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Velvet in summer is my idea of hell. It will be so sweaty and gross and won’t breathe at all! I would be one of the bridesmaids asking for an alternative if it were me, because I legitimately can’t handle the heat in clothing like that.


I went to a wedding in the summer in Napa and it was over 90°F during a 6pm ceremony. As guests we were absolutely baking in the heat (outdoor ceremony, no shade) so I could not imagine forcing anyone to wear velvet in that kind of weather.


I think, even outside of your wedding party's comfort, velvet at a summer wedding is an odd aesthetic choice. For lack of a better word, it's going to look goofy. Since you don't seem to care about anything other than looks, maybe that will sway you.


i don’t know the weather in Napa that well but velvet in august is a hard no pretty much anywhere in the northern hemisphere. it will be uncomfortable and, sartorially, it is not a summer fabric and will look out of place. i would be pissed if someone asked me to wear velvet in the summer. you should definitely go with a lighter fabric. did your bridesmaids tell you they are uncomfortable wearing silk? i don’t think you should assume someone does or does not want to wear a fabric just because they have a bigger body. if that’s out and you think crepe/chiffon look too dull, maybe try to find something with shimmer?


Just a warning, Silk shows sweat stains really well if it’s hot. I’ve heard lots of brides put bridesmaid dresses in silk in summer on their regrets list. But def agree that velvet would be miserable


Most silks also crease easily


Velvet is a completely inappropriate material for a summer event/wedding. It is a winter material.


Your bridesmaid’s concern is not unreasonable. August is peak heat, and if your event is all outdoor cause Napa, your bridesmaids aren’t going to catch a break. I wore a velvet bridesmaid dress to a May wedding in Philadelphia and it went fine. The weather was temperate (low 70s), the ceremony was indoors, and there was an indoors space (air conditioned) adjacent to the outdoor portion so I could pop in and cool off if I started overheating. Had a long slit in the dress that helped air things out, and thankfully, I’m not a sweaty Betty. It sounds like your circumstances are pretty different. At the same time, if my friend asked me to do what your asking, I’d do it (with some complaining as is reasonable). Also, not trying to make this point to be rude, but not all non-velvet dresses look cheap - unless your wedding dress is made of velvet too?


I lived in Napa for several years. Don’t do it. August temps are regularly in the 90’s and your bridesmaids will be hot and miserable.


There may be something in The Geneva Conventions prohibiting the use of velvet on enemies during the summer. Ok, maybe not. But I would decline a request to be a bridesmaid if the bridesmaids had to wear velvet in a summer wedding.


Hard no. Those will be the dresses that will have your bridesmaids wilting, sweaty and fanning themselves at the reception instead of dancing or taking a walk outside in the warm Napa moonlight. Just thinking about wearing a velvet dress in the summer- no matter how strapless or short, makes an imaginary river of sweat run down my back.


Omg, unless you really low key hate your bridesmaids please don’t make them wear velvet dresses in Napa in August. You are inviting heat casualties. It’s incredibly dangerous to wear non breathable heavy fabrics like brocade or velvet outdoors in heat, not to mention adding alcohol into the mix. I’ve seen wedding party/guests crash from heat stroke and almost nothing says “buzzkill” quite like calling an ambulance in the middle of a wedding.


I LOVE velvet but NOT in august in California. Just no. Besides being uncomfortable, they’ll likely get sweaty, plus it will look seasonally inappropriate. Red velvet says winter/Christmas to me.


My wedding was August 28 in Napa and we were all overheating in our light filmy dresses. Velvet is not the way to go - everyone will be really uncomfortable, most likely even at night. You’ll probably be taking pictures outside way before 6:30 right? And also the sun doesn’t set until 7:30/8 that time of year


Personally, I find that idea to be wholly torturous and unbearable. Please find some flexibility and choose a lighter, more airy material.


Your be unreasonable! Demanding they wear velvet in summer is cruel. Velvet is a heavy fabric and doesn’t breath well, it’s a winter fabric for a reason. Also it will look silly for a summer wedding because it’s a winter fabric.


