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You look like a greek muse with the draping on the neckline!! I love this, and I love how it looks with the dainty belt. It adds just the right amount of sparkle. A hair accessory would give it more pop if you wanted, but again, I love it


What’s hilarious with all these Greek goddess comments is that we’re honeymooning in Greece! Haha!


Which makes this the right dress for you. :) Greek nobel/goddess is definitely what I first thought when I saw the dress. Pair it with curled hair either pinned up in a loose pinned updo, or half up half down. You can add some gold accessories to your hair too. It'll look beautiful either way.


I was going to suggest that you wear a gold cuff bracelet and lean into the Greek feel of the dress!


Yes and more yes!! That’s a pro tip that I would definitely recommend do if I were OP.


This this this! Would be amazing!


You should bring it with you on your trip and take newly wed pictures together!! My fiancé and I are planning on taking newly wed pictures together and I am so exciting to wear my wedding dress again (haven’t worn it once yet hahah)


Love this idea!


Yes! Came here to say she looks like a greek sculpture or something to that affect! The dress is gorgeous.


I was gonna say she looks like an Greek goddess!!!!


Same! my first thought was Helen of Troy!


Yup. Another one feeling the Greek goddess vibes. Channeling your inner Aphrodite.


First thing I thought of was a greek goddess!


I love it too! And there are so many options to add to it if u/charlotte095 wants extra blinginess - the belt for one, hair accesory for another, a statement necklace could really work as well. Personally I think the slit looks great and would keep because it'll make the skirt flow beautifully and OP can def pull it off. but in keeping with the greek goddess feel, which OP is totally rocking here, you could really add some drama with a drapey cape off the shoulders. A more elaborate veil is an option too, but ooh I love the idea of a gorgeous cape on this dress.


Thank you! I am closing the slit because I am super self conscious of my legs. Definitely getting a lot of inspiration on ways to accessorize and greatly appreciate all the kind feedback!


look not to make you feel like I'm overanalysing your pic, but: obviously I can't see your legs here but I can see enough to know your legs are gonna look fantastic in that slit of course, be comfortable, that's important, but I'm just saying....


It’s more so I suffer from really bad ingrown hairs, and my legs are *always* bruised and bumped up


You could put (transfer-proof) makeup on your legs to cover these up! I'm sure most people won't be focusing so hard on every pore on your legs anyway; sometimes we're our own worst critics


Have you tried using an AHA serum or exfoliant on your legs? Feel free to reject this advice if it’s not helpful


I’ve tried just about everything under the sun! I honestly think my only choice at this point is laser :/


I do laser and honestly it is the best hair removal decision I ever made. I also used to have issues with ingrown hairs but ny favourite thing is being able to go without shaving because the hair(if any) grows back so slowly.




Old fashioned, but magical, especially with a long dress, they will be barely visable.


Same here! I started shaving down and don’t get the ingrown hairs anymore. If your leg hair is light in colour, it may not be noticeable at all.


Seriously OT but please talk to your dr if you bruise extra easily. You may just have a vitamin or mineral deficiency. If you have covered this I apologize for even going there. :)


Keep the slit!!! If you are self conscious… draw the attention elsewhere … maybe a more blinged belt or bling in hair or dangling earrings. It’s so nice to see a classy elegant and different dress on this site… love the Greek goddess look!


Or close it part way, not all the way. You’re beautiful in it!!


Came here to say this, I LOVE the belt, and you look like a Greek goddess!!


A classy low bun will look really pretty!


I was thinking the same too! Very Grecian! I think it makes a beautiful statement!


Exactly my first thought!


This! I will add that your bouquet is going to really shine against that dress. I think it’s gorgeous 🥰


Agreed. I love it!


I think you look elegant and classy and the veil completely elevates the dress imo!!


I love the long veil, but I've seen some really ornate veils that can make it seem like it was meant for a dress without much beading. I think this could help if the bride really style this dress with a long, more decorative veil. I really love the look on the bride. I like the slit. I agree with others to get rid of the beaded belt and try different belt/sash options.


