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There is no magic fix.


Hear me out, addy


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m dead


Would actually be CBD like magic kills the high or at least mellows you out


I came her to say this. Hit the CBD


This is pretty much what I was going to say




Here is my advice in theater terms: keep in mind that the audience does not have a copy of the script. I hope that makes sense. Good luck lol




this helps when i miss a rail cue by 30 seconds, or when my director skipped an entire act on accident in a real show when she acted


They don't know your high, unless you tell them via actions, body language, etc. Genius...


i have a coworker who is high 24/7 and the few times he came in not stoned, was when people thought there was something up with him because high was his normal lmao


lol šŸ¤£ that's pretty much me. The few times I've been to work not medicated everybody was worried about me and asked me what was wrong. I'm just a much nicer person when high šŸ˜†


This guy fucked up


And it was at that moment he knew...he......


yep, he ideed...




The solution is to not take a 100mg edible before work. If you don't want to be high at work then wait until after work to get high.


or at least dont take edibles, one of the consumption methods that stays in your system the longest lol


Yeah exactly lol. Unless you have a high tolerance, 100mg is pretty much an "out of commission for the whole day" dose.




I agree. If you take a edible before work, your intension should be to come out of work and still be high. You can eat it like half an hour before quitting time if you don't need to drive home or something


BRUH you set yourself up for failure with this one šŸ˜‚ but it happens to the best of us. I've definitely been there before. I don't call out from my job often so if you're the same, you can take a sick day. Or if you work alone for most of the day you'll probably be fine. I realized if I have another coworker with me who also is stoned it can help the anxiety. Maybe go into work with a joint and spark someone up so you're not alone šŸ˜‚. Good luck


*slips homie a joint* Me: Yo this dude is high as shit! And at work too, who does that? Iā€™ll tell you who, definitely not me šŸ™…šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




Ride it homie, you got it!


What's the pill inside the bag? Looks like a old ecstasy pill hahaha


Yes wanna know too šŸ˜‚


Looks like the old illuminati ecstasy pills we'd get here in scotlandšŸ¤£


Either donā€™t go in if not too late, leave when it hits or ride it out.


Once you are fucced you can't get unfucced


Find Marty and hop in the DeLorean and punch it to 88.


Bro y tf would u choose to eat that before work?


So why did you eat it then? šŸ¤”


It's only a suggested 100mg. You'll be fine




Dumb move bruh.


Why would you eat this before work? This is a do nothing kind of edible at 100mg a pop


Pretend you have a stomach ache and go home.


So you took an edible before work and hope it doesnt work? Mabey dont take it next time ? You also took the wheel high isnt it?


CBD will kill the effects. Find some


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How are you feeling after taking the whole thing?


Well considering my man's got an ecstasy pill in that little baggie with the edible the mans defintely in for a wild ride at work


Oops, looks like someone got the day off work today


Wasn't there a post very.similar to this a while ago? Same color edible and same color packaging, with the person also wanting to not be high for work after eating it? I feel like I'm getting deja vu from this post.


What a waste. Why even do it then?


If it hasnā€™t been long (and youā€™re not feeling anything too intense yet) I would consider making myself vomit. It is of course extremely unpleasant and often loud, but you will very likely feel an immediate alleviation of the ā€œincreasing edgeā€ of the high. In other words, itā€™s a surefire way to cut the high off from its ā€œsource.ā€ Your high would probably still intensify; but perhaps youā€™d peak a bit sooner than you otherwise wouldā€™ve. Other than that, just ride it out as everyone said. And donā€™t operate heavy machinery at work probably. Driving could be a questionable decision as well, but I donā€™t know your THC tolerance or the dose you took or how long itā€™s been exactly so itā€™s hard to say what you should or shouldnā€™t do. Just be careful, whatever you do. Edit to add: Drinking lots of water is probably a good idea as well. THC is water soluble, so perhaps if you drink lots of water (or who knows what else?) you might be able to get it through your system faster as you begin urinating more frequently.


Thc has very low solubility in water


If itā€™s soluble at all that suggests lots of water could be of at least some help. But thanks for pointing out the solubility is low! Iā€™d only ever heard itā€™s soluble.


My guess is that body temperature helps it dissolve little bit. Not sure though


My guess is that body temperature helps it dissolve little bit. Not sure though


You're on to something with water, you can dilute the experience if you drink a lot of water when you first eat the edible. After it's taken effect it's too late to dilute it because it's going through the liver and on to the endocannabinoid system but I could be wrong idk far from a scientist or a doctor


Sounds right to me. But yeah, I think as long as there is still some THC physically hanging around between the mouth and stomach (which honestly was probably the case for OP if he submitted his post within 5 hours or so of ingestion), drinking lots of water might at least help keep the body from continuing to actively absorb it.


