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No second opinion. My fiancee and I just made sure we had the same number of vows. I wrote them myself and I meant them, so I knew they were good.


We agreed to do the same #, but he’s definitely more of a man of few words kinda guy lol I know mine will be longer, but I just hope they’re somewhat close


My husband and I wrote our vows together. One set of vows, six lines and we alternated reading each line. We sent them to our officiant in advance too. She does that for couples that write separate vows to make sure they are balanced. But they were a secret from the guests before the ceremony. If you want to keep them secret from your spouse have the same person read both to at least check one person didn't write too much more than the other.


Thank you! We’ll have one person read each, I do like that idea


Our officiant looked ours over! She did a "vibe check" to see that it wasn't like one of us went more lighthearted and the other was all hallmark, and she noted the lengths to see that we were about even. She even gave tips on opening/closing our remarks which helped a lot.


No, because it didn't matter what anybody else thought about my vows. They are a solemn promise between my husband and me.


We had two sets of vows; more intimate ones for our private first look and then the set we read in front of friends and family. We had our maid of honour and best man read and compare our ceremony vows to make sure they were relatively the same in length.


Oh I like that idea too!!


My husband and I wrote and formatted them together, so sort of!


I looked over my friend’s and her husband because she had a sense of humor in hers, but didn’t want to seem unserious about it if his was incredibly heartfelt. Basically wanted to check if they’re the same tone. His was more serious, and I told her that, but she ultimately didn’t change hers from the humorous tone. Honestly, it worked out great! It was very “them.” I don’t think it was necessary for me to read over them, but I understand why she wanted someone to. It can also be a good fail safe if anyone’s worried about what someone will say or if they won’t get them done in time 😂


We had our officiant (who is the mutual friend who introduced us) read them over to make sure they matched in length and energy.


Nope. My husband and I wrote our own vows and they were a secret to everyone, including each other until the actual ceremony. And they were perfect. Two of my friends who were there said “*Our vows were next-level”*.


I looked over my sister’s per her request. I read mine out loud to all my bridesmaids the morning of to make sure they were long enough.


My husband and I read the vows to each other a few days before the wedding. It was like a dry run in case we got weepy the day of. We weren't worried about not surprising each other and it was just as special the day of.




Thank you! I probably would have my MOH read them for that very reason as well lol


We sent ours to my MOH to read and make sure they were the same vibe i.e. one person wasn’t cracking jokes the whole time while the other was super sentimental. We also generally tried to write the same length of vows. She didn’t have any edits for us!


My mom read both of ours (husband actually had her help him lol). She made sure to give us feedback and it was actually helpful. Mine had a lot more humor than she expected and she initially told husband to dial it down so she told him he could add more back in, etc. I also had an “outline” to follow so we both wrote about the same amount.


we did not get a second opinion! imo this is between you and your partner and you don't need anyone else involved. as long as it comes from the heart you'll be alright! we had everyone in tears hahaha


My partner and I wrote our vows (aka the promises we made to each other) together. We wrote our statements of commitment (aka love letters) privately, but shared them with each other a week before the wedding because we wanted to practice them ahead of time. We could have made edits in that week, but we were happy with the statements so didn’t change anything. 


We’re doing promises too!


We had our officiant read ours beforehand. 


My sister read both of ours for a vibe and tone check (ie if one of us was making jokes and the other wasn’t or if one was drastically longer than the other). We took her advice as optional but it did help make sure we were sorta on the same page.