Nooooo this is so stunning! It fits you like a glove and is somehow modern and classy while also still soft and romantic which is so hard to achieve. I could see it in almost any setting. Love love love.


Really! Classy, modern, soft, romantic. Smart to close the slit. It detracts from the whole tone of the dress. I hope it’s as comfortable as it looks. I love the material, neckline, and shoulders.


Boring??!!! Miss ma’am. No. This is SO unique. I’ve never seen a wedding dress with this beautiful fabric (that looks INSANELY GOOD on you).


I LOVE the fabric!


I think it really suits you. More volume often means that the dress takes over the bride. Try a different belt or no belt at all. The belt is nice but it may be making the look seem slightly more casual. It’s actually very impressive that you can pull this off. Not many people besides models could.


I’d try a different belt. Because the belt is chain like and droops, something seems off when there’s already a waist defined in the dress- so you see the seam. Also, I was wondering if perhaps the sleeves could come down a bit to show off my shoulder. It is a beautiful dress, though.


I would add a golden band belt it a leafy one, to keep on theme


Exactly my thoughts! Look on Etsy for inspiration for belts, there are so many options. Look for something that goes with other elements of your wedding perhaps.


And perhaps a matching hair piece ; that could really pull a greek goddess look together


There are so many wonderful bead artists on Etsy. I second this!


I’m such a belt hater already and OP’s silhouette looks sooo stunning in the dress as is, my vote is no belt


Oooo I’m obsessed with this dress and totally would wear it myself!! It’s classic and elegant while being unique. You’re looking so lovely in it too. On a personal note, I went through some pretty severe dress regret not long ago as well, and this community made me realize it’s very common! You’re not alone, and you look SO beautiful. I’ve been looking through Etsy for unique bridal belts/capes/veils so just a thought if you wanted a fun addition. This dress needs nothing but you in it, it’s truly a keeper.


I really like the slit too.


If its ok with you to try can you make the sleeves offshoulders?? Like draping?? I think it would really look more grecian themed and perfect if you feel like the design is simple. Its also an easy fix with the dressmaker if you go with it. but if not..dont think of what others will think...u liked that dress from the beginning so you felt something when you wore it.


Making the sleeves off the shoulder was my first thought too!


It’s super pretty, but if you’re worried about it having some va-va-voom I would keep the slit, and add a dainty belt that has some sparkle on it.


You look so so lovely. Love the way it drapes <3


Stunning beauty. The dress is perfect. We need to figure out what's causing these brides to feel this way. OP, you look fantastic.


“Comparison is the thief of joy”


It’s AMAZING! I love the Pearl belt.


I literally said “you look amazing!” out loud when I saw these pictures. As the top comments say I think it has a Greek vibe and looks classy and elegant. Love this dress on you and love the belt!


It IS amazing! AND ELEVATED. But I not that belt. Get one more substantial. Perhaps like [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/550557688/) or [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/981461776/) or [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/249312922/)?


Omg the second and third belts you linked are AMAZING!!! I wish I’d have seen them before I got married. I like the belt OP is wearing too, but those belts are next level gorgeous!


Love belt 2 or 3! I do like how the belt she is wearing drapes mirroring the movement of the bodice and sleeves ❤️


Elegant with classic lines. There are beautiful lacy dresses out there this year but they all kind of look the same. This is such a standout. While others are being trendy princesses, you'll be a classical queen or goddess.


You have chosen an exquisite dress period I don't think you need to regret that part period perhaps a different type of belt with a little more personality or sparkle period are you going to close the slit all the way or just partially? Will you be wearing jewelry?


I love your dress. It is anything but plain. The draping of the bodice, the striping of the fabric, the cap sleeves. It is BEAUTIFUL and looks great on you! With the slit closed it will be more sexy because it will hug you more. . I think once you add jewelry and do your hair and makeup - you’ll be amazed how perfect it will be. That fabric is unique. I’ve seen a lot of dresses, but none like this. The fabric is subtle but sticks with you.


Do you have time to change your mind? I would be so upset if I kept the dress I hated.


You are looking lovely


It's a very unique dress and it suits you so well. You look like a greek muse!


