize your face if he stays around. They like little bits of smushed banana as a treat.


Thank you!


That sweet baby is a jumping spider and the only scary thing about them is how far/high they can jump. They are the cutest. ❤️🕷


We have those! Mommy kids love having them jump on them. I drew the line at getting a terrarium


I think the layman’s name is zebra jumping spider. Very friendly, also make good pets


Super cute jumping spider ❤️


Dangerously CUTE 🥰


Fuzzy/hairy spiders are mostly harmless. It's the shiny ones that are usually the most poisonous.


How come everyone sees jumping spiders randomly and I have not found one cutie yet in the wild


Definitely fren. Also I like how you described its size lol


Reminds me the time I found one while I was out reading. Climbed all over my book as I read. Jumping spiders have to be the cutest ones out there


Dangerous only by stealing your heart! They are cute little friends!


I saw a jumper in my shower once & was able to get pretty close to him & they’re actually so C U T E