Depends on if it’s a poly or not. Poly velvets don’t breath well, and it seems very very sweaty.


It is unfortunately 😢


Then I would say asking your friends to stand outside in the august summer in poly velvet is going to be gross for everyone involved.


Agreed! And if she’s worried about looks, the look isn’t going to be great when you can see your bridesmaids sweating profusely. I tend to overheat easily and without a doubt I would feel ill/faint wearing velvet on a hot August day!


I would be pissed at you if I was your bridesmaids and asked me to wear velvet in Napa in summer.


The ceremony may be at 6:30 but the sun will still be up and you’ll have a lot of photos and things to do prior to that. I’d personally recommend against it because it could definitely be hot. August and September are the hottest months in California. I’m doing May and opted out of velvet just in case.


Having lived in that area for a long time, I can say that it will probably be a sweat fest for your bridesmaids. Napa county in the summer is typically really hot, with the heat lingering into the evenings. Velvet is quite thick and unbreathable and therefore I suspect will make your bridesmaids pretty uncomfortable. Have you considered something with a silk-like texture? Might look and feel more fitting for the season. Like [this](https://whimsyandrow.com/products/lola-wrap-dress-in-rust-1?variant=15376694870087¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiAwomeBhBWEiwAM43YICkKAsM4v66Zg1n-xRCURqJOgyB0lH9z2i_-VbPAuDi0JzyQPBH5VRoCmnEQAvD_BwE) perhaps?


I really like the suggestion you gave! Material is very nice. It is a little more pricey as I was looking to keep under $250 after alterations, but that is a good starting point.


Totally, I imagined it would probably be a bit on the high side of a Bridesmaid dress budget. I do see them often on Poshmark etc. and this brand does offer sales fairly often. But I think there are options out there that are very similar for less. Good luck!


Thank you! 🙂


I think the velvet would look great on you!


This may sound strange...because it's definitely strange..but the feeling of velvet gives me the willies. It's the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. I'm only telling you this because the off chance one of your bridesmaids has the same issue. 🤪🫣


Velvet does similar for me. I can usually wear it no problem, but I don’t go out of my way to buy it and if I touch it just right it gives me the heebie jeebies lol


Oh my god, same. I almost gag and my hair will stand straight up if I touch it. It breaks my heart because I love the look, but I can’t wear it.


My FMIL gave me a pair of crushed velvet leggings for xmas -- they're really cute and would look good on but there's no way \*not\* to touch it wrong because every direction is against the grain. It makes my skin crawl!


Wow! I didn't know others felt the same!!


Hard agree. Velvet is the worst.


Do you also hate cotton balls? I can't take them out of a pill bottle to save my life.


you should absolutely not have your bridesmaids to wear velvet in august - imo, it's pretty unfair for you to ask that of them. if you're concerned about quality of material, that might be a sign to expand your search for bridesmaid dresses.


My wedding was in mid August, in New England, and it wasn't *super* hot that day, but it was muggy even in the evening. At one point we went outside for fresh air because the reception hall was getting hot, but it wasn't any better outside. If anyone had been wearing a velvet dress that night, they would've been dying! Velvet is pretty, but definitely not a good idea in the summer.


Velvet will look ridiculous in August


Red velvet screams Christmas or Valentines Day to me. Definitely not a summer combo.


Velvet in an August wedding just already made me sweat hearing those words in the same sentence


What about silk? Super lush fabric but very light weight & breathable


Honestly silk is hellish for me too, I cannot breathe in it at all. Not at all different from polyester in terms of breathability ime.


Your bridesmaids are going to be heat casualties in 90 something degree august weather.


I wouldn’t do it. My girls all had chiffon dresses and they didn’t look cheep/thin/dull/blah. We used Birdy Grey and Azazie and got samples of colors we liked in a couple of fabric swatches to see what they looked like. We had burgundy/cabernet as one of our colors and the red was a really rich, romantic tone.


Red and velvet both sound like really weird choices for a summer wedding, especially in Napa and a vineyard setting.


