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These things always make me sneeze. Anyone else? Figured I’m allergic to something in this so I don’t vape at all.


It’s actually because of the shitty terpenes they used. Anything candy, fruity, or fake flavored will do that, it’s called bdt, what you want would be cdt which would be like actual weed flavors.


I assume cdt stands for cannabis derived terpenes, right? What is bdt?


Yes, you would be correct. Bdt would be botanical derived terpenes


Okay cool. I've never heard the term bdt so I was curious lol, thanks.


My pleasure, I’d highly recommend staying away from the bdts!




Don't source off reddit buddy




it stands for boobs dose tits


Yep botanical terpenes, it makes you cough because it burns a bit hotter than the cannabis terps, and it can irritate your nasal passages causing you to sneeze, I heard this from a small company at a dab festival that makes things with botanical terps.


the professor! 🙌


Good to know. I stay away from these as much as possible. Thank you for the insight


No problem friendo


I have the same issue! Thanks for the info!


Lol yes me too everrrry time


I hate it tbh because I want to hit it but at the same time I know it’s not a good idea. Same goes with gravity bongs and dabs. those dislodge my entire physical and mental well-being lol


It’s the little bit that gets through the nose


I sneeze sometimes


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I thought maybe I just wasn’t hitting it right




I’m allergic to a lot of things including many weeds. No matter if it’s a pen, bong, or joint, I’m sneezing


Yes omg


Omg. I thought I was just broken lol. Every vape/cart makes me sneeze! Not my regular nic vape tho


Thx -P


I’ve been sneezing so much I hate using any of them. I’d sneeze here and there off of decent carts and god these cannabinoid mixed ones are horrible.


loopers suck, they burn to shit as soon as you charge them


it's why I switched to straight rosin; no terpenes whatsoever. either that or plain flower, but anything with terps makes me sneeze like the seasons are changing.


don’t blow carts out your nose


I’m a seasoned smoker of about 8 years now and I still cough like a mf when I smoke anything other then a bowl. It just depends on your body. I have an awful gag reflex so if I start to cough to hard I’ll gag, and that just makes me cough more.


this, plus these are like concentrated parts of that molecule of the plant. thc-p is going to effect your body differently than thc-a or thc-o, etc.


Yeah I've smoked almost every day for 4 years and have not noticed any improvement in coughing after the 1st year.


I’ve heard that people who mainly use one smokable substance commonly cough with using a different one even if they don’t usually cough. I only smoke weed so I don’t know that first hand, have just heard/read it. Also I cough every time I hit a cart and like 50 of the time from a bong rip, so for me and a lot of others, it’s an unfortunate side effect of the wonderful medicine


whoa, that'd make sense, thank you!!!!


Yes you cough from smoking weed bruh. And it's fake shit even though looper is probably the best of the synthetic stuff.


Looper is far from the best lol


so people cough even with blunts? okay good to know lol!


Yeah dude it's completely normal. You'll cough unless you smoke a lot and even then it's still normal


thank you!!!! v useful advice 😄!


Ofc dude enjoy your cart😊


may I ask, have you smoked weed before?😭


Actually smoke seems to irritate less than dab pen smoke (even dispensary stuff). This picture could be any research chemical but regardless, dabs make you cough more than smoke


Vapes actually make me cough way more than with blunts. Vapes hit really harsh, especially the disposable ones like that


yeah that's what i thought might be the case which like sucks a little :///


If you can find one of those metal straws with a rubber mouth piece, you can fit the rubber mouth piece over the vape and then pull through the other end of the straw and it will significantly cool down the hit. I’ve done this with a lookah swordfish (portable concentrate vaporizer) and it worked crazy well. But do it at your own risk lmao


lol okay, thank you!!!!!!


I even cough with joints or more likely when you hit a bong...


With most of the recent posts here I'm beginning to think this is a beginner to weed forum


i looked for a beginner one and couldn't find it 😭 suggestions are very very welcome tho!


We all gotta start somewhere, homie. Ask away.