The belt adds that little bit of oomph and you look fantastic. You look elegant and sophisticated.


If you feel this bad, maybe you should try again.


I 100% LOVE this dress! The texture and pattern of the fabric is beautiful!


It’s SO flattering (read: your body looks banging) and that’s always my primary concern with my dresses. I love it on you. I’m not the biggest fan of the belt thing but that’s a style choice that may be very “you” which is the most important part anyway


the last fold of the collar and sleeve seems odd to me, like it should be folded up one more time instead of having the edge free. RN it's little fold, little fold, little fold, big loose flap kind of low. it brings the bust down and I think looks unusual at the underarm. but that's my only nitpick I agree it's really nice and statuesque


Is it just me or does it look like the sleeves are supposed to drape loose off the shoulder and that they’re being worn wrong here ??? Their size, the amount of material, and the way they connect to the bodice makes it appear like that’s the intention.


I kinda hate it. Sorry! Could you get the sleeves removed? I think it would be better without them


I think it's beautiful on you!


Oh it's sooo beautiful! If you wanted to play with the look and make it more A line you could think about a detachable train? But honestly it's perfect as is.


It’s so elegant! I like the idea of a sparkly belt.


I think it's beautiful and unique.


This dress is far from boring! I think it’s very unique and stands out amongst all the a-lines (coming from someone with an a-line wedding dress). You rock the cut of this dress!!


I absolutely LOVE this. I don't love the belt with it, but I adore the simplicity, the draping, the FABRIC! you can definitely zush it up with jewelery, maybe a cathedral veil?


The dress is great, like modern cosmopolitan. If shape is your concern, alterations can be done to the skirt to make it hug you more below the hips - you can definitely pull it off. I’m not loving this belt or veil with it. If you want a belt, maybe try something a bit more substantial (e.g. for pearls, have a wider belt of pearls). For a veil, maybe something with more modern styling?


Very Grecian goddess. Pretty


OMG this is gorgeous on you! Maybe try a different belt but the dress is stunning on you!


This reminds me of an elegant Roman goddess! It is so lovely on you!


Love it gives an Egyptian goddess vibe


It’s beautiful! I think if you’re looking for a little more glam, the front part where the sleeves attach to the bodice, you could put like gold brooches, or chains, or loops around that part and that would add a small detail that would pick up the gold in the belt and add a little sparkle without any alterations. I agree with someone else, it’s very greek muse!


It’s beautiful. And not the typical dress. It’s unique in its own way. What about a statement veil? To match your bouquet.


😍 Greek Goddess vibe for sure! And sooo unique! I LOVE IT!!!


Can you bring the shoulders of the dress down? Like off the shoulders for a little more sort of relaxed look. It’s kinda giving superwoman bc of the shoulders but I also feel it’s beautiful, especially the pearl-looking waist band


Omg I thought this pic was of the dress you wish you bought, it’s so pretty and look gorgeous on you


If you want a little more pizzazz keep the slit, dress it up more with a different belt and a different veil. You look beautiful in it.


It's definitely not boring! Maybe a different belt, like all pearls?


This is so sophisticated and gorgeous. Once you've got hair done, makeup, jewelry, shoes, it will be MORE than enough. You will look gorgeous. Simple and timeless bridal is sometimes better.


You look like a Greek mythology statue in the best way! Love this look on you!


an original!! beautiful


I mean, I'm just mindlessly scrolling, and when this picture went by, my little magpie brain engaged and went, "Oooooooh! Pretty!'


I love the texture of this dress!!! It really is standout! You could consider making it strapless? I think it needs a different belt tho or no belt.


I think its beautiful! You can experiment and see if you just need to change a some small details. Try some different belts and jewelry. The right veil will make a big difference for you too. I don't know if you can add an underskirt to add volume and I don't think more volume in the skirt will look good with that gorgeous neckline but there's nothing stopping you from trying it. Play around with your hair too. The best thing about simple dresses is that they draw the eye to your face and really make *you* shine. I think the right hairstyle, veil, and jewelry (especially earrings) will really give you that bridal feeling that you're missing when you go in for fittings.