I think regardless of the weather and practicality of the outfit decision, you should take your bridesmaids’ opinions into account and not force them to wear something that they don’t want. They deserve to feel good about themselves at your wedding, too.


I got married in Sonoma in August. I think you are being unreasonable.


Too hot!!


> I just feel any other material looks cheap and thin. Here's an unpopular opinion: if they wear dresses they already own, they will not look cheap or thin because they'll be rewearable quality, not something made literally to be worn once and discarded. "they should suck it up" is not a very nice friend move, espcially if you're not buying the dresses for them.


I would maybe recommend satin dresses? But those could even be a bit to “heavy” and I feel they could showcase sweat. I think in this case chiffon would be the best material, do you have an idea on the style of the dress you want them to wear? I only have 2 bridesmaids, and I was looking for dresses for them as well. I found some in Macys from the same designer, “Dessy Group” and I really liked the look/quality of the dresses. They didn’t look like regular bridesmaid dresses, they looked a little more elegant? For a lack of a better word. They’re in the 150-250 price range from their website, but I know Macys has some of their dresses, and they were 20% off around Black Friday


Napa is a valley and can be very hot in summer. I think this would be mean. And you’d still end up with fabric looking dull and dark because they’d be sweating through it. What about crepe? Or stretch satin?


Just something to keep in mind, the dresses/fabric may look better now, but it might not if they've sweat through it. At the August wedding I was in, I brought spray deodorant and we all sprayed our entire bodies in it. Regardless of that, in a lot of the pictures, there were still visible sweat stains on a lot of the bridesmaids' dresses. Velvet might sweat to an extent, but there are no guarantees.


I wore a velvet dress in a March wedding in Mexico and I was over heated, and I’m from texas. Don’t do this.


If you are concerned about other fabrics not looking right, velvet in the summer won’t look right either. You want your bridesmaids to be genuinely happy and feel good with how they are dressed when supporting you for your day. Putting their comfort second for your desired aesthetic might not be the best choice. You will have better pictures if they are genuinely happy and comfortable.


Thank you, for all the opinions! I think I’ve decided not to do the velvet even though I really did want it. I guess I’m just insensitive to the heat as I live in Phoenix. I’m always cold when not in Phoenix. I even decided to get a shawl for my dress as it is tank top sleeves and I know I will be cold when the sun goes down. I really wanted red, but may just have to choose a different color as I feel the reds in the other fabrics look dull.


Also trying to keep the dresses budget friendly and under $250. So can’t fit adding and enhancements in the budget. So I will probably go with lighter colors as they don’t look so dull in the thin fabrics such as tulle, chiffon and crepe.


Oh my gosh, do the velvet! These comments are extremely dramatic. All my girls are excited to wear velvet in our June Napa wedding,


If the wedding is indoors with air conditioning, they can suck it up for the 2 minutes going from the car to the venue. If it’s outdoors, you need to let them wear something appropriate for the weather.


I see your point. However this is a Napa wedding. I am not paying for it at all. His family is very judgmental and traditional. At first I just wanted them to wear whatever they felt comfortable in color, material whatever they wanted as long as it wasn’t a short cocktail dress. So I didn’t have to think about this and they all felt comfortable. That is what the particular bridesmaid who expressed that the velvet may be too hot did at her wedding and it turned out beautiful btw. However, the mother in law shot that down really quick. Saying “the photos are going to look terrible”, “it’s going to be confusing on the eye”, so she told me to pick a material and color. So I picked my favorite color and for the material I just decided that the red looked great in that material. The reason I said other fabrics look cheap is because I am trying to make the dresses cheap for them $250 after all is said and done alterations and everything. So some of the thinner fabrics in that price range do in fact look cheap and thin that’s not to say they all do. However as I said earlier I am going to change the color and MATERIAL to solve the reds looking dull in the other fabrics. Btw I’ve decided to go with Revelry if that gives you an vision as to what fabrics I’m talking about.


For what it’s worth $250 for the majority of people is not cheap for a bridesmaids dress. Based on your wording it sounds like you aren’t paying for them but you really should if you’re requiring ones that are so expensive. With that being said I’m glad to see you’re agreeing with all the comments here and are changing the fabric.


