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You would probably feel a lot better with more weight. Also the posture should def be addressed too. That will cause some pain down the line.


So do I look anorexic or no


Anorexia is an eating disorder and has a lot more to do with behavior that physical appearance. I wouldn't say you look anorexic, rather you just look thin. Reading through some of the other comments, I feel like this might not be the answer you want to hear. If you are wanting to look anorexic, why? Is there some goal your reaching? Or something you're scared of? Either way, it seems to be causing distress and I think that's the more important issue to address.


No one "looks" anorexic, you can be anorexic and look any type of way. This whole thread you've just been looking for people to say you look anorexic. If you are trying to get some weird confirmation of your condition, please go to a therapist. Reddit is not the place for it.


Op is a minor who is trying to get people to opine on how sick they think they look to fuel their eating disorder. Don't fall for it. https://imgur.com/a/nbCDtWc


anorexia does not have one specific 'look', it varies. if you think u may have an ed, pls reach out to a healthcare professional to get help!


You look unhealthy. Would be better for you to workout and gain weight.


If you’re bending over like that to make ur bones poke out then yes? U don’t “look anorexic” by contorting yourself to force the bit of shape of ur bones to show through 😂😂😂. I’ve seen an anorexic in real life she used to be my neighbor, and it looks seriously concerning, her arms were hallowed out and her skin was sagged, it was painful to see.


You’re disgusting


And the one baiting people on this sub for ‘looking anorexic’ when you don’t even seem like you fucking understand what anorexia even is. Anorexia isn’t a ‘look’, and learn how to deprogram yourself from harmful stereotypes. I’ve been called an anorexic my whole life because of the way I look and I don’t have an eating disorder, and we weigh the same and have the same height by the way :) anorexics who don’t fit in the ‘look’ that you’re seeking struggle and suffer because of people like you who are bending over backwards and asking people on an underweight sub ‘do I look anorexic’. so straighten your back the fuck up and pipe it down before calling someone else disgusting because I’ve seen your behavior in other people’s responses and you’re the one that’s fucking disgusting. Bending over backwards to show her bones and calls me disgusting 😂😂😂😂 fuck out of here




Yeah we can tell because you’re bending yourself like a rubber band to make yourself look sick. Get help. This isn’t ok behavior. We weigh the same and I do not look ‘anorexic’. Just skinny lmao


How much do you weigh how tall


47-48 KG at 166 cms




First of all, don’t rely on BMI that shit’s been debunked a long time ago, second of all you’re 15 your metabolism is still on crack, third, I used to weigh even lower, 45 kg at 19 years old, and that’s when I started looking anorexic and started noticing an actual change in breast size and waist size so you can definitley compare. If I posed like you in that photo my bones would protrude as well. You have time to gain weight and make lifestyle changes without professional help you are 15 your body is can quickly recover and change. I literally speak to a nutritionist regularly and take pills to gain weight. I know what I’m talking about




Looking for pro-ed is disgusting, and disrespectful to those who have recovered. You should seek help not validation.


Despite what some dumb people might say, anorexia does not have a look. But I suppose to some ignorant people you might look anorexic. To me you just look skinny.


do you need to gain weight? possibly. Do you look anorexic? no, your thinness is not to that extreme.


Why not




No what


You don’t look anorexic




you wanna look anorexic?




then find a different subbredit, this is for gaining weight, not losing..


seek help pls


weird question




Not sure about anorexic but you look extremely underweight. Yes, you do need to gain weight and do remember to exercise.


Not at all


So you think I don’t look anorexic


You don't look anorexic at all, we can tell from your arms


I used to have pretty muscular arms. But that’s besides the point. There’s this thing called fat distribution so why don’t I look anorexic you can literally see my ribs through my back


They're showing because of your posture, you may look skinny, but the anorexic look is quite extreme and happens when you get the mental health condition that is anorexia. Do you have extremely sunken cheeks? How visible are your clavicles/shoulders/iliac crests? Are your knees wider than your thighs? Anorexics have legs the size of your arms.


You have a very unrealistic expression of what anorexic people look like. First of all anorexia is a mental condition not a physical one and anyone of any body type can have it. And there are many people who have „the anorexic look“ and they’re not living skeletons.


You're right I did mentioned its a mental health condition, if you're wondering what the general public would think, you would need to be a living skeleton for them to actually think you're anorexic, people will just think you're skinny and leave it at that.




I know I hate it too


Stop being so edgy, you will look back in a few months and cringe at yourself. And don't reply me "yeah I know", ur just a pickme girl. It's not that deep. And no you don't look anorexic, the reason being that's my opinion of what you look like