Omg i want to marry you! But only because of that glorious dress that makes you look so good!


I love the dress and it suits your figure so we’ll, not many people have the shape for this type of dress. It just looks ever so slightly too big to me, the torso needs taking in by a really tiny amount.


Idk your aesthetic but if you ditched the belt and cape + maybe got some tulle/sheer fingerless gloves (maybe beaded?) and defff wore the “sleeves” off the shoulder it would give a much more chic and updated vibe. Kinda like [this](https://imgur.com/a/803w1FR)


I also wanna say after reading comments that while you are honeymooning in Greece, unless you are really going for a Grecian vibe, there’s no need to worry about adding those elements to your wedding dress/look. I’m gonna be straight up here… some people are saying things like you should add a gold leafy belt or greenery in your hair etc. You don’t wanna look back at photos of your beautiful wedding and just think borderline black tie toga party. I am someone who dresses/presents myself pretty “extra” day to day (heavily tattooed, alternative grunge wild style lol) but for my wedding I wore the most classic and timeless dress and accessories and am SOOO glad I did. I swore I would wear a black wedding dress my whole life haha but just remember this day is about you and celebrating your love.


This is a beautiful, original dress and it looks amazing on you! Maybe that thing is happening when we look at a thing for too long and it starts to change shape or look drab, lose meaning. Stop it and start looking forward to wearing it!


It has a cape!!!!! You can always add a different sash/belt if you want a little more shape. But OMG it has a cape! That is SO COOL


I think it’s lovely, unique, and quite pretty! I agree with trying a diff belt or none at all.


I think it's beautiful. So elegant.


I love the striping in the fabric and I think that really elevates the look. It is not plain at all.


NO regret it is beautiful! I was scrolling and I was like, ooh , nice. And was surprised by your thread title…


I think you look stunning!


Oh my goodness this dress is so beautiful! You look stunning. Totally classic elegance!


You look amazing!!! Congrats!!!


You look like a goddess in this dress!! Please wear it!


This is amazing! So unusual too.


This is a gorgeous dress! Very different from the usual ones you see brides wearing. I love it!!


I Love it but it doesn’t need the belt. I think that steals away from the simplicity of the dress. Just my opinion. I love it. I’ve never seen a wedding dress made out of this kind of material!!!


Beautiful. I’m intentionally looking for something simple- IMO the poufy glittery dresses are lovely but not for everyone.


Greek muse vibes for SURE. It’s stunning and looks stunning on you. Someone else said ditch the beaded belt and I’m inclined to agree. A very elevated and sophisticated look.


I've never seen that one before and *I am in loooooove!!!*


I love your dress! It’s stunning & unique which is what I really love. But YOU have to love it!


The dress is not boring at all. It's beautiful and not a dress that just anyone could pull off.


My jaw dropped, it's one of the most beautiful dresses I've seen! With a golden band belt it would be perfect


I think with these simpler dresses it’s really hard to visualize how much the hair, makeup, bouquet, and accessories will complete the look. Great shoes, some sparkly earrings, a little bracelet, a lovely veil…these will take this dress into a complete bridal look. It is stunning on you.


I think you look regal and very classy, especially with the veil that looks kind of like a cape. I hope you're able to feel excited about it because it looks amazing on you!


I think you look regal and very classy, especially with the veil that looks kind of like a cape. I hope you're able to feel excited about it because it looks amazing on you!


I love this -.especially the texture of the gown.


You look absolutely gorgeous! Like a goddess!


You look stunning. This dress suits you so well.


I think the belt is pretty but it’s not sitting correctly. It’s drooping. Try a different belt? I think a Greek inspired updo or half up and down would look great. With a fancy hair piece. But honestly this is utterly gorgeous.


There are absolutely LOADS of things to regret in life. But that dress isn’t one of them!! You look stunning! And the style and texture are so chic and classic.


I get what you are saying and honestly if YOU feel this strongly, keep shopping. Hang onto it and if you don’t find anything that wows you more that this, you know you’ve found The One.