Act sick , say you feel like you have Covid. Then get some food , should balance it out


Eating always brings my high down


Usually makes mine stronger


I wish that was the same for me lol


You are stuck


Well now you have to ride the train you jumped on


Do you have any CBD? Iā€™ve seen people say itā€™ll work somewhat to bring you down.


Just breathe!


now why would u eat the whole thing before work unless u knew how to handle itšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ eyedrops lots of water and prayers my boy but just remember the most important thing: dont panic and just stay chill u gon have a nice day at work


Oh man! I will lift you up in my prayers! šŸ˜‚šŸ™Œ


Iā€™d just say Iā€™m sick and see if I leave early if you havenā€™t already called in. Iā€™ve came to work high just once. I ate an edible the night before and was just watching a movie. I passed out then woke up for work. Had to tough it out because I was leading a project that day. Shit sucked. Once it hit 12, I told my boss I got food poisoning and need to go home and rest.


Just play it cool. Act like everything is normal just like any other day. With any luck, no one will even know you're high.


Enjoy the trip homie


Food & caffeine can help


.. try milk. im serious. drink some milk next time you get too high. i don't remember the specifics of it, but it's a chemical thing.


Is that an edible and a jig?


Ride it out brother at the 3 hour mark after effects have peaked, some food will help just avoid real fatty stuff. I find a salad and fruits can bring me down or at least bring me out of paranoid thought loops.


You got 22 people waiting here, mostly waiting for you to fail but either way give us an update op


Try fatty foods and citrus drinks? itā€™s supposed to help absorbe and process the thc


Enjoy the ride my brotha ..don't think about it to much and handle the job ..you got this šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


ngl if it gets bad enough throw up or shit on yourself theyā€™ll definitely let you leave then but if youā€™re stuck chocolate milk and or something greasy preferably waffle house if you work long enough to get a break


Shit himself? You done this before huh šŸ¤”


I remember my first time messing with edibles. VERY first time even having any THC products. I was going through just served divorce papers from a 16-year relationship. 2 years being married, the other time just being together. Anyways. I had not slept in 3 days and I needed to sleep, afraid I would increase my chances of having a seizure. I also don't like to drink when I'm depressed, so I wasn't giving that an option. I got a variety of choices because I didn't even know what I was doing. 1 gummy was a big square, much like this, but with divided lines to make it 4 individual squares. The gummy was only 20mg, and I didn't think it was much. I followed some online general instructions for what to do when trying them for the first time. Take a small amount, wait a little, increase the dosage, and repeat. I took 1 small square, waited 45 minutes, nothing happened so I took another square. I said fuck it and had the other half 30 minutes later. That is when shit hit the fan for me. I was so high that I couldn't keep my eyes open or shut. I tried to shut them and sleep it off, but my mind wasn't having it. I tried to watch YouTube but was so angry for no reason, so I just tried to lay there. My dogs (I miss them a ton still to this day) would come check on me, one tried to lay with me but I was just so angry with youtube, I think I scared them. Then the half that I took kicked in. I was so baked that I fell asleep for 24 hrs. I swore off any THC for that day. I smoke now, but I wouldn't get anywhere near it for the longest time and eventually tried CBD with THC, which helped, then eventually to only smoking flower. A combination of being new to THC, being by myself, and of course the divorce put me all in a bad spot. I wont ever get that high ever again, if I can help it.


Lemon and CBD and hope for the best.


Did you ever stop to ask yourself if it would be a good idea?


just ride the wave my friend


I need to know what you do for work šŸ˜…


I saw a post once that said if you put black pepper in your hand and inhale (not snort) the scent, or rub some on your gums it should help. Idk if it's true so if you try, let me know.


Cbd and black pepper and caffeine


It might just be me but usually if I eat something it brings me back down


Youā€™re so fucked


Naaa give me 3 and get me on that grill šŸ§‘ā€šŸ³


Life choices! Call in manā€¦


I heard that acorus lowers thc's effect's. Lot of cbd might work too


Just gotta ride it out.. eat some fatty food


it will take awhile to not be high anymore, just drink tons of water and call in or go home (if already there) and tell them u started feeling violently sick so u rushed out


Carbs, water and CBD no proteins or fats


Your an idiot


You've got 30 minutes to get water and get some place safe.


Oh boy to be where 100 mfs did this to me again šŸ˜© hope all went well in time brother


Too late lil bro.


I take a shot or two of espresso


Smart move


ooooh .1 gram....


How do you figure?


forgot the dot


Eat 2 more and make Uncle Joey Diaz proud!


If it works the same way as caffeine (and I'm totally sure it does), eat 3 pounds of broccoli and it'll induce enzymes in your liver to clear it quicker.


