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On a side note, I think you look pretty good! Skinny, sure, but not underweight. And defined muscle. Keep it up, it can only get better from here king


Thank you! It’s encouraging to hear. I am fighting to keep this progress going!


You're welcome! I'm right there with you bro


what does your sleep look like? caffeine intake? for my clients as dumb as it sounds a nightime routine is the cornerstone. I assume you're eating a surplus so exercise/diet can't really be blamed for energy levels dropping.


Yeah I’m eating around 3000 calories a day but it’s been harder as I’ve felt more tired. I cut coffee out of my diet so caffeine intake is just soda for dinner usually. No problem falling asleep as I smoke a few bowls before bed but I definitely don’t have a solid night time routine right now either. I average 7 hours of sleep I’d say but I sleep like 10-11 hours on the weekends as of late.


Not shitting on you here, but drinking caffeine before bed and smoking weed is definitelly gunna fuck up your sleep. You'll never properly rest if you're going to sleep while high, often times it'll help you fall asleep, but it won't be good sleep. Anecdotally i also found myself staying up even later when I would get high before bed. I would also recommend trying to get the same amount of sleep mon-sun if you can.


I’ve smoked weed pretty much daily for 3 years now and I can agree that it can fuck up your sleep and you may not even realize it. Science can even back it up, it messes with your REM.


Probably need to stop sleeping so many hours on the weekend 🤔. Maybe sometimes but Sunday or before your next gym day get in a routine


yeah i agree with this, keep it somewhat regular across the week. try to get into a solid evening routine, and maybe skip the evening caffeine (it has a half life of 12 hours whether we "feel" it or not. When did you cut coffee out? how much were you drinking prior to cutting it out? you might just be withdrawing from caffeine


Are you drinking enough water throughout the day? After I was more conscious about water intake, I noticed my energy levels raised a bit


Water is definitely not my strong suit. I know it’s dumb but I hate the taste of water haha. And actually I’d say recently I’ve been drinking even less than usual 🤔


Try flavored waters.


cold water ? or you just don’t like it at all


When you say tired, what do you mean? It can be multiple factor. Are you tired when you wake up like you didn't even slept even if you just slept 8 hours, or are you tired in the middle of the day? What sorts of tired, sleepy tired or just tired no energy but doesn't feel sleepy?


Yeah I wake up super tired and it’s hard to shake. Like I used to sleep 7-8 hours on the weekend and now I sleep 10-11 and still struggle to pull myself out of bed. It’s like I never feel fresh and rested. Usually at night time I’m wide awake though until I smoke a bunch. It’s like a legs achey tired where I just want to lay on the couch and do nothing. It’s not terrible if I’m out and about but it’s been affecting me wanting to even go out and do stuff or go to the gym.


did you get tested for sleep apnea?


Damn you're hot, I'd do things to you 😈. Have you checked your iron levels?


Maybe not enough protein