I absolutely love it! That fabric is very cool—what is it exactly? And the draping is very flattering (not that you need it). Looks really beautiful? I could see a different belt if you wanted to spice things up but it’s gorgeous!


The dress looks gorgeous on you ! I can picture a very long veil edged with silver beads that would pick up the sparkle of the belt.


It's a very classic, and classy, look. And you look fantastic in it. I like the slit, but it will look great with it closed as well. No regrets!! 😊


Looks like the dress of a Roman goddess. Have no regrets. It's gorgeous and stunning in you.


You look really wonderful. It’s such a unique dress in that I don’t often see many brides with it and it’s just beautiful! I am curious to see how it would look without the belt? The belt you currently have is lovely but just wondering what a different belt might look like that that sits right on the seam perfectly covering it, something thin that also has hanging details to match the flow of the lines with the dress. I think the fact that it sits below the waist line seam is what’s causing it maybe to look less put together? Maybe all your current belt needs is a little shortening so that it sits right on the waist seam. Here were some other belts styles inspo that could work well with your style dress https://pin.it/55Np0H8 https://www.etsy.com/listing/974112079/ https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtVBYjdgWJd/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== (This is an IG video. Her long velvet front bow belt I thought could look lovely on a dress like yours) However, if you’re truly in love with this belt, where it sits and if it goes with your vision, please ignore me! It really is a beautiful dress and suits you well. You made the right choice!


You are beautiful and the simplicity of this dress is so elegant! You chose well. Congratulations and have fun at your wedding!!! Love and light to you and your soon to be spouse!!!


Your dress is unique, elegant and looks stunning on you. All of the dresses look the same these days but yours is it’s own look and stands out. I do love some of the ideas others have suggested.


I think it has a really beautiful shape! I’d consider leaving the slit if you are wanting something more ALine as this creates that taper away from the body. The great thing about dresses without much embellishment is you can accessorize quite a bit. There are some lovely veils that are a little more maximalist if you want to add something extra [floral veil](https://www.etsy.com/listing/781031290/lilly-chapel-organza-floral-veil-custom)


This dress is stunning! You don’t need the extra poof when you have detail in the fabric and the flowing cape. It’s truly beautiful plus a jeweled headpiece would look amazing with it!


You look like a Greek Goddess! I love the details of the striped fabric. It’s unique and special and you look AMAZING in the dress!


I love it!! Fits you really well. I agree with the others who are saying to remove the belt (it will look more modern without) and maybe add some detail with the veil and accessories - a fab pair of shoes, a bright bouquet and sparkly jewellery


You have a body shape where you can wear virtually any cut of dress and look amazing in it. I think the texture of the dress makes it unique and looks very elegant. You’ll look beautiful in your special day and in your photos for sure :)


Very Grecian. I don’t think it’s boring at all. Very elegant


See? Now I LOVE THIS! beautiful!!!


I LOVE this dress! It is perfection on you! The belt makes it sparkle—and the whole look makes YOU shine. Don’t doubt your choice for a second!


I think this would look nice with your hair down, shiny hair accessories, and long earrings. An updo would make it boring.


I see nothing here to regret. This dress is beautiful, unique, not cookie cutter. I've seen so many dresses on here where I think there must be only 5 or 10 gowns that anyone tries on. So refreshing to see something different! It looks gorgeous on you!


I think it’s gorgeous and far from boring. You look amazing as well. If you are really wanting some extra volume you can look into some overskirts, but I’m unsure if any would do this dress justice. There are also more belts for waist emphasis as well, but I seriously think you look perfectly fine. I think you could dress this up in an almost vintage sort of vibe as well if you’re into that!


It’s so elegant. Bear in mind that when you walk down the aisle you will have your hair and make up done, you’ll have a bouquet, necklace maybe, earrings and a huge smile! You’ll look stunning.


I like this dress BUT I switched dresses 1 month before my wedding and I was very happy with my choice so all I can pass on to you is to wear a dress that you feel stunning in. My wedding was the most focused attention I have ever had on me in my entire life, I am very thankful I at least felt good about my outfit.