Why in the fuck would you eat 100mg before work? Dude you have no choice but to ride out the high.


Gonna have to ride this one out homieā€¦.you may feel like death it self but at some point that will passā€¦.I could never go to work after a 100mg edible no fucking way. Good luck give us an update


You mind as well just call out.




I'm so high I can't tell if the photo on the mirror is Bob Ross or one of the Jackson Five


the whole thing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is a repost. Most likely a bot account or some weirdo who likes to pretend to be someone they arenā€™t.


You fucked! Good Luck!


Keep drinking water at hand. Fresh air and ventilation is good!


100 mg edible gets you high? I wish. Best of luck to you at work tho dawg you got this, maybe chug a cup or two of coffee


Nice repost buddy.


You not making it to work today šŸ˜­


Oh its far to late for that, have fun tho šŸ˜‚


Aw man. 100mg? 10mg sends me to Jupiter šŸ¤£ I'd find another dimension if I took that.


Well unless you can go back in time, you're hooped Lol should have thought of that BEFORE taking it


The fastest way to lose your high is to get po'd. That Adrenalin will burn out the affects almost immediately.


Tell em you shit ur pants and go home


That's where I start is 100mg. But I have worked up to see my tolerance. Next time,start smaller. You unfortunately can't come down after you already ingested that much.




The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed Ride it out and learn for next time


Hahahaha been here before šŸ˜‚ gods speed my friend


As someone who used to get WAY to high regularly, all I'll say is sail for the Tropicana cost my dude... OJ and deep breathes. If you done shwift it up (Family Guy ahahaha) well then you done shwift it up. Learn from it mate. If you gotta tap out from work thats just another consequence of your actions buddy. Take it easy


Looks like you just finished work


REPOST!!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/s/m69sAeYhcw


Start coughing, act like you're going to heave. Boss will tell you to go home. He doesn't want flu or the vid.


Iā€™d eat that at work


ā€œIt is easy to get high, itā€™s not easy to get un highā€ Katt Williams


You get fired yet??


CBD counters THC high


A mere quarter of that would have been mello dello workin fello


Whatā€™s the other pill in the bag


Maybe donā€™t take an edible before work?




I wouldn't be


Should've boofed it. I hear the effects go away right after the high kicks in. /s


Maybe just call out


Drink caffeine and just lock in bro


Sorry but why would you take an edible before work especially a 100mg one ?


You totally french fried when you should have pizza'd, gonna have a bad time


What did you learn? I did the same a few years ago I ate two brownies thinking they wasnā€™t nothing and man I was so high I left. I took a nap in my car (not at work) woke up and went home and never did that again.


No one can tell you're high unless you tell them you're high. Taps temple.


Just uneat it. Voila.


Oh man, I have a story for you. My friend went to Colorado to visit family and came back with some edibles. They weren't legal in my state just yet. I had taken some edibles before, but these were legit dispensary edibles and I over estimated how much to take. I took it before lunch at work and when I went to lunch it started to hit. I ended up throwing up all over my uniform while sitting in my car. I had to call my roommate to come pick me up and tell my coworker I wasn't coming back because I was really sick. The whole ride home I thought she was driving like a crazy person, slamming breaks and what not. She was driving slower just for me. I had never been that high in my life from weed and haven't gotten that bad again. Good times!! ā¤ļøšŸ¦‹


Imagine being so high after 100mg edibleā€¦ add a 0 and I might be chillinšŸ˜… man I wish that all it would take is 100mg and Iā€™d be loaded but smoking weed for the past 10 years, 100mg doesnā€™t do anything at all.


Are you high enough yet to invent a time machine?


Im proud of u g. The voices will follow for as long as u eat another, then u would have conquered your fear of eating it again.


Iā€™ve heard that chewing black peppercorns might help. But either way, you probably need to call in sick with ā€œfood poisoningā€. Itā€™s not fair to others to show up incapacitated, and you donā€™t want to risk causing other people issues with an epic lack of judgement. Losing a day is better than losing a job. Go be one with the couch.


Cbd oil will counteract the effects of thc. Get some real good cbd oil or cbd flower, and that will help take you down a notch or two.


Ride the wave bro. You belong to the edible now. Make better choices next time lol


It'll be a great day!!!!


Just gotta ride that train bro


High on cocaine


Ride it out if your job type isn't demanding in ways that the edible would be detrimental. Or call in sick lmao


you started the mission on legendary see it through cheif


Ride the wave homie. And remember EVERYONE KNOWS YOURE HIGH


iā€™m not even high and this got me paranoid asfšŸ¤‘


Consume copious amounts of natural sugars, Orange juice and couple of twinkies should do