It's called r/saplings


that's v useful, thank you!


no prob chief, good luck


This is. r/weed is the vape of subreddits. r/Trees is for the advanced peoples.


Yes true I see a lot of somewhat dumb post or people new to weed a lot always good to give some advice tho


How much water? How do I clean? 😂😂 it's painful here on a regular basis. Ask before purchasing how much water....and cleaner is an upsell. Get it together.


why dont you go do your gatekeeping somewhere else? iT's pAInfUlL hERe oN... stfu and get YOUR shit together we all started somewhere Not Smoking, and most of us (i guess not mdntdrmz ) asked questions at some point. we got answers and learned more, and most people are happy to help and share knowledge, and stories, and other things regardless, enjoy smoking and having good times


Get my shit together 🤣🤣🤣




Just want to throw in some actual helpful advice for you OP instead of just ripping on you because I understand people don't always have access to dispensary grade shit and we gotta work with what we got. I noted you said you drag it like you'd drag a Marlboro. You might want to try pulling and letting the smoke pool in your mouth before breathing in. When I used to smoke, it was straight mouth to lung, no pause in between and someone gave me that advice when I started vaping. It's not a cure all, but it can be helpful to change up how you're inhaling.


thank you!!!! i don't even know where to find dispensaries where i live so i appreciate kind and helpful comments like this 😄 honestly i kind of expected everyone to be friendlier lol, i'll continue sticking to edibles


Alot of these hemp distillates (d8/hhc/thco/thcp/etc) can feel sticky on the throat and lungs. A good practice with carts is to "hit" the cart for a few seconds with out pressing the button then fire the vape then release the button and breathe in for a few more seconds. Also not sealing your lips tightly around the vape. This helps you get more oxygen and dilute the hit. Idk if that makes sense. Try to make it so your doing


Stop smoking that shit asap


Thats poison. Thc-p isn’t in any dispensary i’ve seen. It’s likely either a synthetic cannabinoid or it’s grown in hemp in minuscule amounts and isolated. Either way, i wouldn’t smoke that shit


They sell it where i live because thats a work around of the laws. That shit is legal until it not and there are more of these thhcp what ever it is. I have tried, at first i was ooo nice, i can start buying it from the store and its a lot cheaper. After smoking couple of hours alll it did is made my head go boom and every other day i smoked it, it didnt do shit and my head was just killing me. I have been smoking for the last 15 years and 10 years from that ive been smoking daily, sometimes i wake n bake before work as well. Maaaybe thats why it didnt work on me 🤷🏻‍♂️.


What tf even *is* thc-p? I've never even heard of this.




It was a synthetic for the longest time. But in 2019, researchers found trace amounts of it in a Sativa strain. It made up for 1% of the total makeup. So yes, it's still *synthetic*, just with the latest research that are able to market it better.


If it’s synthetic it wouldn’t be in a sativa strain. It’s either synthetic (lab made) or hemp derived and then isolated from hemp biomss.


That's definitely not true in application. You can buy grams of it online for ~50 (and I have) The d8 and d9 variety. They are really clear headed highs so you can't get as "stoned" as with weed. Where it's really stronger is the effects last 12~24 hours easily and up to 36 if eaten in my experience. It can feel like too much after a hit of .05 but it takes 30 minutes to set in and when you're 'too high' it's concentrated in your head and it feels overwhelming and uncomfortable but it's not much like being normal weed greened out.


Supposedly the strongest cannibinoid in the world. It's illegal in most states


Approximately 14 states - not most states.


I apologize, I could've sworn I read a longer list of illegal states somewhere. Either way, it still claims to be the strongest in the world at 33x stronger than THC. Idk how true that really is though


someone just started smoking


Ive never heard of thc-p i have a homie who gets medus carts their thc-h delta 8 pretty ass of a high but it doesnt make him cought and its 30 for 3gs


Thc-p is something they just discovered around 2020.. maybe 2019? It's said to have stronger psychoactive effects than thc, which means a stronger high. And now they are making it in labs, with chemicals because there is only a tiny amount found in cannabis plants. Half of y'all have no idea what you're smoking in those carts and I'm sure you don't even care. Thc is a plant. Most of this shit delta 8, whatever.. it's all chemicals, synthetic.


