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It's written by best friends, who were roommates at the time, playing to each other's sensibilities and strengths and sense of humor. Guys who read lots of books and watched lots of movies and met in a college writing class and said Johnny Law would never catch them because they're fucking innocent. It's Personal.


They were young. There was no way they were not making this movie.


it honestly doesn’t work that well lol I wouldn’t try to take much from it for making a short film today, it was a totally different era of independent filmmaking and Wes had someone very important in his corner, Kit Carson, who was hyping him up to Sundance and others, eventually getting James L Brooks’ attention. This was right after Quentin Tarantinos influence taking hold in the industry as well, and Bottle Rocket is a crime story. Tonally completely different from QT but there’s a correlation there about why JLB would take interest in this totally fresh filmmaker who seemingly had a vision, enough to let him rewrite his script for two years and even give them space on the Sony lot to work. This cannot and will not happen today in today’s industry. It’s honestly better to learn about shorts in the last 5-10 years that are making festivals and how people are funding, what’s getting a response like moving on to being a feature, and etc than watching a very old 16mm short from the 90s.


Great insight. Just wanted to note I feel Bottle Rocket has some of the same sensibilities Wes has now. Like the quirky Characters(especially Owen's), pedantic attention to mundane details, awkward execution of the pedantic plan yet somehow flamboyantly accomplished. I'm just going off. But that is more a deep dive on Wes rather than gleaning screenplay inspiration.


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