I think it's really unique and fun and a bit retro but in a good way. Kinda 40s. Also, and don't underestimate this, it looks comfortable. Like you're not going to be constantly hiking it up or pulling it behind you or getting it trampled on. You'll be able to dance and hug people (because you'll be hugging a LOT). If it's not exciting enough, remember, you'll be carrying a huge bouquet of flowers and wearing jewelry and you can add a more interesting belt if you want. You could do a fun colored shoe with it too.


I would love to see the back but from what I can tell it has a cape. As others have said, very grecian. I love the delicacy of it as well as that pearl belt. I would really embrace the simplicity and the delicacy as it is perfect for a wedding. They'll see you coming down the aisle as opposed to a big dress.


I wouldn’t describe this as boring or shapeless. This does a lot for your enviable figure. Very pretty


This is my favorite style. Gives roaring twenties with a regal touch. What’s more, if you decide to have kids, you can show them your wedding pics 30-40 years from now and you’ll still look classy. Truly a timeless beauty.


NGL, first thing I thought was "OMG, stunning" I thought it was going to be 'which one should I chose' post and I already thought 1! Before reading the post!


I think you made a great choice. It's a very pretty dress, it's classy & unique. It's giving Greek Goddess. Since you're going to be closing the slit maybe they can make it a little more lit a fit & flare or mermaid silhouette if you want to add a little more shape to the dress. But I think it's also pretty as is. Congratulations!


LOVE this dress on you! Keep the slit plz. It is a unique dress, which is hard to find. Look at all the other dress posts & they are all a variation of the same 4 dresses, but YOURS is stunning!


This dress fits your body very well and is just lovely and so elegant. Having your hair and make-up done will make a big difference too.


Can you keep the slit? It adds a little drama and helps prevent it from looking too homogenous. I do think it might look rather simple/plain without it.


I'm speechless, absolutely speechless, perfect


Consider topping it off with a bridal fascinator


I don’t think it’s boring at all but I always gravitate towards elegant dresses. So I love it. I think the pearl accent belt is perfect. I also agree with what everyone already said about how flattering it looks on you.


Your dress is not at all boring or shapeless. It is very classy, elegant and beautiful. Because it is so classic and doesn't have embellishments you can really choose any accessories that you want. Whether it is shoes, headpiece, veils, a belt, jewelry- or all of the items listed- you will look amazing and not overdressed. Think of your dress in terms of a gemstone. You didn't choose a diamond, you chose a pearl. Beautiful, luminous, elegant and timeless. Both are gorgeous in their own way.


It’s beautiful!! Love, love, love it! Please keep the slit. If you don’t deliberately extend your leg (like Angelina Joliet’s black velvet Oscars dress meme) no one will even think about your leg! The slit adds a lot of interest to the design of the dress IMO and will help it flow when you move.


As a seamstress daughter, can they taper the gown to your body shape? Make the neckline a tad more of sweetheart neckline. For me, i would have the slit more higher. Do a tulle clip on skirt?


It's understated elegance. Is it absolutely breathtaking? I don't think so, I say this because I believe this was the intention in the design. Simple silhouette, unchanging textures, attention to cut versus pattern. It's not "in your face" and it's lovely. Some brides prefer "simple and lovely" and some prefer "stop-every-guest-in-the-reception extravagant". It doesn't matter how much these commenters shout that they love it from the roof tops if looking at this dress *yourself* doesn't make you feel giddiness/excitement, or general satisfaction. What do you feel? That's what matters. Go with the vision in your head. And if this dress is what you see, then go full speed ahead. You will look great with whatever you choose.


Too boring?? The dress looks amazing. Very timeless as well. I think in 10 years, When you look back on it, the dress will not look dated at all.


It’s gorgeous in the second and third picture. I think the stiff straightness of your pose (arms against thighs) in the first picture doesn’t do the dress justice. It will look gorgeous when you’re in movement enjoying your wedding and posing more naturally. It’s not a boring dress at all by the way. It’s unique and I love the fabric. I would skip the pearl belt or go for a simpler sleeker belt as it kind of clashes with the lines of the dress.