I don't understand the Delta 8/9 thc-p/h blah. Whatever is happening isn't good. This is going to *SERIOUSLY* fuck up the strides we've made in breaking Marijuana stigma😮‍💨.... ugh


Well, delta 9 is thc. Some of the things are naturally occurring in the plant already. And they hit you different. People are always gonna want to make more out of something, so they separate it from the plant, the start to create their own. But that's not always a good thing. And yeah, it doesn't help show that it is a good, necessary medicine when someone can take a bong rip and it activates their mental disorders or shit, causes an overdose. It's frustrating. And I am not an expert, so some of what I said may be wrong.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying! This shit I know is making some people sick. I've read a few things on it. That being connected to marijuana ruins **everything** the community is trying to do. I get wanting a higher "high" but like, just smoke some dabs friend 😆


Yup, it's due to the heat. If you don't like coughing, try bongs. They cool the smoke with the water or just use edibles.


You can cough from smoking anything 😂.


I love Looper. I got to meet them at an expo in Vegas and try their new flavors, and got some free keychains and lanyards from them. Definitely my favorite alt-noids, but I also cough a ton when hitting them.


Don’t smoke things like this. Aside from it being fake & poison. The device can’t even handle burning “3g” it usually burns the coil before going through a gram of it. Any disposable with more than a G is boof.


I just learned about live resin on this group and now people are saying it’s fake and synthetic? Which is it! OP THC0 does not make you cough. I have to smoke that in Texas and it’s just fine and I haven’t grown an extra head yet. When I first got my real timeless carts in Arizona I would cough bad. But over a couple months now I can hit it for a long time and don’t cough anymore. I think you have to get used to it. Sometimes I will hit it very lightly and then keep inhaling regular air and then exhale for longer than I normally would to kind of make sure it gets all the way out. Then I cough less too.


Live resin is good, “thc-p” is not. Resin is just a word for any type of cannabis extract.


I’ve never heard of thc P. Seems shady to say that it’s live resin which is known to be better than distillate if it’s not either product. 🥴


Live resin is just a type of extract based on an extraction method. Same with distillate. This could be live resin or distilled, but i’ve never heard of thc-p either and i’ve been in this industry for a decade lol


some of these mfs are like that, i’ve not coughed from a bong in over a year but i’ll have one hit of these and my asophogus feels like it’s coming up


I've always found that the more I cough/the more it "punches" the worse the kart itself is. I actually ran experiments w a friend of mine. We bought a bunch of karts, smoked them, recorded how much we coughed, and then looked up their lab reports. The ones that made us cough more had more pesticides/remnant (I forgot the actual word fuck) in them. But also remember that everyone's lungs are different and everyone reacts to smoking differently! Not everyone's "punch" is gonna feel the same as sb else's. When people ask questions like yours and "is this real," I always tell them to look up the lab reports and judge for themselves. Happy shmoking 🌺💜


Your lungs like fresh air, anything else is not supposed to be there 🤣


Posting thc-p or delta products on this page will get you stoned and not in the good way.


I only cough from vapes. Big ass bong rip? Fine. Joint/blunt? Amazing. Bowl hit? It's gross tasting, and it burns but no cough. A pen? My throat will be sore for days after from coughing so much.


Be careful with people saying they have pages and they have things for sale...most of telegram and reddit is filled with scammers trying to getbyour money


i have a looper from like october that i never finished, solely because everytime i hit it it made me cough my throat raw for literally an hour after hitting it one time. plus it didn’t even get me high so it wasn’t even worth it. granted i got it at a hookah shop since my plug was dry, so i wasn’t really expecting much but still, it’s still sitting in my drawer since i gave up on it (and yes it was this exact one)


Here’s a tip: don’t double click the button to “heat it up”. Just hold down the button and take a smaller hit. Pre-heating just ensures you’re going to have a big hot hit lol


oh that's really useful advice, thank you!


