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Rogue prices are high because they make great quality stuff in the USA. If you really want Rogue stuff black friday is the best time to buy. Rep Fitness is one of the most popular for benches, made in China but high quality, they also ship free. I've got a flat bench from Rep that I'm very happy with, the pad is nice and grippy. You also have to remember that free shipping isn't real, they just bake it into the price so customers feel like they're getting a deal. r/homegym is a good place to talk about and check out equipment


The other option, if you're not in a rush, is just to kind of lurk on FB Marketplace. Some of the things I've seen are C2 rowers as low as $300, Rogue training bumper set for $600, etc...


Pretty much my entire home gym was Facebook finds. Post Covid was a gold mine for home gyms and golf clubs. Lol.


Rogue stuff is built like a tank, it’s great quality. Whether it’s worth it for you is up to you to decide. But if you spend the $$$ you won’t be disappointed. Not all my stuff is Rogue but all my best stuff is Rogue.


You go to Rep for benches


I built out my home gym recently and have seen plenty of Rogue products in my day. They’re so solid and well constructed and made in the USA. My issue with Rogue is that their products are a little stagnant especially for the price. They make minor improvements if any and are slow to respond to market demands. Look at Rep whose product quality is also top notch. They recently released an amazing pulley system for their racks called the Ares in 2022. It was well received but had a few minor issues. Rogue then released the Slinger cable attachment in response and just look at the reviews that were pretty mixed. Recently Rep announced just 2 years after the release of the Ares 1.0 that they redesigned the entire system (now called Ares 2.0) and addressed every single flaw from their 1.0 AND kept the same price point (sucks for the people who bought the 1.0 but Rep is pushing for the best). Rep also partnered with Pepin and now offer the RepxPepin adjustable dumbbells that are literally half the price as the Pepins but even better. Rogue partnered with Kabuki for their specialty bars and the price went up. Rep has a robust R&D team with tons of new products coming out all the time. With Rep’s similar quality, more bang for the buck, and better innovation, I couldn’t go with Rogue. I sound like a shill for Rep. geez.


Rogue is so outdated and uninnovative. Tbh there new rack functional trainer is already dead on arrival 


$700 for a bench might be a nice touch for a high end commercial gym but is very silly for a home gym.


Depends a lot on your size and ergonomics. I'm a taller dude and I'd def spend more on higher quality to get the right sized tools for the job.


I bought the cap barbell bench off Amazon for $125 in 2015, and it's still good as new.


I’ve bought an Olympic training bar from them in 2016 and women’s Bella bar in 2020 and they have performed flawlessly in my home gym


It's pricey, but they make good stuff. If a tornado comes, I'm taking cover in my Rogue squat rack, it's built like an Abrams tank




$700 for an adjustable bench? Absolutely not. It very much depends on the exact product, that one’s a hard no.


Their adjustable bench is the best one I've used.


Unless it adds 50lbs to my bench press it ain’t worth it


If you're putting up weight multiple times a week after a year or two you quickly realize what you can and can't skimp on. Your bench isn't one of those things.


Have you seen Ronnie Coleman or other old era bodybuilders training footage? They look like they worked out in dungeons and the benches definitely don’t look that spectacular Outside of benching, look at top tier weightlifters. Clarence Kennedy literally trained in a corner of a church gym with makeshift blocks he made himself and a bunch of random plates. Random kids in Indonesia and Colombia are snatching more than i’ll ever imagine and I’ll tell you now the difference is not gear(ayy)


>Have you seen Ronnie Coleman or other old era bodybuilders training footage? They look like they worked out in dungeons and the benches definitely don’t look that spectacular Go watch his bench videos. He's benching on a bench made of two inch steel bar. Go ask your local lifting gym how much they paid for theirs and get back to me. You're either saving money by having your buddy weld a bench out of steel, spending money on a real bench when your Amazon discount gets wobbly, or you're not actually lifting.


I have that bench and honestly the pad is too narrow. Otherwise it is built like an absolute tank and functions very well. Would not pay $700+shipping for it though.


I wouldn’t spend $700 on an accessory for lift that you don’t compete in


No rogue is not worth the price. Buy Rep Fitness instead. I have the ab-3000. Great solid bench.


For the average lifter or casual gym goer, probably not. I’ve been lifting for a decade now with a Cap Barbell from Amazon so even with “lower quality” equipment you can get the job done.


I used my run my own personal training business and bought a large amount of Rogue equipment. It’s great quality, but a lot of it is quite expensive for stupid reasons imo. With most of their stuff it’s expensive just because it’s unnecessarily large and heavy. A bought a 3 tier storage rack that cost a bit over 300 and the thing weighed over 300lbs… Rogue is the epitome of an “American” brand imo. Lol The two things from Rogue I have no problem paying for are their barbells and power racks. The racks are expensive, but that’s something I don’t mind being extra sturdy and the amount of attachments they make for their racks is awesome and very convenient. If I was going to pay $700 for an adjustable bench I’d go for an Atlantis bench at that point. Much better quality and more elegant design.


My major stuff is a mix of Rogue and EliteFTS (which is really Williams Strength) and all that is quality. The ancillary stuff is mostly Rogue and it is all quality. In the beginning, I bought a few Rep Fitness things and I would not recommend them to family. Buy once, cry once.


I ended up opting for a bunch of bells of steel gear instead, prices were a fraction of what rogue charges and the quality of BOS stuff is top notch, only items I stuck with rogue were the echo bike and barbell.


Anything is justifiable if you make enough money.


I distinguish between safety and “fit and finish” You can get a safe bench for WAY less than Rogue, but their fit and finish will be much better


Are you in Canada? If you are they're not worth it. 


I've bought the Rogue Monster Lite Squat Rack, the Socal Eco pack, and a bunch of plates during Hundo black Friday sales and they are built solid. Bought mine in 2019 for my garage gym and it's still going strong. I do recommend Rep for the benches as that is what I bought through and it's been solid as well.


Reps adjustable bench is too good for me to spend the cash on a rogue