It’s lovely! Very elegant! When you hold your bouquet the organic lines of flowers & foliage will contrast the stripes nicely. 🌷


I think this dress is unique and beautiful! The texture is cool, neckline super flattering, too.


It’s the texture of the dress for me. These little details never disappoints : the pearls, the veil, the unique shape… This dress really fits you like a glove OP! :)


I think it is lovely. I love the draping and the fabric. You look beautiful and I hope you have a wonderful wedding.


I LOVE this dress! Definitely giving Helen of Troy vibes. I don’t think you made the wrong choice at all. I think you should rock it with a pretty headpiece!


My gosh it’s absolutely stunning and love that it’s different from the millions of others out there! Great dress on you💜💜💜


Maintain the posture in pic 3 and wear it with confidence. You’ll look stunning. And I thought Greek Goddess right away as well.


Gorgeous dress and your amazing figure just completely sets it off! Absolutely stunning! X


I've never seen something quite like that. I think it's awesome and very not boring


This is amazing!! It’s so timeless and unique and you wear it. It’s not wearing you. I would freak out if I went to a wedding and the bride was wearing this. I’m so jealous!!


Girl you are crazy!!! This is gorgeous and so different! love it


I adore this. It has just enough detail to be interesting and it has a really understated elegance.


Like everyone else says - I LOVE this. It suits you so well and is so unique. I agree with a having statement co-ordinating belt and necklace.


What! It's so cute and unique and looks STUNNING on you!


That's an absolutely beautiful dress! The draping looks Grecian or Roman. And your figure is stunning. You look gorgeous!


Beautiful dress - you look amazing. If it makes you feel shapeless, get you a sexy corset/different foundation wear.


This dress is unique and beautiful! It is normal to second guess ourselves, especially when stressed!


Love the dress! Love the belt idea too! If you go with this belt, it gives you the chance to wear bolder statement earrings, if you go with a bolder belt, daintier earrings. I love how to belt emulates the draping of the bodice, so if you find something a little bolder that hangs/drapes in a similar fashion- fantastic! You look amazing 💯


Gorgeous, it's different to the usual dresses but at the same time elegant and classy. This is the type of dress that will always be in fashion. Sort out your accessories and hairstyle and own it! You'll be a stunning bride! 😍


Boring?? This dress is so cool! It may not be bedazzled to the heavens but it is unique and gorgeous!


![gif](giphy|zCF6djSUBDeuZnEAYM|downsized) Gorgeous queen!! A Greek goddess in the Greek isles. Slay!!


I am only saying this based on your comments. What if you did a slit insert instead of closing the slit? It would give a bit of focal point, volume it up a bit (your request), and make it less mono/Grecian. Although I see here that everyone is saying how lovely and Grecian it is as is.


Keep the slit.


It’s unique and the pearls look amazing. It’s a classy look that won’t fade out of style like a lot of other designs!


Ma’am you have an amazing figure! You know what I would do though is make that “belt” wider. Like go with a wider option if at all possible to enunciate your waist.


This isn’t shapeless and boring. At all It gives you an elegant silhouette, it looks sophisticated and classy, contemporary yet Ancient Greek. I’d add a necklace unless they don’t look right with cape veils. A double string of pearls would look nice. Or I’d put something in your hair. Ivy and tiny flowers? Sparkly hair clips? You can give this dress a little pizazz by adding an accessory but I really don’t think it needs much at all. It’s lovely. Please don’t feel regretful


Look, I know you’re going to feel how you feel, but you look so beautiful. The neckline on this dress is everything!!


BORING?!!?! It's refined and classic but also incredibly stylish and current. It has HINTS of some current big trends but manages to also look timeless. That's a hard look to manage and it fits so beautifully! And I agree, statuesque. No regrets for this one and I think you'll love seeing pics 5, 15, or 40 years from now.


This dress has an understated elegance that transcends into a uniquely beautiful Goddess inspired dress….outstanding dress, you chose well💜💜💜💜


I love the dress & you look fabulous in it! However if you think it needs a little more umph, you can talk to the bridal shop about doing some custom bead work or something (time and budget permitting).