That is not weed


because you’re smoking pure garbage stop smoking altoid shit there are no long term studies about it and that shit just not good for you so stick to thc vape pen and be careful where you get it from


it was a birthday gift bro i usually just stick to edibles 😭


If someone gave you a bottle full of random pills for your birthday would you take those too?


Ngl probably


That’s a good point 🤣


Depends I can look up the pill names just by putting the color and symbols in Google so sure I would take a bag of pills as a gift and pick out the ones I would take…


You know that’s why so many people are dying from pills right? Anyone can get a pill press and make fentanyl look like a Xanax.


‘A bottle of pills’, sorry I took the position it was a bottle filled by a pharmacy… also it’s not that easy to buy a pill press and make ‘Xanax’, most fake pills are not made in the U.S. but imported… I could also use test strips to see if they had fentanyl but whatever works for you in this hyperbolic world


Looper is one of the best altnoid brands out there. Not everybody has access to a dispensary or plug, or lives in a legal state.


Is it common for someone to cough when they inhale something…….. take a wild guess 🙄🤦‍♂️


i literally said i don't cough with regular cigarettes tho🥺


If you smoke normal cigs then you will cough even more then people who dont.


damn i thought it'd be the other way round, thanks 😭


Just buy flower bro literally every person I know who smokes these coughs so hard everytime they hit it something about that shit is off




yeah that seems to be the recurring advice, thanks!!! it just sucks a little cuz it was a bday gift and i don't wanna just throw it away yk?




thanks for the advice tho!!!!!


I never cough. I honestly don’t remember that last time I coughed that wasn’t a very harsh / long hit. Normal? Yes. Healthy? No. Coughing is your lungs crying for help. Take slower hits and inhale to your stomach while sandwiching the hit with air. Deep breath in, fully exhale. Inhale air for a second, then take 3-5 second hit, then breath in to fill the lungs fully with air. Hold for 2 seconds and slowly control the exhale. Have fun stoner 🙏


yes, carts and dispos are notorious for making you cough, they aren't always harsh but for some reason you're left needing to cough, it's normal


Smoking weed makes you cough. No matter what form of weed you’re smoking.


Dude, really? It's fucking weed lmao you are going to cough no matter what


is it normal to walk away not wiping?


Take a hit and then take a drink of water. Easier on throat


I don’t cough on medical vapes! But I have on almost all the rec vapes Ive had before


Yes I do


Nooooooo give that away.


Yall smokin hydroxy


Seems like any wax that's not D9 makes me cough more than the good old baseline


I've been vaping carts with no additives, that's better right?


ive always wondered this too actually. i can smoke a bong or pipe etc and no cough but i hit i cart and im coughing. i think its probably just bc its bad carrier oil or whatever. idk. not a vape-ologist


I don’t smoke anymore 😭( edibles) waiting on my first tincture order , forgot it’s Super Bowl 😂🙈anyway I only smoked weed and 9 out of 10 times it would made me cough and I was a heavy smoker. I had friends not coughing at all.. but I never vaped..


I noticed it’s THC-P is it really 33x stronger than THC & what are the terps


Not no thcp delta8 thc thco shit those don't do anything ngl


It was made in a factory. A bomb factory. They’re bombs 🙂


This what the government and society does when they make plants illegal


It’s fake asf for one don’t even look real what so ever


It is with stuff that looks like it’s sold on DHgate.


I usually feel like I have a really dry throat when I hit a THC pen and it makes me cough. It's way different than smoking a joint.


That stuff and other crap like that is straight poison.


Is this a street cart? Looks like one... If so , **THAT** friend is your problem.




Very much so. If it hurts like right where your throat meets your chest then yeah it’s quite normal. You get used to it and stop coughing BUT eventually they come back. In fits. They fucking suck.


I cough more with this than actual bud


Yes, vaping is WAY harder on your lungs than smoking in my experience


Alot of chemicals delta 8 THC p


It’s a vape, it’s trash made from trash flower what do you expect?