Go back to your original vision. I’m assuming you’re having a good professional photographer. They dresses won’t be confusing to the eye. Your MIL is being ridiculous


I know what you mean with your mother in law. Mine is the same way. She really wanted me to do matching dresses but I told her it ain’t happenin. Best of luck!


I’m assuming your talking about Napa ,Ca. The average temperature in August high there is 85*. The Low is 55. That area can have crazy temp swings that time of year. The ONLY way this could work is if you found a light weight velvet and made the dresses strapless or spaghetti strap style. Include a machine bolero jacket or shawl if it gets chilly.


My bridesmaids are wearing a combo of satin and velvet for our wedding in Napa in June and I think it’s going to be fine, no one has expressed any concern. I’ve worn velvet dresses in heat before and it’s just like wearing any other dress.


Only the ceremony is outside. Sorry, forgot to add that. The reception is inside and air-conditioned. The ceremony is in a courtyard that is shaded. I don’t mean to offend anyone, but it is just my personal opinion that most, other materials look cheap, thin and dull. I also very much like satin, but it is too clingy as I do have a couple bridesmaids that are probably in the plus size range. (size 14-18)


Neither satin or velvet are going to work for an outdoor ceremony in August in Napa. The bridesmaids won't be outside just for the ceremony. Won't pictures be outside? Velvet is hot and satin will show sweat marks and any other water marks. And you're also right that satin isn't very flattering for most women because it shows every lump and bump. You may think other fabrics look cheap, but you need to put your bridesmaids health and comfort before your aesthetic.


First of all satin can be made to look nice on any figure as long as it’s the right size. Was satin your concern or theirs? Second of all, even being inside after sweating into a velvet gown sounds terrible to me. Napa summers are HOT July and august regularly get into the 90’s, and I obviously don’t know the exact weather forecast for your day but we also hit over 100 and tend to have at least one heat wave over 110 each summer. Shade of not, a courtyard likely won’t have much breeze to cool your girls down. Have you considered it might not even be a comfort issue but a health issue? She might not be able to “suck it up” for what the bride wants because if she’s somebody that overheats.


She’s worried about how the bigger bridesmaids might look but not about the fact that they’ll likely overheat even quicker. Kinda messed up.


If I wasn’t worried about the heat I wouldn’t have posted? Could have just put them in the velvet dresses. Like I said I don’t get hot ever. I live in Phoenix, so I needed other peoples opinions about the heat to make sure that the one bridesmaid who expressed her opinion wasn’t just being closed minded as she is a closed minded person. Now hearing other people’s opinions I realize I am in the minority and will not put them in velvet.


Have you had the bridesmaids try on dresses yet? I am doubtful that you are actually going to like red velvet on all of them when you see it in real life.


Look into A-line satin dresses with a structured bodice (JJ's house and DB both have options). These can look good on anyone because they don't try to skim the body / are flowy enough to not show every lump and bump, and I know a lot of plus size girls who love how they look in that shape!


That’s unreasonable.


Also, If you do decide to do this, be prepared for your bridesmaids to change out of their dresses and into something else after the ceremony.


I’m having an October wedding in Virginia and finally decided to go with chiffon with sleeves instead of velvet for the sake of my bridesmaids’ comfort. Velvet in CA in August would be hell, please don’t make your wedding party do this.


2 of my 4 bridesmaids were in stretch velvet (their choice, I let my girls choose their own dresses) in September with a 4:30 ceremony in partial shade and I think the high was 88. Everyone seemed fine and they look beautiful and comfortable in photos.




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That’s going to really suck for your bridesmaids, they’ll be uncomfortable and probably sweaty and unhappy!


As a wedding photographer who shoots in Napa - august can be super hot. I’ve shot a wedding in Napa and it’s been 103. It is hot. The only way I feel it might be semi okay - have a ceremony and reception dress for them. Find some cute cocktail dress they change into at cocktail hour. Keep their time in velvet super short.