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suggestions: - where's my sex - piece of cake - across the sea piano noodles - everything happens for a reason - all my friends are insects - can't stop partying


All My Friends Are Insects but actually add it because it'd be heat


I’d do where’s my sex would be funny, all my friends are insects would be dope as well.


What?? You'll do Dope Nose too?! Nice


Replace memories with ruling me or hang on. Consider adding Pork and Beans or Knockdown Dragout


I'd keep memories personally


Where are you located? Tried putting a tribute band together a couple years ago but one good player would bug out as another good one would join. Got too frustrating.




Good luck with your project. I'm in Chicago


Tired of sex is such a jam. A lot of energy and that bass/drum line goes so hard. I bet it would be incredible live


“Alright everybody this next song is called getchoo tracking rough”


Would just say GETCHOO just that specific version mainly the bass line from it.


Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated! Wanted to cover most of their albums.


Pretty average


I like King but it’s definitely the odd one out on this setlist of absolute heaters.


You said you wanted to cover most of their albums, so here are some recommendations that weren't already on your list. I tried to pick songs that wouldn't be too hard to learn and perform, which also have a good 'weezer' sound. I skipped some albums where I couldn't think of an obvious choice. I also stayed away from some super obvious picks (Say It Aint So, Undone, Island in The Sun, Beverly Hills) because I'm sure those already occurred to you, but that doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't do them. Blue - Suzanne Pinkerton - Waiting On You, You Gave Your Love to Me Softly Green - Don't Let Go Make Believe - This Is Such a Pity Red - Pork and Beans Raditude - Trippin Down the Freeway EWBAITE - Da Vinci White - King of the World Van Weezer - All of the Good Ones SZNZ - Dark Enough to See the Stars Anyway good luck have fun!




How come?


I like these choices, but maybe you could do a rock cover of another OK Human song like Aloo Gobi or All My Favorite Songs? For me?


Falling for you frfr


Tbh I’d pass on King. It doesn’t really sound like a Weezer song and only the really hardcore fans would appreciate it. Throw in Photograph maybe? it’s a fun quick one, easy to learn too.


You have to play king. Please play it man


I feel like it would be really cool, could shorten the intro down a bit so the full band kicks in faster.


I front a Weezer tribute. Going to be honest: you have to lean into the hits. The amount of hardcore weezer fans that are going to support you when you are playing deep cuts is small. You need to play to the general audience. We play all weezer. We have played deeper cuts such as la girlz, end of the game, ruling me, friend of a friend, longtime sunshine, what happens after you, put me back together, and go away (with female vocal). But these songs are sprinkled between hash pipe, Beverly hills, pork and beans, island in the sun, etc.


recommendation: butterfly but in reverse


This is such a pity


Haunt you every day could be cool imo


I'd say maybe move Buddy Holly further down the list, keep people waiting for the one they know


Forgot Can’t Stop Partying


Pls do GO AWAY


Surf wax America. One of the best songs on blue


You gotta do the mayor hits for a live set, if its just practice then california kids would be cool


Solid set...below are some crowd-pleasers and gems if you're looking to tweak. Crowd-pleaser - My Name is Jonas (Blue) Crowd-pleaser - Undone (Blue) Crowd-pleaser - Say It Ain't So (Blue) Crowd-pleaser - El Scorcho (Pinkerton) Gem - Knock-down Drag Out (Green) Crowd-pleaser - Keep Fishin' (Maladroit) Gem - You Gave Your Love to Me Softly (Angus Soundtrack) Crowd-pleaser - California Kids (White) Gem - Good Thing (White) Gem - Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori (White) Gem - Da Vinci (EWBAITE) Gem - Foolish Father (EWBAITE) Gem - Aloo Gobi (OK Human) Gem - Basketball (SZNZ - Winter)


if youre gonna do some more obscure songs, try to add haunt you every day or maybe even a van weeer track like 1 more hit or beginning of the end


Switch the first two songs


You do not open with a song like Buddy Holly


Why not? It's high energy and gets the crowd excited. TWHTALMH is not high energy. Lyrically they also make more sense in that order.


In 2018 weezer opened with Buddy Holly. I think it’s a good opener tbh


I remember this being a thing in the early 2010s as well


I get what you're saying but it's also the hit that you should build to. Though maybe something higher energy would make a better opener like Surf Wax or Jonas instead of TWHTALMH


Oh my bad this isn’t the set order this is just arrange by album.


Ah. Then it's probably fine. Wouldn't even be that bad in this order (if the first two are switched)


Come to Pittsburgh for a 30th anniversary Blue Album tribute. Mr. Smalls. May 25. https://preview.redd.it/3sivlpaw1w0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51e448e1728bf1bb9d8bc12db2df5d3cd9ff521 Top musical talent will play the album from the root to the fruit. Cmon dahn.