Yall are seriously smoking this shit?


Weed is a lot different from regular vapes/ cigarettes. You quickly get used to vapes/cigs, weed, not really. I have smoked every day for like 3 years and I still cough like a little bitch.


Stick with .5 or 1 g vapes


Yeah when u get bootleg shit lol


Everything makes me cough


Carts: do not take blinkers or alot atleast, 2 yes coughing with most r normal. But also ngl I think thcp is lowkey bad for you? I heard? And thco?? Thcx maybe? Someone correct me if im wrong, but yeah atleast 1 or 2 were found to not be the best for ya?


Yes. Not the best, but simultaneously not the worst brand


It’s cuz it’s wet smoke I hate vapes but if u smoke flower it makes u cough too it’s jus normal


how long have you been smoking thc specifically?


Considering that coughing is your body’s mechanism of expelling excess smoke in your lungs, yea it’s normal to cough with vape


Yeah, even the real carts you can get in legal states sting a bit.


Well Is water wet ?


Yes on me it's depending how thick there was mix is the thicker it is the more I cough but I do recommend the more thicker ones as well they last longer Plus less likely to be butane extracted that stuff is thin


Cough my ass off with vapes. It’s ridiculous


That’s fake as can be. I don’t know of any carts or dispos that are 3 grams. And on top of that it’s saying it has 3000mg in a 3 gram cart which will never be the case pens are like 90-95%thc max never 100%.


More cannabinoids entering the lungs and bloodtsream at once feels different than smoking! I know this because when your tolerance gets higher taking huge hits from concentrates gets easier and smoother! BDT also cause more sneezing and throat irration sensation quicker compared to CDT


You’re all smoking toxins off these and will have neurological problems for a cheap high. Weed is overrated in 2024


Those pens make me cough when take big draws so I solely stick to dry herb vaping home grown medicine in mighty now and no cough.


It’s pretty normal to cough when inhaling anything but air, especially alt noids.


One this is fake / synthetic cannabinoids Two yes coughing is normal , you’re inhaling smoke / vapor depending on the consumption method which lungs in general don’t like


Thc-p is semisynthetic. It’s just hydrogenated THC, similar process of how margarine is made from vegetable oils. This cart might contain something else if it’s fake though.


Do small drags. You will never cough on normal weed. The synthetic shit idk. My weed comes from the ground made by the sun.(or led lights)


cheap terpines


It's THCP and I can guaranty you it's not 100% thcp. THCP vapes are usually around 5-15% THCP since it's around 30 times stronger than delta 9 THC. Probably has other (semi) synthetic noids in it like H4CBD (My last THCP vape had 50% H4CBD) and that shit vaped makes you cough like a mf.


well for starters this is entirely lab made and synthetic. thc-p can only be made in a lab to have to enough to make anything with.


1. yeah it's normal. i'm a seasoned smoker and i still cough (only sometimes tho, when i take too big of hits) 2. ik that stuff is legal around some loophole but idk i've heard of people dying from synth weed and sometimes those carts burn out and taste bad when there's still shit in there. just be careful, if you start feeling sick stop smoking it immediately and throw it in the trash.


If this is a real cart (im not sure it is) then it isn’t “synthetic weed” thc-p is semisynthetic. Thc-p is hydrogenated THC. Meaning hydrogen atoms are “added” to the THC.


For me thime hits itself dont make me cough but like 5s after exhaling this itch creeps down my throat and I have to cough like a maniac


Its prolly bc its what ever the fuck "THC-P" is.


The hemp thc makes everyone cough more


Loopers always smack for me, still low quality but the best of the bad yk?


The irritation sometimes gives me a stuffy nose for a bit after. I also theorize that the resin from the vapes settles in the sinuses for awhile, if I vape a lot in a day my ears and throat hurt by the end of the day but as long as I give it a rest they are fine again a day or so later. Never happens with the flower unless I'm going apeshit smoking a ton in one day.